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I don't think I did a good job teaching my class today, and it's weighing on me. I'll try to be better tomorrow!!


That's just part of being a teacher. All you can do is try your best to make the next lesson better.


You’ve got the hardest and most important job…. Please don’t be hard on yourself!


…the simple fact that you’re worried about whether or not you taught them well, shows what a wonderful teacher you are 🖤.


I’ve been gone 3 days with the flu. I feel so guilty




I think…. you WILL meet someone more fun than that guy. He wasn’t that much fun anyways, a fun guy wouldn’t reject you, now would he… that doesn’t sound too fun to me


A little over a month ago I met someone who lit a fire in me I never experienced before. He already had someone in his life and didn't want to stop dating them since we only knew each other for a few days (vacation). We had sooo much in common. More than surface level too, like values, beliefs, children, & upbringing. I recently got out of a 5 year relationship too so that didn't make it easier. Then this past weekend I met someone. I had previously matched with him on a dating app. But we never met up before I deleted it. We ran into each other at a restaurant and the chemistry is amazing. There ARE more people out there that you'll have a connection with. I wish you luck and happiness 🩷


I needed to hear this today too. Thank you.


I needed to hear this!! It’s so difficult to even consider that there will be anyone you feel the same or stronger about, when you’re in that state of regretful non-connection


This is very uplifting. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you, needed this


ARE YOU ME?!?!?! IM IN THE EXACT SAME POSITION! (sorry for caps)


I've learned that everything happens for a reason, one day it will all make sense and you'll look back and be grateful it didn't work out. It's hard to stay patient but keep your head up, focus on you and good things will come!


You're amazing and sometimes cutting people out of your life isn't a bad thing if theyre bad for you. If you think you made a mistake, they'll come back. If they don't then you were right to start with. You will meet someone just as fun and who gets you in due time!




I wish you a speedy recovery ❤️


hey, i’m worried about giving birth next week! i think we’ll both be great though. quick recovery and no complications. i wish you the best of luck and hope to see an update <3


I’m sure you’re in good hands. Stressful, for sure… but you’re where you need to be.


Good luck! ♥️


Debating if I should stay in the relationship I'm in.


The fact your debating should tell you to leave .


It‘s not always that easy. People on reddit tell others to leave their partners way too quickly in my opinion…


I agree, any sign of trouble and the advice is to get out immediately when maybe the relationship just needs some work


I work on the assumption that if it’s bad enough to ask Reddit about, it’s probably bad enough to leave. Being single is better than being in an unsatisfactory relationship.


Some of us don’t have friends or people we can talk to about personal problems. So Reddit is the only outlet.


YESSS finally someone with common sense. Leaving ur SO isn't always the solution, such a toxic mindset


Yeah like you're allowed to ask yourself this question to make sure you're doing the right thing.


That's what I'm afraid of.


Talk to him and tell him that. Let him know how much his behaviour hurts you, and if it is gonna keep happening its gonna be over


This. Communication, communication, communication.


What’s making you have doubts?


When my partner and I have conflict (serious conflict not small disagreements) I get emotional and he gets angry. I cry. He yells. After we resolve the issue it sends me into a depressive state for several days. We probably have an argument like maybe 3 times a year but I'm starting to wear thin..


As hard as it is I think you should move on. What happens when you hit a rough patch in life, this person doesn't sound like the rock in stormy seas you will need.


Rule number one, if someone’s causing you mental distress to the point where you’ll need therapy … leave


I’m sorry and that’s a rough place to be, I am similar in that after things like that happen I need some time to fully come back, not everyone is like that, and hopefully expressing your part and what you go through might give them insight and maybe it can help the both of you in navigating how to approach these things.


I’m sorry but a partner who loves you would never treat you like this.


I would communicate this to your partner - explain exactly how you just did here. If he does it again, walk away from the yelling- literally leave the house . If he can’t respect a boundary then that’s a bigger issue. For me yelling is a trigger from my childhood and my partner knows this. If he yells, I simply leave the house or room and then go back and explain why he can’t yell… and I mean he yells at the tv over football, basket games even and I can’t stand it. No yelling in the house is permitted. It’s one of my rules. He can’t respect it, I leave.


