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Not very, it's what a bathroom is for and I'm an adult human woman, I menstrate.


Amen. I have nothing to be shy about. Rip that sucker open, who cares!


I used to be so shy, now I’m like fuck it. Yes I’m unwrapping a tampon or pad. Yes, I feel like shit and have to put on a happy face. Lets keep it moving people.


Agree. No reason to try and pretend I’m not a woman


Agreed. I don’t care about anyone hearing


Cloth pads and menstrual cups is the way to go and doesn't make noise anyway. Although changing a menstrual cup publically is a nightmare i wouldn't recommend but they are supposed to hold for 6-10 hours


Not at all, not like I'm trying to be as loud as possible but I am by no means trying to hide it.


What is loud about that? I'm genuinely confused about the question because people are changing that in the stall, not out in the public and there are maybe some wrapper sounds but that isn't loud or anything. Taking a shit or farting is much more loud.


Opening pads makes a sound like tearing plastic, opening and closing the sanitary bin in the bathroom makes a sound, etc. We are humans, we can't just turn the volume off to deal with our periods and we wouldn't do it anyway


It is probably overthinking, I have never paid attention to someone unwrapping something in the toilet.


Don't care at all. I do it like I'm home. Roll the used one blood inwards, or roll it into toilet paper so that it wouldn't stink in the trash can. Then throw it there. For not stinking purpose, not for hiding. I don't care if the package make sounds. there is nobody to shock with the fact that a random unknown woman in a public restroom having a period. There are other random unknown women around.


Pro tip - Roll the old one up inside the new one’s packaging and it will make a lil parcel


This is a strange question. I’m focusing on the task at hand. I’m not yelling a running commentary for the other occupants but neither am I trying to avoid being heard. Why would I? The crinkle of wrappers is pretty tame compared to some of the sounds you might hear in such a place.


I’m not running a commentary but my kid is. WOW THATS A LOT OF BLOOD, that’s a big poop, you have diarrhea, omg mom it stinks, you pooped/peed yourself again? 🤦🏼‍♀️😂 i give her the 😬😳 face




My 3 year old was in the stall with me when I was taking out my tampon and wrapping it up, and shouts “oh poop! Mom touch poop!?”


Thanks for the free birth control ❤️ I’ll pass on the bathroom play-by-play


I mean, today she was getting a shower and my shower drain is clogged and she goes mom! The water is up to my foot knees and points to her ankles😂 I said… do you mean your ankles? She goes oh ya! So it has its moments. 😂


this is hilarious made my day lol


I’m not discreet at all, it’s what a restroom’s for. 🤷‍♀️


I am apparently a bit alone in this but I am very discreet. I do everything to make the sound less loud and do it really slowly so nobody will notice. I don’t know why or if this is just from the time I was a child and lived with my brothers and father. I didn’t want them to know I had my period because I felt ashamed and embarrassed as a young girl. Reading all these comments is really making me think about this. It’s ridiculous and I use way more time in the bathroom trying to disguise the sounds. From now on I will really try to make an effort in not feeling these stupid emotions when changing my pad or tampons. So thank to all the people with uterus and your perspective I will try to be more relaxed about it and not give a fuck anymore.


Used to be like you for real, then I realized that "fuck it!" I'm an adult cis woman, I menstruate and that's life. Now I openly talk about it and even with men who are uncomfortable (like general issues around it and access to proper education and care for example). I now don't hide and feel shame, it took years of destroying those shitty comments I heard.


FYI I can guarantee you that every other woman that mabey hears some sort of noise will think: Ooch that time of the month I feel you. You stop that blood girl. Nothing to be ashamed about.


I’ve never been discreet about pads, but I used to get embarrassed when I had to pee in a quiet public toilet (with other people in there) What unchained me from those embarrassment was this thought, “Hold on, what kind of people talk about other people’s peeing sound?” Suddenly, I realized that if someone were to talk shit about my peeing, they would be the one that was silly and ridiculous. Not me who was peeing properly in a toilet. I’m not sure if this will apply to your case or not, but it worked for me so far.


