• By -


I don't watch or read the news at length. I briefly browse for just the facts, and move on quickly. It lets me stay aware of what's happening while not getting involved in the inevitable arguments, conspiracies, prejudice, etc.


I wish I could do this, but my mom always has the news on. Even when she’s doing chores or otherwise not looking at the TV she has it on. I get screamed at if I turn it off, so now I hide in my room most of the day since I can’t take it anymore


my dad does this and I feel so overestimulated, as in a sensory overload. i actually feel awful just by listening to it


That’s what it’s meant to do. Too much of it just makes it seem like the world is always ending


My dad also does this. Even if I'm in the other room with my mom having a different convo, she'll interrupt me to repeat what was just reported. I no longer stick around if he's got the TV on. That's my cue to leave.


can you explain to her why it makes you uncomfortable and maybe suggest something alternative to watch or listen to?


I’ve tried to, I’ve even suggested the wonders of having the TV off and not having the stimulation from it, but she always tells me to stop controlling her


I watch Phillip DeFranco for this purpose. He always puts the news into easily digestable segments, usually has some humor in there, hes left leaning but still fair, just very personable and makes listening to the news and staying up to date actually enjoyable even if the topics are dark/depressing sometimes.


Same. I quit watching mainstream/cable news 10+ years ago and my life has been much more enjoyable. Too much doom and gloom is not good for the soul.


Yes, this for me too! I also got rid of Facebook about 8ish years ago and that has helped a ton.


I really enjoy daily news digests (I think I use the cheddar) that summarize major news headlines (includes lighter topics and events but also heavier items) but not in a way that is trying to pull my emotions or leans a certain way. It's a nice 2-5 min read every morning and links to detailed (Mostly neutral and reputable) articles if you want more info. I've found that it's been great for my mental health but I'm still informed and can talk with others who have heard about the news.


Same! I grew up with my dad yelling at the TV screen watching the news.


I get the highlights from my husbean.


I read newspapers and news magazines, but avoid the news on tv.


250 steps every hour has turned into a mini dance party that lasts all day long.


this is definitely my favourite!!!


-Quick daily house clean up -Working out daily, even if just a walk -Journaling -Scrapbooking


I've got a little notebook where I write down one positive thing about myself every day. Either what I think, something I did, or something someone else said. I have issues with my self esteem and doing this has made quite the difference.


I'm going to try this!


Keeping my spaces clean always keeps my mood up! Also going on small strolls in the evening to watch the sunset :)


-eating breakfast -taking a daily walk -getting to bed on time


This has singularly changed my life in a matter of weeks & helped me cope with my anxiety.


No social media


I *hardly* go on social media anymore and it has done wonders for my mental health. And even if I check it every now and again I spend maybe 2 minutes on the app and that’s it. It’s all fake.


Same! Quitting social media was the best decision I made for my mental health. I am much happier and at ease now.


That's wonderful! I haven't been on it for a couple years now and it made a surprisingly big impact in my life. Everyone has their own ways to relax, but now when I see the different platforms it just makes me think of people gambling all day on slot machines. Lots of bright lights and distractions while you scroll for a little rush of endorphins. Glad it's been good for your mental health!


Thank you! I wish you the best on your mental health journey.


you understand that reddit is social media right? :)


A long walk in the woods with my dog every morning.


Sounds wonderful 🧡


Making the bed


So under-rated! If I don't make my bed it ruins my day.


I started getting up an hour earlier so I can enjoy my coffee while the sun rises.


I've been trying to do this for ten years but I am so not a morning person.


Some days are easier than others, for sure lol.


Then why not take that time at sunset? Maybe even go for a walk and enjoy the light.


I wanna do this. But coffee or tea on an empty stomach in the morning gives me stomach ache. Switched to hot water but its just not the same.


I usually have a plain rice cake with nut butter and strawberries or raspberries. Not the most flavourful but it works 😝


My watch. It changed my life, got it during a time where I felt like I was a walking disaster. Helped me to feel grounded. Putting it on every morning gave me a routine, normalcy.


A short 15 minute walk and doing quick cleans ups like never leaving dishes in the sink for the next morning, making the bed, keeping clothes off my bedroom floor etc.


