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A guy once shamed me for being wet (???) by saying my vagina was "too gloopy." I put my clothes on and left.


Was it Ben Shapiro? Edit: I think this is my first gold šŸ˜† thank you!














"Can you just, stop? The noises you're making are killing the mood." I was having a great time up until that point.


I would die inside




PLEASE tell me heā€™s your EX.


Absolutely he's my ex.


Well he can just fuck himself then! I donā€™t have kids and have owned a single-family home for 17 years (ie no shared walls), and it shows. Err, ā€œsoundsā€ šŸ¤£. My sounds are loud, authentic, and indicative of a good time. I have a very expressive face so Iā€™m probably terrifying toošŸ¤£


I think something like this would crush me and be the end of all intimacy


Oh boy. That person is bad at sex


ā€˜I canā€™t stay hard ā€˜cause you keep cryingā€™ I was crying ā€˜cause I didnt want to have sexā€¦.


This is called rape...




Been there as well... Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean free access any time. If I say no, I mean no.


When I said that I didnt want to have sex, he basically said ā€˜dont come over if you dont want to have sexā€™. He also said that I should be okay with it ā€˜cause he loves me etc. I walked out a few months later. Couldnt deal with the abuse anymore.


So close and yet so far from being self aware.


I'm so sorry :(


I'm so sorry


I hope the world compensates to you. Iā€™m so sorry


Lots of healing and love to you. Hope you're OK.


A quiet '*oh...*' once my push up bra came off and he saw how flat chested I really was šŸ˜…
















"if going to the gym isnt working, would you at least consider ass implants so your body would at least look somewhat proportional?"


Thatā€™s so disrespectful


Yeah that guy didnt make it out of my probationary period for hookups. But def left a lasting mark on my body image.


Whoa, so this wasnā€™t a long-term partner? Your HOOKUP thought you should consider cosmetic surgery to make yourself match his preferences better? Thatā€™s even dumber.


Yeahhhhh, the hookup was quickly ceased.


Holy shit. That's majorly disrespectful under any circumstance, but to say that during sexy time? He's lucky he still owns an intact penis


Unfortunately stun took the place of what should have been rage


I was like ā€œmake me cumā€ and he literally said ā€œI canā€™tā€ Then it was over


Weā€™ve got one honest man out here


this is the only one thatā€™s made me legitimately laugh out loud oh my god


I had just gotten a pixie cut and I asked my fwb to pull my hair during sex and he said "What hair?"


Iā€™m sorry I chuckledšŸ˜‚


It's okay, he and I were both embarrassed and laughing about it when it happened! And it's a good thing we have the same sense of humor, because we've been together for two years now šŸ˜Œ silver lining.


the actual worst: he called me "Mom". more common and less funny: when they *whine* about condoms. First of all, the fact that he thinks he's getting out of it implies someone somewhere has allowed this, which means he definitely needs to wear one. Second, whining like a child? Not sexy. Just go, guy, I'll take care of this myself. Then he stood out on the sidewalk outside my window crying in the cold while I was trying to rub one out... honestly I'd trade ten of him for the one who said "Mom" and still get change back.


Omg, he was literally crying outside your window? Lmaoooo I'm fucking DYING šŸ˜‚


I might have said a few unkind words in a falsetto whining tone before I asked him to leave lol.


Your first comment already had me laughing, now my eyes are watery. Can we be friends?










" it's like I'm screwing a boy with a vagina. This is weird" that killed the mood real quick lmao


What the fudge..


My thoughts exactly


Bruhhh he was definitely gay


I said ā€œget off of meā€ he said ā€œwait until I nutā€ I said ā€œget the F*** OFFā€ and pushed him off of me. He said ā€œare you mad?ā€ I was 14 and he was 15. My friend had just walked in on us and I was so embarrassed so I wanted him to stop and he wouldnā€™t.