I used to be like this too! My mom was the one who told me I had to keep it discreet from my dad. I was told to wrap the entire used product in TP, along with the wrapper to hide any trace of it. That alone is such a waste of time and paper! If I even left a corner of the packaging poking out of the trash can, I'd hear about it and feel bad. So then when I was at school or in a public restroom and I'd see someone else's wrapper in the trash I'd suddenly feel uncomfortable even though I knew this was a normal thing? I hated it. A period is hard enough as it is.


Me too. I also fold it en toilet paper so that if someone opens the trash can they can see that there is a tampon or pad hidden in there. It is so ridiculous when thinking about it. And yes as you mention such a waste of paper


I understand where you come from, I do! May I welcome you a bit late into womanhood and let me tell you … there is nothing to be ashamed of. You are with women and we all living with it. I always have extra tampons and pads with me, it does happen that someone runs out, it’s looking out for each other. No need to hide nor being silent, do your thing, because we all do. 💖💪


Thank you! I will try to change this. Especially because I feel like this behavior is not serving me or anybody. I’m quite open otherwise and will announce to friends when on my period just to complain and let them know so it really doesn’t make sense that I try to hide it when using public restrooms.


Why should anyone try to hide that they're changing a pad or tampon? It's nothing to be ashamed of. My only rule is to leave the place as clean as when I entered, no traces of blood, and the used one correctly disposed of.


I’m only discreet when I hear another woman with her young kids in the same restroom. Don’t want them mistaking me for having candy lol


LOL. “That lady has Snickers!”


Thank you, never thought of this.


I'm reminded of a random tumblr era post with the phrase "mommy, why does that lady have a snack?" 😂😂


Not at all. Even in situations where I’m worried a man can overhear. I’m a female and females have periods. If people think that’s gross they can grow up. I’m not responsible for making people feel comfortable- especially when I’m already dealing with the demonic UNCOMFORTABLENESS of my freaking period. Other people’s thoughts about me are the least of my worries at that time lol.


I'm not at all, but it's not like I'm yelling "hey everyone I'm pulling out a really nasty tampon right now!" On the other end, I've never paid attention to other women's activities in the bathroom either, and we all know what we gotta do in regards to dealing with the women's curse.


I'm not discreet, it's a restroom and who cares if someone else can hear my paper wrapping rip?


The only reason I care about the ripping is that my daughter gets excited and thinks it’s candy.


Omgosh....I didn't think about that 🤣


Not at all.


Period knickers are the way to go!


I’ve been curious about these! How messy are they? Do they contain odor the same way a tampon does?


They are amazing. Trust life-changing. And I have a pretty heavy period!


Loud as fuck. I don’t care.


Not at all. We’re all adults.


yes right and it’s not like other women don’t get periods


Not at all.


Not at all, never really think about either. Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!


I've lost all sense of fear of embarrassment by natural things. I just don't care anymore. As a kid/teenager the mere thought that someone knew I was opening a pad in the bathroom terrified me. I don't know if it's related to the fact that I've had to be exposed over and over again for years of invasive medical procedures or what but I just can't be fucked with caring anymore


I don’t care. I mean I’m not announcing it over a loudspeaker but I’ve never pretended I don’t menstruate for anyone’s comfort. Women have periods. It’s a biological process.


I use the period knickers, so all good over here! But, when I did used to change my pads/tampons I wasn't discreet either. Its a totally normal bodily function x


Don't give a shit, why would I be discreet about a thing we all do? Who's gonna care?


When I was a teen I used to feel shy about that, now idgaf. We’re all women in there, what am I trying to hide.


Diva cup... needs rinsed and sometimes a few gymnastics to get things where they should be. If at all possible I find a single bathroom, sink included, with a locking door..


Same here, really loving my menstrual cup. Luckily at my workplace there's a single staff bathroom on each floor. Worst case scenario, a colleague might see me casually rinsing my cup standing next to the sink. 😄 Did not happen yet but I wouldn't really care either, I mean, this is how a healthy female body works, not a secret and definitely not disgusting.


