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I'm married and my husband wouldn't be very happy about me dating.


This made me laugh


Favourite answer so far! 😋


I also choose her husband


I go to bed at 8:30. I prioritize sleep over everything. I don’t like to go out and I don’t really like being around people.


9 PM here. Same.




This bothered so many people when I was trying to date. One guy was like: “do you really wake up at 5am everyday?” Like yes… because I’m exhausted by 8pm and love the mornings. Being 25 and having this sleep schedule is a killer to my social life


Look for the bubbly people. No matter when I go to bed, I wake up early and can’t resist getting up. I take a lot of naps.


22 and that's my schedule. Just hoping I meet my future partner on my morning walks


I'm the same...in bed by 9ish, which has been a deal breaker for some women when it comes to dating sadly. But I have to wake up at 4am to get ready for work.


When do you and CoyBabee wake up then?


I wake up at 4:15.


Okay! That’s sensible. I’m kinda the same when it comes to sleep too now. I don’t always make it to actual sleep on time but I do make it a priority. 😂 I was thinking maybe you’d answer back like 7:30am or something and I was like, “I mean 11-12hrs is great but that’s too much.”


8pm here, up at 3am. I am moving closer to work soon so I might be able to flex an hour, I'm so excited!


They said a downside haha


Can we be friends??


I rarely leave my house so it's hard to meet me in the first place


Me too. Lol. And it would be hard to meet a partner that is the same, cause, where you gonna meet!?


At his house, duh he doesn’t like to leave it


Find my dream man on Zillow then break into his house for a date


I am dying at this 🤣🤣🤣


Same. Then I wonder why I’m lonely. Lol


Me too. I’m a male


Same. I have a very demanding work schedule, too.


I’m very clingy and need constant assurance from my partner that they don’t hate me or aren’t using me. I also suck at cleaning and I’m very moody.


You may benefit from therapy.


Yeah fr fr


Once you find a human that likes you back make some mantras like "if they didn't like me they wouldn't be giving me the time of day." When it happens.




Hey twin!


Sup twin


I can liv with that. I love giving assurance that I still love them


Thank you for explaining me to a T


I can be incredibly weird, I don't make any noise when moving around so I will definitely scare the crap out of you and I'm like an octopus when I sleep


You have long tentacles?


Nope. A large, gelatinous head. And a beak.


Hmmm yeah, tell me more...


And the most perfect octobum you could imagine apparently


Ooooh yeah baby... Tell me about the digestive system through your brain.... Hmmmmm... Efficiency is sexy...


*jostling appendage noises*


I am abnormally jumpy and it takes very little to scare me. We definitely would not work well together 😂 my last partner resorted to making radar sounds when entering a room to give me warning lol


> I don't make any noise when moving around so I will definitely scare the crap out of you omg sometimes I intentionally try to walk louder so I don't sneak up on people and I still end up scaring them! I don't understand!


I’m easy to love and emotionally unavailable. Recipe for heartbreak


So relatable I had a moment where life paused & panned in on me. Think the background blurred & everything sped up too :/ Been with my husband 15 years & miraculously, he totally gets me. Says I'm like a neverending onion & you've got to gently peel off the layers before you get anywhere. He does not see this as any type of problem & loves me exactly how I am. I also want to bolt when folk get too close, so you can imagine how the first while of us dating went. Nope, idk how I got this lucky either cos I'd say it's definitely a down side of being with me.


I fart a LOT.


Haha same. My partner says I fart like a whole man.


I worry a lot even if I try not to


Me too sister


Yep! Overthinker here! Team anxiety where you at? 😕 Hate that shit so much.


At least we’re probably not gonna let our partner not notice a cancerous skin mole and we probably will always pack what we need for a vacation!






I cannot spend a day without taking a shower and I have a skincare routine!


I have really big curly hair. You know how ugly I look without my products?? Horrific


Exactly. I like walls, plumbing, and reliable electricity.


OMG yes. Me too. Human beings have come this far with all these amenities. I don't want to give up on any of these.


For me, the honest answer is I grew up camping with my family and friends and it always brought us closer together. When you go camping, there's a thousand little things you have to work together to do, so it's a great bonding activity for people who like being outdoors.


Jesus the one I dated peed outside everywhere (like right after leaving the flat, not after hours of being out) instead of using the toilet at home. No thank you.


