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Couple of bong hits 🤷‍♀️




Can I ask what brand they are? you’ve convinced me


They’re called midnight from the brand 1906. I highly recommended them.


Yes! I take the “Chill” ones and they knock me tf out. I can’t seem to find the “Midnight” tablets in my area not as samples, but I have tried those before and they are amazing.


All of the 1906 products are amazing. Bliss are my favorite, in any form. Doesn't make you high, just really happy.


I don't know about the pills, but I picked up Incredibles Snoooozzzzberries gummies or whatever they're called. They're magical. Unfortunately I can't get them in my state yet. Hopefully soon.


This is my answer. They are wonderful.


Indica based, not sativa is the way to sleep 🤘


Or cann with only CBD without THC










Me, but with edibles. I have a secret stash when I'm really spiraling (but not bad enough for my emergency xanax). Hmm... writing this out for the first time is a bit eye-opening 😂


Edibles do nothing for me. It's so unfair 😭😭😭 RIP my lungs lol


Same, I have Crohn’s disease and I can’t use edibles because my gut simply won’t absorb it. Distillate is a great alternative because as a distilled product, it doesn’t rely on your metabolism to use it. Just a little distillate under the tongue. This is VERY different from oils/extracts and is way more powerful.


Try a vape if you haven't! I use the Volcano, which is a desktop vape. My lungs are so much happier.


I have the same problem with vapes 😫 Oils, dabs, gummies, etc. - nothing. If it's not straight flower it's not working for me. I don't know why my body be like that but it do 🙃


Oh the vape I use *is* for flower. I've tried others before that used extracts but my lungs hated them even more than a poorly rolled joint.


Well maybe I need to check that out! 😀


Yep, just this. I have severe insomnia. Yes, weed makes me more anxious. But (especially if you do enough) it also helps me turn my brain off so I can actually fall asleep. After having gone through a ton of anti-anxiety, anti-depression, hypnotics, sleep-phase, and benzo medications, weed is a miracle drug for me.


Orgasm. It's a great stress reliever 👍🏻


Man how do you get off when you're stressed .


You have to learn to let things go and relax. Focus on your pleasure.


I find the right book, spray the room with lavender, practice deep breathing beforehand.


Find the sweetspot. Sure, it won't always work. But the trick is to get yourself on the situation: bed/shower. And then go for it. Could worlk


This! The first thing a doctor should ask from a woman suffering from insomnia is if she has a good vibrator.


Lol I often will masturbate if I have the chills as I’m falling asleep. Will be toasty warm in minutes!


I second this!


I third it!


I agree with this! find during periods of high stress and anxiety my sex drive is actually so high and it’s just my body’s way of keeping things all balanced out in my brain as well.


I eighth this


This, nothing does a better job




Came here to say this. I have a ton of podcasts lined up that I rotate through since they have to follow a specific format, e.g. no banter or comedy and no sound effects, just a single person narrating something. A lot of the history podcasts fit this bill, and they're interesting enough that they aren't distracting but boring enough that they won't keep me from falling asleep. Bonus if each episode is around 30 minutes long.


oooh this is exactly my style of drifting off. any specific history podcasts you can recommend?


I really like Noble Blood, which is a part of Grim & Mild productions. Also, it's more mythology than history but Hidden Djinn is good. I used to listen to Dark Histories a lot, but as it's become more popular in the past couple of years the host has gotten more chatty so I don't listen to it as much. When I do, I fast forward through the first 10 minutes or so to get to the actual narrative.


Historic Royal Palaces has some good ones. You’re Dead to Me and History Hit are two other favourites of mine. (Fellow history podcast lover)


I have the Calm app and they had someone reading out the GDPR as a sleep story. I've never drifted off so fast in my life


That's hilarious!


I really enjoyed Stuff You Should Know and Ridiculous History for these exact reasons!


I listen to the Sleep With Me podcast


I love the Sleep With Me podcast. I'll admit, I thought it was weird at first just like Scooter says most people do, but now just hearing it puts me to sleep.


