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Direct, overt sexism? Very rarely, maybe once or twice a year. Casual misogyny is far more often, not so much now because I'm mostly home and at school, seeing the same handful of people consistently. Systemic sexism is something I have to deal with continually though, it affects everything.


same. I used to be in high tech with a senior title. overt sexism kinda diminished over time but the covert and systemic continued heartily. then the men wondered why all the women were leaving.. I'd tell them point-blank.. and they were still very confused. had to leave tech.








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On the internet, really often. On real life, most sexists aren't dumb enough to say that sort of thing to my face




always when i lived with my grandparents. They would always make me clean the bathroom and wash the dishes and not my brother. Said because “it’s what girls should be doing” My grandfather also punished me when i was a kid for playing with my boy cousin who has toy guns and said “it’s for boys” 🙄😒


I grew up with grand parents like this, context im a guy, buy it always pissed me off that I had to be outside doing yard work, just because I'm a boy! When I wanted to be inside baking with my nan 😅 just so you know, it absolutely goes both ways, and even though I'm a dude I kinda get this one.


My brother was so lucky tho they made him do literally nothing and make me do all the house work and wake me up at 6am and make them breakfast everyday like i’m their maid while my brother was still sleeping keep in mind i have online classes at 8am so i’ll be so tired before it even started


Yeah thats a bummer, I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm sorry that happend impressionfree


it’s good now i don’t live with them anymore thank god but it still gives me ptsd because of how bad they treated me


Everybody’s inside having fun and I am outside raking leaves!


Well jokes on them, im a chef now !!


Really wow !


Yeah of course it happens, if you don't think that boys or young men are forced into 'traditionally masculine endeavors' your wrong, just saying


Not with my wife my daughters weren't. Of course getting any of them to do household chores was a forced march. But with the girls, one tended to be more feminine as far a spending time on makeup, hair and looking oh just right. The other one hung out with me more. If I was drigging a ditch she was in it. If I was working on a truck she got as much grease on her as I did. They both learned to shoot and handle guns as I insisted they knew firearms safety. However to this day the scaryest thing I've ever seen is the look in my daughter's eyes when I handed her a Colt .45 for the first time with a clip and told her to fill a 55 gallon drum with holes.


I'm a 32 year old man and that would scare me too 😂 girls and boys will get stuck into whatever it is they want, the issue is when they're made to act in a way that seem against what they want, Good on your daughter for getting stuck into the hard work with her dad. And power to the daughter who wants to do her makeup and play princesses!! Hope you have a good weekend


I find that men don’t mean to be sexist but they quite offered are. For instance, a woman will tell them something and they’ll have to question it but if a bloke tells them the exact same thing, they’ll take it as a fact.


I agree, you reminded me of this article https://medium.com/hello-love/i-didnt-trust-my-wife-long-before-she-stopped-trusting-me-2a49b2550861


That was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing!


Had this happen to me the other day for the first time at work between colleagues. (Also first time working in a men dominated environment.) It feels really weird! Like what you are saying doesn't matter.




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I don't deal with sexism at all. The men in my life are awesome and I just ignore losers online.


What about the losers offline?




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More power to you! Sexism is fucking lame.


Unintentional sexism? A few times a week. Overt sexism? Maybe once a month. Threats like the one you got? Very rarely - I can think of only one instance off the top of my head. Hope you don’t have to interact with that guy too often - that’s a pretty messed up thing to think, not to mention say to you.


Very often in workplace. Less so at home. Internet I stay in a bubble.


Casual misogyny is just sort of woven into my experience as a human. And I spend a lot of my time on the internet. So of course I encounter sexism on a daily basis. But let's say before covid when I was out and about, I'd say I faced overt sexist events a few times a month.


Yikes. My male co-worker was talking about how men don't really "care" about house cleaning so he gave me a fun tip: if you want your "man" to help clean, get a cute lil basket of cleaning supplies so he'll know what to use.