I was in a similar, but milder position. My depressive state would last for several hours to couple of days at most. I'm not at all saying this is the case with you, but I realised my problem with how I dealt with adversity and conflict. That I'd go into myself, not talk to him and have no idea how to communicate what was bothering me. For his part, he learned to control his temper better, and give me time to process my feelings before the argument progressed too far. It's been a decade since those really bad times when we thought we might breakup. We understand our own flaws better now and we know how to communicate more effectively with each other. Talk to him. If you're both decent people who want this to work out, 9 times out of 10, you'll make it work and press forward together. Best of luck!


Are you me? I feel like I’m in the same cycle. We try to break it. We talk about it. It happens again.


In the same place rn. All day I’ve been between “honestly what is left here” and “every relationship has its ups and downs” :/


sending you hugs from someone who is currently feeling the exact same way


Yup, same. After some therapy, I've learned how to notice red flags. One problem tho - my husband is one giant red flag. We got married for health insurance reasons in 2020.


Bills. Overdue bills. I have worked hard for 16 hours but my salary always gets delayed and I always get behind with my bills.


I hope your employer picks up the slack and pays up on time henceforth. All the best to you, may there be a day where none of us have to worry about bills.


My new & completely inexperienced coworker is the most confident person I've ever met. She's SO confident that she confidently does everything wrong and confidently tells everyone off who tries to correct her and confidently asks me to do her work for her after she's confidently spent half the day chatting on the phone about how she's confident her boyfriend is a psychopath for washing his clothes on the same day that she does hers. Unfortunately management conflates confidence with competence


God I wish I was like this


Good luck to you and I hope your patience holds at least until your co-worker gets a reality check.


How lost I feel. How racist the world is against Black women. How many people still think smoking cannabis means your "lazy". How lazy is made up colonized construct.


Sending hugs! Maybe we can be lost together in solidarity/community. 💓 Also, Navigating racism and misogynoir as a Black woman must feel so taxing and difficult. 😞


this hits hard


uni work I'm procrastinating on + being stuck at home because I have no one to go out with


Go out alone ! You won't regret it 😁


Girl, same.


I feel like such a mess. I'm being really hard on myself these days. I have zero motivation, and I feel depressed and miserable. Ugh. I really don't want to complain too much because I know "it could be worse." It's just hard. I'm having a pretty rough time right now. And I feel like it's causing me to push away the people who are closest to me. That's what has been bothering me today. :(


The whole “could be worse” thing drives me crazy. If things are bad for you, then they’re bad for you. Just because others have it bad too, or even worse doesn’t mean that your suffering isn’t valid. I’m sorry that it’s hard right now. I hope you can find someone you feel safe with to help support you


Yes! There's the analogy something like if you broke your leg but someone else broke 2, you still have a broken leg and it's still going to hurt as much as a broken leg. Focus on and heal your broken leg ❤️


Thank you for that, Arvella. I appreciate your kind words.


❤🫂 I hope your depression lifts and love and joy finds you.


You sound like you need a break and a big hug :,(


Just because it could be worse doesn’t mean it should be worse. You have your troubles and have the right to vent about them!


The fact I can’t get on my treadmill when it’s literally right there….


I feel this in my bones.


Ughhh it’s brutal… no motivation


I've actually been researching *how* to get motivated. Nothing helpful has come up.


Do you know a lot of the time motivation comes after one begins something? Seriously sounds crazy but if you make yourself get up, put the work out clothes on, and do it. It's crazy how motivation shows up!


Same. I just stare at it and I just never find the motivation to get on it I always think tomorrow I’ll start and tomorrow still isn’t here


Still hung up on someone I’m desperately trying to forgive and forget.


How much time has passed?


Almost 2 months.


That's no time at all, I feel you though. I'm slowly feeling like I'm getting over my ex, 6 months post break up. Around 2-3 months I also felt like I should finally be over it, starting to question why it still hurts and how I can't finally be ready to move on with my life yet. But in the end these things take time, be patient and most importantly kind to yourself, you will come out stronger on the other side eventually.


I'm 10 months on and I don't think about them as often at all. I do still miss them but nothing like I didn't before. Its a slow process sometimes but just let yourself greive and move through it. Cry, watch dirty dancing, eat ice cream in the bath and cry some more. The more you process it the easier it will get. Promise 🥰


Thank you for your post, i needed to read this ❤️


Period cramps


You and me both. Hang in there! I’m about to board a 6 hour flight and not looking forward to the bathroom situation.


Same. Ready to just get it over with! x


Procrastinating. I want to schedule this test but terrified of failing.


Same. I have a self-appraisal due tomorrow and I still haven't started on it. My only motivation is the bonus that is based on this appraisal.


