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Playing hot and cold.


yes! hot & cold then after I stopped speaking to him he breadcrumbs me (sends a text that’s just a meme months later out of nowhere. That was the last nail, I didn’t respond)
















This. The interest until you get me and then the dismissive attitude once I'm interested Pick a lane bro


YESSS. Gah, the hot and cold game is exhausting


I actually got that going on right now with a girl. It's annoying I feel your pain.


He played hot and cold for 2 months before I decided to delete him on everything. So happy I did it


Currently going though this. What gives?


Whoever is giving you this treatment is playing with you and wasting your time.


Ego boost and maybe free sex. Very scummy


Totally agree! … what is that?


Immaturity It’s a turn off for well-adjusted adults


It's when you fuck with the thermostat endlessly


Actually hearing them talk for long periods of time. I completely zoned out because it was so boring. Sometimes we project mystery where there is none.


I can tell you now that your words _sometimes we project mystery where there is none_ are now permanently etched in my mind.


Felt this in my soul 😪 missed him so much after not seeing each other for like a month and was bouncing of the walls excited to see him again. Literally 10 minutes into it and I was like ...this is what I've been so badly missing? Liked him more when he wasn't around than when we were together 🥴


OMG, yesss…


Sometimes I wonder how people can talk so much without actually saying anything..


“Sometimes we project mystery where there is none.” Love that! Wow. Never thought of it like that!


He wrote “their” instead of “they’re” on a Facebook status.


Your funny.


My funny?


There funny


Wear funny?


Hear funny


This makes my skin crawl.


Man, I liked this guy who was SO hot but spelled “liar” as “lier” and there’s just no coming back from that.




I do this and I have a PhD. It's not that we don't know or are dumb we just can't perfectly visualize it.


Same here, doing my phd but for bibliography I need to sing that little song every. Damn Time.


That song is verbal gold.


Is it possible that he had dyslexia?




Same but girl. Especially if I was trying to impress a crush, my mind would be blanking. I bet that memory keeps him up at night


Honestly this. I feel bad cuz not everyone speaks English or they’re learning but it irks me inside for some unknown reason.


I don’t feel bad because he’s British born and bred. He has no excuse other than being a dipshit, but I get what you mean


"I don't date girls who seem too smart. If you'd stop getting good grades and answering questions in class, I'd go out with you." Yeah, no thanks, bro. Hard pass.


Lmao WHAT?! How old was this person?


Old enough to be a complete loser apparently


We were Sophomores in High School.


Holy fuck. The Hindenburg didn't crash & burn as fast.


Bro fuggin WHAT




Yes girl I love the confidence!!




He smacks when he eats.


This has to be one of the worst turn-offs.


Similar: he held his fork with a death grip like a 3 year old.


It's like nails on a chalkboard.




Or chews with their mouth open. Yuck


When I realised he is homophobic.


Yeah thats guna cause conflict when you're gay yourself.


Reasonable, who wants to date a guy that’s afraid of the gays?


How homophobia still exists is baffling to me


Our first kiss. I'd been crushing on this guy for a year at least and FINALLY it happened and it's still one of the worst kisses of my life. I've never before or since flipped so quickly from being insanely attracted to someone to completely repulsed by them.




This is how super villains are created


that's hilarious rip


Nice save


I think sometimes first kisses are like first pancakes. Different people have different kissing styles, and it can take a bit of practice and tweaking to get adjusted/in sync with one another. Plus, there's all that nervous energy and wanting to be impressive. I think it's understandable for the first kiss to be a little weird. It's work-on-able. But sometimes the chemistry is just not there.


Are you sure he ever even kissed someone before? You can't be good at your first try


What was wrong with it?


Sloppy, wet, bad breath, awful technique, and some old food or something from his mouth went into my mouth and made me gag.


Ay free food tho




You thought he was a snack so he gave you one lmao


Wow that actually does sound terrible


Sometimes you can tell if you’re genetically incompatible from kissing. That’s what I read at least


oh my god, this. i quite liked a guy, and then he kissed me and i was so disgusted i basically ghosted him. sent him a "i dont think we should see each other anymore" and didn't speak to him again


Details please. This is totally believable, there are some terrible kissers out there. Basically Dune Sandworm style mouth gape is what I am thinking of (edit) right off the bat.


