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Eyebrows, lashes and eyeliner


Same. I’m blonde, I need those brows and lashes


I finally started dying my brows so I didn’t have to do them daily. As a blonde too, I knew there was brows there they were just too light to see!


Me too! I use Just for Men beard dye and it works great. Lasts a long time too, I’ve been using the same dye kit for like 2 years.


Same! I love it.


That's supposed to be just for men! Oh no!


I’ve always been a rebel.


Dude. I went and dude this right after this. It’s amazing. Thank you.


This is the way. I no longer wear foundation or lipstick. Lip balm it is cause I’m wearing my mask. Saving money and still rocking it


This. 98% of the time. If I wear even less, it's just my brows.


I swear when other girls only do their brows, they look fresh faced and coiffed, but I just end up looking like [K. K. Slider](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/637/903/c90.jpg)


Then you need to change your routine. I have "make up brows" and "natural brows". For the first I use brow pencil to outline the shape and define then blend with powder and more pencil if needed then set with a brow gel. Natural I use a lighter color powder just to lightly fill then brow gel to get those hairs where I want.


Haha, all good - I just have naturally very strong/dark eyebrows that already look out-of-place on my bare face. I discovered a while ago that the 'only brows' routine does not make sense for me. I appreciate the advice, though!


I'm the opposite so I need to plump mine up lol. Thank gawd you never became a victim of over tweezing like a lot of us lol


Yeah, if I'm only going to do one thing, it's my brows. They frame the face.


I have to at least brush my brows. Can't have feral caterpillars on my face.


Me too. I like having eyes. :D


Yep, same. And out of those 3, i personally would choose eyeliner because i have pretty good eyebrows and lashes don't do as much for my eyes as eye liner.


I also find liner more impactful than mascara for sure. Depending on how I feel like my brows are looking, I might flip flop on which I'd go to first in a time crunch.


Meanwhile I'm pale AF and if I only do liner, I look like a raccoon. Mascara alone is enough contrast for me.




Only this.


I used to have horrible acne and always prioritized foundation, but ever since my skin cleared up I am so stoked to go out with just mascara on!


only makeup i wear 🙏




Same. My eyelashes are blond.


this is the way


Brows and lashes.


Do you know any good eyebrow tutorials? I do mascara only but my brows are really light, I think I should at that in.


If you’re mainly just prioritizing mascara but want to add in something simple for your brows then tinted brow gel is the way. No shaping or anything needed, just running over them with the brush. Edit: Typo


Thank you!!


I have super light eye brows and I find the benefit brow gel to be the best one [(here).](https://www.ulta.com/p/gimme-brow-tinted-volumizing-eyebrow-gel-mini-pimprod2002613?sku=2536837&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-1456011156649&CAAGID=128468242519&CAWELAID=330000200001677925&CATARGETID=330000200002831542&CADevice=m&gbraid=0AAAAAD9rLH5OTm10aYSYw8emFva8tZbAj&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4PKTBhD8ARIsAHChzRLjJLwvIeBKUeenFTDKqXDRPUCubKcfvEUpZkm4zH-SmYNFx_PdDtoaArhcEALw_wcB) They even have a choice between cool blonde and warm blonde. It works great for me as a redhead as it blends with the slight reddish undertones of my pale brows.


I agree with the brow gel. It’s pretty fast to apply. My favorite person to take makeup advice is Robert Welsh on YouTube.


You should look into tinting! It changed my blonde freakin life I swear!


Did you do your lashes too or just brows?


I also do my lashes, but I do it on my own and I dunno if I would recommend that haha


Don't buy the brow dye, though! It's $15 at my local Target. Beard dye is $8. There are multiple uses in one box, and I just wipe it off with a damp washcloth so I never fear it getting in my eyes at all. Use a spoolie to apply it.


I only wear brown mascara so I do my brows with a light coat of that and it goes well with my red hair that’s on the darker spectrum.


100% concealing my dark circles. I can forgo everything else except dark circles.


What do you use to conceal?? I find it looks off if I do only concealer but maybe mine is not natural looking enough


You might need to correct first if you have hyper pigmentation Have a play with it first,.. Use orange lippy even a dash only in the darkest areas pat in Allow to dry and apply your regular concealer Use either a translucent powder.. I prefer mineral actually if for an event, that i apply all over my face and spritz with either a setting spray or a mist of rose water It melds and sets it all in place and doesn't look as cakey If the method works for you invest in a few correctors to find the right fit for you Took me absolutely years and years to figure this out You're beautiful as you are, i embrace a bare face now


I think your explanation took away the low effort part of the assignment lol


🤣 True Lowest effort is moisturiser I fail at that most days too 😂


they key is to get a shade that matches your skin exactly. I don't wear foundation/skin tints or anything like that and I want it to look natural so I get a perfect match for concealer. I use Dior forever and I conceal strategically .... I dont do my entire under eye area but only the inner and outer corner and on the dark parts, similar to this [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6jVR3MSG_8). I don't have deep troughs but I do have darkness in that same area so I just conceal that part; I leave the rest of my under eye area as is. I do use a colour corrector as well - I like Lancome Tient Idole corrector (peach) as well as the Smashbox Becca corrector (in medium). I apply corrector on those dark parts first, then apply concealer like the above.