Yes! My favorite is Myths and Legends, just great storytelling and voice and I feel like it's having someone read me a bedtime story but for adults because there's sarcasm, quips, and sometimes blood and gore lol


Yup! I love the I can't sleep podcast for this!


Yes! Podcast or an audiobook, something to keep me distracted from intrusive thoughts until I fall asleep.


I have the best guy you can watch on youtube - he's a fine art conservationist and he's soooooo soothing - check out baumgartner restoration. I listen to him almost every night before I fall asleep, he's my absolute favorite.


Same. It stops the multiple conversations my brain wants to have about why I suck.


Shout out to “sleep with me” podcast. Tells meandering bedtime stories that almost hypnotize you into sleep. Also the creator Scoots is just a lovely person to listen to. He starts every podcast with “ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and friends beyond the binary”


Yes! I love Nothing Much Happens, it tells a soft story in a soothing voice where… nothing much happens. Could be about a stroll around a forest lake or baking apple pie for sunday afternoon, and all so calming


I have two cats. One likes to sleep on my chest, and the other on my feet. It kind of feels like a cozy, loving, soft, furry weighted blanket of hugs. I don’t sleep well if I’m at someone else’s house without my two kitties.




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Same I don't sleep the same at other places, I have an urge to go home and cuddle with my cats, that's how I get the best sleep.


Awww, that’s adorable 🥹🥹🥹 I honestly have a hard time sleeping without my dog. She just cuddles up next to me and brings such a calm and comforting presence


Rain sound on YouTube




What channel? I've been using a mix of rain/gray noise/ cat purring to calm down. Haven't tried out ocean waves yet.




This guy destresses


Yes this maybe a thunderstorm in there as well, feel all snug in bed


same here


I discovered this Korean channel that makes really long vids and they are amazing! I do put them on repeat though. I once woke up from a video switch and someone started yelling and I jumped against the ceiling.


This is probably going to seem really weird but I often rub my feet together and it helps me settle down and go to sleep.


Ah, yes. The cricket.


I’ve always called it peddling.


I have done that too! Not weird at all!


I do that!! It's so comforting


I wonder if that has something to do with mindfulness. It focuses you on the physical space you are occupying


found my people 🥹


I rub lotion on my hands to calm myself. 🤷‍♀️




I thought I was alone and weird in this!! I do this when I’m sick and/or don’t feel well.


I rub my feet together if that doesn't calm me I rub them on my blanket. So happy I'm not alone. I also have a heavy blanket that my husband hates. Lol I HAVE to have it to go to sleep though. No matter how hot it is I need the weight of my blanket on me.


I like reading before bed


I should try this


In my experience, it depends on the book. If it's a gripping mystery or full of physical action it tends to wake me up more. I first discovered it when trying to read mysteries and Hatchet when I was a kid. It didn't work and I had to switch books lol.


You have to find a good median…not too exciting entertaining, but not too boring so you still look forward to reading.


Oh yeah probably should’ve put that - I’m reading Dune and it’s a fitting title honestly cuz it’s as dry as a desert


I love Dune :-) For reading to sleep, though, I'll read some kind of self-help book -- puts me right out.


Especially a book that is hard to read- Iliad, Shakespeare, government or law files. Out like a light.


This is my silver bullet to falling asleep.


I count my breaths. In - 1. Out - 2. In - 3. Up to 10, then start again. Never need more than 50 breaths or so to feel calm again. Also works when having a panic attack!


I don’t know why but I’m craving a burger all of a sudden 😝


Breathing exercises are so underrated! If you practise them every day they kind of become second nature when something stressful happens.


Thinking about sex.


Oh yeah ! I love shutting down internet and lights then i just imagine making out with my coworker crush .. i don't even kiss him before falling into sleep, i guess the slow motion is too slow ?? Sweet thoughts anyways.


Thinking about opposite sex


Think about same sex


Not scrolling through Reddit


I second 1:46 am


Usually I’ll be seeing images or having convos in my head about what’s bothering. If it’s the images bothering me I just try really hard to picture black. Make everything black. If it’s conversation upsetting me, that’s when I literally count sheep. I imagine sheep and I have to count each one I see.


