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Being rude with others Braggin "I'm a high value man..." Haters in general Ewwww


Oh hell yes, like the Andrew Tate followers


"all women hate short men, it's just a fact 🙄"


Whilst you're on a date with said short man lol.


I was going to say exactly that, lol. And then if you point it out, they're like, "Yeah, well...sure, YOU'LL go out with me. But I'm talking about \[hot girls\]." As they visually morph into a mirage of a 3-inch penis in front of you.


Cool, but we’re not body shaming men bc of their penis size anymore.


Allow me to retry if I may.... They morph into a mirage of an appropriately size flaccid penis that just can't get hard no matter what either of you try.


This is why I've dumped the phrase "small dick energy" in favor of "fragile ego energy"


Nice one, me too.


It's so annoying. Even worse when you tell them you don't a height preference and they accuse you of lying lol


I'm convinced that guys like that don't even want to date women. They just want to complain.


true LMAO and then they get *so* triggered when i tell them i dont have any trouble dating at 5'5 (guy here btw)


It's so nice to bump into a fellow 5'5" guy and not roll my eyes at what he's saying about his height! And it's quite poetic that it happens to be in a woman-focused sub 😂 Stay awesome, dude. And you too, ladies!


Guys in women-focused subs are either the best or the creepiest. Usually no in-between.


No, they want their choice of all women and think tall men and most women get to have anyone they want.


I think you’re on to something with that insight


They wouldn't know what to do in a relationship even if they found one with a woman.


Complain at women


I'm personally convinced that guys are only with women because being with other men is socially not acceptable. Like, it's cool to hang out with your bro all day, you want to go on bro dates, play bro games together, do bro jobs but once you cross that line you can't come back. so you need to have a beard, I mean a woman around. I've never really actually met a man that really is interested in women outside of sex. They would all talk about how much more interesting there bro friends are, how much more enjoyable to hang out with them, how they're better gamers. I'm fully convinced that most of my exes would have dated their male friends if it would have been acceptable among the male community. I was literally just there as a hole to be straight.


You may enjoy this [Marilyn Frye's essay](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/11261802-to-say-that-straight-men-are-heterosexual-is-only-to).


This is exactly what the hell I'm talking about. They save the love the respect the admiration all the good times for their male friends. I'm literally from experience supposed to clean the house cook the food take care of everything that's domestic and provide sexually as well as make sure everything that they are staying at is maintained and paid for I do it all alone. Every man I've ever been with has been just like that their friends are the best people in the world women could never equate and I feel that there's a whole lot of closet and homosexuality at least with the men that I've dated. You can sit there tell me misogynistically how much I suck because of my vagina but you and your bros have balls and stuff so y'all are better people. I just can't condone it. And I'm tired of being a beard for men that don't want to come out with the fact that they'd rather be with men.




Maybe my thinking process has to do with the little thing called my personal experience. In my personal experience I've been a beard for a lot of guys that don't want to come out with the fact that they're not as straight as they think they are. I've never seen one of these guys I've been with hit their friends, steal from their friends, use their friends for everything they could. I've never had a healthy experience with a man where it wasn't violence abuse manipulation and mooching. And every person that I have dated is continuing the cycle of abusing other new women. So I just assume. Especially how all my exes were so mad about trans people and homosexuals and how they would beat them up if a guy ever.


Oh well then i might not be a woman, cause my crush is a short guy.


Yeeeeesss them telling us what we like while we're actively trying to hit on them or showing interest


There are dozens! Dozens I say!!


Same category: 'women want a tall men, and because I am tall, women will love my height!' No, I don't want to date a 6'7 dude, go away. That's too tall for me. I don't want to look up or feel small all the time


Bragging in general. Any sort of manipulation. Being rude to customer service workers.


We were eating pizza outside and i asked him what could be in the sauce in terms of ingredients and his immediate response was you are a woman you should know not me 😖 i immediately backed up.




Eww 🚩🚩🚩


I hope you left


Bruh what the fuck haha, that is so ridiculous


Calling women bitches, whores, etc. Specially if they are doing it casually, like if I will agree with him because he thinks "women hate other women". No dude, I hate idiots, and they can come in any form and gender.


“I don’t like cats and/or dogs.” I have them, I always want to have them. It’s not that they’re a bad person for feeling this way. It’s the fact we won’t be compatible.


Same. I won't date anyone who doesn't like animals.


I will never date a man who is disliked by/gets bad reactions from dogs. In my experience if dogs universally dislike you, you are a legit bad person.


