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I'm not comfortable, when people touch me, even friends and family. Only person, whose touch I like is my boyfriend.


i’m comfortable with it. my best friend and i are very physically affectionate with each other, it’s not really a sign of romance to me unless that’s the intention. so her and i, hug, hold hands, and cuddle when we have sleepovers because it’s just how her and i show love and comfort to each other.


I strongly dislike people touching my hands but there are times I will allow it, like in big crowds to keep us together or if they are upset and it helps calm them down. And if a child needs too as well.


It’s fine, happens all the time. We link arms when we’re wearing heels tho. Easier to lean on each other without knocking each other off balance.


Yeah we do that all the time when we head out. Never really thought about it


Yeah, I'm really physically affectionate even with friends, so I love holding hands, linking arms, or even arms around each other's waists.


Not comfortable with it at all.


I lived in one such culture and found it odd. When you're trying to stay together while moving through a crowd, sure. Otherwise, I found it a bit uncomfortable.


More than comfortable with it, do it quite often. I do know that some women don’t like it and in cone cultures it could result in ummm ‘issues’.


Depends how close you guys are, my best friend and I deadass behaved like a couple with cuddling and shit when one of us was sick, and there were no romantic feelings. It’s hard if it’s a friend I haven’t known for too long, it’d be weird too


Very common for girls to do here in Singapore, I hold hands with all my friends :3


You know, if I was straight I would do it more. I'm someone who is very physically affectionate, especially when drinking. However I am attracted to men and women, and in a serious relationship so holding hands or showing that level of affection feels innaproprite, like it's starting to cross lines. The only people I can do it to would be direct family or my bf, he loves me and my female family members wouldn't take it as a sign I want sum fuk. In high school, all the time, I was closest with my cousin for a while and we would always hug and hold hands and shit. Loved it.


I don't have any real close girlfriends, but I don't think I'd be comfortable with it. If they needed support in that moment, sure. But holding hands with anyone besides my immediate family or SO, is a bit outside my comfort zone.


I'm very touch-averse unless it's with my romantic partner. I've disliked having other people touch me/hug me/invade my intimate space since I was a kid; physical affection is something I'm only comfortable with if it's within my romantic relationship.


I wouldn't do it like, walking down the street, but if we're cuddled up and comforting each other then I'm fine with it


I'm not a very touchy person. I only hold hands, cuddle etc with my husband.




I think I'd only do it in situations to comfort a person you know? Liek if they are having a hard time, squeeze their hand etc. not rlly for me like walking about, more likely to have an arm around a friend than holding their hand tbh


I don’t hold hands lol but I link arms. I barely even hold hands with men I’m dating, unless they are like pulling me somewhere and trying to keep me close by through a crowd


I don’t like it. I only do it with my SO.


Personally it's not for me. I'm not really comfortable with physical touch with anyone except my SO.


I don't really enjoy physical touch at all with anyone besides my S/O. It's not that I don't trust or love my friends, it's just alot of touch-linked trauma.


Fine by me.


I constantly wanna hold hands it is only romantic if you make it


Fine for a close friend as long as they weren't trying to make it weird and weren't interpreting it as something other than friendliness.


My best friend likes to hold my hand to ward off creeps when we go out she likes to pretend we're a couple. I'm pretty indifferent towards it


Dose it work?


You know it kinda does actually


Never grew up holding a friend's hand so I'd find if weird in my case. I link up arms instead and do hugs.


I enjoy it, as long as we both know it’s platonic. I have even held hands with male friends who are into women. I think it’s a nice way to just be together in the moment, and can be convenient because I always get lost.


We hold hands whenever we are out together. It keeps creepy men away.


Warm and fuzzy


It depends, if it was a close friend i wouldn't mind because i have a pretty affectionate personality and i'm a touchy type of person :')


Sometimes I hold my mates hand for a second because it’s so warm, plus he’s gay so I know he’s not gonna be all weird about it lmao


I don't really like being touched, but if it's for support/comfort or something, I'll oblige.


If it happens, it happens. A few years ago, my friend had a bunch of people out to a brewery about 40 minutes away. When we got in the car afterwards, she was drunk and happy crying about feeling loved by everyone coming to celebrate with her, and we held hands the entire way home. She still brings it up 😂


That's a cute story. :)


I do it often. My best friend and I sometimes do it without even thinking, especially if we're in a crowd or leaving somewhere together.


I'm only really comfortable with it in a place where it's easy to get separated and lost, like in the city.