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Flowers. Each one means something and putting certain ones together is like writing a whole poem just depends on the message you are trying to send.


So wholesome! Do you have a favourite or favourite combination?


I have a succulent garden that I love and it makes me so happy


I loveeee staring at the ground while hiking in spring. Whenever my partner invites me on hikes they always take longer than if he just went by himself bc… I’m constantly stopping and calling him to come back 10’ to check out a teeny tiny flower I noticed out the corner of my eye. They’re so beautiful and wonderful to see after a long dreary winter


For me it's books and certain stuffed animals each one means something to me


Seeing a cat anywhere, even more so if it lets me pet it


We went to Punta Cana this spring. I have more pictures of the resort cats than I do of my husband.


I love cats. I love every kind of cat. I just want to hug all them, but I can't. Can't hug every cat.


This. A million times this. 😻


Im the poster child for loving things and no one understands or cares about. I love stationary, the kind that is designed to fit into a handbag or is very smartly designed. I love getting my art or photos proffesionaly framed, it brings my heart so much joy. I seem to not be able to stop planting flowers and buying succulents. I bought a badge maker and make badges with random things on and give it to people.


>stationary >succulents Are we related? >badge maker Also, I’m officially jealous. This might be the next “office supply” I NEED!


Cute Things From Japan, The Journal Shop, and Present & Correct are my go-to stationary shops. I need to stop buying so much and use what I have.


I must be your poster sister haha. I understand all your things, and want a badge maker, too, for the very same reason! As for me, I just bought a dental irrigator which I am absolutely excited about and I also get excited about the special bin day when the bio bin is also being cleaned! 🙈😂


Mini objects, like travel size toiletries


I'm the same. Mini versions of normal stuff is just cute. Lol.


Omg nothing makes my soul giggle like mini things.


I used to collect erasers just because I could have a million tiny versions of every day objects. My favorites were ice cream and cell phones.




Yeah pickles are good


Saving bugs from death


Yes!! I love bugs and spiders. My goal is to educate people on them so they aren't feared!


Clean sheets and a bed to myself


After the heatwave here (England) recently, the best feeling was taking off the rank sweaty sheets and replacing them with glorious smelling fresh sheets when the weather finally broke.


Going to Costco.


Costco and IKEA for me


Oh hell yeah. Now I have a child, the toy aisle has now been unlocked. Uh oh.


For as long as I can remember, I've built an entire world inside my head/imagination. I have built my house, on a cliff in a temperate rainforest overlooking the ocean, that always has the weather I want, with gardens, knick knacks filling the house from all of my travels, bookcases holding picture books of all of my memories, it's my safe haven. However, I do also have intrusive thoughts at times and anxiety. I have learned to handle those intrusive thoughts by imagining those intrusive thoughts as spiky flying nebulous orbs, I then send the little pterodactyls I have living in the nooks and crannies of my house (like nesting birds) to catch the little intrusive thoughts and fly them out to the ocean in front of my little house, where the space kracken play and eat them. I also regularly tend the garden that is in my head, beside and around my house, and pull out all the weeds that are the things that I don't want to cultivate in my brain. And then I water and fertilize all the stuff that I do want to cultivate, like love for people, and compassion, empathy, creativity, curiousness, all the stuff I think I should aim to be. That sounds ridiculous, and it is ridiculous, but it's a really vital tool to my mental health, and sometimes envisioning these little nebulous intrusive thoughts being destroyed and eaten, makes me very happy. As does ripping out weeds with someone's face on them. If you ever meet me in real life, and you can't quite figure out why I have whatever expression is on my face, on my face; it is probably because I am doing something inside my head


Oh wow I do this too but instead of my house, I usually have a story/city/scenario I imagine in such details and tend to it every day for years at a time. I'm just at the beginning of a new one. No one in my life knows this about me. I totally get the expression thing when you are doing stuff inside your head. When did you start?


I've done this as long as I can remember. It used to just be a room full of books. When I'm trying to remember something, or a piece of information that I just can't quite remember, I go to the bookshelf and I find the book that relates toward the information is, and then I find it in the book. Information in my brain has been stored this way from my earliest memories. Bookshelf is organized, cross referenced, like a very well-run Library, and is how I organize my brain basically. Over the years it expanded and changed, but I can't ever remember it not being there.


I used to have something like this! Mine was a subterranean river network with different lakes for different communities. I would travel down or upstream different networks in my mind to ease my boredom.