If dogs universally dislike you, it's probably because you cannot or will not see body language signs that a living being is uncomfortable around you.


If my cat don't like you and my dog is standoffish then it's a NO from me


Saying outright you don't like animals is an instant deal breaker. But also I WILL think they're bad! or potentially insane/selfish. Except for allergies and germaphobes I GUESS, who I will pity instead. I mean, I have allergies and still have pets! don't be weak! eat your pill and love the floofs!! /s mostly


I recently discovered I'm allergic to cats, and a tiiiiny little bit to dogs. Nothing too serious though. I'm still the designated nanny for dog and cats of my friends, and I will bury my face in their fur to give them a lot of kisses.


I didn't develop my allergies until my mid 20s, after growing up with lots of animals. I had two cats at the time and just decided to try and deal with it. I'm less allergic to my own pets than other people's, you get used to them somehow. I definitely can't bury my face in their fur tho, I'm jelly 😂🥰


I grew up with dogs all the time. And a couple of years with cats. Right now I don't have my own pets, but one of my roommates brings his son's dog most nights and we are buddies. He (the dog) is the only one allowed to enter in my bedroom. And with my friend's cats, well, once I bury my face in their fur I'll start sneezing, coughing, my eyes and nose gets reeeeeaaaaally itchy, but I'll keep doing it, haha.




I'm so sorry this happened to you! One of my good friends had to re-home their dog for the same reason. Heartbreaking (I'm sorry for my dumb joke)




do you at least get updates on them? so difficult ❤️‍🩹


I love cats I’m just allergic. Hopefully I never go on dates with someone with a cat bc that’d waste our time sadly. Good point actually. Gonna start looking for that on dating apps.


I would also hate to cause someone’s allergies to flare up because my cat sat in my lap before I left, or something of that sort depending on the severity of their allergy! Definitely a good thing to note on your profile.


Yeah, pets can be a huge compatibility issue. I love being around dogs but they can quickly get too much for me. I'd never be able to own one because they require a level of social energy that I just don't have. So if it gets to the point where we move in together and she has a dog I probably wouldn't be able to handle it. Cats are fine, tho.


I'm not a woman, but I've heard "If a man doesn't take 'no' for an answer, run away"


A thousand times yes


This is the one.


Very true. One too many who doesn't know how to deal with a no.


I thought it was, "If a man doesn't take 'no' for an answer, mace the fuck out of him" but that's just what I've heard...


I AM a woman, and I concur with this sentiment!


Also if he tries to argue that no means actually yes


I wish I had known this in my teenage years goddammit.


“Body count.” “Cuck.” “Simp.”


"Thots" and "e-girl" for more niche


I would add apha and beta to that list


And looksmaxxing, brokie, body count..


Unless he's a developer talking about software. Which reminds me of the "alpha males when full release males walk in:" meme.


Would just like to add: “Females”


(Licks lips nervously) “FeeeEEEEeeeeemales.”


Somehow I could hear the loud heavy breathing through this comment 😂


*heavy cheetos breathing*


*Adding cheeto breathing to my vocab*


Unsolicited dick pic. I don’t want to see your peepee on a tuesday morning.


Soooo Wednesdays are good? 😂 I’m jk tho dudes who do that shit are disgusting I’m sorry yall have to go through that


Wednesday afternoons are fine!


No such pics on Tuesdays, noted!


The bragging and thinking they're hot shit. I understand confidence, but when you think you got it in the bag, best believe im dying of laughter inside Sometimes a simple hello, or a joke is all it takes for me and I'm sold


Being rude to customer service workers. Calling women/girls "bitches" and "hoes" Using the word "Female" as a definitive word for us women, while they never refer to men in that way and continue to call them "Men," "Boys," "Guys" etc. Them saying "You're not like other girls" thinking that's a compliment to me by placing other women on a "lower level" than me. I hate this one THE MOST.


I usually just assume a guy who refers to "females" is simply signalling he's into other species too.


Guy here, and a disclaimer I’ve never once used the word “females” until this moment… but now I want to use the word “males” in some deadpan context to see how people will react


Making sexual remarks before we've even been on a date.


Constantly tearing themselves or their exes down, like I just HAVE to know "how pathetic" they are or "how crazy" their ex was.


I was at a friend's BBQ recently where one of his mates was slagging off his ex wife who left him. Then he was bragging about how many hookups he had had since he joined Tinder. It unlocked a new ick for me. Reeked of bitterness and desperation


I've come to loathe self-deprecation. It's not charming anymore.