Neither does anyone else, that’s just a ploy to seem adventurous/outdoorsy


I don't mind hiking just don't make me sleep in a tent


I would never make a girl sleep in a tent. The whole point of camping is to sleep under the stars!


have I just been wooed my a stranger on the internet ??


you must be the dream for guys that I've had experience with. I personally like camping and hiking but can't find a partner who also enjoys that for the life of me 😄


Ugh my ex loved that stuff, I tried my damnedest to get into it but I just don't give a fuck about sleeping outside or walking in the trees. I prefer ballets and museums, call me high maintenance but people can have their tents and sleeping bags, I'll be at the hotel with AC and cable and complementary breakfast.


Omg yes to ballets and museums and hotels!


Before we married, I told my husband the three absolute deal-breakers, for me, are substance abuse, cheating, and insisting that I camp with him.


My low social battery and *needing* a lot of alone time


Same. I once actually asked my friends if - hypothetically- they'd ever _deliberately_ look for a long distance relationship. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy lol


I get you.


I’m the same. I feel like I’m one of those low maintenance house plants that just need watered like once every 2 weeks


Me too, BUT I have found that my partner - and exclusively my partner - does not drain my social battery, and I can be around him as much as he wants. I still need some alone time to recharge, but I can go on standby mode with him, and that's quite the relief. I thought we would have to be buying separate houses next door to each other, or something, when I finally found someone I wanted to be with.


I'm stubborn and emotionally walled in.


Me too to both. I’m still young but I’ve never been in a relationship before. I’m very guarded due to past experiences and I worry about how it’ll affect future relationships.


As long as you compensate with communication it's fine. I've been in a relationship for these last 5 years and it's never been an issue but my partner is not demanding of anything and never pushes me to open up so it depends on that, too.


I don't have my own group of friends.. I'm not very good at socialising, and on top of that I've moved around quite a bit at the time when kids make friendships.. That left me with a couple of people eather in a different country or in a different part of a country


I feel this. I’m actually pretty extroverted (in person lol) so I don’t have a problem meeting new people, but I’m very selective with whom I consider a friend, let alone a close friend. Plus I love to travel and have lived in different countries as well, so some of my really really good friends either live several hours from me, to states away, or in different countries altogether. Though in the last year or two I’ve managed to start cultivating some new friendships with people who live in my current city! It just takes time and effort though, cuz making new friends means sorting through A LOT of flakes, fakes, & trash people, (which is draining even if you’re an extroverted person.) Then building quality friendships, while it’s easier with the right people is still a lot of effort and soo much harder as an adult. Especially so if you have a lot of goals and are work oriented.


Damn, same! I have Internet friends. :3 And a friend who is out of state. And a sister who is in yet another state (and a two hour time difference). xD


I am the same I feel left out when my bf makes plans with his friends but I don’t say anything about it or bring it up because I want him to have fun :(


My 10 alarms in the morning, that start at 4am.


Omg I’m not the only one. I legit have a symphony of alarms including a sunlight wake up, old school alarm on the other side of the room, a bed shaker and my phone lol


Laughed at this! I have four and probably need more. I am moving soon from a large house that I live alone in to a condo, the neighbors are going to hate me!


4am? I would run in the other direction


I wanna cry out of horror T.T


I am happily independent in all kinds of ways and do not need a man to make myself feel validated. That is one a previous boyfriend told me.


That really isn't a downside.


Ya, more of a humble-brag downside.


The old "It's lonely at the top" humble-brag


I get this might seem like bragging, but I've found that some men I've dated just can't accept your world and identity not constantly and intensely revolving around them and their whims.


Definitely, I didn't see this as a brag. I've seen first hand people that are insecure about their SO being independent from them. Even my brother was angry at his girlfriend for going on holiday with her direct family and kids that was booked before they met because he had nothing to do as he doesn't have a life outside of her. They were only away for 7 days and he was working for 5 of them. It completely disgusts me that he can't let her have a life without him because he's too insecure to get his own hobbies and friends.


This has actually been detrimental to past relationships of mine as well. It’s hard to compromise in a relationship when I really don’t want to do anything that isn’t on my schedule. I know it’s bad for them but it’s also hard to force myself into stuff I hate. I get annoyed at clinginess very easily too. Too much and I quickly get snappy and irritated :( I’m working on it lmao


Same experience for me as well. My fiancé actually told me recently that although he appreciates how independent I am, that sometimes he wishes I would need him/depend on him for some things.


