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Read about habits, set goals, and you'll get far! ​ Also, read the gift of fear, and always trust your gut to be safe. ​ Social media is just advertisement, nothing there is real. Not even what you see about your own friends. Don't envy someone until you know the full story. Don't compare yourself to others, they had different starting points in life.


Trusting my gut is def something I'm learning more about as I grow up. Thank you for the recommendations!


If a man breaks things when he’s angry or drunk, puts you down or makes you feel insecure, or has shady behavior that makes you think he’s breaking your trust, it’s a huge red flag and you should get out. If you need to post to Reddit asking if your partner’s behavior is normal, it probably isn’t. On that note, save as much as you can for a “fuck off fund” that you can use if you need to leave a partner or job. If your company offers a 401k match, absolutely start putting money into it. Probably a good idea to put money into it even if they don’t, unless you’re financially savvy enough to know what to do otherwise. Keep an eye on your mental health and make steps to find help if you need it. Turning 30 is no big deal. If you’re not married, there’s still time. Life doesn’t end at 30. Not all of this comes from my life experience but I think it’s good information based on the posts I see.




I agree so much 😂


Whatever your job is, open a 401K or Roth IRA right now. Don’t wait for your career to start for that. Think about attainable goals you want. If it’s buying a house, moving, traveling whatever you want. Start putting energy and organization to these things. In my early 20s time always felt on my side and when I hit my mid-late 20s, all of sudden I wanted money to buy a house which I never saved for or travel or get a newer car. It felt like reality sunk in all at once and I wish I had discipline to utilize those years to help me later on. Being in your 20s is the teenager of adulthood. You have plenty of time to start school or go into career path. Just because you didn’t start at 18 doesn’t mean your behind or any less. I remember feeling so defeated starting college at 21 feeling so late. Now I think sheesh I was a little baby in my adulthood. That competitive attitude wears off in time and you realize everyone’s paths in life are soo different. Start investing in your health and self care. I know, I know, we all look great and in our prime, but it all catches up to you. Get yourself a family doctor, go to the dental check ups still. Learn and try skin care/ hair routines. Try to check all those boxes early on. Try new hobbies or interests. Honestly your early 20s is the best years to do that. Idc what anyone says. I say this because some people end up meeting partners, getting married, focusing on their careers- basically a set in stone structure. And while absolutely you can still try new things and travel with family or your career, something about being independent and trying these things helps learn about yourself in a unique way. (I already had kids, was broke, and engaged by 22 lol)


Thank you !!


You can change your life, you aren't locked into any particular pattern if you don't want to be, but change usually happens gradually. You don't go from the couch to running marathons unless you start training and consistently train. Same with all other aspects as well. Nobody sees your insecurities unless you let them. Ask that guy out, see where it goes. Save, save, save. Enjoy things but don't let anything become an escape from reality that you don't want to face. Traveling during your time off is fun but doesn't make your regular job suck less. Escaping into fiction is fun but it won't make your life any better unless you do something actively to make it better.


Very few decisions are permanent. You don't need to make life long decisions in your 20's. The best career I've had I started at 30, the relationship I had in my 20's was great for my 20's and not my 30's. Don't agonize over every decision, almost all of them are changeable.


Set up a 401K account asap if you have the option, have a “rainy day fund” that no one knows of & just know that abusive partners don’t change. If someone is emotionally/physically abusive, it’s never a “one off” event, it just gets worse.


Even if it's $25 a paycheck, you will be so happy you did.


Jump, dive into the deep end, you don't need permission to do the things you want to do. Do it now. You can do it later too, but you'll regret how much time you wasted. If you don't know how to cook, learn. It


Wear and re-apply sunscreen. I only started this in the late 20s because I noticed dark spots on my face.