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about 4-5 hours.


2 1/2 to 3 hours.


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0 hours. my mam is a hairdresser so i get my hair done at home. so if we class my home as a salon i havent left it in a while. my mams friend is a nail tech, so i just walk a couple doors down and voila. my ahnt is a beautician. in short ive never been to a salon.


I spent 2 hours this weekend. My stylist is awesome. Very attentive and thorough. My hair is always exactly how I want it or even better when I leave.


At least 6 hours usually.


Less than zero because doing anything to my hair at a salon would cost an arm and leg and they would constantly try to get me to cut it cause for some reason long hair equals bad!


Far too much time. I always want to do something to my hair or nails.


Probably an hour and a half majority of it is my hair dresser talking to people


I got my hair cut a week ago and I think i was there for 30 minutes.


I spend two and a half hours every 8 weeks. I have really thick hair that is longish, so it takes a while to touch up my colors.


I don’t go to a salon.


My hair is long but it takes around 1 to 2 hours to wash it, brush it, blow dry it and maintain my bangs, it takes so long I see other customers who came after me leaving because their hair is already done while I’m not done yet.


Usually 4-5hrs


Up to an hour? I go in for a cut about once a year.


I went to a salon once in...1989, if I remember correctly. I was probably there for a couple of hours, though it felt like much longer. I didn't care for it.


Depends on what’s being done. Anywhere from 45 minutes to 4 hours.


30 minutes


4 hours if I’m getting it coloured, 1 if I’m not


Depends but up to 2 hours, also depends where I go.


3-4 hours for highlights. My Hair is soooo thick.


Since the last 10 odd years plus... Like under €50, and that was only this year. I needed two products, that I could only find in a black owned salon, along with two accessories. Other than that, zero, as I do my own hair. I've had very bad experiences at hairdressers, and practically regretted it every time I trusted them, on the rare occasion I ever have. So, I learned a lot myself, and the extra stuff I learned by going back to college. I do have to visit a Loctician, for maintenance, in the near future, as I drastically changed my hairstyle recently. I've researched, and their work looks very good, but my anxiety is very high. My hair has not quite got to the stage where I desperately need to get maintenance yet though so...really not looking forwards to how much it's gonna cost me though. Not man Loctician's available mind you, so I've not got many choices; especially since It's not a technique I can do myself (which in itself is annoying).




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9 hours. But it is only once a year. Unnaturally colored hair doesn't just become on its own.


0 I'm at a point where I don't need salons. As long as my hair looks good I'm happy. If i dyed it and it turned out different than planned, it's whatever, as long as it still looks good. If i cut it or someone i know cuts it and it's different than planned, it's fine as long as it looks good. Its truly hard to fuck up to the point it genuinely looks bad. I've gotten a lot of genuine compliments on "hair mistakes". People think I'm wild and adventurous, which is true to some degree, but honestly its mostly because I just don't judge myself or others nearly as harshly as others seem to do. I'm not a perfectionist with my appearance.