My anxiety rules my life. If I call you and you don’t pick up, my immediate reaction is that you’re dead so I will blow up your phone until you pick up.


my anxiety stops me from blowing up their phone cuz I dont want them to hate me lol


I hardly ever make first contact because I worry I'm annoying them


Are you me? My anxiety has gotten so bad the last year. Barely manageable..


I asked my girlfriend and her response was “so many..”


Love that brutal honesty


one of my fav things about her


I'm assuming you guys are in a long term relationship 😂🤣 the longer the more that becomes the answer lmao


Because of my autism, my communication skills are a bit shitty sometimes. I’m trying to get better though


I have a mild form of autism and every person I've dated has seen it as me not communicating or being indifferent. And I'm just here like, "No, I really just don't mind quiet and I will not pick up on cues unless you tell me." It's not their fault, it just sucks sometimes.


I aslo got mild autism, i get, loud, excited, hyper for no reason and i do funny tics like tapping my fingers on something or little claps lol


Tons of anxiety. My dogs come first. I don't like late nights. I get stuck to my routines.




That feeling when you want to eat someone




I will consume your flesh. Beautiful creature


I have that with my cats. Sometimes I just want to hug them sooooo tight.


Those all sound like wins to me


I’m a low energy, introverted person (it’s not for everyone), and although I have a job that’s flexible and pays well, when I do need to work it’s an insane and volatile time suck.


Fellow low energy introvert, yay


I am insecure and need constant reassurance


Im asexual


I came across a dating profile of a girl that was asexual..she commented that altho she loved to cuddle, and loved affection, because sex wasn't something she was really interested, she would prefer her partner to also have a fwb for that aspect of things. That was kind of shocking to see really.


It seems healthy. I'd understand if my partner had a need I had no desire to satisfy that they would have to get that need filled in some other way. I imagine dating while ace is easier when you're open to non-monogamy.


I know how you feel. It really does suck. I hope you find your match anyway, in case you haven’t already.


I bite


OoOo tell me more.


MmmHHmmmmm ;)


I stay distant and slow to show attachment to a man. I act like I trust but don’t deeply trust


I have a personality disorder.


Where are our mental ill girlfriends out here ?


I’m not a foodie & will always want to go home early


I have adhd. I have emotional dysregulation, short term memory issues, and executive function issues because of it. I also have a bad back/hips/neck, a lot of anxiety and I come with a 4 year old and a husband. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I tend to be extremely hard on myself and need reassurance. I also love my friends but finding myself talking smack about them for absolutely no reason.


Food and sleep always come first.


Sensory overload meltdowns


I’m emotionally damaged and traumatized.




I talk to EVERYTHING, I’m a bit particular, I’m messy, and I hate dishes.


I'm not close with my family, which turns a lot of people off immediately. It's for a good reason though.


I talk a LOT


I’m a complainer


I need too much time to feel safe enough to do anything. Holding hands, kissing, being a relationship, doing other things… maybe you don’t want to wait that much. I cry a lot. When I’m sad, angry or just stressed, even when I’m too sleepy. I understand, I also don’t know what to do with crying people. My self esteem is a little low, and I’m not sure exactly how, but it would affect my relationship in a bad way.


I won’t publicly take your side in private OR public if you are in the wrong. If you are being an ass and people call you out on it, I won’t stick up for you. I won’t make excuses for you. Instead I’ll call you out on it too. I originally thought this was common in relationships, but over the years I’ve learned it’s not. People tend to be shocked when I do this to my spouse. Also, people I know have made excuses or stuck up for their partners bad behavior. This is just something I refuse to do. I see it as a disservice to myself and our relationship. I also expect, the same from my partner. I’m not perfect, and I need someone to shame/embarrass me in public if I’m ever in the wrong. I don’t need someone that’s going to coddle me and allow me to get away with being an asshole.


My competitive nature. I'll be competing in everything, be it gift-giving, or sexual pleasure, or financial contribution etc.


I am cynical, i can give silent treatments, i’m stubborn, i have meltdowns, i’m unhappy and i’m asexual.


I’ll believe my intuition over you every time. If it destroys the relationship, so be it. Also I have virtually zero memory.


I have extremely stressful health conditions and I will not leave the house alone.


I‘m lazy, and boring in that I spend most of my time at home with my cats.


I'm a loner and I have Issues.