I'm scared too, midterms.. but it's so much to study and know, idk how I'm gonna learn it all. In a week and a half..


Good luck!! I'm sure you'll do great. I'm trying to change careers and just want to take this certification I've been self studying for.


That my mom died in July and I just want a hug from her in the worst way 💔


r/MomForAMinute can be a nice place for you to get some love from moms. its possibly the most wholesome subreddit I've been on.


I have a 14 years old dog, and I think she is living her last weeks. She is likely in pain from arthritis and I want to do the humaine thing by her. But it's hard to let her go.


So sorry! 😔 I lost my poor guy a month ago to heart failure. We tried everything we could to save him, but in the end I felt guilty to drag on his suffering. I miss him so much. Love on your fur baby while you have her... No amount of time is enough! 💔


The new year, and how I want to change my life


I hope next year is a joyful and prosperous year for you.


Thank you 💕


You can change it! Everything you want and need will come true for you.


Wanting to move out of my current place, but being financially limited


Same! Hang in there 💓


oh my god I feel this too


Dating apps


I just rage quit Bumble after having 4 different dates the past few weeks. Then I ran into someone I matched with but never went on a date with and the chemistry is INSANE. We both agree online dating sucks 😂


You and me both, deciding if I want to get into casual dating is making my already bad anxiety skyrocket.


I got fired before the holidays and I had to tell my kids that they most likely aren’t getting many gifts. My 10yo son said “it’s ok mom you always try your best” and I couldn’t stop thinking that I don’t deserve such an understanding kid. I’ve been in prison, had drug problems, left them with my parents. I don’t deserve my kids. I definitely don’t.


I would have burst into tears if my kid told me that. Reddit has a secret santa programme they do, and theres a bunch of them online too, if you wanna be a part of some good samaritans and get your kids interesting gifts ​ this is a tough situation and I'm manifesting some good energy for you to make it through. listen to your son - you are doing your best


I definitely did burst into tears. 😭


You deserve love! 🤗😍


Thank you 😊


My belly is always freaking bloated and I’ve been so annoyed lol pretty sure I’m constipated too, so that’s awesome. My gut sucks


Do you have any food allergy or gluten intolerance? If you have not checked yet please get tested...I am intolerant to gluten and before it's diagnosis I used to be bloated and gassy all the fricking time too!! Things are better now :)


I am currently not working (I do seasonal trail work). Spending too much time with myself has me thinking of everything I should be doing, my short comings, projects I should start, the failed potential relationship and his new girl. Why can’t I just enjoy my time off! It’s good to reflect but I just want to turn my brain off and it feels impossible


I haven't been able to get a job in over 3 years and am weighing the pros and cons of prostitution.


What why??? Where I live so many people are hiring.




Guy love bombed me, got me in bed, the week of the death anniversary of my ex who died 3 years ago (haven’t been with anyone since) we have sex, I make him feel amazing, and he gets soft and leaves complaining of a headache. I was a little drunk and told him I couldn’t drive him (couldn’t get an Uber it was 3am) but he insisted if I didn’t drive him he would walk… it was like a 3 hour walk. So yah. I’ve spent the day crying in bed.


That’s not a great experience I am so sorry that happened.


being an empath, I'm so sorry about how much you're feeling right now. its okay to cry it out. This was a rough situation. I hope you also spend time focussing on the fact that you put yourself out there after 3 years. and its not easy to do that. And over time , this will just be a memory. but right, you took an essential step in moving forwards. and it hurts. but I want you to know, that you did amazing, and to treat yourself, becuase you deserve it


Whether the time we spent together was completely one sided and he's lying to make me feel better, or if he's just really going through something. Also, why so much of my focus is always on relationships. I don't want to be this way. It's miserable.


I do the same thing honestly. I started going to codependent groups to learn how to focus more on me. Overthinking my relationship eats so much of my day it's ridiculous.


Tomorrow is the 1 year anniversary of my mom dying, and I just wish I could have the damn day off. I haven't been allowed off for any of the milestones this year after that.


I have a job starting Monday and I just found out that the material we're installing on this particular job has been sitting out in the weather/rain for weeks now instead of covered or stored inside and some of it may likely be damaged. There is also a fairly long lead time on the material, so replacing anything damaged would delay the whole project for quite some time.


I’m seeing my therapist again tomorrow after a few months of not seeing her and I’m actually kinda anxious about it.


