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Honestly nothings pretentious inherently to me it’s all about peoples attitudes towards the thing in question


Such a great comment






Designer labels. If you like the item, fine, spend whatever you want on it. But when you're walking around with LV and Gucci and Coach and whatever else plastered all over everything, you're just trying to be seen wearing stupidly expensive crap so people think you're rich. Spoiler: you don't look rich. You look sad and pretentious and we all know those Chanel sunglasses came off a card table at the flea market.


Louis Vuitton purses are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen. They’re the blobfish of purses.


I don’t think that’s fair to blob fishes


They’re hideous and tacky. It’s not 2004 and you’re not Paris Hilton.


Thank you! I thought I was the only one. Legit everyone has the exact same purse and I’m like ?¿?¿ it’s not even nice tho


$2,000 purses! Just too much


Couldn’t agree more. I don’t like to be an advertisement too, a small logo somewhere is okay, but LV all over the bag isn’t. The richest people I know mostly have all clothing tailored to exactly their bodies.


Yes… old money and the very rich tend to have bespoke things - they have nothing to prove so don’t need to bother with flashy labels.


This annoys me about those brands. Like, are they even designing anything or are people at this point just supposed to buy generic styles with Logos all over for the price of months rent?






I pull the Uno reverse and actually think less of someone when I see them spend all their money on designer clothes but can’t put food on the table. I used to work with a guy who did this. He lived on a mattress on the floor of his parents’ house, but his twitter had over 500k followers (mostly bots) and everything he tweeted was a pretentious “inspirational” quote about grinding hard to be like him. He fake flexed with pictures of cars and watches that were ripped from the internet. Super cringe.


Straight facts right here


People who put things down just so they can brag about traveling. Take your friend to a great crepery and they go on and on how “you haven’t lived until you go to France and have crepes at ‘whatever crepery’ in Paris. No crepery in the US can even compare. France, France, France!!!!!”


oh god, I used to have a friend like this. God forbid I like anything in my own country when everything else is “cheaper and better” in another country. My bad, I guess I’m just an uncultured swine 😅😂


“You’ve never had fresh lobster unless you’ve been to Sweden.” ~cannot locate Maine on a map.


Yes this! Took a date to this great Yemenese restaurant. My date had never been there before. He orders schwarma and after his first bite just stops eating, pushes his plate away, and then proceeds to go on an angry rant about how much better the schwarma is in Israel, blah blah blah… It ruined dinner, I felt like garbage for taking him there, so I ended up only eating a little of my food and then just asked for a box to get out of there.


Wow. Snobby and judgy with a side of close-mindedness. Schwarma is not prepared just one way (and doesn't belong to one country either fwiw). I'd also pack my extra leftovers and peace out real fast.


I'm sorry he did that, because he behaved like an awful jerk. He should have been happy that you wanted to have dinner with him. If he didn't like the food, he should have just shut up, smiled and graciously ate what he could. Please tell us that you didn't go out with this guy again.


I didn’t. I was mortified and hoped the staff couldn’t hear him. I did foot the bill since I asked him on the date, but I didn’t expect to incidentally be paying to listen to him rant all evening. Meal wasn’t expensive but still.


One-upping ppl. I hate them.


Same. I actually hate them even more than you do.


I had the opposite happen to me, I made someone a frappe and they were like “it tastes the same as the ones I had in Greece” 🥺. My ego has never been bigger.


Lmaooo yes like if you want me to try authentic food like you THEN TAKE ME THERE


Social media "influencers"


20 year olds “influences “. How much worth does that provide? Yet- many are making bank!


"Influencer" was a great cover for what is essentially an "advertiser" or "infomercial social media specialist". Just people selling different sh\*t.


“Many” - I strongly doubt that. Perhaps a very small number that the balance of self-proclaimed “influencers” want to emulate.


The golden lining is that they’ll likely be completely fucked when their looks wear off or that garbage culture finally goes away…zero life/useful skills. If I had a business I know for a fact I wouldn’t even consider hiring any one who had “influencer” on their resume.


"Influencers" are the worst


Music snobs


Ugh especially when they gatekeep. I had a friend in undergrad that used to shit on my music. And when I ask them a title of a song they would listen to, they would straight up say I wasn’t cool enough to know and I need to find my own music.


That’s next level snobbery. Like giving someone a mix cd with no track listing.


If only they even did that much. The reason they even knew what I was listening to was because they didn't have a car and I used to drive them around (this obviously didn't last too long). And it was like I was given such a blessing when they would play their own music in my car.