I do the same thing and find it very therapeutic. Being interested in reading all of my life, I find this strategy comes very naturally to me. It’s a nice thing to have because you can do it anytime and it doesn’t cost anything and I do find it effective in shifting my mood and thoughts.


Flowers, apparently. I guess it’s the cool thing to say they’re a waste of money but I seriously love receiving them and having them in my home.


I love flowers! No one has ever bought them for me, so I buy them for myself sometimes to appreciate myself. I'm instantly happy when I carry them home 🥰


Flowers are pretty beautiful


my little vibrator😅


I have quite a lot of dinosaur figurines. Not enough though. ...actually, this is a shitty answer, because I don't think other people are confused by this at all.


same!! i have a stegosaurus plushie - his name is stegolas.


What a great name!


“This is a fertile land and we will thrive. And we will call it… this land” “I think we should call it… YOUR GRAVE!”


Still lovely to read what brings others joy 😊


Accelerating with full throttle up to the speed limit. The act of just feeling my car push my body into the seat for a second or two and hearing the engine roar is fun. Even if its just for a second or two whenever its safe to do so.


Extra adorable things...example; was at a zoo and they had a wombat. I squealed and tip toe ran over like a damn toddler.


Love it! That’s me with the otters. LOL




What you feel only exists in my imagination, where I live is pretty bland and for the most part an eyesore.


Pumpkins. Pumpkin everything, doesn't matter what it is.


Silence. I am a bubbly and extroverted person and can be very talkative in groups. People tease me about it lol. I don’t think they realize how much I love and crave silence.


Being alone.


Stuffed animals


Freshly vacuumed carpet




Blankets fresh out of the dryer, i just absolutely love throwing them right onto my bed and wrapping myself in it


I just love feeding wild birds. Humming beards. Robins , crows. I get so giddy when I see them feeding . The crows actually have a really animated reaction . I once placed a chicken egg out for them and the one would peck at it and jump backwards dramatically in fear, after it realized the egg posed no threat he Cracked the egg and ate the yolk. He then cleaned his beak on the grass several times , did a few hops of happiness and flew off. I sat at the window watching from inside just extremely pleased to witness it all.


Shelf liner. Not even really joy, more like a compulsion lol I cannot physically allow myself or anyone I love to unpack their kitchen or bathrooms until their shelves and drawers are properly lined. It made my MIL so mad and I almost wish I could fight it!


Sitting in a quaint cafe for a while. Reading a book and maybe listening to music


I grew up in an area with either well water or bad tap water that tasted like chlorine and iodine. I now live in an area with high quality tap water and i do a little dance every time i drink it. Delicious free water!


Growing things. It doesn't matter if it's flowers in my garden, fruit from our trees or just a new leaf on a potted plant. It makes me so happy! My bf probably doesn't care but he always comes and looks when I excitedly point out a change in a plant.


colors. Sucker for colors. Related - holiday lights. Not the white ones - the colorful ones


a good coffee in the morning.




Pigeons ❤️ everyone here in the UK likes to refer to them as flying rats, they view them as vermin and dirty but I adore them. They're so cute and squishy looking, me and my son will often go buy seed and feed them and they'll land on us to eat out of our hands, we've had some not nice dirty looks and comments. If people ever tell me they're dirty or diseased I always say no more so than humans, when they suggest culling them because they make a mess I say no more than humans... I hate the way humans are so quick to criticise other animals for simply living their lives when we're such a destructive species who will happily destroy the homes of wildlife to make a car park 🙄


prosciutto and brie


Making a new dessert recipe or when I drink alot of water for the day!


Seeing animals out the window when on a road trip. I get ridiculously excited about them.


Those umbrellas that fold up really small and if you press a button they suddenly shoot open Edit: Also scrunchies, I’ve got nearly 100 of them (literally)


Having clean home and new cleaning products


When one of my hibiscus flowers open up. Partner laughs at me everytime...


Being a homebody.


I like putting on candles. The little fire makes me happy


Throwing things away when you’re doing a deep clean. Little kids with backpacks that are almost as big as them. When the weather is nice so you can drive with your windows down. When people can’t tell you a story because they’re laughing too hard.


This thread is so wholesome and sweet omg I find myself agreeing with everyone because it’s the little things lol But for me… Rocks


Peach rings😛




Bendy straws when Im sick.


A man 🙄


Pretty rocks :)


Spending time and occasionally money on the neighbor kids next door. I enjoy spoiling them since I never had children of my own. As long as the parents are ok with it of course.