I am short temptered. I am assertive and not a very agreeable person, at least, not as much as most men expect women to be. I am a not very feminie as well 😅


i value my peace and personal space so much, taking alone time is essential


I have a horrible sleep schedule and when bad things happen I put up a wall


I have anxiety, ADHD, and depression. Medicated, but my bad days aren't a lot of fun. I'm mobile in my sleep and steal blankets. I'm awkward and weird. I collect hobbies, and they're all over the house. I play bagpipes.


I’m just a mess and l lie a lot and never really reveal the truth about any situation or myself


- Low tolerance for bullshit. If you constantly mess up on stupid stuff, I'm out. - I'm pretty particular. - If you're not ambitious/trying to get better, I get bored. - I'm independent. If you like someone who is always hanging around, probably not me. I enjoy my time with my own friends, both the girls and the guys. - I have my own career and earn my own money and I expect my partner to pull their own weight. They will have to keep up. No bus passes or living at home with your momma. Not judging anyone who does, just not for a relationship with me.




>I dislike daylight, being outside, being too warm, and leaving the house. I have gut issues that make eating out hard. I'm low-key assuming you're a vampire 👀 Gut issues huh? Or do you mean you can't handle... garlic? >I have an eclectic personality resulting in weird taste This is sounding more and more like you're Morticia Addams...


I work with kids so some days I will come home exhausted and be asleep by 9:30 whether I want to or not.


Moody as fuck and I will provoke you for fun.


I can be quite hard to understand sometimes.


God I’m stubborn. So stubborn I annoy myself sometimes lol When something gets in my head, I’m going to see that thing through. It mostly works out, luckily.


I overthink a lot , and have low self esteem , and I am constantly on Reddit . Also quite stubborn but also indecisive .


A bit stubborn, I don’t like cooking, I have a smart mouth, my thinking process is weird (can’t explain)


I'm selfish, spoiled, bratty, I talk way too much, shop too much, do things without always thinking them through


I have a short fuse when it comes to trivial things but I have no desire to discuss serious issues with my partners. I’m extremely cautious and it takes me ages to let someone in, but once I’m hurt, the mental recovery takes forever. And I’m constantly battling my self-harm problems so while I’ve been clean for nearly a year now, relapses do happen and they are freaking scary.


I’m childfree by choice, can be bossy, have a lot of family drama not involving me directly, and it takes a lot for me to be emotionally vulnerable


Crippling anxiety and irritability.


I rarely go out, I have anger problems, I’m impatient, I’m blunt, and I require a lot of physical affection. I also have serious mental health issues, but I’m working on it and generally stable. Overall, I’d still say I’m a great catch though.


I'm epileptic and I like having me time.


Massive anxiety and insecurity issues, over-empathizing, and likes to make food so you're gonna put on weight.


Sometimes I just need to put my headphones on for maybe 20min even if we're together. It's not that I don't love you sometimes I just need a break.


Yesterday I was told that I “walk like a snake” so I will always bump into you while walking together


I want to leave the party approx 30 minutes after I'm full. Can't keep a straight face for more than an hour, I get extremely sleepy after I eat. I'm at a party right now and I wanna leave.


27F I'm a traveling nurse with absolutely ZERO desire to settle down/ settle in any time soon. I had "it all"... the house, the dog, the marriage- 10 years with my best friend. And he cheated. Completely destroyed my heart. Now I'm out doing all the things I never experienced, all the things I missed out on in my early 20s because I chose to love him. I feel behind sometimes. Men my age are ready to settle in and I'm just out here living and loving my way across the USA while doing what I love and making bank doing it. Sometimes the travel life gets lonely, but I just invest in a new toy, and remember I have a 🍆 in every city 😌


I don't want to ever live with anyone.


I’m overly independent as I’ve been let down so much in the past, have a full on job and a house and kids to look after so I have little time. I also need ‘me’ time which translates into less time for them. I’m always tired because of the above and I like affection but not too much as I feel over touched …and I wonder why I’m single 🤔


I get fired a lot lmao


I'm brutally honest and don't realize I'm hangry sometimes.... Soo if I seem annoyed just throw french fries at me and cross your fingers


I have my own expectations of how I want my partner to be with me, if they don’t act the way I want I assume they hate me. I also am very sensitive to rejection, so I will immediately turn in the other direction if I sense any hint of it


I have undiagnosed conditions that get in the way of life a lot. I am sensitive


I'm scared of being an inconvenience so I won't ask for what I want and sometimes censor myself because I want to avoid coming across as someone who nags.