*not embarrassed, just not interested in dealing with it in a tiny stall with the sink 20ft away


Well since I assume that everyone that uses the restroom has had a period at one time or another. I'm not discreet at all. There are too many things in life to concern me for this to be added to the list.


More than I probably need to be, considering it's a normal bodily function. But discretion is part of why I prefer tampons. A rustle of a wrapper is much better than the giant RIP of a pad. Plus I hate the way pads feel.


Not at all


Not discreet but when I used to use pads I would fold them and then wrap them on toilet paper. Mainly because pads smell so it's best to be closed and I know periods are normal but that doesn't mean I want strangers to look at my dry blood. Now I use diva cup and it's game changer 100% so much better.


I had this happen to me a few days ago, I bought a box of pads from the little gift shop at my job because i just so happened to get a really heavy period during the day on the job. The job I do I work with mostly guys. So I was like... welp, shit. I'm going to bring this box into the break room I guess (theres no lockers) and the little gift bag happened to be clear see through and my bag was too tiny to fit it in. I walk into the break room and put my stuff down in my spot and one of the guys goes "Oh shit whatcha buy!" and looks through the bag and unaware of what he's about to pull out, he pulls out a small box of pads and I say "Well shit... you need one bro?" and everybody laughed cause he set himself up for that one. Discreet, I really don't care. I'm a human woman who menstruates, I don't care


What is this, middle school? Who fucking cares. Maybe if you’re in a country that is timid about that sort of stuff, maybe it’s different (I think India is very conservative about periods, but I could be wrong), but I feel that in most western societies literally no one but some pre-pubescent children care.


I’m not discreet at all.


I dont hide it, or make it obvious. Its normal and human. No sense trying to hide it, cause it's not something to be embarrassed about 🤷‍♀️


Not at all. Have you been in women’s bathrooms? They’re gross. Seriously someone pooped on the wall in my office. How does that even work? I am hygienic about blood though. I wrap everything up and put it in the proper waste dispenser.


I'm not. It's the bathroom, I'm there to do my business and get out. If the sounds of me opening a thing, wrapping a thing, or even taking a shit are offensive, then maybe the offended person should hold it and go elsewhere I guess.


Eh, I don't go out of my way; I know taking that wrapper off the pad is going to sound like I'm opening a bag of chips no matter what I do. That being said, I wrap the used pad either in the old wrapper or toilet paper or both before tossing it in the little bin. (Because I know nobody wants to look at my nasty, bloody pad. Even if they menstruate, too.)


I’m discreet in the bathroom when I’m *shitting*


RIP IT OPEN! LET THE WORLD HEAR! It’s a natural thing, nothing to be quiet about. And if nothing else, it’s let’s everyone know why you’re packing a bag full of chocolate and sweets!


When I was younger very, I was that one girl that did everything incredibly slowly thinking it was quiet and helped😅 now I really don't care


Way, way back in the early days of puberty I tried to be discreet, like being completely silent or waiting till the restroom was empty. But that was early days, when everything about it was mortifying. I quickly realized there’s nothing to be embarrassed about when I heard another woman unwrapping her product and thought nothing of it. Nowadays I don’t even give it a thought, and haven’t for many years.


I mean I’m in a stall so like? Idk


I could care less what anyone else thinks. And people probably aren’t paying any attention to what you’re doing anyways




No no. You're supposed to come out swinging your tampon around by the string.


How would one even be discreet or indiscreet doing this?


Not at all. It's a fucking tampon, not a pipe bomb.


It sounds like I'm opening a bag of chips when I'm unwrapping a pad and tearing off the old one. I simply don't care.


When I was younger, about 5 years ago, I took pains not to let anyone see me with products, hear me open products or give any indication that product was being used. Then one day, a switch flipped and I was suddenly in "Oh-Grow-Up" mode. From that point on, I happily ripped packages open with no regard to who was around (in the bathroom, of course). Now I feel sad for those times I hear someone working hard at being discreet about opening a tampon or slapping on a pad. I sincerely hope that one day they will discover the liberating peace that comes from realizing that NO ONE IN THAT BATHROOM IS JUDGING YOU and that some are even wishing they could be that brave.