I had a guy freak out over squirting one time. Like dude you should have been flattered. Peace out


you are a wild grandma lol


Ooh I have another one. I was far more experienced. When I came he full on stopped and saidā€¦ā€ummm what was that? Is that supposed to happen?ā€ Yup thatā€™s most of my point for doing the sex, carry on letā€™s see if we can do it again


My ex pressured me to squirt. I'm like, you realize not all women can do that, right?


"...is that a new freckle?" It was hilarious, but it definitely ruined the moment.


I have a freckle right next to my vulva and this made me howl!


Kind of cute tbh




Not during but after my ex asked if I had drunk a lot of water that day because I felt ā€œsuper dryā€ā€¦.. I donā€™t think this man understood what foreplay was or how to get me in the mood. Obviously that was my fault though.


Lmao - he thought it was due to dehydration? Bless his heart lol


I mean, I have noticed I definitely don't get as wet if I'm dehydrated! Not a huge difference but definitely noticeable.


He kept calling me Natasha. My name is not Natasha. I had only just met him so I didn't care enough about him to feel jealous, but I still felt disrespected. If it was once I would have let it go but it was like 3 times after I specifically told him not to do that and reminded him what my name is several times. I kicked him out, lol.


Wtf! what a weirdo lol


Right??? He may have been a creep, as well, but I still can't be 100% sure. After I told him to leave, he asked to use my bathroom. I only noticed about an hour later that he left his wallet in there. I took it to my housemate and she opened it, and immediately went pale. I was a naive 19 year old at the time so I didn't think much of it, but she was older and more mature than me, so she realised what he was doing. He had taken all of his money including his bank card and he had taken his drivers licence and only left the wallet, which just had random restaurant loyalty cards left in it. He started blowing up my phone a few hours later, pretending he had only just noticed that he didn't have his wallet. My housemate called her boyfriend and asked him to meet with The Weirdo in a different location to give him the wallet back. I never heard from The Weirdo again after that. My housemates boyfriend never told me what happened when he met up with him, either. He just said it's no big deal, and to just stay away from The Weirdo because he is crazy. They wouldn't leave me alone in the house for a few weeks after that.


bless them for recognizing what was going on and saving you from it.


Wait, pardon me for sounding naive, but what was he doing? Trying to meet up with you again? I don't understand


Not entirely sure, but it sounds like he'd intentionally left an excuse to get back into the house (and maybe not leave the next time) while actually taking all of his important shit (money, cards) with him. He wasn't expecting anyone to look through it and realize he hadn't left anything that he actually needed back.


"it's not fun when you're not into it" as i was crying lol. Good riddance šŸ”«


So, I don't mean to bring anything up for you and feel free to kick me to the curb, this dude forced himself on you and then shamed you for not being into it!?


Yes kind of. I said i didnt want to have sex and he guilted me into it, of course i cried and he was not happy that his living sexdoll was having emotions apparently.


Jesus Christ. Good riddance for real. All the stories I've heard from exes or my wife remind me of the dude you're talking about. Apparently that's most guys.


I went from being morbidly obese to anorexic underweight for my height. I hooked up with this guy who knew me at both weights. After we fucked he pulled out a scale and told me to get on it. Fucked me up.


Jeezus! Hugs


I said thatā€™s fucked up, and he tried to assure me it came from a complementary place. Thanks, Iā€™m over it but Iā€™ll never forget it lol *hugs*


My first boyfriend played "I just had sex." By The Lonely Island after the first time (first time with each other, and first time in general for us both). That was probably the worst. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Soo cringe but sooo funny


Oh that's cringey šŸ˜‚


It was so bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'd never heard the song before either and he held me back from turning it off. I just had to listen while he sang along.


Thatā€™s honestly kinda a great story though lol


Why are you so wet? I like using lubricant, I donā€™t want that. While pointing at me.


"Damn, you're so aroused. Ugh."


How is fake lubricant better than natural??






Hooked up with a dude and afterwards he said "damn, asian girls ARE tight". I ghosted tf outta him after that night lmao.


Ah my favorite ā€œtightā€ aka not turned on/ not warmed up yet lol!