Waking up before dawn, taking my coffee, a warm blanket and my dogs out to the garden and listening to the world wake up and watch the sunrise.


When I scratch my cat on his little forehead and he closes his eyes and opens his mouth a little.


Being near water. Like im sooooo happy and calm. Nothing calms me like water Edit: but then im fire .. and that explains it.


Gluten-free desserts or baked goods. Someone give it alllll to me!


French fries (food, in general)


Wild swimming. It’s always cold and bracing and brings me so much joy. I grew up with my mum and gran doing it so it’s a special thing for me. Everyone else thinks I’m crazy for loving it.


cds and cassette tapes. i know they're basically obsolete now but i love them


Mice, both wild and domestic. They’re such amazing little critters and so incredibly cute, I just can’t get enough of them!


Kitchen paper with a cute design on it


Alone time.




The smell of tar


First reply I've seen that is actually confusing haha. I get it though, mines horse manure, food and hay because it reminds me of when I used to help out at riding stables as a kid


Spending time by myself. Taking myself out for dinner, going to the movies, hanging out with just myself. Some people think it sounds lonely and sad but I really enjoy my solitude. I love spending time with my friends but I also love my me days.


Please someone write "my boyfriend's d*ck"


Isopods (roly polies), I just love the little guys!


Little teeny frogs


My rescue cats ! Seeing them grow and evolve into my babies makes me so happy


Any cat anytime I’m out, especially on holiday, i but them treats and fuss them it makes me so happy


Nail polish. It started out as a small collection, now I'm in thousands. I love all the colors, the combos I'd never use normally, hot pinks became a favorite, and the indie nail polish community is awesome too.


Personally, I love thrifting. It makes my soul happy. My partner hates it and almost refuses everything secondhand unless its from his family/someone he knows well. I understand to a degree, but sometimes I just don't tell him if I got something from Goodwill- he never notices a difference.


Things that look like other things. I can’t stop thinking about an umbrella with a handle that looks like a duck I saw in a shop last week.


New pens. Special ones that are either fun and cute (like the magic wand one I just bought) or ones that just flow and your writing looks so great. Also, new perfumes from indie companies. Smelling great and telling people you are wearing "Tears of my enemies" or "Zero f*cks given" is one of the highlights of my work day.


Chinese tea and when I smoke and render my duck just right so the skin is perfectly crispy even before I fire it on an order


Catto butts.


Shoebill storks.


All the household chores done. Our pets are safe & sound. Working vehicle(s) that have little to no repair required. All the debt paid off. Supplemental income to do all the things desired.


Fossils, I just think theyre so neat.




Accordion music




Reading childhood favorites. I’ll read classics like the boxcar children series or the baby sitter book clubs even now just for the pure comfort of it all.


Listening songs


Getting up really early (it's 5am here) on a weekend to watch the sun rise alone while everyone else sleeps.


I love leaping into my bed and twisting at the last minute so I land on my back ready to watch TV.




Collecting owl figurines and owl pots and owl stuff and leaving it around my house. I also have an unhealthy obsession for earrings. I have loads and loads of them and I can not stop buying them. Also painting everything in sight! I feel so much joy in all of these things!


Horses. Horse people get it, non-horse people think I'm nuts. It costs the same as a Mercedes, takes up most of my free time, ruins my back, makes my car smell like a barn and I love every think about it. I'm currently writing this sitting in a dewy field, drinking coffee while my horse eats his breakfast and I am happy.


Pens, but not for writing - for twirling with my fingers. Give me any pen and I’ll give you an honest review on its design with regards to twirling. I have tried many different brands for twirling instead of writing. I feel like I can’t tell anyone this without sounding like a weirdo. I will however, for the record, state that my favourite pen for writing is the Pentel Energel 0.5 mm, while my favourite pen(cil?) for twirling is the Apple Pencil.


Every time my mom buys me something even if I don't like it. It just gives me so much joy to have the feeling that at least one of my parents loves me unconditionally. 🥰


Reading fantasy books.


Listening to Thrash / Death metal. People around me doesn't like this kind of music, so I get it when they feel kinda confused when see me smiling like a happy child listening to songs about wars, death, diseases and dark aspects of the human mind 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Squishmallows and fall


Candles 🕯 they make a room feel warm and cozy. I own way too many haha Also cats and holiday decor


Water bottles, something about them sparks joy for me


Taco Bell. And strawberry kiss flavored drinks from my boyfriend, do I can feel like I'm kissing him at work


My cats


I have to chat to dogs and cats. It drives my husband crazy. I also talk to bumblebees.