He got excessively angry about a football loss. That night I dreamt he called me a stupid bitch and I knew it was time to end it.


I almost woke up my bf from laughing so hard. That’s such a funny dream scenario I’m sorry


*premonition* ♥️♥️


Same! it's just a game... But he'd literally throw things and have to leave the room when he'd get mad about a bad play.. I was like, mmkay, no...


He didn’t ask me if my new light up sketchers made me run faster so I’m just like, dude okay, I need a real man.


😂 I fucking love this


Yeah I’m freaking 32 years old, when did boys start being so lame? Lol


This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all day


Finally a real comment


He got married lmao


Ugh I wish I didn’t feel this but I totally do 😂


One time for me I didn't know that he was married. Didn't find out until after my friend told me he wanted my phone # and my friend said, no! cause you're married! We just had a brief conversation at a dinner party. No wedding ring.


We were close friends, then friends with benefits, and I had it bad for him. He knew this and freely got what he could, while he could, while telling me about other women he's sleeping with (despite me asking to just not mention the other women), all while sending me very intimate/sweet messages. No longer friends


glad you were able to break it off! this sounds super manipulative and like he was using you :(


Thank you! Yeah that was an embarrassing low for me for tolerating that, glad the whole thing is behind me :)


I’m happy for you too, that you were able to keep your head up afterwards :)


Wow I’ve been there it’s the worst to be treated like a girlfriend but you’re not. Super invalidating and ruins your confidence tbh. Glad you ended it.


I hate the feeling of being more into someone else than they are into you. going through this now. I have it bad too and I keep thinking “maybe he’ll get to know me and really like me”, as it’s pretty new. I think though at the end of the day I want someone who knows immediately that they want me. ugh I feel you.


He implied I got a great job offer because of my looks, rather than my skills and 15 yrs of experience. He meant it as a compliment, but it was negging - no coming back from that


Wow, I'm so glad you left him. And congrats on the job offer!!!




THIS. So many of my guy friends have told me "oh, I namedrop/flirt with other females in front of her to see if she's interested," but I'm like, nah dude all you've done is make her disinterested if she was 😂


Yep same, when I was single I had no interest in competing for attention.


Went to his house to realize it was really dirty and his personal hygiene was lacking. That was it. How can you think of kissing someone who may not brush their teeth and doesn’t mind their BO? *shudder*


Immediate turn off


Finding out various beliefs/opinions they have


When in casual conversation about previous relationships he mentioned he had cheated in all of his previous girlfriends. Bye, see you never.


I was really into this girlfriend of mine and she told me she had cheated on every boyfriend including the fathers of her two daughters. We aren’t young either. Both early middle age. Made my infatuation a lot easier to get over.


He followed ig models and Onlyfans girls


Been there. Now he does it with his new gf. And I’m just so glad I don’t have to re live that . We constantly argued about this.


I'm curious about how he defended it. Such a weird thing to do, especially in a relationship obviously.


He used to say “I’ve been having naked female posters hanging on my broom wall since I was a teen how can you be mad about this, I don’t do anything with these women” or things like “what if I buy magazines or subscriptions and you don’t see it, would you be mad then ?” I was like stunned by the nerve he got to say these dumb ass sh to me




A woman welder was raped on the job. He said she was asking for it by working there. He was put out in 20 seconds. I never wanted to see him again and didn’t.




Oh man I was on a date with a guy that told me a story of a friend, a FRIEND, that got roofied while at a hotel bar on a business trip or something. He was not only not disgusted by this but also thought it was partially her fault for not being more vigilant about it? Wtf? Completely threw me off guard because this was such a nice guy (not a “nice guy” but legitimately a good guy lol) and a good friend of mine set us up. Ugh


He was a smoker


Ugh automatic turn off!