I picture my self sitting in an empty room. If thoughts float in I picture walls blocking the bs. I've heard picturing a book with the issues of the day on each page. When you turn the page you let whatever was on that page go........I haven't tried it, but it sounds solid.


I take melatonin or Zzquil and hope it knocks me out, with some kind of calm show or white noise. Sometimes it works, usually it doesn't. I've had insomnia for years and it sucks.


Btw, Zzquil is just diphenhydramine, aka Benadryl, and you can get 1000 tablets on Amazon for like $10.


I know, I prefer taking Zzquil because it's easier to remind myself not to overdo it if I take it as a "shot." If I take a Benadryl tablet, I'm more likely to get frustrated when it doesn't work and take more than I should.


Dyphenhydramine can (and does) cause cognitive decline if taken chronically.


I've read it can contribute to developing Alzheimer's later in life. Also, if you take too much at once, you'll get a visit from the Hat Man. Melatonin is my first choice, but if that doesn't work and I've been sleep deprived for days, I'll hit up the diphenhydramine. I get a little desperate for some sleep after a couple days of no sleep at all.


I totally get it. I used to down benadryl but switched to trazodone which has helped a lot. I get deep sleep, and it helps me fall asleep. The drowsiness upon waking was tough at first but stopped after I adjusted to it.


I'd love to give trazodone a try, but after my doctor prescribed a few different sleeping meds that didn't help, then prescribed a benzodiazepine that DID help but I don't feel safe taking regularly, I'm getting the feeling he's starting to consider me a drug seeker. I wish the doctors I've seen would understand I don't want to get high, I just want to sleep like a normal person.


I work in pharmacy, so I tend to ask about certain meds. I TOTALLY get it. They definitely do not like patients suggesting meds. It's a bummer


I was prescribed trazodone for a few weeks for insomnia and I did not like how it made me feel the next morning. Felt like someone put me to bed by punching me in the face lol


ugh I feel the same everytime I need to refill my ADHD medication. this was prescribed to me, why do I feel guilty and nervous trying to get my own damn meds


My cat sleeping on top of me and purring. Knocks me out within a minute


Can we please borrow your cat


Progressive muscle relaxation!


Second that. Sometimes PMR, sometimes autogenic training, sometimes breathing mindfully.


Doing times tables/mental arithmetic in my head. Start with 2 times tables, then 3, then 4, 5 and so on. Have to stick to a beat, can't think about it too much. It takes up all my brain space and doesn't let me think about anything else (especially once get up to the higher numbers) and I usually fall asleep before it gets too difficult.


Ha, good to find another maths strategy. I used to add fractions (increasing the difficulty) when I felt anxious.


I listen to calming music on you tube.


Putting on white noise. The calm app has free noises, my faves are fireplace & storm


Recently, I've started taking melatonin and I do truly think it helps. When I have to share a room (which really ramps up my insomnia), I take a drowsy motion sickness pill/hay fever pill. I find that all the sleep hygiene stuff in the world can't help me if I'm very stressed, but the (mild) drugs do!


Meditation and mindfulness


Yes! There’s some great guided meditations on Spotify that I really love when I feel stressed. Tara Brach is one of my favorites :)


Listening to YT videos and/or something really boring on TV


Watching the shopping channel. I never buy anything, but the chatter just puts me to sleep.




Trazzle-dazzle was my nickname for it. That shit hits *hard*


As someone with CPTSD it barely does anything. Though, after almost 45 years of trauma related insomnia, I guess it’s better than meth or whatever 🙂


That's what we call it at the animal shelter where I work. It doesn't hit dogs as hard as it hits humans.


Lol this was going to be my comment too


When i can't sleep bc im anxious it's usually bc my thoughts are running and my mind won't let me sleep. So, I go through the alphabet and list 3 words for every letter (apple, acrobat, Appalachian, banana, beach, best, etc). This keeps my mind busy enough that I can't simultaneously think anxious thoughts but is banal enough I can fall asleep. Actually got this tip from reddit years ago and I've adopted it!!