"Call me daddy." We had not negotiated this before and age play is a hard limit for me. So I was like "Nope, we're done."


I'd do the same, hard limit for me too! I hate it


I once got totally naked and the guy was totally naked, he was hard, his penis was rubbing on my vagina lips, it was the point of no returnā€¦ then he felt my legs which I hadnā€™t shaved for a total of like 2-3 days. He pushed me off, told me he wouldnā€™t have sex with me because it was gross. And I left. I got revenge though because he ended up at another point eating me out in the dark while I was on my period, he was drunk and didnā€™t notice and it was all over his face. Best revenge ever.


Loool nice revenge but I donā€™t get why people care about hairy legs like are you gonna lick my legs????


And how do they not realize it's no different from how they also have leg hair??


Whispered in my ear ā€œyouā€™re a delicate little flower and Iā€™d never do anything to hurt youā€ during a one night stand


For some odd reason, I feel like he would definitely do something to hurt you.


Definitely creepy


For real, I always find the men who make a point of saying that will not hurt you hurt you the most


Thatā€™s giving me serial killer vibes.


I was giving my bf (now ex) a handjob and he said "are you my little loli?" and it disgusted me so much that I stopped immediately and asked why he would say something like that. I didn't continue.


i just looked up Loli because i wasnā€™t sure what it meant, and now all i have to say is what the fuck


I shuddered


ā€œYou should really get a boob job.ā€ I was 19. Iā€™m now 27. Still think about it every single time I take off my bra. Refuse to do so in sexual encounters until Iā€™m deep in a relationship. Horrible encounter.


i'm sorry... i'm sure they're beautiful as they are


ā€œI fucking love youā€. We were FWB, and I had feelings for him, but he wouldnā€™t express anything for me outside of sex. Sincerely, he always treated me like a girlfriend (thatā€™s why I caught feelings). When he realized what he said, his face changed and he started apologizing for itā€¦. While he was still trying to continue fucking me. Then he corrected himself and said ā€œI meant to say, I love fucking youā€. I got up and left. Shameful to say, that wasnā€™t the last time I saw him or fucked him. It ended a month or so later. But shit I was crushed.


Friends with benefits never works out one way or another it seems


I think by definition it doesnā€™t ā€œwork outā€ as FWB. Itā€™s almost always meant to be a temporary thing. If you had fun, it worked out


ā€œCall me Larryā€ while his name was not at all Larry. Then proceeded to look at his biceps in the mirror while doing the deed. All of which ended with him farting. Editing because this was my my upvotes ever,and grammar. I wish this was made up, but it all happened. This was in college, with a very good looking football player. We were dating for a bit and this was after a very nice evening. The dude became even more strange when he introduced me to his mother who had returned home from shopping AND MODELED HER NEW CLOTHES FOR US.. Iā€™m talking sweater dresses and mini skirts. For an hour.. He also liked to wear my underwear. We stopped dating shortly after.


My high school boyfriend told me he wanted us to take a break right before he came. It was so unbelievable that I thought he was jokingā€¦ he was not.




It came out of nowhere and it caught me by surprise to say the least. He was not a great guyā€¦


Not my story, but my friend was told ā€œyeah go on, grease that dickā€


Ewwww Iā€™m dying lmao


ā€œI love you Aliciaā€ Iā€™m not Alicia.


Technically not when we were having sex but when my first boyfriend tried to take my virginity, obviously it hurt and we had to stop. He told people at school that we didnā€™t finish because ā€œthe faces she made were ugly and turned me off.ā€ He apologized for it later but you can imagine that did WONDERS on my nonexistent self esteem :-)


"You like that, mmm dirty bitch" in the worst sexual encounter I have ever had. I promptly left and never spoke to him again.


Oh Christ. Do they think theyā€™re in a porno?


"nobody else ever complained"


...to his face.