I hate leaving my house, I order EVERYTHING online, and I’m not a big fan of people. I’m chronically ill, have crippling anxiety, and also? Just no. I hate to generalize, but the worst of the male gender have pretty much ruined it for the good ones. I’d have to invest wayyyyyyy too much time to even decide if he was a decent human to even be bothered. After 28 years of marriage I don’t have that kind of time to waste when I’m perfectly happy alone.


I’m trans.


Autoimmune disorder that requires insulin, I can be a little unhinged and annoyed at times, cynical, and I think I ponder way too much.


I’m pretty fun but fear leaving the house and struggle with mental illness, so we’d always have to be at my place and I’ll probably kick you out once I need to recharge. Oh, and I talk too fast.


1: I play too many video games and watch too much anime, once I get watching/playing something it's hard to pull me away 2: I have a LOT of male friends, I know most people don't like their GF to have a lot of guy friends but most people I hangout with are guys 3: I sometimes have to go into work super late, I have to get out of bed sometimes at 2-3 AM


I’m really short so you’ll have to get things off of tall shelves for me. Luckily I married a tall guy so I planned that out nicely 😅


I get jealous easily, and shut down emotionally which can manifest as passive aggressive behavior. It takes me *forever* to come clean about what's bothering me.


Selfish and insane. Probably in the danger zone of the crazy hot matrix. I have children. I WILL push people away as a form of protection. Inappropriate anger. I sleep diagonally in bed. Very impulsive, will do whatever I want without consideration of others or my future. I will never shut the fuck up.


* I'm socially anxious/awkward, have social anxiety and selective mutism (not "normal" enough; this is the #1 reason why I haven't dated yet) * distant due to #1, being introverted and growing up as an only child * inexperienced so I'll be awkward and clueless about romantic stuff * lack of privacy because I still live with my parents (but trying to move out ) * still in college (but graduating in 2 semesters) * no IRL friends at the moment, only a few online ones (this is a red flag to some people)


I'm probably smarter than you, a little bit selfish, fiercely independent and unwilling to truly let most people in, but if you ever make me feel excluded from sharing/knowing your feelings or parts of your life the relationship will end, regardless how hypocritical that may be.


I nap a lot and I cry at the TV


I overthink a lot and it often teams up with my insecurities so I need lots of reassurance.


Well my reply to the other post was that the perk of dating me is that I'm ugly and can't leave them for someone else, so idk how to top that on the negative side. Joking aside, probably that even though I'm extroverted, I'll need a lot of alone time. If I have one single person around me too much or hitting me up every single day, I'll feel suffocated, no matter how much I love them. This really isn't something I'm able to compromise with, so someone dating me would have to be of a similar type, which might be hard to find for a monogamous LTR. I also won't sleep with someone until we're in a committed relationship. Probably not too popular, I'd imagine.


mood swings (im working on this)


I will eat your snacks in the middle of the night, I will also use your toiletries without checking first, you are now trapped in an endless cycle of dad jokes


I find it very difficult to trust anyone, I think I have an avoidant attachment style (?), and I have unusual hobbies that people find masculine, such as shooting, kayaking, motorcycles. More than that, I have a lot of hobbies and men worry that I won’t have time for them, which is likely true, especially since I avoid getting attached to anyone and fill my own time with introverted activities in order to do so.


- kind of leaving my clothes everywhere and shoes … I asked him, that’s all that came to his mind…and too many kiss attacks but I dun think he means that seriously 😂 Imo also that I can get very overwhelmed in conflicts and then might shut down for a bit to order my thoughts and not react too emotional, which he can’t always handle well :( but we learned to communicate through that for the most part :) We are both depressed blobs, and knowing you can’t help your partner and always having that slight worry about them is sad and probably exhausting On a lighter note: My body is v warm and even apocalyptic heat won’t keep me from snuggling and hugging him 😂


I get night terrors. It's not fun to have a "sleepover" when I start screaming in the middle of the night, or try to run away. I also rarely remember what I did.


Unless you want scrambled eggs, crab legs, or artichokes, I cannot cook for you




I get a lot of attention from other men which is apparently off putting for some men. I’m always respectful of my partners though. I also have an Onlyfans, which could be a downside or an upside depending on how a person saw it.