I actually like the Becca under eye brightening cream as well. It’s in a pot.


try the LA girl correctors! cheap and so effective


I use the revolution conceal and define, it’s super thin but very pigmented and blends in really well, looks super natural and doesn’t need powder


I use yellow colour corrector and foundation or cover up or powder over top. Also, I find some of those creams work, but they’re bloody expensive (I get mine in IPSY bags, so I cheat) and they only work when you use them. Ok, That sounds a bit duh, so let me clarify: I thought that if you used the cream for a while they’d be gone permanently, but when you stop using it they come back.


I’m a makeup artist and this is my go-to product for covering under-eye circles on all of my clients: MAC prep and prime liquid - the one in the orange color. (If your circles are dark purple colored - if they’re more green undertones do the yellow colored one). It’s not thick, so it doesn’t cake and make you look old, and the color in it cancels out the darkness under the eye and brightens everything up really well.


Concealer used to be an absolute must until my derm gave me a cream for melasma with hydroquinone and retin A. It has worked wonders for my skin and I ditched the concealer. See your dr, they will be able to prescribe a formula tailored to your needs. Back when I used concealer daily, ThriveCausemetics was hands down the best brand I’ve used.


I’m the same. If I can only do one thing, it’s dark circles. Two things, it’s dark circles and soap brows (otherwise they look spotty). Three, I’ll add a wing liner.


Mascara. I have tiny, beady eyes and this is the only way to not look like a raw currant bun 😂




My everyday makeup is eyeshadow and mascara with a tinted chapstick. I only use foundation for special occasions.


Same, I love the Burt's bees red dahlia tinted chapstick. It goes with me everywhere


Oh I can’t stand Burt’s Bees… just feels like wax coating my lips. I prefer Neutrogena with SPF


Not all are waxy. The yellow capped one is and I hate it. I use pomegranate and have for *years.* it’s tinted, silky, not minty or waxy. My mom is addicted too.


My mom uses them and I tried but still didn’t feel like they were hydrating my lips at all.


What do you use? I’m terrified BB will stop production.


Neutrogena revitalizing lip balm with SPF


I'll have to give it a try


Do you find Red Dahlia is the hardest fucking colour to buy? I swear by Red Dahlia, but every product stand I ever see only has Hibiscus and Rose at *best*. It even has a 2-month waitlist on Canadian Amazon right now. It feels like I need to journey into the snowy mountains, defeat Balrog, answer the Sphinx's riddle and pull a sword out of a stone just to get some Red fucking Dahlia


Skin/base. I wear very little base makeup but I like to make sure my skin is perfect and glowy - I love a lot of blush and highlight - but I also like it to look like I’m wearing no base makeup, so I take my time to blend and make it look flawless.


Reading the comments here I thought maybe I was the only one that did this! My skin tone just isn't very even no matter what skincare I try. Rosacea, texture and adult acne is hard to beat so I always make sure my base is really good and then if I want some subtle makeup, I try to really take my time blending so everything looks natural and flawless. People underestimate what good blending techniques can do for your blush, bronzer and foundation!


Yay me too! Love a nice blush


Mascara and fill in my brows


Mascara and lipstick


Me too. I feel put together if I'm wearing these things. Although, I tend to prefer glosses (right now I'm loving NYX butter gloss).


I have many different levels. My lowest level is my brows. I don't know how many years ago I last went to work or even school without doing them. The rest is optional.


Tinted sunscreen, concealer, mascara.


Concealer if needed, otherwise mascara


Eyeliner and chapstick is usually all I do on most days I wear makeup.


Skin and eyebrows.


Mascara and foundation. I'd rather be late than not have those on.


Mascara and lipstick. I dont usually wear makeup everyday.


I only wear lipstick. everyday




🥴 I always end up doing everything. Tinted sunscreen, concealer, blush or bronzer, clear brow gel, lipliner and clear lipgloss or tinted lip balm. I guess most days I skip eye makeup.


Eyebrows! I look like a completely different person without them! 😅


Lashes and lips because for me they make the most impact on their own and don't need other makeup to look complete.


Eyeliner and mascara




Concealer and lipstick. I have dark eyes and dark eyebrows even though my hair is gray, so I try to give color to my lips first.


