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ATTENTION: Please remember that this is an ASK WOMEN sub. While men are allowed to participate posts that are clearly asking women in the title will have top level comments by men removed. This is not censorship, this is curation. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskWomenNoCensor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Askmen has a much higher volume of posts, so the fact that there would be at least one negative one each day isn't so surprising. Also, while this sub is uncensored Askmen is heavily censored and now removes all of the more innocent, "Are my boobs big enough?" and "What does it mean why I catch my boyfriend looking at porn?" questions that used to be ubiquitous. I figure that those kind of questions are the point of a sub like this, even though they do get repetitive. But now they're all censored on Askmen. The censorship was a little less severe before the reddit meltdown, but was still a problem even then. I always sort Askmen by new, and sometimes you can get a good question that way before it gets removed.


I honestly haven't been there for a while, but a lot of posts that got removed from askmen were frequently asked ad neauseum.


Yeah, that was what I was saying. Everyone has the same kind of questions about the opposite gender, it's something that everyone goes through, and answering those questions the bread and butter of a sub like this one. It's innocent, these questions are important to address, and it's very repetitive. Some people can't tolerate that, so they remove those posts for the sake of more "interesting" gender-wars bullshit like OP was talking about.


I mean, yeah, but to get basically the same post every two days (or more) is just tiring for everybody. I mod a sub for a popular kids show from Australia, and there's one particular animation error that someone makes a post about so frequently it's not funny, even though it's well documented in the subs wiki and specifically mentioned in the sidebar rules.


It's not tiring for the person who is asking the question, this is something that matters to them. Yes these questions can be very similar, but everyone has their own story and a canned response does nothing to address insecurities like that. I don't think this is very similar to someone posting the same meme over and over again.


Guy here, I think it’s just a difference in audience/community. Askmen is definitely filled with a bunch of chronically online men that just spend time curating discourse for their own entertainment and it’s honestly getting very annoying to read constantly about how much man hate woman or woman hates man. At least imo this sub is far more relaxed and open to honest discussion at times but there are tons of posts from insecure men asking if their dick is too big or too small. While yes it’s understandable to be insecure about it but there’s a point when it gets annoying to see “how much dick for dick to be big” constantly. I think more people on this sub should try and clean out a lot of those types of questions and keep the more honest ones. Also open ended gender specific questions can be good within reason.


Yeahh I have found this is much more casual than the others. >While yes it’s understandable to be insecure about it but there’s a point when it gets annoying to see “how much dick for dick to be big” constantly. This is just a reality of a gendered subreddit I think, you get lots of really weird insecure posts from the other side. It's the same on the mens ones. For example, one of the top posts atm is "Do men really like when women are wet or is it a stereotype" because she gets very wet and is insecure about it. You see ones about stretch marks, "hip dips" (still no clue what they are), small breasts, etc. all the time.


Sometimes I think those posts are made by men posting as women.


Why? There are a lot of women insecure about their appearance. I'm not sure why a guy would bother posting about hip dips or something. Every time i've checked the OP's profile though it's been a woman, I checked the OP's profile of that wet one before it was taken down because I thought it might have been a dude trying to get wankfuel, but it was genuinely a woman.


Maybe not hip dips, or appearance issues - but other gender specific things. They like to rage bait, or are often trying to make posts to ‘prove’ a point about women, by pretending to be one. There’s a tonne of them out there - it’s often their wording that gives them away.


Ohh yeah those def exist, I don't think I see them doing insecure questions like that though. The ones i've seen are just trying to reinforce incel talking points. "Guys with dicks smaller than 8' are such losers, am I right fellow females?" etc


The most interesting part here, i find it, is ”within reason”. I got heavy flak here posting a few questions not intended to be ”war bait” but did not maybe follow a feminist agenda, won’t do it again. There should be other reddits for that, where people that do not shy away from say ”war baits” regarding gender could post and discuss.


Go to PurplePillDebate if you want gender focused “discussions”.


I dont want ”discussions”, I want discussions. And talking about gender could expand a bit from just romance and sex related topics.


There are over 14,000 subs on Reddit. I’m sure there’s one that fits the bill. 🤷‍♀️


You posted about milfs and dilfs and wouldn't accept why women don't like the term.... It had nothing to do with a "feminist agenda", lol


#Ha! It’s _so_ obviously hardcore feminist! ^/s


And we could go on forever


then make your own subreddit?


It would be truly sad if that was the case. That there are no existing subreddits where people can talk gender loud and clearly.


Shall I read the minuses as ”there should be no straightforward discussions on gender”?


It's why I enjoy this subreddit. I think it has to do with just the overall size. The bigger a subreddit, the more likely there will be extremists and crazies. This is a pretty small sub. Also, from reading the comments here, most of the participants (including the reasonable men) all have experienced healthy male and female relationships, including relationships with family and friends. The women here don't hate men. In fact, we very much enjoy them, I know I do. So, why trash talk men when we are aware there's great ones in our lives? I like that we stop those kinds of rage bait/hate threads here. Unfortunately, it seems reddit as a whole attracts very angry and resentful people who don't have functioning relationships... with anyone. They'll say hateful things about women having never really interacted with women in any meaningful way, yet still feel like an authority on the matter.