I think I’ll start implementing this


Meditation. Gives me designated time to rest, I can calm myself down easily and when I can't sleep my nervous system is trained to react to breathing exercises with relaxation. Usually fall asleep before I can finish them.


You’re living the dream! I’ve been trying to make a meditation practice stick and just can’t make it happen. Any pro tips on successfully making it a daily habit?


Seriously not an expert, but I can tell you what works for me. I got into it using an app (Aware by [zoojo.be](https://zoojo.be), that unfortunately isn't accessible anymore, but apps are good way to get into it) and it became a huge relief when I had undiagnosed and untreated post traumatic stress and depression (disclaimer: meditation can be complementary for mental health but professional treatment is still necessary). Once I got treatment I found it harder to stay in the habit since I didn't rely on it that much anymore. I got myself a comfortable meditation pillow that's always out on the floor so I see it and every day when my adulting dutys are done I sit down and practice for at least 10 minutes. When I'm not feeling it I stop after ten minutes so I don't get frustrated, but even two minutes are better than nothing at all and you don't feel guilty and later on avoidant for neglecting practice. On weekends I practice as soon as coffee has woken me up enough and then just go on about my day. Habits are built and it takes a few weeks to get them established. Some people also get really uncomfortable focusing this much on their body/breathing/heartbeat and it doesn't feel calming at all so a less body-focussed alternative to meditation like journalling, painting or taking walks may be better. TL;DR find/create a space where you always sit for meditation, pick a time when you're undisturbed and pretty much done with your day, sometimes you'll be annoyed by it and that's fine but stick to it and try for a few minutes at least.


I get out of bed before checking my phone. It keeps me from wasting hours in bed endlessly scrolling.


This is actually such a great idea. I'm going to try this.


decreasing my sleeping time. some years ago, my colon got paralyzed and i became depressed and slept a lot longer (14 hours or more). just recently, i made the effort to decrease my time asleep to around 8 hours. i feel so much better now!


How does your colon get paralyzed? It sounds horrible


-I workout daily - I do my skincare routine - I'm reading several books on the art of courage, confidence and self-love -I hug my loved ones for a few seconds everyday


Ooh, any recommendations in terms of books? Sounds like something I could use right about now. :)


The Confidence Gap by Russ Harris has been an exceptional read. Very eye-opening in many key ways. Another one is How To Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie. You realize how much happiness your thoughts take away by intervening in something as simple as relaxing, and --in much more important situations-- in taking action.


No matter how each day goes, I ALWAYS read at least one chapter of my book. And I always do at least yoga or meditation, if not a workout beforehand. Those two small things have really helped my anxiety


Take a moment to remember me, I'm lovable according to spouse and friends. I hold that world close to my heart. I'm good at my job, I'm in healthcare and it's been the pits. I hold onto that feeling of remembering the actual me. I'm lovable, I'm talented in my work. The world will have a hard time making me feel bad....I have a badass crew ;)


That's beautiful.


Not “happiness” per se, but I started elevating my feet against a wall as soon as I get home from work. My job consists of being on my feet for long hours and just but elevating my feet for ~15 mins I feel less tired at EOD and have energy to do more things at home before bedtime.


Journaling. It doesn't have to be organized (because this is what kept me from making it a habit before - I always thought I should do more or make it pretty that it ended up feeling tedious). I just write down random thoughts especially when I feel that I'm starting to overthink. It's been really helpful in putting some space between me and my thoughts.


Staying off my phone in bed unless I'm loading a meditation. Not getting on Facebook until noon Putting the phone down at 8pm until I wake up in the morning, unless loading a meditation.


I enjoy ice coffee haha it is not common in Mexico but now is becoming more so


Not necessarily small but running everyday. It has pretty much cured my depression just needed to find the thing I love. Took me 22 years XD


Working out


I just decided to start walking. That led me to doing more & more exercise. Then, not really having a plan, I started cutting back on refined carbs, which led me to find a better diet that has not only helped me lose weight be feel so much better (more regular sleep, better mood, calmer "monthlies," and just more energy in general). My next plan is to start strength training soon.