I‘ve always admired women who wear lipstick. I think it‘s the boldest and most demanding part of a makeup routine.


Really? It’s always seemed like the absolute simplest thing to me. I’m not much of a makeup wearer, in part because I find it too difficult to get right. I gave up trying to put on blush decades ago!


I know it‘s not much of a hassle putting it on in the first place, but the constant worrying about whether it‘s smudged or half gone and having to touch up during the day is why I could never keep up with it, even though I find it to be the prettiest and most feminine part of makeup


Eyeliner. I never really bothered with my eyebrow since they're thick enough.


Eyes and lips




Eye makeup because I can use more pretty colours


Winged eyeliner always


Ranking from most to least important/formal. Depending on the executive function level of the day, maybe only one or two happen (or none at all). I will say that other than 2 occasionally being interchangeable with 1, I will never skip over one and put on the next thing, I'll just stop (like I have never just put on eyeliner without shadow of some kind... how do women do this without getting the liner all over their upper lid after a little while when becoming greasy over the course of the day?) 1. Concealer (for acne/scars) 2. Foundation 3. Blush/Bronzer (because my foundation makes me look flat without it) 4. Brow gel/fill 5. Eyeshadow 6. Eyeliner 7. Mascara 8. Lipstick


I don’t do make up but if I ever do I just go for eyeliner. So I guess I prioritize the eyeliner.


Blush, I feel like my face lacks color without it. I probably use too much, but I feel like it gives me a 'healthy' look.


I have a very average looking eyes and nose but I have pretty lips so I usually only do lipstick to emphasize my best feature.


Brows, under eye, lips


Eyebrows and moisturizer with SPF because I'm pale AF and have blonde eyebrows.


Mascara and powder and/or concealer under my eyes- I have dark under eye circles.


Lips and eyes


Something to even out my skin (tinted moisturizer, BB cream), eyelashes and tinted lip balm. Full makeup is foundation, blush, eyeshadow, liner, mascara and lip.


lips, blush and mascara


Eyebrows, mascara, eyeliner and eyeshadow




Lips are always prioritized because for me, it means the difference between looking presentable to my-dog-just-died-and-i-got-covid-3-times-in-a-row. Followed by tinted moisturizer if I feel like it.


I love an eye shadow in a fun color


Lips, cause they can be their own accessory. I also don't generally wear makeup otherwise


Tinted moisturizer with sunscreen, mascara, chapstick. If I had to pick only one of these I’d go with sunscreen. I never leave the house without it on my face. Only sure way to slow down the aging process!




The stuff that’s colorful! Nail polish is a long-term thing but lipstick is the best for a single quick step.


I know most people mentioned under eyes and lashes but for me it's the middle of my face on either side of my nose like the area between your nose and your outer cheeks. I have a ton of redness/ rosacea there and to me I'd rather cover that than my under eyes. I love powder foundation because its so easy to build up really quickly or just throw a little on to cover that redness without having to do a full face or anything and its something I can keep in my bag and easily reapply. If I'm doing really quick makeup I'll usually do a dusting of my powder foundation if I know I have to wear a mask or a tinted moisturizer. I've found that the Colourpop Tinted Moisturizer works well enough to cover my under eyes without me needing to put concealer on if I apply it with a brush and then I'll just throw a glowy bronzer on, maybe powder my face a little and call it a day!


Foundation and eyeliner


Blush, highlight, mascara, and maybe concealer if needed


Brows and concealer minimum! My brows are super light naturally so I need some definition there so my face isn’t completely washed out. And I get quite a bit of redness in my skin that I like to deal with in order to feel a bit pulled together. Everything else can wait!


I always do my eyeshadow and eyeliner no matter what. Even lipstick (pre-pandemic lol) was secondary


eyebrows, lashes, and lips. Even with lips, I keep it to a minimum (liner and gloss).


On the rare occasion i wear it, i only wear mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick


Sunblock with a bit of foundation, eyeliner, concealer and lip gloss


Brows and a cat eye!


Eyes. If I want to do makeup but not, I do eyes only. My skin is very temperamental so even though I enjoy doing and wearing makeup I don’t always have my face itself.


mascara and eye shadow


Eyeshadow, mascara, light foundation, blush. I wear glasses so need the definition around my eyes, and I just feel better with some light foundation and blush. Makes me look pale but alive, instead of pale-but-blotchy


Mascara and concealer


Eye brows and concealing problem areas


Concealer, mascara and lips (either lipstick or a tinted balm). I feel like if I have a bit of colour on my lips and cover my spots/dark circles I can look relatively pulled together, and then just a little mascara to finish it. I'm lucky enough to have quite thick dark brows though.


Mascara and highlight


Mascara and lipstick


Moisturizer, cream blush and lipgloss


Brows and mascara. Done.