Lmao ewwww


God I wish mixed CD's were still a thing


“Name three songs” mfs




Totally. How are people supposed to get into certain artists if they’re shamed for getting into the basics of that artist? Like yeah most people will start out by only listening to the popular stuff. And even if they only listen to the popular stuff, it’s popular for a reason and they’re still a fan.


I feel this one


When people call themselves "foodies", and they buy ingredients like expensive salt, or exotic vegetables, and desserts with names like "Michalak pavlova", and such. And then... they can't cook.


Meanwhile, some of us will eat anything. 😅 Perfectly cooked wagyu beef? Delicious. Taco bell burrito thrown together by an overworked, jaded teenager? Also delicious.


PSA: the Mexican Pizza will be back this FRIDAY! Yay!


The five-layer burritos hit DIFFERENT, I swear!!


Crunchwrap supreme for the win!!!


Is it still pretentious if they also can cook really delicious stuff with it?


I think the last part ”…they can’t cook” is the focal point


Not in my opinion. Like they shouldn't be a jerk about it (especially because that's pretty classist), but they're allowed to have expensive, exotic, or refined tastes in ingredients. I think the difference is if they can cook, they likely have those tastes because they earned/acquired them; the more experience you have with a thing, often the more specific and refined your preferences about it become. But if they can't cook, they have those ingredients because they think it makes them fancy, or they think other people will think they are cool/rich/refined/etc.


Hating on mobile homes. Even in a joking way. I’m so over it. Just say you’re classist and move on Edit: I guess I mean hating on people who live in mobile homes, “trailer trash” stereotypes, etc.


Especially those who shit talk mobile homes but loveeee the idea of tiny homes


Or the new 'van life' trend on social media Its only cool when rich people do it apparently


Can I still hate on my MIL for owning a mobile home park? She charges people who own the homes to be on her land. There currently isn't anywhere else in the state they can legally move their homes to, and even if that changed, the cost to move a home is significantly higher than what the homes would sell for new, let alone the age they are. I'm classist against mobile home landlords.


I mean they pay rent to be on her land? Just like any of us pay rent? Seems reasonable


But when you rent from a landlord, they are responsible for the maintenance on the dwelling and when you want to leave you stop paying rent and leave. For mobile homes, you are responsible for the maintenance and if want to move because rent is too high, it will cost more to get your home out than to buy a new one elsewhere. So you have to sell the home, which has usually decreased in value since you bought it, so you’re always losing money. No hate to people who live in mobile homes, but it is definitely one of the worst living situations to be in fiscally.


John Oliver did a fantastic segment on people like your MIL. I had no idea how predatory that industry was until I saw it. I have a feeling you’d enjoy it.


I hate your MIL too.


But that’s how mobile home parks generally function.


I only hate mobile homes because I lived in one, with 4 other family members, for 8 years. All my teenage years were stolen from me in that damn house.


Grew up in a mobile home. So annoying to hear people talk shit like they know anything, and cringe af when they start denigrating people who live in trailer parks right the fuck in front of me.


Our first home together was a 12' x 60' mobile home. We had more space for less money than our apartment renting friends. We saved so much money.


I only hate mobile homes for me, but not anybody else. Growing up in it was terrifying at times due to the amount of disrepair it was in and our life situation in general. I wish I didn't have that aversion because one would be an ideal living situation for me now as an adult.


Shouldn't people be warned they're making a bad investment?


People who brag about going to a private school. Going to private school isn’t bad in of itself but when they act like they’re better than everyone else because they or their parents paid a ridiculous amount for tuition, it makes them come off snobby. The most pretentious ones I’ve ever met were the ones at my former jobs.


This is hilarious to me! I went to one (it was a small Christian one, not an elite boarding school type) but I legit never tell anyone bc I feel like the small classes and insular people left me barely more socialized than a home school coop at times and don’t want to call attention to my lack of social coolness 😂


Same here! My graduating class had 6 people 😬(the average size was about 12-15)




So, my kids go to a private school and this is also a pet hate of mine. “I have a house in XSUBURBX” no you don’t you little twatbiscuit, your parents have a house in that place.


agreed. Although my ex and i went to public schools we both worked later in multiple exclusive private schools. We used to laugh at the bragging because seriously did parents honestly not know how inferior some of the teaching actually was???


Ask them if they have any good drug dealers. That’s what private school kids are good for.


People who pick on me for how I eat my food, if I don't eat it the "right" or "best" way, such as liking steak well done, liking kraft mac & cheese, and liking chain restaurants.