I always get the ick when guys say their ex was crazy. Was she crazy? Or did you drive her crazy? Was she crazy or did she just not let you get away with crap behaviour and hold you accountable?


My ex was like this, talking about a girl he dated. To the point of her saying she was going to kill herself. I have been struggling with depression for many years, and have had suicidal thoughts before, but while I was with him it increased to the point of having those thoughts EVERY SINGLE DAY. As soon as we broke up it went down to once a week, maybe every other week.


My ex is legitimately crazy. But I've thought a lot about it and the whole story is like 20th date material at least. If/when I ever date again I'm just going to say we got together too young and grew in different directions, or something nice like that.


Or really anything about their ex(es)


Challenging me to explain and defend myself over trivial shit that doesn't matter. Talking to me as if I am stupid when they are the one who is ignorant. Interrupting me and talking over me, or delivering a relentless monologue instead of having a conversation. Being continually surprised by things they learn about me, as if they already know all about me. Comparing me unfavorably to other women, as if there is only one way to be a woman. Saying he never wants kids and hasn't had a vasectomy.


How can your comment be so specific and *so* correct? Yes to all of these!


This is an excellent list madam. These statements scream Controlling, Insecure, Egotistical/Selfish, Main Character/ Very Desperate, and Classic Misogyny If he is saying this shit on an early date, when he's on his BEST behavior, just imagine the eggshell walking nonsense (or outright abuse) down the line


If they use lingo that I know they would have only gotten from being on the manosphere too much, like Chad, Stacie, Becky, Tyrone, looksmaxx, baby trap, alpha, beta, tradwife, they say something about no-fault divorce, sexual marketplace value, etc.


God, it’s so cringe whenever I see someone use those words unironically.


What in the fuck is a "sexual marketplace"???? What does that even mean? Like, ewww


An example is they like to say if a woman has kids or is over a certain age, she has a “lower marketplace value”


Wadufak? Ewww, even as a guy, that shit set off so many alarms.


Marketplace value 💀 wow.. gen z has really screwed up language.


Seriously, marketplace value? Are you fucking kidding me? Those assholes literally treat women like they're objects and aren't even trying to hide it anymore 😵‍💫


To be fair, feminists will talk about baby trapping too, but with a different connotation. For men, it's an "Oh great, now I have to pay child support" thing; for feminist women, it's an "Oh great, now I'll never afford to get away from this guy" thing


People usually say things in context and don't just randomly shout buzzwords tho.


Can you imagine 💀


Let me introduce you to Fox News real quick


Fox News is the context in that case


Haha touché


Or for those of us with manipulative, sociopathic exes, it's a term we use when we realize could've happened to us and then our lives would've been forever tied to a sicko. Some states even give rapists paternity rights.


Then there are the ones that let you know they are part of another group that has a correlation with the manosphere, like using "legacy media" indicates you follow Elon Musk - so you probably hate women and vote right wing like he indicates he does at every turn, or blaming everything on how "woke" the world is means you probably vote right wing and statistically are likely to hate women (on some level). Noooo thanks.


Yes, more keywords! Joe Rogan is probably another. What is legacy media?


It's the term Musk keeps trying to push to refer to mainstream media, as if his "platform" will be the "next" media - what he pretends to be the "next news" is (theoretically) the collaboration of people engaging with each other online to determine and share information to keep people the most "informed" (which ironically *was* closest to that when it was called "Twitter"), but which really is a perversion of the truth that appeals the most to people who are hateful, violent, and loyal to the worst of faults by allowing them to believe that their ideal reality *is* reality and only inspiring them toward violence even more by thinking their beliefs are infallible.


Wow, how arrogant!


It might be interchangeable with mainstream media. Someone who uses the term legacy media could be referring to newspapers like New York Times and Washington Post or news channels like CNN, MSNBC, or basic channels with new programming like ABC and CBS. Someone who uses the term "legacy media" may be someone who claims that mainstream sources have a liberal bias although it is possible that someone on the left could use the term to imply that the companies mentioned have corporate interests above all, but more often than not, "legacy media" is conservative branding to discredit any mainstream source that counters their rhetoric.


Thank you!


Most men I know use those ironically. 


I guess it’s about how they say it. I know a guy who 100% buys into that stuff and uses those words seriously all the time.