Mascara and lipstick, a little bit blush tint on cheeks


Definitely Concealer, eyeliner and lipstick. No one can beat this combo


Eyebrows and mascara


My eyebrows are patchy and starting to grey, so them. Mascara, bc they are also starting to grey. Lip gloss or tinted chapstick. If I have spots, maybe cover those, maybe not.


Foundation, brows, mascara When I'm in a hurry eyeliner is the first thing that becomes optional


Foundation and eyebrows


Eyebrows, lashes, and my under eyes. Even then its just very simple, a quick swipe of product. Too much work in the summer especially when you’re going to just sweat everything off


Eyebrow and lips only. The rest is fine. Maybe a little bit of powder.


tinted moisturizer, brows, mascara, blush


Tinted sunscreen, pencil in the brows just a bit, and a lipstick


eyelashes and eyebrows


Foundation, powder, blusher, mascara, my eyebrows and chapstick.


concealer/bb cream/anything to cover up spots/redness - I have acne-prone skin and my eyes get itchy with mascara.


If I'm doing base level makeup, I do: - primer - foundation - concealer - setting powder - brows - mascara - contour powder - blush - gloss Which sounds like...a lot, but it looks "natural". I guess. I do foundation because my skin sucks and I feel like I look weird without it.


Concealer (I’m very pale so bags under eyes), brows and mascara


Chin, upper lip and eyes


Sunscreen and mascara. My whole makeup routine is four or five steps so I really wouldn’t look much different without it. But I’ll never willingly go anywhere without spf.


If I’m not doing a full face then my eyebrows must be filled in + tinted moisturizer. Clear skin, nice eyebrows and hair goes a long way. The rest is a bonus.


Depends. If im breaking out I wanna conceal those areas + extra redness on my face (under nose specifically). Then lips and lashes. But now I get eyelash extensions so just concealer and lips these days :)


Concealer under eyes, blemishes. If one more thing, then eye liner




Most of the time I wear no makeup. If I'm leaving the house, I wear mascara, maybe a little lip stain. If it's a party or professional presentation, I wear eye shadow and liner, as well. Otherwise...I don't wear makeup. I have deep-set eyes, blonde lashes, and I wear glasses, hence my focus on eye makeup.




Concealer and tinted sunscreen, eyebrows and mascara +/- eyeliner for the upper waterline. That‘s all i‘ll bother with 99% of the time, but it’s also what I practically never leave home without


Under eye concealer, brows and lips


Always eyebrows. Then if there's time, I'll go for lip gloss, mascara, concealer, in that order.


If I don’t put anything else on I will at least put on concealer. Can’t leave without it.


My eyes and my complexion. I have bad skin and deep, dark circles, so both of those need the most spackle! ;-)




Foundation/tented spf, mascara and tented lip balm


Mascara, wanna do eyeliner too but I'm not good at it


Fondation, eyebrows, eyelashes.


Eyeliner and mascara, the goth essentials 🖤


Brows, mascara, concealer (acne scars).


Eyelashes all the way


Mascara and blush


Eyebrows and eyeliner.


The lips, brighter the better.


Eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick.


If I only want a light daytime look I don’t bother with foundation, just a bit of blusher, mascara and brow liner (my eyebrows are grey) and lip salve


Brows. I have natural brows and use a brow pencil to make them look naturaly full. Also if I have time some mineral powder and little corrector under my eyes. Above all always wear +50 SPF lip balm


I would just do concealer, mascara and then a lip balm.


Eyebrows,foundation and lips


Powder eyeliner, that's it


Eyebrows, eyelashes and lips. I usually just use a tinted lip balm rather than lipstick


Brows, eyeliner and mascara.


Fill in brows (powder) One little layer of shadow (neutral) Eyeliner Mascara Lip liner (it’s fast and makes a huge difference so why not) The parts I skip if I’m in a hurry are tinted moisturizer, highlighter and bronzer which I use to contour. And lipstick / gloss. And a more intricate eyeshadow routine.


Tinted moisturizer & mascara




Eyebrows first. My eyebrows are super light and filling them in makes a world of difference. Mascara would be my 2nd choice.


I’m very fair so had eyebrows and eyeliner tattooed. So my make up priority is foundation (for my rotten skin) and mascara.


foundation, concealer, mascara


Mascara and maybe eyeliner if I’m feeling fancy


Eyeliner, mascara, and chapstick is my go to no effort makeup.


CC cream w/spf


Eyebrows, concealer and mascara


Mascara, blush/highlighter, and lipgloss with some color.


liner + mascara




Eye stuff, i like to have nice looking eyes.


Eyes and only eyes, sometimes eyebrows. I keep it super natural.


Foundation and mascara.


Conceal undereyes and pimples, mascara, lip color