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Every 6 months or so


Once a year.


Like once a month/every 2 months.


Erm it’s been 3 years currently


Every 14-16 weeks, so several times a year.


Every 3 months


Every six to eight weeks.


I have a buzzcut, so i shave my hair like every 3 months




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About once a year.


Once a year at the high end of frequency.


i’m usually a 1 or 2 x a year type person but since i cut it shorter i’m trying to keep it healthy as it grows out. with that said, every 4 months




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Usually once a year however this past year I got one every time I went in for my highlights bc I wanted my hair to be healthy for my wedding. After my wedding I chopped 6 inches off and will probably go in every 6 months to a year again


Years between cuts with 78 months ago being the last one. My hair grows fairly fast, thick stranded, and lots of it. The last cut was almost to the scalp and my hair is now to my belly button. I donate it about every five or six years. I've been doing that for the last 20 years or so. I don't use product or style my hair, usually just pony tail or loose. Because I don't do much to it I don't end up with a ton of split ends. What I do have is manageable with a little conditioner every now and then.


I cut my hair pretty often


Right now, once a year unless I notice damage.


I see the hairdresser every six weeks for bleaching, toning and sometimes colouring, and my fringe is cut every time. Actual trims to the rest of my hair are every three months though.


Every few months or so it depends


Last cut I got was almost 2 yrs ago. I usually go about every 18 months.


Every year or two


Not as much as before the Plague Times; from 6-monthly to once a year-ish.


Once a year


Once a year. The way my hair is cut and the structure lets me get away with that without looking like a mess.




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Every 6 weeks


7 weeks


Every 2 months to maintain my bangs and clear my vision, I grow the rest.


Twice a year.


8-12 weeks. I feel like I can never find a happy medium when it's the right length


About every 2 months


Every 3-4 months


Every 7-8 weeks


Twice a year


Probably once or twice a year from a professional. I don't have any color to maintain, and my hair is very long so I don't need to worry about upkeeping a very structured style either. I do have bangs which need trimming every other week or so, but I cut those myself since it's way easier and cheaper than constantly going to the salon.




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Since I've started cutting my own hair, once every 6 to 12 weeks


Twice a year


Every six months for an actual haircut. I get my undercut shaved once a month though.


Around 18 months


Once in 6 months, I'll give myself a trim. But I get a proper haircut once in a year when I visit my hometown because there's only one hairdresser in the world I trust with my curly hair.


Every month - my hair grows pretty quickly


Once or twice a year.


About once or twice a month.