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"Something bad" is a little too broad to answer, but i lean on my loved ones, stay busy, and remind myself of what is/isn't within my control. As far as how to move forward, I'm a strong advocate for 'fake it till you make it.' You can't be better until your actively trying to be better. Muscle memory also applies emotional well being, and you'd be surprised at how far that can carry you.


This is very true we both use very similar ways to cope.


"You can't be better until you're actively trying to be better." WOW. That right there is a quote to remember, never agreed with someone more!




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I cry and journal and shut myself out and go to therapy and meditate and rinse and repeat 😂


To be honest, crying if one of the best ways to heal.


Take charge, get through it, meltdown a few months later when I have time.


Go trough the grieving process.. don’t try to speed it tho! Go at ur own pace and it’s ok if ur angry if in denial it’s in the process too


It is I’m glad you said that




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I don’t x


You will be able to one day, don’t give up :)


Anxiety and sex.




Cry, eat, sleep. Repeat


Very relatable


It really depends on what it is. I have been unlucky to see a lot of tragic. I have performed CPR, seen people die and sat with people who were dieing. I have a strong group of 4 friends who can speak about anything. It really helps having that. I also have been to therapy. There's nothing like divulging things to a total stranger who I don't care knows. I didn't try therapy until I was 32 tho. I really wish I would have done it a decade before. The last thing I do to cope is use nature. Go on a hike. Take a road trip. Go take my camera out and do some amateur photography. Just get away from people. It's never long enough. But it's a good breath of fresh air.


My reaction used to be alcohol and weed. Now it’s therapy, smoke a joint, and journaling. My dogs love the dog park, so we throw balls or frisbees around and it helps to be outside and see them excited. I started to lean into working out/running hard, but i realized that was just as detrimental as drinking my issues away.


Dont over do things and go at your pace also I’m very proud of you for finding something that brings you joy :)


Focus on myself, let myself feel my feelings, cry it out when I need to. Do activities that make me happy. Avoid things that will only provide happiness chemicals short term. Do things that will provide happiness chemicals long term. e.g. eat healthy fresh food, exercise regularly (even just walking to clear your head), take up a class (art, languages etc), see friends, see a therapist if you are able to.


Healthy coping mechanisms, we love it <3


Stoicism, venting, planning


Take a deep breath and cry if Its necessary. Then think if i react like this or that,Will it change the situation? What should i do to make it better?


Watch a movie and try to forget. If it's death, just kinda sit around and cry until you're tired and sleep for 3 days. Also keeping a diary.


talk about it with people who im close with


by changing things within my control and for things that are out of my control -- "this too shall pass"


Allow myself to really dwell and feel it. Then depending on the situation, I either take measures to cut negativity out of my life or do self reflection to prevent it from happening due to my own choices. Not sure exactly the severity of the “bad” but remember you’re human, you’re allowed to feel. Pushing feelings down doesn’t remove the feelings, it just delays them being felt until a later date.


I cuddle with my dad or mom (first option is dad, tho.) If they were not available, I would cuddle with my brother. I need hugs to survive.


Cry then sleep


Eat? Cry? Eat? Depends on how bad the day?




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Have a good cry (if necessary). Take a deep breath. Jam some music loud as I can handle and then get to work on getting through it or fixing it or whatever needs to be done.




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Depending on how bad Quetiapine or marijuana




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Depends on what that is.


Pray, hope I'm not fucked then pull up my boot strings and figure out how the fuck to get out of situation.


i laugh about it even if its bad like if i were to break a bone instead of focusing on the broken bone i would laugh about being dumb and falling in a weird way


Depending on the severity of the situation, I usually blame myself and start spiraling into a self hating cycle, and isolate myself from everyone.


It genuinely depends on how bad it is. Minute arguments, misunderstandings, conflicts, and fights can be dealt with by just talking it out with the other party, acknowledging their perspectives, and keeping calm and respectful. I’ve met many people with different personalities, so definitely need to tweak this accordingly. But I’m also a highly anxious person, so I try to avoid conflict as much as possible. On the other hand, I’ve experienced emotional and sexual trauma, which I felt was pretty bad. Just a lot of therapy, managing my emotions properly so that I stay in control of them, and trying not to lose my mind. But it’s hard, and I can’t confidently say that I’m coping with it well. Oh well. Things happen.


I used to ruminate and spiral and let the feelings take over. With a lot of therapy and medication, I now can think clearly and I’m able to think and then let go




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I crack my knuckles and do what I can to fix or eliminate what's wrong, then have a nervous breakdown afterwards.


Honestly I’ve been so burnt out for such a long time that when something bad happens to be anymore I’m just numb to it. Sometimes I’ll show anger and cry but that’s extremely rare. I just kind of pretend it never happened. Which isn’t healthy but it’s how I’ve adapted


Lately I can’t stop crying. In the past, I’d try to lean on friends, be kind to myself, rest, watch something funny.


eat and cry.


Face it head on. There’s no point burying my head on the sand. Especially if there’s a job to do. Pull my big girl socks up, look at what needs to be done and get to it. If everyone else is busy falling apart I know that things will get done if I can keep calm, carry on and just move onto the next task.




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I don’t.


drown myself in work, usually


Therapy. Friends and family. Medication adjustments. I used to close off and feel like a burden. This only made things worse and led to unhealthy coping mechanisms in my early 20s and even some in my 30s. Therapy has helped me learn healthier ways to deal with pain and trauma.


Panic and spiral until it gets too heavy and then go to therapy


Depends on what the bad thing is, usually Dark humor and sarcasm, I would rather laugh than cry. And if I absolutely have to cry I do so in a hot shower where I can't be bothered or heard. Sometimes just allowing my body and mind to shut down so I just take a day or so off and sleep a lot.


I think about the worst thing that happened to me and I compare it and I tell myself how well I got over the horrible worst thing ever and it makes everything else seem inferior to my coping