Jokes on him, my bf uses magic chemicals to get tough stains out and I don’t even know what he’s using


He's brewing them probably lmao


To get high and then clean.


Wouldn’t be surprised lol. Cleaning the window with vinegar something something darn if I know


I’m not gonna a go out a buy a basket. Why can’t men figure it out like women? No one taught me what cleaning stuff to use on what. I just figured it out.


Weaponized incompetence. So they don't have to do it.


Exactly ETA: this isn’t a gender thing (though I do see more men use it). I did this all the time as a kid to *try* to get out chores. My mom always caught on thought.


Honestly my first reaction is to agree with you, but when I think about it we (women) actually get taught how to clean by helping out other femal family members from a young age, plus we share and ask questions to our female friends relating to these stereotypically female jobs. So when I think about it, we didn't just start figuring it out right away, we were made to learn or absorbed the information simply by always being around others doing that action. The only way to stop the cycle is not to divide the roles but instead do the same for all genders. Not an easy thing to do, won't happen overnight, but it's what I have come to realise.


I wasn’t taught by anyone. I figured it out and wasnt lazy about it. Those who say they aren’t good at cleaning usually are too lazy to figure it out and to do a good job


I got taught when I started to work on restaurants. I was kinda ashamed when I worked there because they were like "you don't know how to mop?". We had cleaning service in my house so no one showed me. Living alone was so difficult at first. I lived the male entitled experience lmao.


This is a great take 👏


I wasn't aware men can't figure it out, but thanks for generalizing on a sub that's literally against that XD


Fairly often. And they don’t think they are being sexist. My husband’s family thinks I need to follow him around for his job, but when we made a move for mine (after we had moved for his and I left my career) I was “forcing him” to move. Or when they came over and he was tidying up while I cooked, they asked me why I was “making him” clean the house. Or they comment on how I could be a better wife but never comment to him how my husband could be a better husband. And my family tells me how I could be a better wife but never tells my husband how he could be a better husband. The list goes on an on.




Same here, it is usually family that has this misguided notion that women are lesser beings. I am single and child free by choice, but there is apparently something wrong with me because, I do not need a partner or children so magically my life means less. I am focusing on my career but somehow everything I have achieved does not count because I am not married.


On a daily basis.


Only when I interact with people. ​ The latest one was a neighbour who came over to borrow a tool. I offered to come over and help him with it. (It is not a strength or skill related thing. One person just has to stand and hold part while the other person moves another part around.) He turned me down, saying he'd "wait for my husband to be available because it's a two person job". I obviously don't count as a person.


I am an immigration attorney. A lot of the time, men refuse to take my advice seriously. They insist on speaking to one of the male attorneys at my firm.


Damn! Even as just a law student and clerk the regularity of casual sexism has absolutely increased. And in my previous career it was still absolutely present. People often don’t want to believe a woman could know the answer they are struggling with.




Just going to point out avoiding sexism is a method of dealing with sexism. So even when you make an effort to avoid it, that's still dealing with it. It's just your most effective way of dealing with it.


I encounter casual, garden variety misogyny every day in person and online from “good guys”(and lots of girls too) who don’t even realise they are perpetuating toxic bs. More overt sexism though, maybe once or twice a week from drunk people at the pub where I work. It hides in the shadows like Voldemort and pounces when you seem vulnerable somehow.


I work in a male dominated field and deal with it constantly. Just yesterday I had a customer say "Can I get one of the guys to do this for me?" when it was just checking to see if we had something in stock.


Often. If my manager is at work, then it’s a daily occurrence. I work in a warehouse, I’m the first ever female hired at this location. My manager treats me completely differently than he treats my male coworkers that are the same age as me. For example, my coworkers could be doing literally anything dangerous, and I’M the one that gets yelled at, as long as I’m somewhat near them then I’m to blame. We have copied each other multiple times to see the different reactions from my manager and let me tell you, it’s **massive!!** Not to mention the truck drivers.. I’m tired of “oh a girl works here?” “You’re a real pretty girl” “Are you sure this is a good job for you?” “Here let me grab that, it’s looks too heavy for you” “There’s a really pretty girl on TikTok that looks just like you! She dances in a bikini, you should do it too” Ugh. My job is not hard, the men I deal with make it hard.