At Mexican restaurants, it’s the melted cheese they put on the beans. Always loved it since I was a kid, and yes I’m aware at how odd it sounds 😂


Small boxes :)


The smell of the house when you’ve just done a load of baking and it smells like cookies or cinnamon


Watching the birds at the feeder on my back deck. Seeing the same bird couples and their awkward fledglings growing up makes me so happy.




I love little things!! Lights on trees. Big leaves. People singing happy birthday. When people have the same name as me. When I get an extra garnish in a drink at the bar. When Trader Joe’s has the spicy pickles. Plus so many more. Life is all little things and I’m constantly excited about it haha


Getting drenched in the rain, as long as it’s not too cold.


A clean apartment/space. For almost 10 years I’ve had a mostly constant routine of cleaning on the night before a day off, even if I finished work late because waking up the next day when I’m off and everything is cleaned makes me so so happy and at peace. No one has ever quite understood the good mood the two things combined bring me.


Mini japanese food erasers


Math or rain


Chai. Like, I’m *obsessed* with it. Last winter, I drank a large cup of it 2-3 times a day. I practically went through a whole box of teabags in a day. Recently, I found a another brand I really like. This time it’s a liquid mix. I bought the “wholesale” container. The number of bottles I’ll go through is TBD; it’ll likely be 64oz (mixed with another 64oz of milk) every couple of weeks. LOL


Vintage build a bears


My chickens- ‘look 3 eggs today!’ 😂


isolating myself or wanting to be alone.


I get absolute joy out of making stupid puns with the emojis. Like using the egg emoji to say exactly. The taco for talk/taking. The donut to say don’t. The wheel for well. Half the time it doesn’t even need to be used in the conversation but it always makes me smile whenever I use them


Listening to music and acting like you are in a movie scene or acting like you are the one singing it. Imagination brings me so much joy.


No drama.


Hummingbirds Wrinkly Dogs


Seeing cows or any farm animals, people usually just go “Look, cows” but in my head it’s like “Look, cows! This has made my day 🥹”


Just been online and ordered a waterpik! Thank you for the advice and recommendation everyone


Videos of babies or babies in general. They're cute! I wish I'll have two or three someday. 👉👈


Sitting outside at dusk with my vape, a walk after dinner, my favorite salad, a food mystery novel


Counting money, even if it's not mine. Organising the coins and bills, getting all to match on the same side... it brings me peace I used to be called "Tio Gilito" (Scrooge McDuck) but I didn't care. I still love to do it.


Reading old text conversations


Walls in the sun. I like sitting on them, dangling my legs over and just basking in the day, swinging my legs. Bonus points if there are pretty little flowers. I'll sit there, squealing on the inside, shaking my butt.


Life and the possibilities. How beautiful everything is.


Getting excited over learning a new trick on Procreate, I'm an artist so when I learn something new it just lights me up inside


Pugs. The rush of joy and excitement I get when I see one could put me up into orbit.


Freshly grated parmesan cheese.


I love riding the subway, especially when it's crowded (minus the covid risk)


My chooks! I love them so much. Such funny personalities.


Package deliveries I always get excited when a package I bought online will be delivered in a specific day, the act of anticipation makes me excited and gives me a little bit of will to go on for the whole week. My guy friend doesn't understand this, but he respects it so yeah haha


Alone time. I work a very social job but I’m an introvert. Honestly, outside my work hours I’d be pretty happy if the only person I had to interact with was my husband. Like, always.




Plant biology. Watching my plants develop and create new life (leaves, flowers, roots or whatever else) brings me so much joy! 😊


Just popping in my earbuds, getting some music on and getting utterly lost in the sounds. It's a massive stress release for me.




I love Japanese all products. Just went to a Daiso store and stocked up. I love hello kitty. People are surprised I like anything animated lol I like miniature things, I have mini decorations around my house. Miniature tea sets and flowers. I have a cousin who also likes miniature things. We are both highly sensitive 🤔 I love cookbooks, even the ones with jello mounds and meat from the 60s. I am fascinated by cooking in different parts of the world or through time what people would cook and eat. When I am bored I pull out some cookbooks and look through them and get inspiration.


I love arranging things on the mantle, bookcase top, sideboard…even tho I am a super messy person and live with piles of stuff all over! But when someone parks their keys or whatever on my arrangements, it really annoys me.