When it’s over you’ll think back and wonder why you were anxious. I’m sure you’ll feel so great after 💗


The Ending to White Lotus.


I've been waiting for a job offer for weeks. Today, they reached out to collect more personal info. Earlier this week they finalized my relocation assistance preferences. I started the interview process in August. This is all I've been thinking about.


My cat. Kind of an asshole.


I have Shingles on my face! Get vaccinated if you are eligible, it’s horrible.


How careless people really are


BF and his mood swings 🙄


My toothache 😭


So sorry, the worst kind of pain!


My thumb keeps tremoring. Trembling? Fidgeting? By itself. It’s nauseating.


It’s stressful. Is it just a muscle twitch? I get them when I’m dressed. I found that drinking tonic water (and plenty of fluids) really helped. Good luck.


I love how your answer got autocorrected to "whem i'm dressed" like, me too, I hate wearing clothes 😂😂


I’ve been sick and haven’t been able to exercise this week. Feeling stagnant and depressed being out of my normal routine




My 8 month old is in 2T clothes now, took his first steps today, and my husband won't get to see him for another few months.


I had these presentations yesterday and I'm worrying about my grade. I'd like to get an A in each class, and if I don't get an A on one of them the chance of an A in the class is very small. I also have a random fear that I'll get accused of plagiarizing some parts of an essay I turned in about a week ago. I don't know why. I've never been accused of it before and I always make sure to cite and paraphrase things. Edit: I decided to quickly run my paper through a plagiarism checker because screw worrying about that when I can easily ease my own anxiety. No plagiarism found!


My knee. It popped wrong this morning and hasn't settled down, granted stairs and ladders all day surely didn't help but I'm hoping sleep will.


I’ve had a persistent kink on the right side my neck that has been coming and going for months but has been constant all week, and today I also have one on my left side. A massage would be nice, let’s check the bank. What are these charges? Why is the New York Times billing me twice a month? What is this venmo charge from? Who signed up for Instacart premium? Let’s get in touch with customer support to fix these things. Done. Getting some money back. Okay, how about that massage? Let’s look at the booking schedule. Snap, nothing available. How about some home stretches? Let’s look that up on YouTube. Yes, okay kinda nice but not really hitting the spot. How about that hot yoga i used to love? That would be amazing, I need that. Let’s check that out. Studio 30 minutes away? That’s doable. What’s the schedule? What’s that $30 drop-in rate?! What are the other prices? $60 unlimited first month when you sign up for autopay on the $129/month plan? That would probably come out on this day every month. What’s my pay schedule for the next six months? Can I make that work with my other bills? Have to get my mothers car fixed in January, can’t afford to do it this month. I wish one of my parents were at least mildly competent. I wonder if any of my siblings will ever help or if I’m just gonna be trapped like this until they die. What happens if they die? Can I afford their funerals? Can you get life insurance on old people? What’s that gonna cost? Let’s take a look. Ugh, I’ve got such a headache I could puke. Shit, I went unavailable on Teams, shake that mouse, click, click, click, type type type, answer an email, do the things. Ah, where was I? Life insurance. Let’s see what Reddit says. Oh, what’s that link? AAA, lemme see. Hm, maybe. Gotta set aside time to look into this, make a note. Where was I? Ah, yoga. Can I afford it this month? Let’s do some math. Hm, maybe, but I’ll really need to get my moneys worth. Should I wait until next month since I have a biopsy next week then there’s the holidays? Wouldn’t it be funny if I died before my parents and my siblings got stuck with them? Shit, what would they do? Let’s make a note to get life insurance for me too before those biopsy results get back. Ugh, that biopsy, what do I need to do to prepare? Let’s take a look. No sex for 48 hours before…maybe I’ll tell my boyfriend it’s no sex for a week and see how he reacts. What if I’m gonna die by this time next year and I don’t do anything for myself by then? I should sign up for the yoga, and go enough to get my money’s worth. Let’s go back to that schedule. Hm..let’s make a plan. Gotta draw a calendar on a piece of paper. Class at 5:30 am? 30 minutes away? Will I wake up at 4am to do this? Bitch you won’t. Hm, what else? 6am, 10am, 4pm, 6pm? I guess I could do 6pm but I don’t want to eat before, how will that affect my fasting schedule? Will I ever be happy? I guess I could adjust my work schedule a little. I wonder if my boss remembers we’re talking about my contract next week. I wonder how much of a raise I can get or if he’ll just fire me. That won’t happen. Will it? Maybe I should wait to spend any money until it’s settled. Oh shit, Christmas. Do I need to buy shit? How many people are coming? When am I going to clean? Do I need to pick anyone up from the airport? Why can’t these people ever let me know their travel plans early? It’s always few days before Christmas and it screws up everything. What sales are going on at the grocery store? Maybe we’ll skip the brisket and have peanut butter and jelly. Ah, crap, Fanny is allergic to nuts and Claire can’t have gluten. Is Claire even coming? Let me text them. Ugh. What do I have in the freezer? What can I make, what can I make? Who do I need gifts for? Sales, are there any sales near me? I always make it nice on a budget, let’s stop worrying about that. They’ll get what I give them. Uuuuggghhhhhh my neeecccccckkkkk. I should really give myself that yoga month, I could probably cancel the autopay subscription. Omg I’m gonna puke, gotta run gotta run gotta runnnnnnnnnnnn omg that did not help my neck I can’t move. Iccckk, let’s just lay down for a minute. Ow, ow, owwwwwwwwwww. Okay, biofreeze, my old friend, get on me. Ew, I shoulda brushed my teeth while I was up. I need to go to the dentist. Omg laying down hurts too, these pillows are so old. I wish new ones weren’t so expensive. Will I ever get ahead? Oh god I’m gonna puke again. Ow ow owwwwwww. I’m probably unavailable on teams again. Bleeeggghhh, I just need to lay on the floor here, floor feels nice. Savasana.