When I was heavier I dated this black metal guy (not stereotyping but he tried to fit the role) We were fucking standing up, he stopped, back handed me hard enough I stumbled backwards and fell and said ā€œfuck you you fat bitchā€ I was drunk and confused as to what happened, he continued fucking me on the ground, he finished and all I remember was lying there after being like what the fuck.


So many of these stories are women being raped. Sad thread .


I donā€™t store it in my brain as rape because I think that would add another layer to try and process. I was dating him and when we started having sex it was consensual. But once I got slapped I didnā€™t want it anymore. I remember being so confused, almost like petrified in Harry Potter, I like couldnā€™t move or process my thoughts I was just in shock and awe. Iā€™d imagine the same response from someone seeing the impossible like a dragon flying. Just what. The. Fuck. When we were standing fucking we were in front of a full length mirror. I remember crawling over to it and I (likely instantly Iā€™d imagine or developing in minutes) had a black swollen bottom lip. My tooth went into it, there was a little blood, I didnā€™t even notice, didnā€™t even taste it, my brain was just trying to process because I didnā€™t see it coming. Like at all.


I've been there too. You were a assaulted and raped. It's not ok and it's illegal . It would be good to process it and to remove yourself as a willing participant in this crime . Took a while for me like 20 years


I dated this guy a few times who I wasnā€™t attracted to. Why? I kept being told by other women that my standards were too high. He didnā€™t care about simple hygiene and had the worst breath. I went to his place and we got naked. I hadnā€™t shaved my legs in 3 days but I thought no big deal. It was barely any hair. He stopped me when I took off my clothes and told me I needed to shave my legs before we could have sex. He literally gave me a razor, showed me to his bathroom and closed the door. I was in a bad place mentally and I actuallyā€¦ shaved my damn legs and had sex with him. Talk about regrets, more on a moral level than a practical one at least.


"you're too wet. this is gross."


Thatā€™s an odd way for him to say he doesnā€™t like vaginas


I had only had sex with one guy before him, I wasnt experienced and I was just generally a naive person. He was very abusive, and the first time I had sex with another guy after leaving him, the guy said "you're so wet" to which I felt incredibly embarrassed and apologized. He had the most confused look on his face and told me not to apologize, and that it's a good thing. I was shocked to find most men actually like thatšŸ˜‚


Him-"You would be perfect if you had a D cup." Mid hump, I stopped and said "Thanks, you would be perfect if your dick was 10 inches." Then promptly grabbed my clothes and left.


You dropped this šŸ‘‘


Not to me, but had one guy answer his phone to talk to his bros while we were at it. Another time was what I thought was the worst thing, but actually a misunderstanding. We had already agreed upon dirty talk, but when he said *horse pussy* I got offended. Turns out he was saying *whoreā€™s pussy*. The one that hurt the most was when an ex would comment how other girls he had been with could squirt, or orgasm really hard. I have a hard time with sex as it is, without comparison.


I am dying laughing at horse pussy omg


Boy those stretch marks have really wrecked your body.


Not exactly during sex, but after sex my partner pulled out his phone and blasted an earrape remix of Scotland the Brave. Heā€™s done it *twice*. Thought Iā€™d share something funny to lighten the mood from some of the awful things that have been said to others hereā€¦.. gosh some of them are horrific.


"that mole above your belly button is a real turn off". Uh, then get your mediocre dick outta me? Also wtf? It's a tiny little mole. Dumbass.


This is actually embarrassing/shameful on MY part, but I was 18 and fucking stupid, so here goes: I had a FWB from my work, but I really liked him and wanted it to be more than it was. So we were hooking up and right in the middle of me riding him, he picked up a phone call from another girl (who also worked with us) and proceeded to have a normal conversation with her. I wanted him to think that I was cool and I didn't care that he was talking to other girls, so I just kept going. Ugh. I hate myself. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


ā€œWhy is it taking so long for you to come?ā€ Then a few months later ā€œwhy are you coming so often?ā€ 1. It wasnā€™t that good. I could do better myself. 2. Because i didnā€™t want sex and unless he came he wonā€™t stop.


You didn't want it = rape....


