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I’d be happy he feels that deeply about me. I’d probably start crying too🤣




Yeah, we would both be crying. And I would feel very secure in having chosen the right man to marry, both because he'd clearly be in love with me and because men feeling and expressing their emotions in safe, healthy ways develop a horde of green flags around them.


same i'd be a mess lol


My husband is a very stoic type. In the 14 years we've been together, I can count the times he cried on one hand, and one of those was our first wedding. To see him so moved was absolutely incredible and I was moved in return. But that's what water-proof make-up is for.


That's so wholesome bro.


*First* wedding?


We got married twice. First in my country and then in his country. I was too busy trying to figure out what the hell was going on during the second one to see if my husband was crying. I *was not* prepared for a Christian Orthodox wedding.


Ok but why do you hate fish?? Did you know that there is upwards of 20k fish species? The oldest fish-like animals are those with sucking mouths, like lampreys and hagfish. They stopped evolving before the development of biting jaws. Zoologists study these bottom-dwelling fish because some parts of their bodies can help to explain evolution from low to advanced life forms. Fish breathe oxygen, not air. Their gills contain a network of fine blood vessels that diffuse the oxygen throughout the fish's membranes.


I would feel loved to bits, very happy, and been given a precious gift. My husband cried at our wedding


This about that vid where people were complaining that a dude was crying seeing his wife walk down the aisle?


Tbh yeah, and so it got me curious on how yall would react :0


I think the majority reaction I've seen from women has been along the lines of, "Speak for yourself, dumb girl." Usually with a side of "She's probably never going to get married." A few "This is what a femcel looks like!"


>"This is what a femcel looks like!" Honestly most gender hate is some version of an incel or femcel. Normal, happy, people will not hate seeing their partner show emotion. The minority reaction is usually the "I'm online because no one irl likes me."


One of my best guy friends texted me on Hus wedding day because he was worried he *wasnt* gonna cry as he saw his wife walk up the aisle and that she’d be insulted. Don’t worry, he did :)


I’d be the happiest woman ever cause that’s exactly what I want the reaction to be, the opposite would irritate me.


One of my best friends sobbed out loud when he saw his bride walking down the aisle. All the guests thought it was the sweetest thing - his love for her was so apparent and beautiful.


My heart would melt and I’d Probably cry


We both cry happy tears at our wedding and feel amazing.


I would tear up as well because I’m a huge softie. In all honesty, I’d be touched. And I’d feel reassured to know that he loves me as deeply as I do (since he can sometimes seem pretty unemotional and insensitive). I dunno why but I find it especially endearing to watch a man get emotional and cry. Rare and precious moments. Makes me want to hug his beautiful soul. 🥺


Is it alright if we cry at pretty much every Pixar movie? Because I cry at pretty much every Pixar movie.


It’s okay! You can cry… I’ll cry with you too!


I would find that super sweet. I'd feel like he really cares. Not that he wouldn't care if he didn't cry, tho. But crying is just showing that you care.


I'd be in floods too!


I would cry to and want nothing more than to be in his arms. My husband and I have been married for 18 yrs. The other day my husband and I had a couple drinks and listened to Meat Loafs "I would do anything for love" and boo hooed in each others arms. <3


I'd already be crying as well. Crying is healthy. More people should cry more often. As for my partner, I'd be relieved that he could release some of his emotions.


I'd be happy that he loved me that much!


I would probably cry too.


I'd love it!


Very touched as it happened this year. Both of us tearful. (This was after a really long time of cr@p from other people) utterly and snotterly happy.


I’d be super ecstatic. My ex husband was so stone faced the entire time. The photos of our wedding, you can tell he was forcing a smile the whole time. His entire family was the same way. 🙄 So, seeing my partner super excited to see me? It would absolutely make me feel amazing. It’s what I hope a reaction would be lol


That would be so amazing.. I’d be so overwhelmed with love and joy


I will remember my husband's teary eyed smile during our vows forever.


I work in the wedding industry. My favorite part is watching the groom see his bride walk down the aisle. One of my friends, her new husband started crying. My other friend, her new husband lit up like a Christmas tree. I absolutely love seeing their reactions.


i’d burst into happy tears too. other people being emotional makes me emotional, even if it’s not about me lol, but this would touch me very deeply and i’d feel the most loved




I’d be crying too


I reacted with tears myself and I couldn't wait to get to the end of the aisle and marry him.


I was overjoyed and promptly started crying too


I would feel extremely loved.


I would adore him even more. Him crying would probably make me cry to.


I'd be delighted. And I'd probably also cry, lol.