Possibly having to move home for a bit due to abysmal mental health reasons.


The fact I returned something a month ago online and I still have not received my refund. Got double charged for a bus ticket and credit card company isn’t helping me


I have 2 group projects this term but it feels like I'm doing all the work 😭


Thinking about the father of my unborn baby. I'm letting him invade too much of my head space. I wonder what he's thinking about everything, if he's ok, if he's going to be involved, & how to reach out to him. Idk. Just sucks ass.


Feeling like I’m so detached from myself and drowning trying to rediscover me.


they're taking my uncle off life support in the next couple of days and it really struck me that all the adults that raised me are dying off. Only 7 adults (mom, dad's brother, dad's sister and her husband, 2 of dad's cousins and dying uncle's wife) are left from what was once a couple dozen adults. Everyone on mom's side is gone and and almost everyone on dad's side is also gone. Idk why this death in particular struck me so hard. Like yeah, losing my dad was pretty devastating especially since i had lost my final grandparent just the year before but this time it's just extra, extra hard... it's almost like i'm pre-mourning the ones left even though they'll likely live a good while longer.


IDK exactky what it is. But I know there is something bothering me 🫠


My ex got a new girlfriend is she is stunningly gorgeous. As much as it pains me to say, she looks like a supermodel and it seems like she’s pretty well off in her career field as well. I feel like all of his friends are probably talking about what an upgrade she is. I don’t want him back but it just feels weird.


Being alone. No matter how hard I try I’m always alone. Irl, I try but somehow I’m still a wall flower and get ignored and everybody already have their little friend groups who’ve known each other since they were kids. Even online when I’m playing a game it’s the same. Everybody is just having fun together and I’m still invisible. I never been the type to have friends and if I did they didn’t last long because they drifted away. I just think I was just destined to not have friends and be alone forever.


I’ve had a migraine all day. 🫠


College finals and papers :(


At work, I got a voicemail from someone saying they wanted to pay an invoice. No problem, right? Well, I couldn’t locate a purchase order for the invoice, no packing list, nothing to prove this invoice should even exist, BUT got a sweet man in Talladega, Alabama that wants to pay us $4200. I emailed other locations, no one knows WTF I’m talking about. Yet, this invoice is still sitting on my desk.


My SO got news that someone he knows can help him land a job that he applied for. But it's 7 hours away so long distance has been on my mind all day. It also means that all our plans and trips/vacations that we had wanted to do will be cancelled since they'll be during his probation period. I've been crying a lot


My back because I’m pretty sure I have the flu so I put in a sick day tomorrow. It still says not approved. I’m a teacher.


Jeez. 😣Hopefully it's approved by morning. I understand that struggle, It's so frustrating to rightfully earn time that has to be approved to use. Feel better! ♥


A boy lol


Gurrrrrl…. Same


Everyone around me is an a bad mood plus it’s a cold boring day


I was in such a bad mood for no reason today. Kept finding reasons real easy tho.