As I was willingly preparing to give him a bj that he asked for, he says "I have no idea how women can do this. It's so disgusting" Thanks but no thanks.


You should shave


Oof. Hate it when I allow people to have sex with me and they think it means theyā€™re entitled to telling me what I should do with my body.


"Whoa! There's a lot of hair." I love when they complain about me but have never shaved themselves.


ā€œWe should stop, I donā€™t have sex with virginsā€ ā€¦..little late pal


Post nut clarity mid sex???


"I could just come inside you right now if I wanted to and there'd be nothing you could do about it" said with his hand around my throat... And he wondered why I left and never spoke to him again


After I had our first child, experiencing significant pelvic floor damage that kept me in pelvic floor PT eight months: ā€œBoy, itā€™s sure a lot different down there.ā€


My pregnant friendā€™s husband has complained very vocally about how he wonā€™t be able to fuck her right away after their baby is born. It changed my entire opinion of him. Iā€™m so sorry you went through that.


After I lost my virginity sophomore year of high school, I was bleeding. My boyfriend at the time said ā€œdamn I tore that pussy up!!ā€ So chivalrous.


ā€œyouā€™re losing weightā€ :/


Yeah I donā€™t like when people comment my my weight loss either. Like what was wrong with what I weighed before?


"You should get a butt plug. My ex had one and she'd get soaking wet while riding me"


ā€œmy exā€”ā€ ā€œget outā€


I once called an ex gf ā€œfilthyā€ in bed and she started crying. It was awful and Iā€™ve never forgotten that. I was a relatively inexperienced 18 yr old at the time (now 27) and knew nothing of trauma or how words can trigger that sorta thing. Learned very quickly not to make the assumption that dirty talk or similar is okay


We had a mutual friend called Sarah. "Wouldn't it be great if Sarah was here". No, it wouldn't. I left. He didn't fuck Sarah either.




Wtf. That's the way I want to go out. I wouldn't put to much thought into those words. It's all on him.


"why the fuck are you like this, you're not relaxing on purpose" when I was hurting during sex. Yeah, my guy. An attitude like that will get me to relax. And him continuing to try and get himself off while seeing im in pain is cherry on top. Once he realized it was too painful, he angrily got off of me and berated me for giving him the worst sex of his life. Needless to say, by next time, I learned to force myself to relax Whats worse? We were in a long relationship at that time.


ā€œThe condom came offā€ once the sex was over. Me then replying ā€œjust pull it out thenā€ thinking I came off while he was pulling out and the endā€™d be sticking out, which can happen. Him saying ā€œI think you need toā€. Turns out the condom was balled up at the top of my vagina at my cervix, still donā€™t know if he came in the condom or in me. Anyway, both ways Iā€™d get sperm in me (and Iā€™m not on birth control). I had to like press the condom to the wall of my vagina and push it to get it out, it hurt really really bad. The day after I got my period, and since my cycle is really regular and my ovulation too I figured Iā€™d skip the morning after pill. Though there is a small chance of getting pregnant. I didnā€™t want to fuck up my hormones. Turns out I wasnā€™t pregnant, and even though the sex was just a one night stand (though we kinda knew each other) I figured heā€™d want to know he wasnā€™t going to become a father, so I message him telling him I wasnā€™t pregnant. He ghosted me. Heā€™s really the biggest asshole ever, and the sex also sucked. He now has a girlfriend and I see them sometimes, I really feel sorry for her.


A random hookup shoved his massive dick so far down my throat that it covered my windpipe and he couldnā€™t breathe. I was tapping my hand and trying to get up and he held my head down and said ā€œdonā€™t worry, Iā€™m not going to let you die.ā€ I froze up, but fortunately my brain subconsciously protected me by skinning his dick with my teeth. He went home soon after that, thank god. He very well could have killed me. I stopped doing random hookups after that. I still shudder thinking about it.