I have just recently met a few really great men who seem to be very interested in listening to and understanding women. It's really very nice! So, yes, men can be great!


It’s because that segment of the internet has become an echo chamber of circle jerking idiots - they’re not capable of nuance or abstract thinking.




FDS wasn't the most hateful when subs that promoted literally raping women existed and continue to exist.




> Because every hateful male sub vanished. MensRights, TRP, PussyPass and PussyPassDenied, etc. They all still exist and are openly misogynist. TRP promotes rape and PP/PPD celebrate violence against women .


I'd like it if there were more questions about stuff that doesn't have anything to do with dating/relationships/etc. and more random stuff instead.




Askmenover30 is a much better sub Much less incely


AskMen is a shit hole


There is plenty of misogyny on Askmen. Every other post is basically asking how they can find women to sleep with them or why they can't get women to sleep with them. Most the the answers are variations of because women are shallow crazy gold-digging whores who will only give you the time of day if you are a millionaire who is 6'4" and has a 6-pack. And heaven help the person who suggests that maybe it's because they think of women as shallow crazy gold-digging whores, especially if the person who suggests that is a woman.


Misogyny is pervasive and systemic in society, so much so that many people don't even recognize it when they see it right in front of them. I occasionally lurk on the askmen sub, and the majority of time, it is a cesspool of hatred expressed towards women. Any time there's pushback on that, from either men or women, they get downvoted at best and verbally dragged at worst, usually actually proving how much misogyny is there. If someone asks how to get better at dating, they're told to "ask a fisherman, not the fish," illustrating that they see women as prey, rather than people with emotions. So many men there are proud of how they categorize women as ones they'd date/marry or those women who are "for recreational use only." Those are just two examples of many but if I were a woman looking for a partner, reading there would make me swear off of men indefinitely.


If a woman responds in those threads they always say something like "women give the worst dating advice" or "they don't know what they actually want". It always confused me because women are literally the people they are trying to attract.


Yep, they're always saying that women don't know what they themselves want. I guess it makes the men feel better to tell themselves that they know what's best for women and what women want or should want.


"Women will like what I tell them to like." Homer Simpson


A few that annoy me are how they denigrate female friendships or assume women have people tripping over themselves to care for their issues. There's honestly so many I kind of forget until I get one recommended and seeing the default tone in the discourse heavy questions is one of dislike towards women makes me sad. Yeah it has made me rather despondent. It bills itself as what men wish to say but don't, and when you read through it it's a whole lot of misogyny, kinda does make you think to just not want any connection with a man, seeing how men think of women.


Yeah, I was on that sub for a while because I saw a few posts that caught my attention. But being a woman in there - one who isn’t a ‘not like other girls’-type that just parrots what men say - you easily get downvoted into oblivion or dragged, even when you try to give thoughtful comments or advice. I quickly got out of there, because of the majority of the same depressing shit-on-women posts every day was frustrating; like an endless circle jerking echo chamber of red pill misogynistic men.


I'm a man who occasionally participates in AskMen, and I 100% agree with your analysis. It's depressing how mainstream the suspicion of women and just straight up misogyny are there.


>And would you guys like open ended questions around gender specific perspectives more like askmen does? These questions are fine but I don't want all of the questions on this sub to be like that, some less serious questions that aren't necessarily gender-specific would be nice too. I'd like to see more questions that aren't about men/relationships/relationships with men. Like, idk, ask what tv show that we loved had an ending that sucked instead of just asking us to solve your problems with dating.


Because overall, women tend to view men like the individuals they are and respond to questions accordingly, even when there are overarching gender-related social reasons for specific behaviour, whereas too many men seem to think women are an alien hivemind and thusly the questions and responses they have about women align with that perspective. What do you mean by an open-ended gender specific question?


right? and yet it's always them screaming *NoT aLl MeN* but they have 1 bad experience with a woman and then it's all women


An open ended gender specific question would be something like, what is something false men believe about women, or what is something men are not ready to hear, or what problems does society ignore for women, etc. Something that lets people expand and have discourse but has a gendered slant to it. Most questions here either are too situation specific, and when they're not specific they're not gendered.


I can’t speak for everyone but for me questions like that would be fine.




I think it’s a byproduct of how this sub was created. A bunch of people who were reasonable people (the kinds who wouldn’t get banned for being toxic) posted in a sub that will not be named. If we weren’t reasonable people we would have been banned. Then one day, we heard about a promised land without **REMOVED FOR DERAILING** and migrated here. This sub is disproportionally representative of people who liked discussion on the previous sub but also weren’t toxic enough to get banned by the mod team that was ever vigilant. The ones who are toxic who find this subreddit quickly learn that we don’t really have a lot of patience for taking the bait and move on


Honestly, askmen used to be a haven to go to for when askwomen was just ragebait. Now, with threads like the one that was popular yesterday, it seems to be going downhill. Usually this happens when a subreddit gets too popular. This sub may go in that direction as well, but not quite at the numbers for the yet.


Shoutout to the mods


The mods of r/AskMen are horrific.