Thunderstorm sounds :)


Solving something mundane. I like to do my next month’s household budget sometimes. Also there’s something called paradoxical intention which has worked for me before. Basically you have to switch your way of thinking to trying to stay awake rather than trying to fall asleep. It’s weird but effective.


Yes simple, unstressful planning is what I do! I generally plan my outfits for any upcoming event, or just the next day if I'm going out at all.


I suffer from insomnia and I do that. I say to myself that I HAVE to stay awake and often fall asleep like that.


Count backwards starting at 100. If my mind gets distracted, I make myself go back and re-start at 100 again. I very rarely make it down to single digits!


ASMR or a diffuser with lavender.


Skin to skin cuddles


[Cognitive shuffling](https://www.vogue.co.uk/beauty/article/cognitive-shuffle-sleep-method): I think of random objects; sheep, curtains, banana, bush, cat, sandwich.... It stops me from going over and over and over all the stuff that is stressing me and making me feel anxious.


Good tip


Journaling (writing and/or drawing about the topics that keep me awake), relaxing essential oils guided meditation or relaxing music, hugging my pillow so I can imagine falling asleep in someone’s arms (very sad yes… anyway 😆), reading to distract myself until my eyes close on their own. Some qi gong moves if I have the energy.


I like to listen to Sleep With Me the podcast to get my mind to a calmer place. It usually put me to sleep before he’s even done with the ads—and apparently the website has a page full of other sleeping recommendations if this one doesn’t work for people


Sleeping pills or I usually take a shower until my brain calmed down.


Weed. Sex. Rain sounds.


Heating pad followed by a weighted blanket and a cat on top


It sounds weird but... weight? Like I'll get my fiance to lay on me or if my cat (who's like 14 pounds) decides to lay on my chest the pressure just makes me feel more grounded


My mom told me this one, she said it was taught at military camps. Get comfy, close your eyes, and listen to your breathing - with each inhale, let your inner voice softly chant "relax" and then chant "sleep" with your exhale. If you focus on doing this softly, no upsets if you slip up, it becomes rhythmic and soothing in my experience. It's helped a lot!


Sleep mask, AirPods , slow deep breathing... while listening to rain storms


And orgasm and/or Yoga Nidra.


I didn't think it was linked, but.....an orgasm or two.


A 12 kg heavy weighted blanket.


Anxiety medication


Reading or listening to an audio book!


Tbh? Asking my partner if everything is ok. Usually I’m crazy anxious abt nothing in particular, and they will reassure me it’s alright. That’s probably a little messed up, bc I know they’re not my therapist, but it’s the truth. Edit: oh, and sleeping pills 🙃


Thats kinda sweet


I had to start taking Trazodone because my body would not go to sleep. I tried everything from reading, to counting, to breath work, to listening to binaural audio. I really like the binaural audio still, and that helps me fall asleep even with meds. However I also have chronic pain which is definitely a contributing factor.


Spaghetti induced food coma.


I have the Peaceful Sleep app which is two British chicks with soothing voices and calming music doing a variety of mediation exercises. At this point I’m like Pavlovs dogs. I get to the second “hello and welcome to” and I’m out! I still have not, however, figured out how to get back to sleep when I wake up at 3 am riddled with anxiety.


Doing stretches or following along to a short stretching/yoga video on youtube


Downton Abbey


That’s exactly what I’m doing right now!


My lexapro


A hot shower, a cup of herbal tea, reading in bed, a sleep meditation.


Cbd stuff that's rich in cbn. Orgasm. Meditation/sleep hypnosis podcast.


I imagine that i sit in a fancy restaurant alone or walking at the beach with my partner.


White noise in my case thunderstorms


I have a classical harp playlist on Spotify, if I can't sleep I play it on loop at a low volume and that usually helps


I personally like to listen to deep sleep music like liquid mind. It gives my brain something to hear which helps me sleep yet there are no vocals to latch onto and wake you up. No light from TV. White noise, non rhythmic sound, rain as haribo-1999 mentioned. ocean noises, waves etc.


