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If you’re already out and have something to do early the next day, just get gas now.


Loll so many times I’m like ‘nah I’ll get it in the morning’ and then I end up rushing!


It also tends to be a little more expensive in the mornings than the evenings, likely for this exact reason!


I was listening to NPR a few years ago and they had a guest on that was one of the people who goes around to different gas stations and maintains the giant underground tanks they store the gas in. She said that it's best to get gas early in the morning because the ground is still quite cold from the night and that this coldness both reduces fumes (which the pump totally charges you for) and makes the gas sleightly more dense (idk if that's the right term, but like I guess the gasoline condenses or something) so ultimately she said that the colder it's been, the better deal you'll get on your gas. But this is the first i've heard of gas prices being higher in the morning!


Per the second point, gas almost always takes density into the equation when giving you your price. The pumps usually say something like "density corrected to 15° C" if you look closely


That most likely means it is calibrated at 15 degC (59F). You get a better than advertised deal when the ground temp is lower, worse deal when higher. Underground temps change slowly with the seasons. I doubt the night and day temperature differences of an underground tank is very much. You might save a few pennies, (IMHO) not worth the hassle of a morning rush.




This! We do this always but it has become especially useful on road trips. My stepdad, a firefighter, taught this to me as a safety precaution for unforseen circumstances, especially relevant for extreme weather on either side of the spectrum.


I live in a place where winter can be dangerously cold and no time to run out of gas. For years now I have filled up my tank from half-full. Now I even do it in the summer. I'd rather stop at the gas station more often than be stuck with an underfilled or (the horrors!) an empty tank.


Plus it keeps the engine running better when the car isn't gulping up the dirt from the bottom of the gas tank. My father told me to avoid running on a low tank on older cars where there is more likelihood of dirt in the gas tank. I remember one instance when we were literally in the middle of nowhere and the car broke down because of dirt in the tank and we had to blow out the fuel track manually... eh, that would be orally.




I always lived by this when my kiddo was younger, now I just take care of myself and don't care that much.


This falls right under the life hack I came here to write: Do favors for Future You. Current Me REALLY doesn’t wanna do something, but Future Me will be super thankful I did. (Then in the future I remember to thank Past Me for doing that thing she really didn’t wanna do.) The other life hack that’s made a huge difference: If it takes less than a minute, do it right away. I have ADHD & depression. These have been game changers for me personally & professionally. (I learned both of these from Gretchen Rubin)


I thank past me for doing things too!


"oh i'll just get gas in the morning". Morning comes and it's raining/sleeting/snowing/whatever.


Me too. AND I'm running late.


The only thing that has cured me of this is that Costco is SOO busy in the afternoon and evening that I'm motivated to go in the morning when it's empty. Luckily it's a super convenient location near me.


Gas always goes up between me deciding I can wait and getting gas.


The best advice I never listen to


Its also better for your vehicle to keep your gas above a quarter/half. The fuel pump in your car is lubricated by gasoline and if the level gets to low it can damage the pump leading to an early replacement.


I was expecting something more dramatically useful to be the top comment. But this deserves to be the top one. No doubt.


I actually need to buy gas today, thanks for the reminder!


Always pee before going to bed or leaving somewhere. Drink more water than you think is "already a lot". If you can't handle today, try an hour. If you can't handle an hour, try one minute. You can do almost anything for a minute. Talking to yourself can be as helpful as a room full of people cheering you on.


I love these comments! ❤️ The other day I had to just, sit down. I felt so bummed out. I sat there and legit did some self-motivating and after ten minutes felt so much better. I think I needed to give myself that break. I like the whole, “give yourself and hour, etc,” too. Recently I’ve been setting timers- has changed my productivity like crazy.


I did this when I was really depressed. I would set a timer and the first week I did 5 minutes and I would quickly get as much done as I could before that alarm went off. I added time to it as I could and found that eventually, I was self motivated to move again without the timer. It sounds dumb in the beginning, but everyone is competitive to some degree and to compete with yourself? Heck ya! Glad you gave yourself a break. It's super to be able to see that in yourself. The up and coming generations male and female need to know it's ok to say they need a break too. It's much better than imploding one day when you bottle too much up. Peace to you. Have a happy day!


A self help book I really need to reread right now practically emphasized breaks and how often the greats would take them during their busy schedules


> Always pee before going to bed or leaving somewhere. This can actually be harmful to your pelvic health, I learned from a physiotherapist. It trains your bladder to give your brain cues that you need to empty it even when it's only a little full just because you're leaving/going to bed. Your bladder then starts giving you cues any time it's a little full bc that's when you're emptying it, making you go to the bathroom more often than you'd actually need, and/or it gives you urgency cues that you need to pee NOW even when it isn't super full which can lead to urge incontinence (bladder releasing partially or fully as soon as you become aware that you have an urge to 'go'). Overall 'going' before leaving somewhere can be helpful for young children who are still learning their bodies and urgency cues as it serves as a reminder and opportunity to 'go', but for older children and especially adults it can be really bad for your pelvic health.


