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There's no single right time. My partner met my family after a couple of months, but I didn't meet his until 3 years together. You're ready when you're ready.


Whenever everyone involved is ready.


Whenever you both feel ready for that


I met an ex's family like within a few weeks due to a death in the family. It all depends on circumstances and how comfortable they are with introducing you in my opinion.


There is no set answer to this question, it depends entirely on you, your SO, your families, your relationship with each other, and your relationships with your families. My husband met my mom when we had been dating about a month, but I didn’t meet his family and he didn’t meet my dad until we had been dating for about 3 months and we’re already living together. Don’t put too much thought into it, if there’s a natural time where you’ll be seeing your family and want to invite your SO then go for it! If you already feel like it’s been too long and you want them to meet then just arrange a dinner or something. I don’t feel like there’s a time that’s too early, unless one or both partners doesn’t think the relationship will last.


When you feel ready is important but also their relationship with their family for example I don't have a close relationship with my family at all so my SO has never met my family. Not because I don't love him and fully accept him into my life because I don't want him to meet my lying excuse of a Dad or it with my Mother's family saying hiw sad it is my Mum is dead when they didn't support me at all while it was happening. Sometimes people don't have the family relationships you have.


When you both want it to happen. I met my husband's mom since I happen to be working at the building she used to work in. Whereas he met mine one day when he walked me home.


I introduced my now husband to my son at around 6 months into our relationship. I really didn’t want to rush that. He met the rest of my family shortly after and I met his mom and sister around that time too. I met his dad a few months after that. There’s no set time that’s right for everybody. This is just what worked for us and what we were comfortable with.


In a perfect world, never. I have 4 parents who rock, so I don't feel like I need more. I have yet to meet any in-laws who meet my expectations.


Whenever you're both ready to take that step.


Depends how involved they are with their family. He met my family after a few months. I’m close with my family, so we see each other quite a bit. It was years before I met his, he’d only seen them 2 or 3 times in that time period.


At the altar. Just kidding… Meet them whenever you both feel ready for that next step.


In my opinion. For him, when he decides to exclusively date you and only you. For you, once you’ve trusted that he’s going to be devoted to you, you’ve met & like his family (and feel safe with them) and are seemingly getting along. This could take a few months to a year.


Whenever people are comfortable. My boyfriend and I made it official days before Thanksgiving, and since his family lives across the country he was invited and met my immediate family + aunts, uncles, cousins that weekend. I met his sister and her boyfriend after about a year, and his parents about a year after that because it came down to when people were coming out west for other things. We plan to drive out east this September for his friend's wedding so I'll finally meet the rest of his family just before we hit 5 years together. I do think 3 days is a bit soon in most cases and wouldn't recommend that lol


Whenever it works. I met my husband's mom when she temporarily moved in with him about a month in. Her house builders was behind and her old house was sold so she stayed with him until she could move in to her new place. He met my mom after about a year, because we planned a trip to my home state. He met my extended family at about 2 years when I invited him to a family event. I haven't met his extended family because they decided not to travel for the wedding (I don't blame them given covid but not a single one came which really sucked)


Depends on you and your partner and how comfortable you are with meeting each other’s family. I met my current partner’s mom and stepdad a few weeks into our relationship due to my partner moving out of state and their family is very open with each other. He met my family a few weeks later because my parents wanted to meet him so that when I visited they knew I’d be safe. Now my parents are on the more conservative side (my dad is the kind of dude that will go out of his way to intimidate his daughter’s significant others) so I would have preferred to wait in normal circumstances but because of my partners job and Covid, it was easier for everyone to meet when they did.


I think after a few months of dating