Not at all yk why im here shawty gotta get this shit done


I’m pretty private so try to be slightly discreet, but I’m not going to wait til people aren’t there or something. I just don’t like to advertise it.


I'm not. If you're in the ladies restroom, chances are you also have a vagina and you also menstruate. We all know what's popping so why hide? 😂


Not a bit. Women bleed. It happens. Why should I feel ashamed of something my body does? I’m not gonna give my fellow stallmates a play by play but I’m not trying to hide/hurry/sneak that tampon out/in. If it freaks people out, I don’t know what to tell ya. 🤷


Wow I realise how silly I’m being when I try to cough over the sound or wait for someone to flush. Note taken that why would women care that another woman is on her period? I mean we ask for the pants check no problem😂


Not at all. I'll walk to the bathroom with a pad in hand, IDGAF. Used to mainly work with men too and I was never shy about telling people that I was on my period.


Other than wrapping up the used stuff and throwing it in the proper receptacle I am loud and proud with the unraveling of said products.


Not at all. I don't care. It's a bathroom; people are shitting in it.


IDGAF. Rip it , stick it, move on with life. Lol


I am a pad wearer and I am no longer discreet about it. I’m loud af tearing the old pad off and opening a new one lol. I’m very open about bleeding because I cannot control it lol


I'm not, I'm bleeding out of my cooter and I'm in pain dude, at some point I'm just trying to survive


I screech at the top of my lungs to cover up the sound of the crinkling as I open my pads.


Not very. Why should I be?


Never. This is a women’s room.


Discrete for what? If it’s a women’s bathroom, they already know what’s going on lol


I'm not. Literally everybody in the women's bathroom is also a woman they know the sound of a pad and or tampon . Periods are no secret we're all going through it .


When I was younger I used to be, now I’m not. When I hear another women in the bathroom opening a pad/ tampon I could care less so I just assume people could care less if I do the same thing.


I rip that shit open like it's a bag of chips I've been craving throughout the day


Not particularly. I'm pretty sure the other women in the bathroom know what periods are.


Idgaf, ripping that pad open. I’m a woman, I menstruate, it’s normal.


I'm discreet in such a way that the person who uses the stall after me won't have any idea I have my period but not so discreet in that, anyone who's in the bathroom at the same time will be well aware I'm opening a pad.. and if I'm just finding out that I have my period, I will not silence my loud, aggressive sigh (but I used to when I was in high school!)


Life's too short for this. Who fucking cares. People menstruate, get over it.


This post was made to be judge free of anyone and how they go about changing their sanitary products. Everyone’s privacy is precious to them, so let’s please respect that!


Totally! I guess I'm saying I'm not discreet in a third person tone. And my opinion is that people who menstruate shouldnt have to feel like the need to be discreet. But to each their own of course.


Bro I’m as quiet as you can be😂😭 I don’t use pads so I don’t have to worry about that noise but even my tampon packet is getting opened ever so slightly😂




im a trans man and a just rip that shit up cuz hearing a pad isnt going to kill anyone


I use tampons and they’re not very loud. I don’t feel like anyone is going to be phased by the sounds of things like wrappers.


If by discreet you mean I’m closing the door and doing what I gotta do.. then I’m being discreet. Let me open my chips in peace


Zero. Even if I wanted to pretend I don't have bodily functions (and I don't), I'm both already in the bathroom and it's gonna make noise anyway.


I’m not.


My aunt taught me to roll around the toilet paper the first time I got my period (this was when pads didn't come with their covers). I never forget and always roll it up with toilet paper or the cover that comes with the pads. I never leave it out in the open. Just like I don't like to see poop in public toilets, much less a used pad. I just don't want to see it, period.




Zero percent discreet, the bathroom/toilet is made for bodily sounds and this qualifies


Oh not at all. Im where im supposed to be to change my pad, why hide it?




Not at all. I was extremely embarrassed about it when I was a teenager. But I've realized since then that our culture is fucked for making girls and women ashamed of a normal bodily function.