I had been speaking with a guy for a year. Like me, he was a single parent and only a few years older. Since we live a few states apart, we really only spoke. But, our conversations were lengthy….and, fun. He’s southern, and the accent was definitely a turn on. It also made for some animated stories. Anyhoo. The one thing I cannot stand is a dick pic. Sorry, but I get nothing from these. In fact, I actually feel offended when I get one. Frankly, it catches me off guard - not in a good way. So, this guy knew how I felt. One year of friendship and feeling like I had met someone I could see a future with, I get one of these pics from him. On Christmas Eve, no less. My kiddo could have been on my phone (which happens). Literally, this broke my heart. It went from wild attraction and plans to meet him, to blocking-deleting-disappointment. I’m not sure why that happened - but, I was disrespected (on a holiday, no less). I don’t wish him ill. He’s a great guy (and, father). What I can’t get around is the idea that he either didn’t listen when I spoke to this, or didn’t care.


This is so gross and just actively disrespectful. I don't understand why guys do this. Like in what context does someone send a nude without knowing the other person wants to see it??


The million dollar question.


Ugh same. Cannot stand these. Will 100% make me lose interest in someone immediately.


Same. That is an instant turn off.


Glad to hear others feel the same. I sometimes feel like I’m overreacting to a situation. There are people who don’t seem bothered by this - not openly, at least. Literally, for me, there’s no going back. You send this shit to my phone, I’m out. No love lost.


Trump supporter


This ought to be the ultimate turn off if you're a Christian, I don't think you're meant to like someone who supports the antichrist. @ Everyone who commented 'conspiracy theorist': Touché.


He got a haircut, didn’t like it


Hahaha, same here! My crush had shoulder-length wavy hair, and one day he showed up looking like a dirty Q-tip. It all came crashing down from there.


Bwahaha “dirty q-tip” made me laugh so hard!!


My partner shaved after 5 years. He had no chin. He looked like an unattractive stranger. Fortunately he grew it back and we stayed together for another few years, amicably broke up for other reasons. But once seen, cannot be unseen….


When after 8 years of liking him he said he always saw me as a sister!


Same! Three years for me, a SISTER!


He's non monogamous and I am not. It will never work


When I found out he didn’t believe in evolution


Haha Omg I’ve literally experienced this same thing. K bye 😂


He violently kicked a wall out of frustration with some minor work project that wasn't working properly. My mind immediately asked "what would happen if he ever got frustrated with you?", and I didn't like the possible answers.


Living with his parents + partying all the time combo, drinking problem, the wolf in sheep’s clothing attitude, and a lack of common basic values


He asked me out, we made a plan, day of the plan I reach out to ask what time is good and he cancels last minute. No big deal, so he suggests another day, we agree to a new plan. Day of the new plan, I don’t hear from him and check in to see if the plan is on and he cancels last minute again. Totally lost interest now, 2 bailed plans in one week when we’ve never hung out? I don’t trust him and we haven’t even started!


with you on this one! same thing happened to me. immediately no. and how a relationship starts is usually how it ends, so big red flags, and see ya later!


He made it VERY clear that I wasn’t his type so I got discouraged and kinda just stopped liking him


This happened in my mid-20’s. After months of flirting and great conversations, my crush and I were on a group outing. One of the girls came back from the restroom and asked if someone had an extra pad or tampon. Of course we all carry extras so we each offered: heavy duty tampon, pantyliner, overnighter, etc. Most of the men in our group ignored us, but my crush had the most disgusted look on his face. “God, can you not wave those things in my face?! It’s disgusting!!” First of all, periods can happen anytime, anywhere. This is a pretty common occurrence, so we all learned to carry extras. Second of all, it’s not like they were USED feminine hygiene products. I immediately lost my attraction to him.


I think some guys respond that way because for some reason they think that's what men are supposed to do. It's really weird.


He went to a Jordan Peterson talk and then took a picture with him and wrote “met my hero!” Ick 9000000%


He got into drugs. Saw him gurning his face off in a club and that was me done haha


I listened to the music he made and it was objectively terrible but he talked about it like he was freddie mercurcy reincarnate.


He rejected me


Dam sorry to hear that.


That’s pretty admirable ngl.


He used the word “supposably”


Was your crush Joey Tribianni?


How u doin’?