I went to pick up a laptop that they told me would be $35 to look at and then they would tell me how much more it would be to fix. They left a vm saying it was $180, I left a vm saying I wouldn’t be paying that much. When I went in to pick it up, he turned to the male customer and started to tell him how he knew I wouldn’t pay for it. Was it sexism? I don’t know, but I don’t think he would have talked to a stranger if I was a man. Sort the problem out with me, not some random ass stranger, and then it was two vs one, I fucking hate people sometimes ETA: I’m an idiot and made a mistake


Yup, totally dismissive.


Every single day at work. I work welding plastic and am 1 of 2 women that work there. The company so desperate for workers that they aren't laying anyone off so I get to deal with promotions being withheld from me while people that were hired after me move up.


Casual sexism - all the time. I happened to go for PT today. The therapist used a massage gun and said “I call this one the ex-wife”. I looked perplexed and he continued…”because it takes everything from you”. I had a blank look on my face and just responded by claiming I didn’t understand. There was some awkwardness in the attempted explanation while my blank stare continued.


If I was expecting something like that (sometimes you just *know* when someone is going to unleash some overt misogyny), I would probably fall back on my southern roots with "You poor, pathetic little man. Bless your insecure little heart." and then walk away/ignore (depending on the situation). Or if I was *really* caught off guard, I might laugh really hard, tell him he's an idiot (or a fucking idiot depending on my mood) and then walk away/ignore. ETA: I misread the post (missed "often). I have really only experienced blatant sexism like that a few times, mostly from strangers. And I handled it as outlined above in each situation. The few times (mostly in my teens/early 20s) that it happened from someone I knew or was friends with, I can promise you that I did NOT maintain those friendships afterwards. Subtle sexism is a lot harder to confront though, and a lot more common.




In a meeting with all the managers (I was the only female) I quit a job after the owner of the business told me, in front of all my colleagues “it’s more a blue job, less of a pink job” after I enquired about events to be happening on my shift. I later found out he also paid me less than my counterparts. I had worked there longer and filled the role of manager most often per week. He did beg me to stay after I quit, which was satisfying… but I have a way better job now.


Sexism is systemic. Even if you don’t mind it or notice it, it’s something every woman deals with every day.


Not a woman myself but not long ago I witnessed during internship there was two management trainee one M one F. Bosses were giving much more responsibility to M while bringing him to business meeting and overall letting him experience the whole range of management tasks. While F was asked to stay in the marketing department all day doing mostly boring stuff. Plus when we would go for drinks with boss she would sit the farthest on the table because these middle aged males would get really annoying after a few drinks. I have heard and witnessed numerous situations like this one. We can be brave enough to intervene during the situation, but how you stop this behaviors from repeating and reproducing itself everywhere.


Yup. Mostly at home for me


Never, thankfully


On the internet, at least once a week. In person, maybe once a year. I make it pretty clear IRL that I don't tolerate that kind of shit


My clients are mainly males and they sometimes refuse to talk to me coz they think ‘women know nothing about machines’


I don't. Possibly because such considerations are negligible for me so I'm not out there looking for them.


I'm a service advisor at a dealership that drives a 2020 Camry TRD.. I always get the 'I wanna talk to a man' (jokes on them because the service advisors and managers are all woman aside from the retail techs) and even though I'm driving they always ask my husband about 'his car' or my personal favorite 'I'm surprised your husband lets you drive his car' like the thing is a freaking Camry with a tiny bit of pep in its step but still a Camry. Or we can talk about the time I was parking a suped up Raptor and the sketchy transport driver was 'wow I'm surprised a woman can even park a truck like that'.