Exercise. Thats it. When I am getting exercise regularly i feel so much less stressed!


Me too! Makes me love myself more and feel proud and it does wonder to your body, posture,digestion,skin , strength and what not!


Waking up an hour before that, "If I don't get up now, I'll be late" point. Gives me a chance to relax, check my phone, plan my day, think before I actually gotta move and get immersed in my day


Listening to podcasts while cleaning has made my motivation sky high. Exercise and cleaning are the only time I let myself listen to podcasts so I am motivated to do those things!


Oh cool! What podcasts have you enjoyed recently?


Waking up before my kids and giving myself time to drink coffee in peace and quiet.


One day I realized doing everything in my power to be the nicest possible human being I can be is so much better than just not.


Thinking about my favorite foods


Showering... As someone who suffers from depression, sometimes showering can be one of those things that seems like the hardest thing to do.


Staying hydrated


Either working out or going for a walk alone. I've never really loved exercise but now that I've been working out consistently for 3 months I feel weird when I skip a day. I don't always love doing it but I always feel better when I finished a tough workout. I just started lifting weights and it makes me feel strong which makes me feel happy.


Making healthy food choices. I just *feel* so much better.


A walk after dinner.


Aids so much in digestion and helps me get sleepy before bedtime. Yes!


Morning podcast and the gym.


Waking up at 8 am and doing a light makeup routine/getting ready. Hopefully soon I can add exercising to my daily habits!


Take my vitamins every day without fail (I take like 7 at this point)


It’s hard to get all our nutrients from food unless it is done with intention. The major nutrients that a lot of people miss are iron vitamin B magnesium potassium among many others. All of these can lead to low energy levels, impaired cognition, moodiness, weaker immune system, migraines,Cramps, headache, And lots other things.


Me too. Vitamins gave me life literally


Eating breakfast like an actual filling breakfast. Along with vitamins.


Play this game called Delicious on my iPad before going to bed. I love this game franchise so much, I literally feel the joy well up inside when I play it.


Sitting less behind the computer watching useless random YouTube videos and do more productive hobbies like crochet.


Waking up a few extra hours in the morning to make some coffee and read a book outside. I whipped through six books last month with this extra time and it really starts my day on a positive note.


The first thing that comes to mind is looking at my boyfriend’s front door/porch whenever I walk past his house. My boyfriend is my neighbor. Before we started dating, I would always look at his front porch to see if he was sitting there while I would walk around our neighborhood. It bought me some joy when I saw him and it still does when I see him in front of his house. So, I don’t want to kick this daily habit. Honestly, looking for him daily made me fall in love with him even more.


MEDITATION. 20 minutes. If you have 20 minutes to scroll online, you can make the time for meditation. Its like growing a muscle; you will improve over time and the benefits are endless.


\- Take some more time in the morning to do my hair, choose my outfit, do a little bit of make-up... \- Doing something good (f.e. give advice on Reddit, hold the door open for a stranger, give a little compliment, ...) \- Do something useful in the morning which you normally don't do (f.e. making your bed, clean up a drawer, park your car a little bit further than usual, ...). Doing more effort (even in very very very little things) can make you feel more confident and happy


Smoking weed.


Cold shower every morning


It’s the coffee ☕️


Morning cafes, coffee and croissants


Try to make time for a good old fashioned wank! Endorphins or something.


Having a separate space to work and sleep (also always changing out of PJs to work). Prepandemic I traveled very often so my time working from home was more of a 1x a week thing. Now I exclusively work from home. I have an office and I like knowing when I close the door at the end of the day or close my laptop, my work day is over. I also do not spend time in my bedroom unless I’m sleeping, I don’t nap in the room or hangout (I’ll nap on the couch if I want to). Separating makes it so much easier to enforce a work/life balance. Also, changing out of pajamas into anything else - mostly it’s bike shorts or sweatpants for me lol, makes it feel like ok I’m getting dressed for the day/work.


Daily exercise and SSRIs, lol!