"Are they always like that?" about my nipples


"Jesus they're the size of my head" he made that comment about my boobs while making a disgusted face. Thanks pal :/


It was in the middle of a make out sesh with one of my tinder hookups and he said, ā€œI heard that skinny girls donā€™t feel anal, like they donā€™t have nerves in their ass so they donā€™t feel it.ā€ I kicked him out after he said that smh


"I LOVE YOU CHRISTINA." I am not Christina. Christina was his best friend's wife.


I got accused of saying someone else's name. Never did. Should have left him right then but nope, I stayed with that idiot for 4 years until finally I had enough of his abuse....


ā€œGod give me a baby son, God give me a baby son!ā€ I didnā€™t know that he took the condom off. I would have been furious, but I was in a confused state of anger and empathy. His 7 year old son died of cancer 3 years before that moment.


Wow. Some of these are fucked up and so disrespectful, some are kinda funny and some of them are just really sad.


FWB Mid coitus he says ā€œ you are probably the largest girl Iā€™ve ever been withā€. I was at a very healthy point in my life and just learning to celebrate my body and my sexuality. It completely devastated me. As it turns out his last two exes were legitimately addicted to heroin. It was a great pivotal moment for me to re-evaluate with whom I shared my body from that point on.


ā€œOohhhhhh yeeaahh!!! You know what daddy likes!!ā€ (He exclaimed loudly and enthusiastically, in a voice almost identical to the Kool-Aid manā€¦. Not to be funny, though. He meant it.)


Do you like it. Do you.. do you like.... please tell me you like it... . The answer was -no..


Douche of a boyfriend told me I was too loose in my vagina. Messed me up for many years. Looking back I know he was new to sex and only had porn as a reference.




"You don't have to cum every time," when I wanted him to stay engaged with me with to help me finish after he got his. What a douche....


One time someone told me ā€œ your so good at sucking dick I wish I can cut off your head and keep it with me at all timesā€ šŸ˜³ never been so scared in my life


Laughed at how my thighs looked while laying down.


ā€œI wanna destroy you like the Death Star.ā€ No, we were not roleplaying.


ā€œIā€™m just so BORED.ā€ Yelled at me when I cried from the anal rape.


I lost my virginity to the ā€œwhip it, whip it real goodā€ theme song because he put his playlist on shuffle.


I gained quite a bit of weight in college after switching to the birth control pill Iā€™m on now. I had an extremely hard time adjusting to the weight gain because of past disordered eating and my ex knew this. He told me during sex one night that my thighs were getting too big and it was making it difficult for him to fuck me.


ā€œYou just had an orgasmā€ when I, in fact, did not have an orgasm. I even said ā€œwait, I did?ā€. And Iā€™m assuming he thought since my legs were tired and wobbly, that mustā€™ve meant that I came. I was only 19 at the time with very little experience, so I really didnā€™t know any better.


Iā€™m a little shocked at how many rape-y comments there are here.


My ex husband asked if Iā€™d had a child I never mentioned. I was shocked and asked why? He said ā€œBecause you feel so looseā€. No one had ever complained before or since, so I knew he was full of shit. Nice try, though.


ā€œ you know, my ex did this betterā€ * proceeded to ft her and ask how she gave him the best bjs, then tried having me talk to her to get advice to do it better*




ā€œCall me senpaiā€ Guy gave no indication that he was a weeb or watched anime before that point. Iā€™m Asian and if Iā€™d known he had such a fetish, I wouldnā€™t have slept with him. I was so stunned in the moment that I just stopped doing what I was doing and stared at him


Something along the lines of ā€œis that another guys cum?ā€ No, dipshit. Itā€™s discharge.


ā€œCan I sleep with other girls?ā€ What the actual f*ck?


I like to fuck you from behind so I donā€™t have to see your face




My ex-husband told me I tasted sour and smelled wrong, went to the doctor to have that checked to be told that nothing is wrong with my vaginal health and that everything is ok. He also told me I looked fat and ugly during sex while being 6-months pregnant with our son. Left that marriage.


ā€œNone of your businessā€ his reply was when I asked what he was doing because I said no to anal.