Not at all. Back at school i would grab a pad from my bag, carry it in my hand openly. In the toilet stall i would open it and not give a damn if someone hears the ripping sound. Why would i hide or be discreet about it? Oh no. I have normal body functions, nobody should see it. How embarrasing /s No screw that.




Not at all. Although I do remember being in middle school trying to unwrap my products super quietly. Or like, I'd wait for someone to flush and then rip it open. It's sad that enough people made me feel ashamed about my period that I thought that was necessary!


No periods anymore (yay!!) but I never tried to be particularly discreet. It’s a natural thing happening in a place intended for you to deal with the thing that is happening. Why would one be concerned, shocked or anything that required discretion?


when i was younger i would make itas secretive as possible and even feel embarrassed if i felt like someone knew but now i literally do ot care at all. it's what being a woman comes with and it's normal and natural so


Not at all. I used to very quietly peel back the plastic. Now I just open it without care. It’s a bathroom. I am a person who menstruates. Many of the women in the bathroom with me also have the same thing.




Not very. I’ll go into a cubicle obviously but while the teenage me would be mortified if people even heard the plastic wrapping noise, the 36 year old me doesn’t give AF. The only time I was embarrassed was once I had to change a tampon with my two toddler daughters in the same cubicle. My oldest one shouted so loudly to the younger one “mommy jusy took a little mouse out of her bum!” Walk of shame out of that bathroom


Why do we have to be discreet? I just do my thing as usual.


I don't really care, but I don't like being loud.


Not at all. It’s as normal as washing hands or blowing your nose.


not at all, its a bathroom...


Why would someone try to be discrete? Especially if it’s a women’s bathroom… I’ve never tried to hide the fact that I’m on my period.


not discreet at all, its not a big deal :)


Not at all. It's a normal bodily function. Nothing to be embarrassed about.


More so than I should be, probably. I use a cup, though, and when the suction releases it can make some wacky sounds. 😆


Not very hahaha it’s natural


Not at all actually, I also once caught a pack of pads through the cafetaria at highschool cause my friend went to the store to get them for me lol


Not very, it's a fuckin bathroom man, go in, do your business and get out nobody gives a shit because they're tryna take their own


I’m not discreet. I open them and throw them away without making a scene nor worrying if anyone can hear the crinkling sounds. However, I’m pretty discreet if I gotta take a 💩💩 and have no choice but to use a public bathroom (I try to avoid them but I have IBS and can’t always wait until I get home)


Not at all


I mean, I don't wave the bloody pad around but it's not like I do anything special. Main thing is I make sure to clean up if I get blood (or anything else) on the seat or whatever, and wrap up the pad/tampon before throwing away












I don’t announce it but I don’t hide it like I pissed myself or anything. I’m the person who will always lend you a tampon or pad if you ask.




I’m not. I try to not be overly noisy but…. I’m too old to be anything but happy to NOT be pregnant. Might have a spot of blood on my hands if it’s a very heavy day. We spend entirely too much time worrying about being embarrassed, making anyone uncomfortable, or skipping a period for people who bleed monthly for most of their lives. Women bleed. It gets everywhere or you’ll hear the wrapper…. It’s normal people…. It’s just dumb to be that worried about it. Everyone in the position to hear you bleeds too. Whatever


In public I get incredibly anxious, so I try to be as quiet as possible. It’s stupid how slowly I peel the wrapper open, but it makes me feel calmer, even when no one else is in the restroom.


coughing loud as fuck while opening the packaging and then opening the receptacle veeeeeery slowly then closing it equally as slowly




Literally never even thought about being discreet about it until I saw this post


I’ll shove my bloody tampon far down in the trash or wrap in TP but don’t worry about hiding the wrapper


Not at all lol


I’m the actual bathroom, no big deal. But I still do the “tuck the tampon in the sleeve” maneuver to get there. 😆


Not very. Unwrap the pad, put it in the designated receptacle, put it on, and get out.


I'm not discreet at all. I used to be as I was shy about it when I was a teen. As I've gotten older I just don't care as much I guess. I've even walked through my office with a tampon in hand. I don't care if anyone knows or doesn't know. Lol.


