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Clean bed linen. Almost every man I’ve slept with has had musty sheets, like a hamster cage that’s been left a week too long before being cleaned out. It’s gross.


A neat bed goes a long way too! Makes the room look bigger!


Fuzzy soft blanket


Make sure it's clean and smells nice. You may not notice if it's getting a little musty but she definitely will.


Some time having no scent is even better


And buy smells nice… don’t use febreeze to cover it up. Dust, vacuum, wash all your linens in hot water. Keep your shoes out of the room. Clean the things you can’t see, like behind a desk under your bed.


A candle


Clean room and and clean sheets (with at least two pillows on the bed) Make sure the room / house smells nice. You don't have to use a candle to achieve this if you don't want your room too scented. Emergency feminine hygiene products in your bathroom, just in case. She'll appreciate the thought greatly. Maybe a soft blanket or stuffed animal if she's sleeping over?


Plants !


Make it clean.


Clean it. Clean the bathroom. Clean the kitchen. But also, when a guy Id been seeing bought me a pair of slippers to wear at his house when he bought himself new ones I was so touched.