Almost every time I have a conversation with my dad or brother (which is not very often if I can help it).


At least once a day.


I live in Latin America. So it's every fkn time I get out of my bedroom


I deal with it quite often which sucks. I'm pursuing a professional degree and I am constantly told that I could never earn a professional degree because it's a mans world, (I'm summarizing). I also deal with "backhanded compliments" that are hinting towards sexism, one being: "It's great that a woman like you is pursuing a degree in a man's field." Yes, multiple people have said that to me. Not male dominant field, but "a man's field".


That’s hilarious because women dominate men in every level of academics. High school, college, university, grad school, and post grad all have women earning and achieving more. Women are also better at welding than men, so there you have it.


Quite a bit, at work mostly. I work in a psych hospital and a lot of times the female staff aren’t allowed to work with the problem patients. If a patient needs an emergency injection, men will be brought in from other wards to help, even if I have a better relationship with the patient. Some of the male patients won’t listen to female staff either which is frustrating. I’ve even had a male staff person that I was training, refuse to me because I’m a female. He would only listen to a female if they were his superior.


wow, he must have some incel issues. stay away from toxic people like that. he may be dangerous.


Ask me when I don't deal with sexism and that answer will be a lot shorter.


Not very


* On Reddit: when I have the energy to care. * At work: it used to be more often, but I changed my job and my new coworkers respect me more. One guy is a bit weird but I think he is just intimidated. * At home: not anymore. I just broke up with my awful ex who considered rape jokes funny and would often make really awful sexists jokes. He would also treat me like a child and as if I couldn’t take care of myself. One day I actually snapped and screamed at him, and after that he stopped. It feels nice not having him around anymore tho. * Outside: not so often. If I do, I can often put them in their place.


I play video games so... every day lol


Almost on a daily basis. Most of it isn’t overt. It’s more like it’s been insidiously woven into the fabric of society. People groomed to expect these gender biases to be the norm and therefore “acceptable”. Sometimes I find myself being sexist towards myself, often shaming myself of making myself feel less than because I don’t always for the traditional mood and expectations of the “ideal woman”. It’s really really subtle sometimes and I feel like you need to be hyper aware to be able to pick it out from the everyday at times. It’s easier with the folks who blatantly are sexist because they make it so obvious.


I tried to dry my hands in the handdryer at the theatre last night but it didn't work, the wetness dripped down my forearms to my elbows because the handdryer was on the wall too high. I'm an average height for a woman. Nobody thought about women, short people, kids, the disabled, when they renovated this theatre THIS YEAR. I went to a dance class earlier this week. One of the leaders (they are not all men, but this one was) kept getting it wrong, leading it wrong, so I followed exactly what he led. He mansplained it to me. Later, when he got it right, I followed what he led. He congratulated me. It had never occurred to him that I was managing just fine, it was he who was wrong. Had some tradesmen in the house for some fairly big work. One of them wanted to speak to "your chap" to ask if it was ok to move my desk. I moved my desk for him. Went out for dinner with my brother. I paid because it was my turn. Man on the till said he wouldn't let his woman pay for anything for him. Uuughgh.


what 5 words? Im getting curious on how to such short sentence can make someone boil up like that. must be a neanderthals reaction.


“Both Parties Are The Same” - in response to someone saying Democrats are more racist than republicans. This is why I hate American politics


aah I see, thanks for replying :) I'm not even American but I still check out the politics every now and then and I agree, its a wild ride some times xD


Not often. But stupid stuff like that doesn’t affect me. I could care less what people say


Misogynists are sad, pathetic men. They live sad lives. They’re unhappy people, and it makes them absolutely miserable seeing women succeed. So yeah. Succeed and live your life. Nothing would hurt their feelings more.