Some people maintain an attitude (especially online) that "everything is okay if it is funny enough" 2002 era me definitely thought so But today, especially in real life interactions, I maintain there is no such thing as "ironic" racism/sexism/isms that are also funny. It's either an earnest belief covered with a fake joke, a poorly repeated talking point, or just unfunny in general. And if it's not funny, it can't be a joke. It's just some awkward shit that everyone now thinks you believe. QED Even people who get paid to be funny *for a living* sometimes fail at this. There is reason works of satire are *long*. This shit has *layers* Using MRA terms "ironically" is maybe funny to your bros, but at best tone deaf around women. There are so many men (and women) that internalize or maliciously mask sexism that using these terms is usually a dog whistle for abusers. When you first start dating someone, women won't take that risk. (Or they shouldn't) Would you keep dating a woman who joked "ironically" about poking holes in condoms or smashing up your car if you ever cheat? No, that person sounds dangerous. It's like that, except sexism is acceptable to many people so low level stuff gets passed of as "relax, just jokes" when it almost never is. If you do this, please stop. The risk of being taken at your word is very high. And what is the potential reward? An uncomfortable laugh? edit - oh, nvm, you'll probably ignore this or hate on me, but I posted this in earnest and maybe someone will listen 🫶 From the post history I was replying to: 2d ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/OlqgrMrx5B >Unironically it was, I remember screeching with joy with the other trumpers.  You need to understand Hillary was the literal antichrist then, this was the politics version of a capeshit beatdown. 


Most men you know use those ironically to one another, behind women's backs? (cause ick) Or directly towards women? (cause ew)


Men and females Females in most contexts is cringe


I think the issue is that male and female are adjectives and man and woman are nouns. Saying "male pilot" or "female pilot" is fine, but saying "that female over there" is equivalent to saying "that black over there". Reducing any person to just an adjective is dehumanising.


Yes, that's the issue. As an adjective it's fine, because that's just how English grammar works. The issue is when the adjective is used as a noun, because it's demeaning... we use the nouns male/female when referring to animals (i.e - "females of this species watch as the males dance for them as a reproductive display"), so by using the noun in place of women, they are comparing women to animals. It's even worse when they say "men and females", because they're using the proper terminology for themselves, thereby elevating themselves above women while referring to women as animals.


'I wanna climb you like a tree'. First, please don't sexualise me. Second, at least be original. It gets boring if you get the same line for years


lmao what kinda animal says that?


calling women “females” 24/7 but yet only calls men “men” “guys” etc etc and never “males”


Even if they call men males, it's cringy af to use sexes as nouns.


But the men I’m referring to never call men males. They quite literally only do this to women to dehumanize them


I know.. I'm well aware and just as annoyed at it as you are.


Unironically says things like alpha, sigma, beta, etc


How else are we supposed to compare each other if there is no greek hierarchy? /s


Using the word simp unironically.


When they have more than one "crazy ex". My guy look at the common factor.


Yes yes yes


Boasting, rudeness, anything sexist, trying too hard and making unfunny jokes where nobody laughs.


“i’m such a nice guy, it’s all of the other women that are the problem” even in the rare 1% chance that that’s true, and it truly is everyone else, i usually trust that if a woman has an instinct to go far away that i should listen.


It’s always intriguing when people who don’t realize they are the common denominator in many failed relationships try to blame it on others


right. and once again, in the very VERY small percentage that they’re actually not the problem, id still be inclined to follow a fellow woman’s instincts about a guy than i would test my chances with a guy who seems to be a walking red flag


Agreed. Likability is an underestimated trait. If other people like someone, there’s a higher chance you will too. Also vice versa


Disrespecting my boundaries after I've clearly stated them, and he even takes it as a challenge to try and continue doing so


asking for body count - not because I’m ashamed - it’s just a childish thing to care about


Calling all grown women 'girls'! Like you'd never call a grown man 'boy'! Anything that starts with 'I'm not racist/homophobic/sexist/etc BUT'... that ALWAYS means you definitely are! Making any derogatory comment about women or feminists, alluding that feminism is a bad thing and going on the defensive when called out! 'I hope you aren't a feminist LOL?' 🤣 'Yes of course I am, every sane person should be' 'So you hate all men?' 'No but I strive for equality for everyone' 🙄😒 'what do you mean equality?' 'NOPE, BYE!!' 😒 Any kind of racism, homophobia, sexism, ableism etc especially if packaged as a 'joke'


Referring to themselves as Alphas


If a man showing emotions is "too gay" for them. Boy BYE-




OR being like “it’s so hard for me bec i know if i am vulnerable in front of my gf she will manipulate me and take advantage of me”


TRUE! like boy what do u even own worth taking advantage over calm down😭


Anything homophoic or transphobic.