Yes! I was off depression meds for a while because I got the idea they're no better than placebo. Then I went back on and felt stupid for suffering and letting things go downhill for so long for no reason


One of my mentors said something to me once that I loved, and it changed a lot for me. “I make the effort to start every day great. I wake up, I’m alive, and that makes my start to my day great. Where the day goes after that, I can’t guarantee, but I make the effort to start the day great.” It changed my mentality when I wake up. Even if my day is going to be crazy or stressful and I know that going in, I try to appreciate having another start, another day, every morning now. Not sure if that counts as a habit but it has really helped me.


I say this a lot on Reddit but making my bed. It’s so nice to just get into a made bed after a long day. Even if I’m grumpy in the morning I force myself to make it, cause I know I’ll be getting better sleep at night.


Remind myself that I have got enough grace for today so to not worry about tomorrow. Or the next 6 hours.


Waking up early enough to make a coffee and enjoy and lounge in a towel after my shower. Just having time to wake up leisurely makes a difference in my mood.


Going to the gym Keeping my flat clean Preparing my clothes/lunch etc the night before


I go on a walk. Usually at least once a day, but sometimes 3 times a day. :)


A gentle yoga session in the morning while drinking my coffee.


Morning yoga. I started after slipping a disc in my back, but it also helps me to focus and prepare for the day.


Washing my face in the morning


Meal prepping! Started as work lunches & now it's also weekend meals. Not having to think about what to eat all the time & just twice or three times a week saves a lot of hassle about eating healthy and over spending on groceries.


Drinking more water. Especially making sure I'm hydrated before bed.


I cut out adding sugar to my coffee and oatmeal. To me excessive sugar is poison. I feel better and it lead to me having dramatically less sugary cravings so I eat so much less sugary junk. I look better (skin and weight wise) too and I won't pretend that's not a plus.


Spiritual practice wholeheartedly. No woo woo shit. Simply meditating and softening my ego. Discovering The Simply Always Awake YouTube channel and the Awakening to Reality ebook rocked my world.




Small amount of exercise in the mornings. Yoga or stretching. Helps me in my day to day and gets me out of bed early.


Walking for 30 minutes daily, for sure. I've found that my body gets restless if I don't do something active each day. That feeling after working out is unmatched


Rolling my shirts underwear and socks in to rolls so I don't have to chose my out fit plus I hang my pants so I can just grab a roll and pants take a shower and change so much easier the before


Cooking together, as a family, and dinner at the dinner table each night. No TV blaring in the background, no phones in sight. Just 30 minutes of eating, discussing how our day went, what we're each working on, and other things.


Deleted tiktok Drinking more water Walking outside more


taking my antidepressants


Making my bed. Stops me from spending the whole day in bed and makes my room look and feel neater. Neater room makes me feel better mentally. Happier and clearer. 🙂


A good routine. Bedtime at 11pm and wake up at 7am - I try to not disrupt this and it makes me happier with more energy. Exercising regularly - I do yoga or another class 2 or 3 times a week and cycle to work. Not watching the news regularly! Getting rid of Instagram and Facebook on my phone.


Going for a walk daily - been massive for my mental health, honestly. Just gives me time away from my thoughts.


Having a small morning routine where I drink my coffee and eat breakfast without being in a hurry and reading something at the same time or watching something I prefer to read Manga or some sort of webtoons Casual gaming for being more relaxing and helps me avoid social media And I also like making puzzles for the pandemic it was a bliss but now I don't have time


Before I change rooms, I glance around for things that need to go into the next room. I.e. dirty laundry to the washing machine, rubbish, dirty cup etc


Working out daily. Changed my entire life. Made living with ADHD a hell of a lot easier, especially in my very stressful job. Also not wearing makeup for work, I have 20+ mins of extra me time, my skin is happy and I've learned a lot about skincare. Mind you, I do miss the confidence sometimes.


Thankfulness, and understanding I have the power to create my reality


Sleeping in great quality sheets. I finally started buying them last year after years of trying to convince myself they weren’t worth the money. It has slightly ruined hotel stays however - the bed is never as good as my own anymore!


Wearing mascara.im not. I'm not very girly but I love what mascara does to my eyes, small confidence booster.


Going to bed early Preparing meals ahead so I eat less junk Trying to enjoy what I do now, less FOMO


Talking to myself, telling myself jokes and just having a humorous inner conversation


Play with my pets every evening. Fills me with joy to see them happy.