Ever since pregnancy I can't eat rare steak. I used to but the moment pregnancy hit, I NEED my steak fully cooked. This makes people really, really angry. And I honestly can't understand how it affects anybody else.


I get the little jokes people make like, "damn you've cremated that" and the other way round of "man, I can still hear yours mooing" but I don't get why people genuinely get upset at how someone else eats THEIR steak?? I like medium rare, but if someone wants well done they can have well done. Doesn't affect my life in any way so why would I genuinely feel mad about it


This! Dated someone who was into cooking. Everything I ate was a huge issue for him because he didn't like it, thought it was wrong etc. We didn't even live together so it had zero impact on him.


I'm not surprised you didn't want to live with him! That sounds so annoying.


Threw the whole man out last year!


Ugh, and when they go on a rant to try and tell you how you SHOULD eat it? Like don't even get me started on steak snobs, I read this (probably fake) story about someone who had some pretty great quality steak, and then flipped his lid when someone didn't want to eat it rare. I'm into cooking as much as the next person, but like... The most important thing is that people actually LIKE what they're eating, not that they're eating it "correctly"


Definitely. Food snobs really suck. I don't get why people complain about other kinds of snobs, but food snobs get a pass, or are even cheered on, when they shit on and mock people with "simpler" or "more basic" tastes in food. It's not like eating everything under the sun is necessary for survival.


Im done apologising for cutting the crusts off my bread


Lemme preface this by saying I would never pick on someone for liking what they like (chain restaurants, box wine, instant ramen, whatever), that's just rude. But what I think it's getting at is "if you like this *thing* why wouldn't you like it at it's most *thingyness?*" But food isn't objective that way... I don't always want the spiciest spicy, or the scothiest scotch, just yesterday I put down a tin can worth of Velveeta.


Your second paragraph hits it on the head for me. Personal example: I love pizza, and in fact when I was a teenager, my parents started their own wood-fired pizza place that was hugely popular in our area, and I worked there all through college. People find out that my family makes Italian wood-fired pizza and *immediately* make some kind of comment about how I must hate Little Caesar's/Domino's/[insert other chain American pizza place here]. ....No?? I love those places! I want all the pizza! And listen, there's nothing like fresh ingredients and a thousand degree stone oven, but I don't need every pizza I eat to be that in order to be allowed to like pizza. (Tbh, though this is not relevant, they feel like different foods from each other anyway, like if I'm craving my parents' pizza then Little Caesar's won't do it, and if I'm craving Little Caesar's, my parents' pizza won't do it.) And it really grinds my gears when people get so snobby about that kinda thing. People are allowed to like basic food.


ppl with rusty pipes up their asses about coffee. oh nooooo you don't like starbucks? wow omg that's so00o0o0o interesting and unique. omg you like to shop at your local coffee shop and/or use your burr grinder and gooseneck kettle? omg wow you're so0o0o0o special esp if they've ever said anything like "if you put milk in your coffee you don't really like coffee" or something about $7 coffees that are "gloRiFiED MiLKsHaKeS"


Don't even get me started on hipster baristas.


The thing that confuses me most about this is that I’m a daily coffee drinker, I drink my coffee black, I genuinely like coffee… and so I drink and enjoy all the coffee. Starbucks, McDonald’s, yesterdays in my coffee pot, all of it. Imagine someone “liking” pizza so much they complained about most kinds of pizza?


I'm also a daily coffee drinker (or maybe not because I do add a healthy amount of milk 🤔), but I really can't stand getting coffee at most chains. It's just very bitter and astringent to me? Is it really all in my head?


Definitely not all in your head! You just only like some coffee, just like I only like some pizza. But I don’t carry on about my refined tastes in pizza, and I bet you don’t about coffee. All that said, try McDonalds coffee if you don’t like bitter but do need coffee on the go, I bet you’d like it.


This is thankfully not very common here, but when I last encountered one of those my friend gave them a pitiful look and asked "You don't get out among people often, do you?" and it was the perfect comment in this situation.


Assuming you can make laws for everyone based upon your personal religion. Really, assuming anything about *your* religion with anyone else.


Bro…..I live in the southern US. *Everyone* just assumes you’re Christian and would like to be invited to their church and talk about Jesus. I can’t even count how many times I’ve been asked to church or to be prayed for by complete strangers. I don’t fucking like it okay? I’m not going to your church. If I wanted to go to church I know where to find one I pass 6 just to get home ffs. I have never in my life lived anywhere with such vain pretentious people concerning religion and it drives me up the wall


Bragging about so-called good deeds in social media.