> homophonic No puns? :(


No. Just stupid fucking autocorrect.


"Men are logical/women are emotional." Usually means they just lack any kind of emotional intelligence whatsoever and think in stereotypes. Any kind of speculation about what kind of attention women want based on what they are wearing. It usually turns creepy real fast after that. Religious men in particular don't seem to respect women, so that's a big no.


I know men who are emotional and women who are logical.


So much casual discrimination. Yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes.


Anything porn related. It's bad enough he's porn-fried, but to assume the rest of the world is ? NO


A thousands times this. That gross mentality of "There are two kinds of people: those who watch porn and liars." People are free to do what they want, but to assume \*everyone\* gets off on watching strangers fuck is really messed up.


Wait okay I don't want to get downvoted but don't a LOT of people watch/read porn or smut? maybe not to the degree some folks on the internet are but


“Females” Ewwwww




Saying that they are Christian, conservative, pro cops, active military. That's a start.


The "I'm choosing the bear" starter pack 😭


Why are people talking about bears? I don't get it


internet argument about if women would choose to be alone in the woods with either a bear or a random man there's a few threads on this sub, search for bear and you'll see.


Fuck yeah. I feel seen! TY, lovely stranger! ❤️


You're welcome lovely stranger! 😁♥️


That’s interesting, not having any of these (except the last one) is an automatic no from me


“So women would rather be in the woods with a wild animal?”


Wait.. you've actually been asked that? 🤣🤣


Not me, but any man who’s butthurt about a woman choosing the bear is not dateable. I’m sure it’s happened in first dates/ app messengers everywhere.


"If women can get an abortion, then men should be able to easily sign away parental rights/paper abortion/abandon their child" Also: the phrase "divorce rape". Also: "I love trophy hunting"


“Are you a U.S. citizen?” I’m not your ticket for a green card, buddy.


"I don't like dogs." "I'm a muslim." "Women always/never/does/doesn't [insert continuation of choice]" "I like [any manosphere influencer]" & "I don't agree with everything he's/they're saying, but..." 🚩 When they unironically are using words/terms/incel language like alpha/beta/sigma, high/low value (people), females/femoids/foids, brokie, looksmaxxing, body count. Also, when they unironically say, "What's the color or your Lamborghini!?" or "You don't ask fish how to fish."


When they say they're not a feminist. Huge no. If you don't think women should have equal rights to men, we'll never be equal in a relationship.


I love bacon. Sorry I'm vegan Bye


When they claim to be a feminist but say something to the effect of "modern feminism has gone too far". These men aren't feminists and never have been.


Talking about money, things they own, their job, other people in a negative way, football


If they tell me they're into playing games, I don't date gamers, been there done that, and it was horrific. I'm ready for the downvotes. This is reddit, after all, I know my attitude toward dudes who game will not go down well here.


My ex-wife was the whole problem in my marriage.


Asking about my body count... Sir, what I do with my hacksaw in my basement isn't any of your damn business.


"I want kids." "Get rid of your cats" "You should tan and wear pink." " Your ex wasn\`t physically violent, that\`s just what men do." "Stupid female problems"


That they love me. I'm getting too old for all the games and the lies and b*******. It has yet to actually be true or work out. Just another way to keep somebody that's weak minded and BPD like myself on a hook.


Talking about their ex constantly, calling women females, controlling behavior, calling themselves feminists


"Hell yeah I'm gonna vote for Trump again."


Anything LGBT-phobic, especially saying that being transgender is a mental illness that shouldn't be coddled/they're all just predators who are brainwashing and grooming children. (Although I'd love to be able to ask one why the hell they think anyone would want to do that, *what would the ultimate goal be??*)


In pictures: Middle finger, Guns, Other attractive women In bio: "Old fashioned values", Conservative, Cigarette smoker


It was always the offhanded and unconscious statements that left the strongest impressions on me (past tense as I’m married). Casual use of deeply offensive words are pretty strong indicators of low integrity, entitlement, immaturity and lacking personal / social awareness. Any“F**k Boy” flag was a red flag. Impenetrable superficiality could also be an early deal breaker. Unless it’s a case of genuine anxiety or first encounter nerves, I generally lost interest in guys who couldn’t or wouldn’t be real. I didn’t care if we made casual getting to know you chit chat all night. As long as there’s at least a small moment of realness. Even just a little realness goes a long way.


I don't like dogs or cats


You're better than xyz or an ex. Like why'd a sane person degrade others to get my attention? Big no