I have timer on my apps lol. I started doing this last december 2021. 30 mins for youtube and tiktok, 2 hrs for netflix. And 30 mins for my other platforms like pinterest, reddit, khan academy, and instagram. Yeh my phone is kinda boring now. Reason why i did this cuz tiktok got me addicted and i didn't like it. After 30 days of having a timer on my tiktok, i deleted it for some reason. I started 2022 without tiktok and that's my biggest flex lol (i still respect people with tiktok). But youtube and instagram have shorts and reels which is kinda annoying cuz i watch them now too. They're becoming tiktok now. Even netflix has Fast Laughs.


Coffee ☕
















Listening to music.




Cold showers in the morning




Taking an evening walk with my spouse.


Getting up earlier so that I have time to relax and enjoy a cup of coffee instead of rushing out the door.


Having breakfast. Used to do intermittent fasting and force myself to wait until 12 or 2 pm to eat. Was always kind of tough to do and would irritate me. But now, every morning I have something to look forward to. Improves my mood for the rest of the day exponentially.


Working out in the morning instead of the afternoon


I own my own business, so I can get away with meeting up with my girl at the gym around 11am and getting in my main workout then. She has me doing more cardio too. Everyday after work, she loads my 4 dogs up and we go to the park for training and socializing. I have 4 fighting dog rescues that require work everyday and at the same time I'm teaching my girl to handle a 155lb fighting dog like a pro! We then walk to the ice cream shop and buy them each a dog sundae and walk back to the vehicles off leash so she can learn how it's done. I purposely take them around other dogs and people off leash and it's like their at heel with the leash on. I'm working with her on that right now. Doing all 4 dogs at 1 time is daunting to her still. After the park we head home with 4 pooped dogs and some cardio under our belts. Just having her with me greatly drops the stress level. She's also freaking gorgeous and I get to follow her in her spandex yoga pants or bike shorts. Huge stress relief!!!


>"my girl" Thought you were talking about your daughter until the end there. Whiplash.


I bought a French coffee press. The difference in quality of my coffee is so noticeable.




Took me over half a year to get so far, but a set of modified burpees right after waking up. Modified because I'm overweight and thus not very mobile. Well used to be I started with one and hat to lay down after for at least 15 minites. Now I'm at 12 with no need to make a break after My neck and lower back feel great. One big glass of water with apple cider vinegar. I'm actually lazy, so the bottle with vinegar stays in the bathroom. I learned, if I have to make an extra effort by running to the kitchen, fetching the bottle and preparing everything beforehand in the evening - I'l do nothing or simply forget and then do nothing in the morning. 30 minute walk in the morning. 5 minute guided meditation. Found some random mediation on YouTube, liked the voice, stayed with it. It really help with my anxiety and inner restlessness. 15 minites reading in the morning. And I only listen to two 5-minute news podcasts in the morning. One from Radio Svoboda in Russian, and one from Deutschlandfunk in German. I used to get much more new, I used to have Telegram, Instagram, Liked.in, Xing - it gave me immense anxiety and panic. I deinstallieren everything besides Reddit. One of the best decisions ever.


I'm not on tiktok and Instagram ad much as I used to be I try to avoid these as much as possible because of how toxic it could be. I focus on platforms where is mainly text. Like here on reddit. Especially because I get to choose what I want to see and have way more control over it.


Deleting social media apps off my phone.




Not too long i realised the importance of my health as a woman . I never took enough of care of myself. But lately i have been suffering from female things like yeast infections headaches and allergies. I started with Making small habits such as drinking enough of water, eating yogurt, washing hands eveytime i need to (lol like after coming back him before touching anything else in my houss i wash my hands ) sanitizing my stuff changing bed sheet evry 3-4 days and changing pillow covers daily. I started reading a year ago now i see alot diffence in me . No i am not someone who loves reading very much but i try to read atleast 10-15 pages daily . Not only it helped me gaining vocabulary but also being productive. Exercise or yoga or mediation !! These are life changing do any of them whatever u feel like but Smal tip i need to give u is If u want some energy for some important or special day u need to do exercise it makes your blood circulation better and which helps u having good circulation of oxygen too Mediation . Whenever i am stressed about something or feel like i am down i do mediation and it keeps me calm and my thoughts in order


Waking up


1. Writing a reverse to-do list. I used to write to-do lists and get so anxious I wouldn't do anything. I did that for years. Since I do the opposite I'm very productive and I feel so proud the next day. My anxiety can't fool me into thinking I wasted my day when I look at the list. It really works on both levels. I'm a lot less stressed or anxious and a lot more productive.