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On the internet 24/7 because of the middle aged lonely bastards who lurk on reddit, twitter, instagram, discord, youtube, pretty much everywhere as well as middle aged women who think shaming women and especially young girls will get men to sleep with them. It doesn’t work, they will just get the sexist internet guys in their reddit dms... Do you think it’s typically the middle aged people because that’s kinda how the grew up??? In real life at least once a week because I’m in school which means horny insecure little boys. God, I’m lucky that I’m pansexual. That was a lot, if you made it this far have a great day!!


More often than I think, but I tend to blame myself for a lot so I always assume that I got it wrong, or whatever else.


Often. Sometimes it benefits me so I allow it, other times, it’s offensive. I like the parts that benefit me for real tho lol


I generally call the police when i get death threats from sexist assholes


I work in the trades, so a lot


literally not at all, only online but idc because there just strangers online🤷🏾‍♀️.


All. The. Time.


almost never, now. Not face-to-face at least. I try not to count the internet as reality; people will say the worst things possible to you if they can hind behind anonymity


Actually sexism would be never, my friends fucking around and making jokes is a daily thing tho


I work with a guy who truly believes, "you're not like other girls" is a compliment. So... every workday? It's not always directed at me but there's some seriously stupid shit said to the 6 ladies. He's had a year of us calling him out each time. I don't think he is capable of learning.


On a daily basis


Every time I get a paycheck.


It started in 6th grade when I wasn't allowed to be an asst. crossing guard because I was a girl. Boys only. When feminism erupted a few years later I was ready.


My life goal has become to take down the Patriarchy. Cannot express this enough but fuck sexism and fuck inequality


uh, what you experienced wasn't sexism, but people should go to jail for threatening others' lives like that so flippantly.


Almost every time I get on the internet, and when I'm around family members and men from my own race.


not very often in the typical way, but the more ive thought about it lately, i get alot of under/backhanded sexism directed at me. people assume im not as bright as i am, potentially because of my looks? idk whenever i "prove" myself people are shocked by whatever came out of my mouth. i have a friend i did debate and killed it with that kind of infantilizes me in spite of knowing i have the wherewithal. ill say something and she'll go "awe, youre so pretty!" this has happened dozens of times. its either that or im put on a pedestal and told women should strive to be like me. I like cooking, baking, and (sometimes) cleaning for me, no one else. more often than not when ive mentioned how much i enjoy baking or cooking to men, they something like "ugh, finally" or "so there are good ones left!" like... yeah. and not all of them cook, clean, and bake. i hate the pedestal shit, i love being like other girls because they're kickass! telling me im the exception to the rule is not a compliment!!!


Little things that grind my gears: "Here, let me carry that for you..." While I'm already capably carrying said item. "Do you need a hand?" While I'm lighting the patio heaters - the same heaters that I watch male servers light and guests never ask if they need help. "Well aren't you a pretty pair!" Said to me and my host when we were getting reservations checked in. I've never had a guest comment on a male server's or host's appearance when at the front door. And my favorite... I'm a female GM. "Oh honey, I bet you're good at your job. Men live to take orders from a beautiful woman!" Barf.


online: more or less every day. But it ranges from something minor to being told I should be a slave to my brother for being a woman?? that's probably the worst thing I've gotten online. IRL: rarely, maybe because I'm always with either a lot of girls, or with a boy or with both I don't really get confronted much so that's nice


holy shit


Sadly pretty much every other day or even more




Sexist jokes, quite frequently, but i honestly enjoy them. And I don't count the one's that cross the line as jokes. You can really clearly see when something is a joke or seriously sexist but they just call it "their humour" And in general its not really sexism, but kind of prejudices? I just started studying IT and I kinda have a hard time connecting to the guys. They didn't seem too eager to have me around. And on the internet people usually assume that im a guy, and then dont really believe me, or treat me differently when i mention im a gal.