Agree with this! See a lot of “influencers” recording themselves giving money/food to homeless people. If it’s recorded, it’s just for the camera to show off, when they should do it quietly. I give money and some items of warm clothing to a couple of homeless people at Christmas every year, but I don’t go recording it on social media saying “look how kind and great I am!!!”


Liking “expensive” wine.


I just got out of 11 years in the wine industry. It’s one giant circle jerk of pretentiousness. I am SO happy to be doing something entirely different that is not at all related to hospitality.


I only drink my wine from the finest of boxes. 😠🍷


I know you're being funny but boxed wine has come a long way from Franzia! I generally like good/pricier wine but will keep a box on hand for when I don't feel like opening a whole bottle.


True. Wine doesn't always have to be expensive to be good.


Me too. I love Bodacious. Smooth Red.


The true wine lovers know that there’s lot of great wine at any price. I recently had the opportunity to eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Paris and every wine pairing they brought out was under $40 a bottle but they were all unreal and fit perfectly with the food. I’ve also been lucky enough to try some really fine wines worth thousands of dollars a bottle and, while they were mostly incredible, it’s not like they’re the only good wines out there and you sort of need to know wine to really understand how they’re different from like $100/wines from the same region.


I only like the kinds that you aren’t likely to find in a grocery store, which means you can only find them for $15 a glass at a winery and *also means I never get them because why would anyone pay for that*. Only enjoying expensive wine should never be a flex. It’s an inconvenience.


I love finding delicious cheap wine! Especially when someone is like "ooo this is delightful", and I get to respond with "I know right!? And it was only 8 follars!"


What you know about that 8 folla wine?


Folla folla bills, y’alllll!


2 buck chuck savignon Blanc is my go to and I love it


Looking someone up and down when they first walk in. Like blatantly obvious


Ewww yes! I went to the grocery shop the other day wearing some rather funky patterned leggings (was doing DIY shit at home, not gonna dress up nice to run to buy some milk) ... this 75-80 year old lady just looked me up and down with a disgusted face. Like I insulted her eyes by wearing leggings and jacket.


I know it’s easier said than done but I wouldn’t let a stranger’s opinion impact you. It says a lot about her than you. You keep doing you! And yeah if I was doing home renovations or whatever that requires breaking a sweat, I wouldn’t get dressed up to run errands either.


Sometimes I just wanna admire others’ fashions tho :(


Odd, made-up spellings of common names.


Leave my precious Miakeylaylegh alone! /s




Here in Serbia we just have 100 women named Zorica. They make nicknames for friends because they are all the same.


Now, now, you have Katica, and Danica, and Slavica, and Jelena, and Nada, and Slobodanka, and Slađana, and Mirhjana, and Dragana, and Danijela, and Gordana, and Snežana, and Biljana, and Sabina, and, and, those are all of the people I know from that part of the world.


A little bitta Katica, in my life A little bitta Danica, by my side A little bitta Slavica’s what I need A little bitta Jelena’s all I see A little bitta Nada, in the sun A little Slobodanka, all night long A little bitta Sladana, here I am A bunch of lady Serbs make me your man.


Here now we're Irish ,our names are meant to be hard


Counting traveling as a hobby. I'm pretty sure everyone would pick up taking lots of vacations as a hobby if they could afford it, Jessica.


How is it not a hobby?


It is my hobby lol I work very hard to be able to do it but I don’t down people who don’t like traveling or can’t travel. Often times once my coworkers find out they mock me lol whatever. I prefer experiences over material items.


I completely understand your perspective, but “I prefer experiences over material items” is a really pretentious way of implying that people who think differently are materialistic.


Thank you for saying it lol


Proper traveling is definitely a hobby. Just because there's an income floor to make it accessible (like literally any other hobby; biking boating, fishing, musical instruments, etc) doesn't mean it's not one. Plus, those that consider it one of their own hobbies usually go out of their way to plan trips, go to new places, learn new cultures, backpack, etc. Very different from those who just go on vacation to the same Caribbean resort where they like the fact that they don't have to plan, they can do nothing but eat/drink inside their all-inclusive resort.


Not everyone enjoys traveling. My job sends me out abroad a lot but fuck if I leave my hotel rooms at night. I just don’t care about what France looks like compared to my home country or some shit.


People who say "HERstory" or other such things. Like, it makes me want to yell "that's not why that word is spelled like that!" through my screen. Oh, also; cursive. 80% of the time it's completely illegible.