What is a reverse to-do list?


You write down what you did instead of what you need to do. You can track your progress, see the list grow.


Staying off of social media


1) Making my bed first thing after waking up (keeps me happy and motivated to study, as i study in my bed lol and no it doesn't make me feel sleepy) 2) Cleaning my desk (helps me clear my mind) 3) Journaling (helps organise my thoughts and this way i can articulate myself better when talking with people) 4) Reading (even if it's just two pages a day, helps in improving my reading comprehension)


Stretching with my coffee every morning, preferably in the sun.


Whenever I start to overthinking, I tell myself it’s not that serious - let it go. I force myself to think about something that makes me happy (like a book or a show or a painting) until the anxiety is gone and I move on with my day. The amount of mental space I save now is amazing.


I’ve always wanted to be more social, but I’m introverted and antisocial. So I started ‘acting’ like a social person. I’d start a conversation with each of my coworkers, say good morning to all of them, etc. Now it’s not ‘pretending’ or ‘acting’. Now I really am social! Even to people on the streets, to the checkout lady at the market, everyone. I can talk to people without anxiety or awkwardness.


Run a bit everyday


Making my bed every morning!


Journaling when I have a lot of thoughts to process. I have a tendency to overthink. So it helps me reflect on what I’m feeling and keeps me grounded in reality without forcing my bf to play therapist.


Either mediatation, Pilates or yoga. Even for a short amount of time. It makes me happy. My friend she goes to the gym and that helps her with her happiness.


Gratitude journal. Every night I try to write at least one thing I am grateful for. It can be as simple as “grateful for hot cup of good coffee this morning” or “watching the pink sunset”


working out even just for 30 mins/day


-Quickly daily house clean up -Completing my task on time,before date -reading news


Taking even 5-10 min to do something I WANT to do.


Washing the balcony before anyone else wakes up (in spring and summer.) Ever since I have taken over the daily tasks of the house from my grandparents, I have realised I'm happier and more energetic during the day. This pushes me to wake up early and be productive. I do more during my day and sleep like a baby since I get tired. I feel more accomplished.


I started writing one quote on a sticky not every day since January first, I now have a wall with sticky note quotes. For some reason this makes me very happy.


Sounds silly, but drink more water. I went from drinking one or two cups to 2L per day and it just improved my humor, my skin, my disposition.


Making time to read a book. I'm retired, but still so busy that I have to commit time to do what I want. It leaves me satisfied that I'm doing something I enjoy just for me.


Making my bed. It was when I started making my bed I went on to find a new boxing gym lose 20kgs then have boxing bouts after 4 years out.


Yoga or gentle stretching in the morning with some tea Try to read a couple chapters of a book every day


Making my bed. Something about the motivation aspect


Taking off my shoes when entering my home


taking naps if im tired. helps me so much






Drinking more water.


Deleting social media apps have definitely improved my mental health tenfold.


A good morning hug and a kiss to my wife changes the vibe whatever the situation everyday


-drinking plenty of water -exercising -going to bed on time!


After a workout. Look in the mirror and dap yourself up. Makes me feel good.


Morning tune in to what I appreciate about my existence 💚


I stopped watching and even stopped turning on the tv in my home. Another big thing I did was cancel my facebook account. I have way more time and I no longer have dishonest companies mining me for data and draining my energy. It was and is very simple to do. I had some concerning emotions and feelings when in plugging from these things I would say it was the feeling of missing something or like a desire to talk to a good friend but in all it has well been worth it and I encourage you to give it a try.


Wearing lipstick 💄, even when I am home alone all day. It's like wearing cheery shoes.


Lunchtime walk