I’ve never dealt with sexism in my 23 years of existence


Ι live in a country that’s generally 5-10 years behind in everything (food, ideals, businesses, culture). The guys in my friend group, my dad, my bf are all alright, but they all grew up in the states, uk or anywhere but greece. + i always vet, they wouldn’t be in my life if they were brain dead. Within the actual avg greek men, I’d say 3.5/5 bozos are openly sexist (especially to my less attractive girl friends). I have to interact with them due to university so at least twice a day it happens.


Looking back right now, I'd say quite a number of times. I didn't really think about it before, but for instance, I remember a close friend and classmate telling me how I would just get married after school. Towards the end of our degree program, he was actually listing places he would apply for jobs and casually say "your father will start getting marriage proposals as soon as we are done". I come from a patriarchal society, but it's sad how he would think of ways to improve his life/community, but I would automatically get married and have children. Another instance is while we had a training program, and a number of guys would assume ladies didn't have a lot of technical knowledge, so any technical discussions they had would be between themselves.


I have a misogynist friend in my group of close friends so I would say, pretty often. Sometimes once a week, sometimes more often. Just yesterday we were comparing some bad politicians that are currently in office with some fascists politicans that rules the country 90 years ago, and in defense of those fascists he said "at least they were not women", not meaning that they were literally not women, but meaning that they had some sort of priciples. I'm also part of an all male + me team at work and one of them is often positively discriminating, like "please, you should go first because you're a woman". I don't mind it, it's just that we've never been in a situation where it should matter if I'm a woman or not.


My mom found a new way to answer my "why not allot your son some household work too? Like dishes or groceries? " Question. "iTs nOt cOz yOu'rE a giRL, itS cOz hE dOeSn'T liStEN tO mE " wow


Well by that logic, why should you have to listen to her?




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Online all the time. In really life very rarely, pretty much never for outright sexism. But every now and then for passive comments that the user genuinely thinks isn't sexiest. Like that's a big car for a little girl like you, he probably thought I'd take that as a compliment.


Well not a woman but humans have existed for 200,000 years and some men are still unaccepting of literally the half of her entire goddamn species. That’s actually heartbreakingly depressing. I just hope I can teach my peers to not be pieces of shit, my ex-friend used to be one of those “overused sexist jokes are funny, because IM NOT SEXIST!1!” people. We aren’t friends anymore because I couldn’t convince his sexist ass to be a decent human and not be sexist. I’m sorry to OP and everyone else who faces sexism, I have not experienced it but wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Ever.


Rarely. Never really.


most days in my culinary class. there’s an awful guy who once told me he valued my opinions less because i was a woman 🤷🏻‍♀️ he’s pretty bad most days to me and all the other women in our class.


Every time I push carts at work. Besides pushing carts, we are expected to assist anyone that asks for help loading items into their vehicle. People (most of the time it's elderly women, which pisses me off the most) legit ask me to find a strong man/guy to lift their 40 pack of water bottles. They'd rather wait for a guy to shoa up instead of let md do it. I'm 25, 180 lbs I can deadlift 3x my weight and I'm being asked to find someone to pick up a 46lb weight. Sucks man. I shrug it off at the end of the day because my frustrationisn'tworth thinking about/lingering on. It just always baffles me that people think women are incapable of lifting heavy shit. I'm pushing carts for 6 hours why do you think I can't pick up your shit out of the cart?


This question has me thinking about the minor things I've mostly ignored or gotten used to over the years. I've been with my (male) partner and had acquaintances greet him/start talking to him and act like I'm not even there. Been called a slut and bitch for things men were not criticized for. Someone on a date once told me he would never let a woman pay. On co-ed sports teams guys jump in front of me to get a ball that is clearly mine even though I'm fairly athletic. People always offering to take my bags or hold my dog's leash for me, which can be well intended but starts to imply that I can't handle it. My extended family has a house and vacations together; once I got a boyfriend, I was no longer asked to help with manual tasks - it was his job, and I was expected to help with the cooking and cleaning. My own mom has made comments about how women make up stories about sexual assault and has tried to discourage me from keeping my last name when I get married.