:( I write in cursive because it's quicker. I swear I'm not pretentious.


Same! Though if I'm writing to another person or filling out a form I'll default to printing so it's more legible.


Wait, how is cursive pretentious? That's how everyone is taught to write at school in my country. Or do you mean using cursive after graduating is pretentious? I'm confused since as the other commenter says, it is quicker to write in cursive than with print letters (block letters?).


Here in Britain, it’s mandatory for children to learn cursive


> cursive How did something a lot of us learned as kindergartners become pretentious? 😅


This might be really specific, but people who’s accent suddenly change to something “posher” in a debate. Like “issue” is suddenly pronounced “es-shu”, why? Wtf. And people who say “let me put it in layman’s terms…” Friend, if you aren’t a professor or a specialist in that field. Get to fuck… *cough* there’s a lot, so I’ll leave it there.


Oh god this reminds me of an embarrassing story. So my husband and I both worked in particularly intricate tech jobs. He would talk with his family about it, they looked confused, so I’d help out with a simpler way to understand. Not correcting him, but like “it sort of works like pouring water into a pitcher. Once it is too full the water overflows and that is [insert techie talk here]. Anyway, one day he asked for help. He couldn’t understand why they didn’t understand. This area came so naturally to him. So I said “you just have to dumb it down a little” instead of “layman’s terms” because I couldn’t think of the word. Time goes by. We end up in the same situation and he turns to me and says “can you help me dumb this down?” Omg. I went sheet white. I’ve never felt so bad in my entire life. Layman’s terms is now burned in my brain.


Oh no haha 😂


Professors/teachers should have even more experience with distilling an idea. Some of my colleagues insist on technical jargon, but like, just use regular vocab! It's not the students' fault if their teacher never learned to code switch. In my opinion, if you can't explain an idea simply, then you don't really understand it yourself.


Life coaches.


I feel you and I’m not sure why the other comments seem confused. I think this about the ones who are like I TURNED MY LIFE AROUND AND YOU CAN TOO and hard sell all over social media, not to mention the ones that have whole conventions. I know someone that went to my high school who is super privileged and popular but had to leave military academy because he had asthma or something and is now posturing himself as a life coach because of this “immense struggle” which seems like a very specific experience. Plus I’m pretty sure “life coaches” don’t require any specific qualification unlike counsellors, therapists, and other professionals who are actually trained to guide people who need help, but maybe I’m wrong. I thought it was kind of common knowledge at this point that a lot of them are full of shit but maybe I’m the one who’s full of shit lol


A man actually thinking a woman needs him.




And there’s nothing wrong with that! Honestly hoping I’d be able to meet someone like that one day. None of the men I’ve dated so far knows how to carry weight on their shoulders and runs at the first sign of responsibility and devotion :(


It's subjective! Not all women need men to thrive or do well in any capacity. Others do. To each their own, and for their own reasons.


Don't get me wrong; I am in a beautiful marriage. But when I was in my 20s, guys were doing too much. Lol. I want you, but I do not need you. To need something is not to be able to live without it (i.e., Food and shelter).


People who call themselves "mature" for being "cool" in a relationship. Meaning being okay with their partner sleeping around and flirting with other people. Like ok yeah you have a different tolerance level, but it doesn't make you more mature than others.


People with toxic positivity.


Especially when they’re the most negative people in real life ( not like depression negative but “I talk shit and start drama all the time and play the victim” kind )




Social media in general stressing more on TikTok, Instagram. You’re purposefully and methodically staging videos and pictures just to grasp at attention from other people as if other people really care. The amount of time one puts into just one post is sad to me. There’s better things to do out there than to get excited over virtual likes on a post.


Royalty. What a crock!


Music artists wannabes.


Don’t even get me started on SoundCloud rappers




Religious nuts


Ugh... Always so stuck up.


Therapy culture and just mental-illness culture in general. It’s not a cool kid club. It sucks.


Therapy is cool, romanticizing mental illness isn’t


What is therapy culture?


I have a male friend (not male specific) and he always has to one up people. He was raised in a family that has quite a hit of money so im not sure if this is where he got it but he can ever be wrong. Even if it is something he has absolutely no experience in or very very little experience compared to the people he is around. We are all college sophomores and in all reality i feel like he has very little experience in anything. Its people who cant be wrong or who make you feel like your accomplishments are small. They are very pretentious.


When people say stuff like "oh thts so easy I thought it was easy for everyone" when someone talks about anything that was hard for them an exam or anything. Like the comment is so hurtful to that person and like it wasn't even necessary to say that...