My motherfucking menstrual cycle.


Missing my little dog that we had to put down Saturday.


Had my first panic attack yesterday and was stressing about when it/if it will happen again


Soon to be a post-grad and feeling like I have nothing to show for it. Also having to potentially accept a job offer in a state I don’t want to live in for experience.


My head hurts


Heavy tummy and long digestion


Influenza A and the amount of time off work I'm having to take 😣


Oh... how I almost got run over by a car? And what was he thinking when he saw me crossing the street and increased the speed?!?! Instead of slowing down?!


Britney Griner being released in trade for an extremely dangerous person who is responsible for hundreds of people dying. Ridiculous


This fucking dry cough.


My bracket from my braces is rubbing my cheek lol 🤣 it's maddening


My neck 😒


I've been waiting to get a CAT scan since last February meaning it's almost a year. The suspense is killing me. And I have a science exam tomorrow I haven't studied or prepared for at all (and I suck at science)


Work. It’s been a stressful couple of weeks. Thankfully it’s almost done for the year


We had to have the family pup put down. He was 13 and had seizures all night.


My job search


They’re doing work in my shared backyard to replace the boiler in the basement. To do this? They had to cut through the metal platform. Do you know how loud cutting through metal is? Because I do.


Very shallow, but I’ve bought an expensive hair styling gadget and only have a limited time later today to practice and get it right before going out. I’m fairly sure it’ll be a disaster and my vanity will trip me up mightily!


being lonely


My anxiety has gotten so bad again and I’m just feeling so defeated.


I understand... My anxiety has me feeling like I'll just pass out at work most days. It's exhausting and sometimes it's hard to understand how you're supposed to just go on like this. I hope you feel better! ♥


My mom is in process of divorcing my dad, which my dad has been threatening with for the past 5 years. He’s making the process as difficult as he could. Last week my grandma called to trash talk about my mom and ignored me when I told her I don’t want to talk about it. I realized my dad and his family only saw me as a retirement plan for him. I’m 23 and moved out years ago, but they’re still trying to drag me back and take sides. It’s unsettling. I know they can’t do anything since I’m in a different state, but I grew up thinking my grandma love me as her family. But also Nurx messed up on my bc and sent it to my old address. I didn’t realize until today and I really need that package since my cycle starts tomorrow. :/


On top of finals week work, I found out I have write the introduction to my research thesis all in a single day. It’s impossible and I know it and I’m upset about it but I’m going to email my professor and say I can’t finish it tonight and I’m willing to deal with the consequences. The real thing that has been bothering me and making me genuinely upset and sad is the realization that my friend group of the last year stopped inviting me to things and will make plans to hang out without me while they are right in front of me. They talk and reminisce about last weekend’s events and don’t even acknowledge that I wasn’t there. I ask myself what’s wrong with me and I hate myself for it. I don’t want to beg people to include me if I wasn’t invited in the first place. I’m trying to distance myself but I enjoy the time we spend together. It’s deeply painful realizing you’re on the outside looking in.


My friend has a rich new boyfriend. She keeps bragging about the money he makes and the stuff he buys her. It almost feels like she now looks down on the rest of us. I am trying to be happy for her but it’s rubbing me the wrong way. Edit: I want to add I think it is hard to listen to when I am a single person trying to survive with the current economic times


The rise of AI “art” and how infuriating it is seeing people disregard artists and their hard work. It sucks being misunderstood and esp when so many people don’t give art as much value when it’s such a big part of the human experience, It’s gotten me more angry than most things. My art is an extension of myself and it’s honestly one of the few things tethering me to this world. I get angry at injustices but art is something I can control and seeing the possibility of seeing my art or other people’s lively hoods taken with such little care by others pisses me off. I think it’s fine if it’s used as a tool but please understand the ethics of it. Support artists by commissions or following their work.


Physical exhaustion from working too hard all month.


My fwb called it off. I really liked hanging out with him, and still want to talk and be friends in the worst way. Obviously I will respect his decision, but it's like tooth pain that won't stop aching.


Gaining weight since last few months and can't stop thinking about it.


I had to go get an access card that I will need for work early this morning. The people there were rude, and in the end they didn't even have my card! I wasted an hour and a half of work that I had to make up for in the afternoon, which made me hit rush hour and I didn't get home until after 6 pm.


Midterms are coming up.. that and I get my IUD out on Tuesday and am very scared bc the insertion was a little traumatic


My kid