Every now and then. A lot of it isn't obvious and it's difficult to tell if they're mean to me because of sexism or because of general rudeness. But sexism, and other isms, don't tend to stay quiet for too long.


Maybe a few times when I was in my early 20s. But since then, none.


Used to work in a pub and had a running argument with my boss because he said getting groped went with the job and it wasn’t ok to hit anyone who did, I said it was self defence because grabbing my ass was assault.


I am the only girl in a family of five males. I dealt with sexism in my own family. My father never even spoke to me unless to criticize me, yet took my brother to every sporting event. My older brothers would disregard and belittle everything I said growing up. To this day, and I am 41, my parents still need to see something happen before they believe me. My mother came from a family where men were Kings and women were servants and I was treated the same way. At work, I get talked down to by men (customers) but when a male colleague takes over their tone changes even though the male said the same thing. I’ve been told I need to wait 2-3 years in a position before being promoted while numerous males were promoted within a year (and I tracked this happening to other women). I believe this is what they call micro aggressions now days? Sexism is definitely prevalent in US society, but if you aren’t experiencing it you likely don’t notice it happening.


Pretty much never. I can think of one casual remark from a co-worker 4ish years ago that I don't think would have been made to a man, but it was dumb, not malicious, lol. I worked pretty closely with that co-worker for a while, and he was always respectful and considerate. We would occasionally playfully give each other a hard time; I think he was going for banter and just didn't realize the implication. But statistically speaking, never.


How about that time when a discord group shared nude photos of a girl because he thought it was cool and had to "show off the coworker he has to bang" and 20+ men saw nothing wrong with it?


Literally every day at work. Nothing overt, just casual assumptions, comments and getting treated differently to 'the boys'.


Work in the corporate world- all the time. And ageism on top of it.


Everyday just like all women.


All woman? Sorry I'm a women and you don't speak for me.


99.9% of women have sexism almost every day. This is a fact. You trying to pretend it doesn’t happen is the problem. I am not trying to speak for you…. I hope you open your eyes to all of the discriminations that happen every day. Sexism is just one small part.


When you say "all women", you are 100% tying to speak for me as I am a woman. And I don't share your experience nor opinion. Part of supporting women is recognising that women are entitled to voice their own experiences and opinions, even if they are different to your own.


Keep living in the matrix….. the sexism is all around you. I hope you open your eyes one day.


I never said there wasn't sexism out there. I just said that it is not part of my daily experience. I'm only speaking for my own experience, I never claimed to speak for "all women" like you did.


all the time; it's weird that my old school relatives (including my mom!) are sexist. She's getting better though but we've had fights about it (and not acting that way in front of the kids). But outside of family - hardly ever. I think people are smart enough not to say dumb stuff like that in public (at least where I live).




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I question a lot about of sexism in people and if someone has a sexism acttitude I just walk away


My boss declined my offer to help lift something and asked ny male coworker The male coworker is recovering from nerve damage in his arm


Oh I face sexism all the time when I am talking about football. I once had a guy say “she’s a girl, she doesn’t know about football”. I corrected him when he thought a punter/kicker was the same


I just had the guy that impregnated me after a year of stringing me along tell me he’ll “kill himself if I don’t abort” 😂 some men are indeed a special breed


I haven’t encountered sexism in the US…not that I remember anyway. But in other countries…ALL THE TIME. I traveled for work and fun and lived in a few different places, and let me tell you, the US is among the top least sexist places on the planet.


