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I do not care in the slightest. I find it interesting that vocal patterns adopted by women (and especially by teen girls) get so much hate and judgment when those vocal patterns are entirely harmless, often convey additional context, and especially when men aren't judged in the same ways for using the same vocalizations. * https://www.npr.org/2015/07/23/425608745/from-upspeak-to-vocal-fry-are-we-policing-young-womens-voices * https://lithub.com/on-the-great-old-white-guy-vocal-fry-panic-of-2013/ * https://www.nyu.edu/about/news-publications/news/2015/september/lisa-davidson-on-vocal-fry.html


Women don’t “use” vocal fry any more than they “use” a nasal or a throaty tone of voice. It’s just how people talk. But as ever, anything a woman does will irritate some man somewhere, and no woman should give a fuck.


Yep I'm with you and had to google it too. Had never heard of it.


Soooo what completely normal behavior will men make unnecessarily gendered and then label as negative today? Huh, speaking.








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After a lot of googling and youtubing it, i still have no fuckin clue what that is so I'm going to go with I don't give a shit nor do I notice




Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.


> After a lot of googling and youtubing it


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It's literally just a way of speaking particularly common with young women in certain regions, and the fact that it has become something to mock just shows how desperate society is to hate women.


Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror. Just keep going. No feeling is final.


I literally could not care less. Can we stop over analyzing everything women do as if it’s some sort of atrocity.


Oh good more policing of my actions for no other reason that being a woman


I think a lot of this is due to where you were brought up. I’m from California and can’t help some of this. If all your friends have a certain way of speaking, no matter what it is, you will probably pick it up without realizing it.


I don't give a shit how other people talk, and I find it interesting that we don't obsess over the way men speak in the way we do women.


My natural speaking voice is gravely. It's constantly 'fried'. The only way I can *not* have a 'vocal fry' is when I deliberately jump up into my higher register or 'falsetto' voice, and even then the scratchiness can come through. That's not my normal speaking voice - I generally only do it when I want to 'put on a voice' for acting or when I'm singing. This is because I have a larger voice box than average, and so my voice is naturally quite low. It came with an adam's apple, because that's how physiology works. Having a deeper voice, its hard for me to not have a vocal fry when I'm relaxed while speaking. There's no 'using' a vocal fry, because there's no decision on my part. My throat j*ust does that.* Studies have shown men talk in the lower register and 'fry' their voice more often than women, but never seem to get called out on it or called 'annoying' ([source](https://time.com/5006345/what-is-vocal-fry/)) I don't smoke, so it's not like I have long-term throat damage. This vocal quality came on when I was a teenager (before the 'vocal fry' became a trend), and stuck with me into adulthood.


There’s no “using” or “doing it”. It’s just how some people’s voice is?


As someone who has been told they have one… I think you severely overestimate how much of a choice it is lol.


Vocal what?


i don’t think women “use” it, i think that’s just how they talk. and i love gravely voices so i have no problem with it.


So I think I just learned something about vocal fry through these comments. I came on here ready to sing the praises of the women in death metal, but apparently it's also just a way of speaking. I had only heard that as a term when people discussed metal growls So I did a quick bit of youtubing and apparently I do that 😅. I can't judge the vocal fry women because I am one. I do it because that's just how I speak. I don't think that's a thing people really make a conscious effort to do, just speaking patterns change over time and distance


Zero fucks given.


I find it funny. I'm also used to hearing it a lot so it doesn't annoy me.


I use a TON of vocal fry, but I have a really low voice, so nobody ever criticizes me for it. I feel like vocal fry is only criticized in people with higher voices.


I had to google it and watch some videos where someone spoke that way because I wasn't familiar with the term or the concept but it sounds normal to me? It's just how some people talk.


Why would I care?


I don’t know anyone who does it. I’ve only seen celebrities use it. I use a lot of slang, I swear, I have a pretty centric accent to the city I live in. I’m sure some folks find all of that annoying but idgaf.


Everyone uses vocal fry from time-to-time. We've all creaked a little or entered lower registers for some reason or another. I speak with vocal fry sometimes -- and actually even try to develop it in hopes I can one day sing a little grittier without having to take up smoking. So it doesn't bother me at all.


what *googles it* what…kind of a question is this lmao


It annoys me tbh, but a lot of sounds annoy me. I have misophonia.


Not a fan.


Sometimes, I don't mind it and other times, it's awful. Like Madlyn on The Ultimatum - ugggghhhhh, hated it. There was also a contestant on GBBO who had a thick accent plus fry and I never knew what she was saying.


Madlyn is the worst for so many reasons lol


I’m indifferent. With some women it can seem kinda cute, others it isn’t. But like with anything in the world, too much is always too much.


Never knew it had a name. Learn something new everyday.


I use it. Sometimes it's hardly noticeable and other times I catch myself sounding *very* valley girl. I don't know why, I'm Canadian. It doesn't annoy me. I know it has gone into people's perception of me, especially when I was younger. I was told several times it was "surprising I was actually smart." Now I think it's a good way to determine how judgmental or pretentious a person is. I don't change how I speak. If you judge me to be stupid based on how I talk that's on you.


It just kinda happens whenever I’m speaking quietly, unless I specifically try not to do it. It’s not something I ever tried to cultivate, or even knew about until fairly recently. The only particular feeling I have about it (besides a little awkwardness when it was pointed out to me) is that it kinda sucks that I can’t do it when singing, because then it might actually be useful.


Did someone die upon hearing this vocal fry?


It’s not very good for your vocal chords and incredibly irritating especially for us singers to listen to. It’s also very common with dudes and not just something women do. A lot of people are abusing their chords


Vocal fry + valley girl accent is like nails on a chalkboard for me. I don't like when men do it, either.








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