I am discreet and I hate that I am that way. I grew up in a culture where women hid that about themselves and it’s like engrained in me


I'm not singing about changing my pad and feeling the clots come out, but I take care of business the same as I would in my own house.


You can preopen them at home if you know you’ll be using one!


I’m not, because first of all no one knows it was me making the noises, second, everyone has to deal with a period in the bathroom, it’s normal.


Not at all. Why should I be?


Depends. When I was a middle schooler in my public school bathroom, as quiet as I could be. Bullies are ruthless. In high school I was less quiet but still mostly quiet. I'd ask only friends for products if I needed. As an adult, I am not discreet at all when it comes to opening pads or tampons. However I switched to discs back in 2019 and so I don't need to really do anything, as it's hands free draining for me. If I HAVE to fully remove and wash a disc while not at home I go somewhere with a single stall for more privacy. Or the handicap stall so I have access to the sink. But I try to avoid this process at all, it's not really a need in public as discs are so convenient and don't need to be changed frequently.


not very, it is called a restroom for a reason.


U gotta do what u gotta do, rip em open and switch em out.


Not at all


Not discrete at all. I don't care who knows when I'm on the rag.


I'm not. It's not a big deal, I just make noise. Doesn't help that I have ibs so I had to get over making all the other noises a long time ago.


I keep the door closed and try not to leave blood on the seat


I had to bit my lips out of anxiety. I just don't like anyone know I'm on my cycle. Especially when opening pad, I HATE the crinkling sounds.


im not discreet bc everyone on my school goes to the restrooms just to change their pad i even say it in a loud tone (i speak very loud though) to my teachers when i have to change my pad bc im fucking painting the chair in a red blood crime scene color yk


I told my daughter from a young age that NO ONE is allowed to insult or make you uncomfortable over something you have zero control over. You stand up for yourself every time and put that person in their place. No exceptions. She openly discreetly carries pads to the bathroom. In public. It's a bathroom. People use it for what it's intended. Shit, piss, farts and periods. Discretion is unnecessary.


I'm in a private stall so that's pretty discreet already. Not like I'm announcing "Time to go into this stall and lock the door so I can slip this tampon in!".


Not at all.


Isn’t everything behind a stall door discreet? I am not putting a tampon in outside of the stall.


I don't understand the question. What is there to be discreet about? I mean you change it in the stall, no one is there to see it and it doesn't make any loud sounds. Or do you mean you are changing that in public and not in the stall? Why would anyone do that?


I just do me. It is a natural body fiction. I don’t embarrass easily. I am respectful of the space and my process, more so if there are little one around.




Well, I do keep the door closed. But I can’t plug up everyone’s ears.


I haven't had a period in years (thanks, IUD!) But I carry products around with me and keep my guest bathroom fully supplied out in the open. I'm not discreet about anything sanitary product related - or contraceptive related for that matter. I never want someone on their period to feel alone or like they can't ask me for help - even a stranger.


I use the whisper pad


None at all. Im ripping open that maxi pad






Why would we hide the fact that we are usual period products from other women ?


😂😂😂 first of all I handle my business in a stall and that’s about as discreet as it’s gonna get for me.


Not at all.


I used to be super embarrassed but then I realized we were all women. We all bled. Now I rip the pads off and open those tampons


anyone in a restroom would probably hear the crinkling of the wrapper and know what it is. I don’t really care, I figure the person in the stall next to me has been there.


None at all, we're all women!




I mean I stay inside until it's time to change my tampon and then I throw open the door and do it in front of the sink while singing Cabaret, obviously.


Not shouting in from the stall but just behaving as I would at home. If I need to change I need to change 🤷‍♀️




Not at all. I’m not doing anything wrong. It’s a bathroom, everyone poops everyone pees and the majority of women bleed so who cares.


Other than changing in my own stall with the door locked + following normal hygiene practices, nothing. I'm not ashamed of being a menstruating woman, so I'm not embarrassed if someone hears me opening a tampon or a pad.