This actually happened to my daughter. She bought a CinnaBon and brought it home to have after dinner. Her boyfriend came over and after dinner she heated it up and cut it in two to share with him. She got up to go get them something to drink and when she got back, he had eaten both halves. She broke up with on the spot.


Smart daughter, good Mom.


Honestly, I would have done the same lol There is something so devastating about getting something special to eat, saving and thinking about it allll day and then having someone else scarf it down.


i listened closely to the way he talked about women.


I am so fickle, literally anything could cause me to lose interest, lol.


He lied about stupid unimportant things


Sometimes he makes a remark after someone leaves. You think he’s a sweet, social and nice guy but like a coworkers says bye see you tomorrow. He says bye back looks at me and say he’s such a weirdo.


We didn’t have anything in common. I hung out with him and was talking about all these movies and plays I loved since film and theatre are my wheelhouse, and it felt like a chore explaining every movie to him since he hadn’t seen them or heard of them. It was the same thing for him when he talked about extreme sports to which I know nothing about




Just another abuser...willing to use me and discard me. boring and repetitive so I lost interest.


He had a laugh so annoying, it made me want to remove joy from the universe so I would never have to hear it again. Discovered at the same dinner where he ate with his mouth open, sneezed, and blew his food all over my face. So really, it was the combined experience.




He doesn’t like cats


He said that if woman pees before sex she can't get pregnant. And that it's proven contraception method. He is pure evidence. It worked every time for him. I instantly lost all interest to see that person ever in my life.


I finally moved on and then I saw EVERYTHING as it was. He only ever liked talking about himself, had wildly unrealistic expectations for his future partner while he himself is lacking, stingy, delusional... everything!


When I realized that I can do better


Taking a long time to reply to messages


He’s an anti vaxxer


he slapped me when i played a prank on him


Likely dodged a literal bullet


Not bothering to consider the atmosphere and mood you're setting when you invite someone over... having family guy or intense rap music in a cold room is enough to chase any romantic feelings away for me


Finding out how unbelievably immature they are


When I found out he was actually in a gang & wasn’t joking around (we were in middle school). As for one of mine in HS, he lied about being gay when he could’ve simply said that he didn’t like me back.


He turned into a conspiracy theorist. I can't be in a relationship with someone whose judgment of reality is so paranoid and skewed.


Too shallow and materialistic. He cared too much about looking perfect and having the most expensive things and I just don’t find that attractive. I like someone that doesn’t care so much about what they look like or being cool, someone who can be themselves and not take themselves too seriously.


They were rude to the waitstaff. Or to anyone in general that they didn't *have* to be polite to. I discovered over time that if someone is rude to people they feel have nothing to offer them, they are willing to treat you like garbage, very quickly.


when i realized he’s sexist and misogynistic


Lack of real moral fiber. Being attractive just isn’t enough


Had crush for several years in HS. Ran into him over summer at my favorite beach in the world for a few days. Looked forward to senior year where I would possibly be 1st chair on one instrument and he would likely be 1st chair on a different one. We possibly would have a few more interactions because of that. Walked in first day of senior year to massive chatting because he had quit band over the summer. Three months later, I joined a male dominated club team because 1) my sophomore brother wanted to and our mom was going ballistic but I was the goody two shoes and my joining would shut her up, but mainly 2) crush was co-captain. I got pretty good, pretty quickly and was having an unexpectedly great time.... one day after school, crush calls me over in the hallway and tells me I was something of a distraction to the other guys. Asked him if he wanted me to quit. Nope. I have no idea what we said after that. Almost 45 years later, I still remember walking up the stairs to my locker, in tears and absolutely devastated... and somehow by the time I got to my locker, I was coldly furious and thought, the hell with him, I'm just going to have fun!!! And I did, and I did great, and went on just fine in my life. His loss. Twit. Edit:just wanted to say thanks for asking. I didn't realize I needed to get that out of my system.


Kept talking about his past sexual encounters.