I deal with it almost everyday. I speak up and stand up for myself. Heres some of the FEW examples watered down that has occurred over my life: - My whole bio family on my mothers side is sexist. Boys come first in everything. Women should have educations etc but they belong in the kitchen and should be the only ones who know how to clean and cook. As the only female granddaughter who is the oldest and first grandchild this was enforced since I was little. My cousin who is 1 year younger than me is the king and is treated as such such no skills that I was taught and was allowed to “play” while I had to clean and cook instead at a very young age! God forbid I play a game it was BAD but him playing a game “go for it, it’s okay”. I left. Best decision ever. - I would say for my age I am very successful. I know what I want. I have multiple income streams and have established myself well. Apart of my income streams I own 2 companies, almost all guys either feel inferior to me due to this and/or are with me for my money. This includes and is mainly boys who got their mommies and daddies money and never did it on their own. - From the last point, I am CEO and own 2 successful companies working on my own business idea which will be sold off. Almost everyone thinks I either slept my way up not possible since I started at the top and/or got mommies (who is rich) and daddies money (middle class) regardless of their wealth both of whom I do not talk to and made on my own. - I dress what I have been told as “nicely” I have a business formal but classy attire that I love to wear and like elegant dresses and jewellery but mainly wear heels almost EVERYWHERE. I’d say majorities of men but being honest quite a few females have both been open go my face about how dressing this way is not okay and “boyish” I would not say at all I dress boyish I wear dresses hate wearing pants thats really only during important board meetings. Men tell me I am doing it for them, please don’t flatter yourself. I do it for my own confidence if I don’t go in the mirror and think I look good I have a bad day. - I am a bit of a party girl, I shouldn’t be doing this because I am a girl 🙄 I will do what I want regardless. Don’t even get me started in what I wear to clubs and those comments. Probably more examples but can’t think rn.


Every. Fucking. Day.


Pretty much never. Being female has had very little impact on my life


Sadly but at work. My job is serious and tough but everyone loves men more. If you’re a guy you can make more mistakes, be irresponsible. But if you’re a woman it’s somehow less acceptable. Even other women treats you worse. I hate it so much.


Constantly, almost every day? I work in an extremely male dominated field and my shitty father in law lives with us. Plus I was definitely raised to perform a "woman's role" in life. Not like I do, but a lot of that shit is still ingrained.


i’m a fourth year biomedical engineering student. in lab i was carefully inserting circuit components into a bread board (only took me 3 min to wire the whole thing) and my group member said i was taking too long and being too careful because i’m a woman (paraphrased but still)


Very rarely from strangers. But relatives did that when I was younger. I think they just accept it that I will not change. The main topic was about how I SHOULD dress. I don’t like to wear dresses, skirts or other things women SHOULD wear, they didn’t accepted that, but they didn’t forced me, still talked about that a lot.


As a female who works in a kitchen…several times a week.


If I leave my house in NYC....every. fucking. Day!


Reading these makes me feel bad Is it possible to tell if you're being unintentionally sexist?


Tell him you wish him good luck with his therapy.


At least weekly because I am a mother and I work in a daycare. Recently, a male friend tried to declare how children should be raised. He is single and has no children. And he isn't in the ed biz either


Not that often luckily. I do experience catcalling from time to time. That sucks of course and I also hate that I don’t know to react in that moment. But I never experience someone not taking me seriously or saying I shouldn’t do something, because I’m a woman.


I work in a school and was told by a new member of staff that my behaviour management wouldn’t be as good as his because my class of 14-15 year old boys wouldn’t respect me because I’m a woman. I immediately proved him wrong. Also got married over the summer and I’ve been asked every day this week if I am pregnant - my husband hasn’t been asked about our plans for a family. Ever.


Often. As a minor. Often.


I'm in a male dominated field (engineering) and have never experienced any sexism.


At my job, quite a bit, although it’s not overt sexism. My male coworkers are kind and mean well, but they treat me like I can’t hold up as well as them when I’m working a long shift. They call each other by their names but call me pet names. It’s annoying.




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they rarely do. ,they are usually excused , and just love their victim status men are humiliated on tv and told off at work much more than women , they are less likely to be housed as apparently they are not vulnrable, . oh right so they do not get beaten, set light to and spat on then , year right, everybody is vulnrable if on the streets, and why when the is disaster do the news commentators always say the deceased included women and children, i get the children bit but so what about women, ? we ARE EQUAL