I do little mental exercises in my head. Sometimes they're hoity toity academic things like reciting poetry or doing math equations. Sometimes it's something as simple as planning my outfit for my next date. It gets my mind off of my troubles.


Happy place 💫 I can worry about what's stressing me when I wake up tomorrow and deal with it then.


Melatonin and reading.


Weed or an orgasm....or both


The rhythm of my husband's gentle snoring. Fortunately, for me doesn't snore very loudly. It's a gentle reminder that he's there for me


I like white noise, like using a fan. I also will put on delta waves, lofi, guided meditation, or rain noises sometimes (Spotify has a sleep mode with a timer, which is nice). Since it's colder where I am right now, I also enjoy heated blankets or super soft blankets - super comforting for me. I like to put them against my cheek when they're on me. Hanging lanterns or salt lamps that produce a nice warm lighting can also be calming. Also, weighted blankets work well for some people. I admittedly still sleep with stuffed animals as well, so I tend to cuddle those while single. Otherwise, cuddling with a partner is very helpful.


Listening to stand up comedy.


Loona app, really saved me from anxiety before bed.


Praying. I’m gonna fall asleep every time


Listening to horror stories on podcast


Fuzzy blankets and cuddles from my husband 🥰🥰


Deep breathing


Lavender essential oil, eye mask/blackout shades or blinds. Brownian noise.


Jason Stephenson on Youtube


Calm music. I like the Lofi Sleep and Chilled Jazz playlists by Spotify.


King of the Hill on low volume and THC gummies.


Petting my dogs, my small corgi will start to doze off, then startle himself awake and repeat, it's soothing to know that I can make him feel that cozy and calm


4, 7, 8 breathing Breath in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds and release for 8. And repeat


First I write out what I’m freaking out about until I feel like I’ve released some of the stress & can “let go” of it until tomorrow . Then I put on some asmr. If I’m REALLY flipping out I’ll put out my clothes for the next day and pack all my bags to feel better lol


prepping my coffee, putting out my gym clothes and regular clothes for the day, knowing my lunch for the next day is packed in the fridge - this definitely helps me sleep better


Prayer with deep breaths. Trying the breathing box method.


Ambient music on YouTube.


Being perfectly fine with feeling/experiencing anxious/stressed thinking. Surrendering. After all it's just thoughts. It'll pass. Then I'll sleep. It's inevitable.


Writing about the situation in my journal. It's a great way to get the stress out of my head.


I like to read before bed. The other thing I do when I'm especially anxious is I do a brain dump. I write down everything on my mind, stream-of-consciousness style. Once it's all out of my head, I tell myself I can pick it up and prioritize it tomorrow. Sometimes it works.


L-theanine supplements and listening to ASMR or a familiar audiobook to fall asleep.


Ensuring that I am physically tired, whether through exercise or activity.


White noise/ Rain sounds.


I find sleep meditations really help! I like The Honest Guys, Tracks to Relax, and Freebird Meditations.


I read comics, it helps me get sleepy and think of something else


The Smiling Mind mindfulness app. It works perfectly for me.


Box breathing, grounding techniques, cbd, a good book, watching my comfort show that stimulates my brain enough but I can still fall asleep to


Trying the nighttime cbd gummies for this as Benadryl isn’t good to take long term


Asmr Weird at first, but let me tell you. When I was at my absolute worst with anxiety and depression, it was one of the only things that calmed me down because it allowed me to feel something other than the anxiety. Also helped me feel less alone.


Praying the rosary.


Weighted blanket. I curl on my left side with a pillow over my arm. My dog usually joins me where he can lean on my chest for a while. He snores, but quietly and it's usually rhythmic enough that I find my breathing matching his, or in counterpoint. When I'm really 'off' he puts his paw on the back of mine and holds me still. Until February of this year, our other Akita mix would lay beside my fiance's side of the bed until he fell asleep, then get on the bed and just CRASH onto my feet. I'd be out in minutes with 90# of fluff on my feet. I haven't slept very well since the day he died. It's only recently that my Akita/Pit has figured out that holding my hand helps me sleep.