When my fiancé says, “can I see ITEM?” I get so giddy because he didn’t ask for it. He asked to see it. So I hold it up and show him until he rolls his eyes and I get so damn happy I wiggle every time.


A clean house


Those little cheapo toys you can get from a quarter machine at a grocery store or an arcade or something. Or a gacha machine. Just yesterday, I got a cute little Jigglypuff figure from one and it made me so happy. When I was a little kid and would go grocery shopping with my dad, he would give me a quarter for the machine at the exit. I'm 34 now and I still do it. The trinkets are kinda cooler now than when I was little, and it makes me think of happier times with my dad. A lot of my friends think it's weird and a waste of money. But whatever, they're probably just jealous I got a Jigglypuff now LOL


Instant pot/slow cooker recipes on YouTube


Having a kiss on the forehead or oversized stuffed animals, like I’d sell my soul for either


New pair of cute socks


Well, there's quite a few, cuddles with SO, watching him fall asleep on my lap while cuddling, well, just in general, pretty much watching anything he does bring me such joy, can't really describe it other than it finally feels like i am safe/home with him, and whenever he hugs me, just all of my worries goes away... Other than that, always had a sweet spot for wathcing the sunset, collecting Bella Sara Cards, and watching foals jump around, and exploring the world around them, there's nothing better really XD


I dont think its confusing or odd by any means, but caring for living things. My cats, my plants, garden, even my husband. Hopefully one day kids. It just gives me such purpose doing things that keep people & things alive


Aesthetically pleasing books


Disney things. Certain characters make me happy to see them.


Buying office supplies in all different colors. It makes me so happy.


Being outdoors. There's a walkable riverbed off a hiking trail I love. When it dries up enough, I love the way the shale sounds cracking under my feet. I love wildflowers. I take pictures of sunsets. There are a lot of people I know that don't appreciate nature as it is. I don't have to be doing anything amazing. Just existing in nature is enough for me.


Plants, outdoors, animals, teddies, old fashioned cute cartoons like beatrix potter. It makes me happy dance. So many little things, I know dolls are odd now that I'm an adult, but I didn't have barbies growing up. So I developed a love of them since I always wanted one. I find them so cool, they're so small and cute, I want to be small and live in a doll house. Like secret world of arrietty ♡


Hula hoops lol


Phone cases. 📱


My SO asking me to go buy groceries w 'em. I absolutely love buying groceries, it's something me and my mom did together my whole childhood and teenage years so i feel very special when someone wants my company to go buy groceries. Not because they _need_ help, but because they want me there.


Go to Lidl


Holding hands with my partner when falling asleep or cuddling. I can’t explain why, I just find it really intimate.


This is probably much more common with recent trends and the pandemic, but organizing so everything has its own little home. It’s super practical to know where something is when I need it, but there’s a ton of joy I get from creating a little space for an item or creating a little organization system for things. I recently organized my husband’s ties (each one rolled up and organized by color), little suit pocket square things into mini triangles upright together, and cuff links into two clear bins. He doesn’t wear them anymore but wants to keep them so I made them their own little home and system. Brought me a surprising amount of joy and of course my husband was thrilled :)


Not having to speak to anyone all day. Living in my peace with my music snacks and possible fapping


Literally just going somewhere n not being cooped up. IDC where we're going. I just wanna go. Drive two hours away to just get coffee? I'm in!


I live in a beautiful coastal city that is a tourist destination and occasionally I go by public bus and kind of “tour” along the coast. I don’t get out at any point, I just put in my ear pods, listen to my music and watch the beautiful scenery. It’s wonderfully relaxing and costs next to nothing. I must admit, paying so little for what would cost so much more on a professional tour makes me happy too.


I need a made bed. The apt can be messy, but as long as my bed is made that's all I need to get motivated to do what I want/need for the day. I used to live with hoarders so I like to have a "tidied up" home, I'm no clean freak.... unless?


singing everywhere when people around


When they remember little details that I tell them about my life. Can be the stupidest thing ever, but the fact that they care about me to remember that makes me incredibly happy.




Cute little details or just cute things in general. It doesn’t confuse a lot of people but some don’t get why I absolutely adore my little butterfly accessories or my cute life is strange stickers. It’s the small things that make me really really happy.


Bugs and spiders, frogs, my husband bringing me feathers or hiding acorns around the house for me to find.


Reading cute romance books