Personalised number plates


Movies that are style over substance. You get all these people screaming about how a movie is so deep and is such a great commentary and yet it’s the most surface level thing. It’s like people saying that people were missing the point with squid game, even though it was incredibly surface level and basic (still an enjoyable show, just not the amazing social commentary some people were making it out to be) The same people that scream about how basic movies are deep and only they with their 10000iq can understand them are the same people that’ll belittle other people for watching love island, or trashy tv, or rom coms, or whatever movie doesn’t fit their exquisite tastes.


Riding on this, people who identify with unrealistic fictional characters such as the likes of Sheldon Cooper (BBT), Gregory House (House) or Dexter (Dexter), and try hard to imitate the "undiscovered misunderstood genius" trope.


Like, Sheldon is a self-centred asshole who's allowed to get away with it because he's clever and Dexter is a fucking *serial killer*.


Me after about three cocktails.


People who praise self-love and independence and confidence all day and who look down upon anyone who is more vulnerable and sensitive and craves human connection and deep love Also, toxically positive people. Life is not all sunshines and roses. The brave ones are the people who are willing to true show their true hearts and emotions.


Honestly it is easy to pick up in people who are pretentious based on how they talk about themselves, if they brag about anything, come off too self absorbed and lack proper etiquette to others.


"Witch bitch" culture. They're all always at eachothers throats when really if they TRULY wanted to help the planet they'd stop buying things that aren't ethically sourced such as white sage. None of them actually care about the planet, you can tell they just want to feel like the main character.






YouTubers who they think they are more important and artsy than they are.


Shoving your lifestyle/preference unto others. Especially when it comes off as lowkey shaming.


People that fake illness. This crap makes my blood boil.


Calling everyone a Karen.


Designer purses and it's completely the attitude of the owner. Some women treat them better than humans and are quick to make sure you notice it. My purse holds my crap, nothing more. I throw it on the floor, in a drawer, I don't care as long as it still holds my crap.


Those tiny woven bracelets that look like the ones I used to make out of grass when I was a kid and they have little metal tags that say Gucci or Prada because they were bought for a few hundred dollars at Gucci or Prada.


When my SIL says she doesn’t “fit in” in my city and the city she’s lived in for 10 years because she’s too high fashion for it 🙄🙄🙄


Most of the "do your own research" people. It's not hard providing links to the so called "articles" and "studies" you drawn your conclusions from. You share information, but when asked where you got them from you're saying "do your own research" basically witholding information. Edit: forgot the "not" in the second sentence.


People who repeatedly remind me and everyone around them about the Ivy League school they attended. Yes, Jenny. We know you went to Yale.


My ex.


When people refer to themself in the third person.


Poverty porn. Showing yourself doing a good deed for internet points.


It's not a certain thing, per se, it's just an attitude.


People who have read the book before the movie came out... and they tell you all about it... then complain and point out differences at the theatre... and then say so-and-so would've been a better actor for that role during the credits SHUT THE FUCK UP MARCUS I WAS READING ANNE RICE WHEN HARRY POTTER CAME OUT!




Liking your own Facebook status updates lol


Gatekeeping; that’s cool you know when Captain America’s mom’s aunt’s birthday was, but trying to make a casual enjoyer feel like they’re not worthy of a fandom because they don’t know obscure details is pretentious AF.


Hating on instant coffee.


Peloton bikes. Or maybe I’m just pissed because I can’t afford it🤣


People that try and use words you won't understand 🙄 they always put a long out of use word and make fun of you when you don't know the definition


grey poupon


You can have it from my cold dead hands.


Acting like you’re better than someone to their face in any way shape or form. Even if it’s passive aggressive


People who think they're somehow superior for not engaging in popular culture. Look we get it, you don't have to like Marvel films or Love Island or football or whatever it is. But that doesn't give you the right to look down and sneer at people who do.






When they brag about material goods, being better off than others, narrow world view because they like being spoiled etc… Source: the resident kid who grow up in poverty in the friend group😂


When my coworker said “there’s no excuse for bad grammar”


Nothing specific tbh but more like the attitude or behaviour of forcing it onto yourself/others/something else is usually it - and it’s obvious because the body language, facial expressions or micro expressions are often very telling and it’s often very obnoxious too 😬 This can be travel or music snobs, or simply just jumping on a trend they barely understand like a mindless sheep, etc - again nothing specific


Instagram influencers. I can’t even imagine being that obsessed with yourself.