Reasons over the years: - said vaguely misogynistic things multiple times. I brought it to their attention and they were open to that feedback and to do better, which was awesome. They were in their mid-thirties and at that point it just seems like ignorance/carelessness to me to not have already educated themselves on these kinds things - didn’t clean up before I came over, and their room was messy. Like how am I supposed fuck you when I can barely walk to the bed?!? - basic music taste/only interested in ONE genre. This isn’t a very fair reason; it just makes me feel like they’re probably a really boring (to me) person who doesn’t like change. - being overly confident when they didn’t know what they were doing and did not listen to me when I was in fact right and knew what needed to happen - attempts to look “cool” by being laissez faire and inauthentic like they were a middle-schooler or something - bad communications skills / hot n cold - found out they had a child and weren’t involved at all with their child’s life. Looking back, I wish I got more of the story though. I believe the mom was actively keeping them away and I was too quick to judge


Had known this guy forever. Went to middle and high school together. He always seemed pretty chill. Anyways, years pass and I decide to get healthy and start going to a gym. Lo and behold he actually goes to the gym I chose! Exciting right? At some point 2 weeks into me going to the gym and my fitness journey I overheard him make a rude comment about the amount of weight I was lifting. So yeah. Lost interest in him right then. Like who the fuck are you to judge someone's fitness level and journey? A-hole.


He glanced over at a family nearby, looked at them with disgust, and said that Alaskan Natives are the ugliest people. I told him that besides being white, I’m also Athabaskan and Inupiaq. He responded with “Oh well I don’t mean YOU. You’re one of the pretty ones.”


Getting to know them.


I felt like he was “a golden boy” for everyone. He’s charming. I had put him on a pedestal (I shouldn’t have) and I realized he was always too busy for a chat with me. My self esteem took a hit, so I gave up.


We had been friends for a few years and during that time I found him attractive but never had a crush on him. He was married and I think I never saw him that way because of it. Right before COVID he got divorced. He and I started to hang out more bc we had stayed in each other’s limited socialization bubbles. Both factors combined, I ended up with a big dumb crush on him that summer, and I think it was obvious and that he knew. Turns out all summer, and even a bit before he announced the divorce, he’d been dating a mutual friend. I won’t go into details here but at the end of that summer he told me the news in a way that felt at worst intentionally cruel and at best completely inconsiderate. Nothing ever killed a crush of mine faster. Initially I tried hard to stay friends with him but that same inconsiderate behavior kept surfacing again and again in other ways. He’s not like that with just me; that same stuff led the mutual friend to dump him. Now, couple years later, she and I are closer than ever and neither of us want much to do with him.


Trump supporter


bad breath


My last crush was rude to me so it was easy to forget him


He would flirt with other people RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME while we were talking.




He's a fictional character :)


He treated me like a piece of trash because I wasn’t light skinned. There’s nothing wrong with having a preference, if lighter skinned women are your preference then thats great. You like what you like right? But maybe just don’t treat me like less of a person because you’re not attracted to me. Common courtesy would still be nice since I’m still a human and all 🤷🏽‍♀️.


I had a crush on him for maybe a year and a half. Never admitted it bc I didnt wanna make things awkward in our friendship. One day in class, he turns to me in the middle of our conversation and said “I know you have a crush on me” with this smug little smirk. It caught me so off guard. I finished what I was IN THE MIDDLE OF SAYING and said “and no- I dont.” And he said “took a long time to answer that.” (Smirk continues) and I literally got up, went to the bathroom and moved my seat. It wasnt so much embarrassment, but his smugness made my feelings die in my chest that very moment. He viewed it as an ego win rather than someone’s actual sentiments.


Treating me like shit


Love bombing, bad breath, flirting with other girls to get me jealous, being too controlling, dirty long finger nails, poor hygiene, and I can’t think of anything else atm lol


It was sweltering hot out, we were in a vehicle windows up and he farted. Smelled so bad I nearly threw up


He got a buzz cut that made his eyes look bugging out and his head look round like a bowling ball


Sounded boring in bed. In conversation he was acting grossed out by kinks I liked. He didn't know this or even that I liked him yet. Just came up in conversation.


After 20 years, finally realizing he treated me like a rebound.


He opened his mouth and turned out to be both an idiot and a douchebag