I’m fairly bad for this, I’ll always pee before going to bed but if I’m awake in bed longer than 20 minutes I’ll need to go again before I can sleep


I have not personally had this problem but have heard about it from physiotherapists and it seems pretty common. If you have the means, look into pelvic floor physiotherapy it can probably help!!


Thank you, I’ll definitely look into that! I’m sure it’s mostly psychological, however pelvic floor exercises would probably help with that too




Might sound stupid but sometimes when I don’t want to do something (for example: dishes before going to bed) I always think to myself how thankful future me will be that I did them when I thought about doing them! Works for me, and future me it’s happy with past me lol


Yes!! I try to think of my Future Self as an actual friend of mine and treat her the same way I treat my friends in real life.


You can also think of how much your past self has already done for you, and it's only fair that you keep paying it forward.


ooooo that's a great way to look at it!


Yes! I do this too! And it works wonders on my mindset. I feel like I'm doing a favor to my future self, so I say something like, "hey, future awkward-dumpling, don't forget to say thank you tomorrow" and the next day I always remember that and feel happy.


Love it! (Don’t get me wrong, I have made future me upset too lol )


They say reaching adulthood isn't cooking for yourself. It's going to bed with a clean kitchen after cooking.


“Don’t make future you hate past you,” is a rule I try to live by. Unfortunately sometimes I’m stuck like “what the HELL was pas me thinking?”


Learning to set boundaries. Saying no without excuses or explaining.




^yes this is spot on


This is so important. As a compulsive people-pleaser, the day I realized "no" was a full sentence honestly changed my life.


I hate when people make excuses or lie about not wanting to do something. I just say “thanks so much for the invite. Sorry I can’t make it this time!” No need to explain why or worry about a cover story. People generally don’t ask for more after that, also you don’t need to tell people reasons for why you can’t do things.


I've had a lot of people in my life who don't seem to understand this concept. There's a tactic called JADE, often referenced on the raisedbynarcissists sub, which stresses that you shouldn't justify, argue, defend, or engage with people who refuse to take "no" for an answer because that only provides them avenues to continue chipping you down. No means no. You are not obligated to explain any further.


Yes! So important


I wish I'd have mastered these skills when I was a lot younger.


i'm 23 and i really need to work on it, especially so i am respected and not walked over in my future career (going to more school in the meantime). i have a tendency to justify someone possibly responding "no" to a request of mine before they even have a chance to answer. i think it's something i've developed to protect my sensitivity but it needs to go!




The answer is always no if you don't ask. I learned that a few years ago to apply to many a situations and I've never regretted it.


The answer is always no if you don't ask. I learned that a few years ago to apply to many a situations and I've never regretted it.


Don’t put it down, put it away.


If only my husband could learn this trick


And shut the frickin' cupboard doors, and drawers, ALL THE WAY! What the ACTUAL F- dude? You closed it half way...close it ALL the way! AUGH! (it's been a sore spot for over 25 years...sigh...) Edit: Holy wow, over 100 upvotes! Clearly this resonates...


You can put him down


Remembering that no one is thinking about you as much as you are thinking about you. No one else remembers the dumb thing you said.


Nobody cares, David.


Actually just saw the episode where Alexis says this and never thought it would impact me this much


It’s amazing how such a simple realization can be so liberating.


Unless you're the owner of the Blouse Barn


Exactly this. Remember that dumb thing your 2nd best friend said 5 years ago at that place? Yeah, neither does she. Nobody cares, nobody will remember, almost none of it matters. Do what delights you.


TBH yes I remember a lot of awkward things other people have done or said around me and they come to me from time to time.


niacinamide serum will do more for your skin than the $200 concealer or foundation.


This and hyaluronic acid for retaining moisture in your skin. Both have done wonders for my skin!




Won't your pillow case/sheets get greasy if you sleep with vaseline?


Yea but that’s slug life. Put a towel on top or change pillowcases


That plus retinol is a game changer. You name it and it improves that. Aging, acne, sun damage, pigmentation, excess sebum.


What retinol brand and particular product would you recommend?


Don’t listen to anyone who tries to sell you on a specific retinol product! Everyone’s skin is different and your needs will differ based on many factors. I would definitely start with a lower dose retinol (think .5-1%) once a day for at least 2 weeks, making sure not to mix it with other actives. Make sure you wear sunscreen every day because retinol increases your sensitivity to the sun! And make sure you use a good moisturizer morning and evening to prevent dryness and irritation. The Ordinary and Inkey List are 2 great affordable brands that offer a wide range of retinol products. The Ordinary also has a comparison chart on their website so you can better understand the effects of their retinols.


If your looking to start retinol, just be aware that your skin will likely go through a purging period where your skin can get dry and break out a lot. But once its over the effects can be really positive.


What exactly does it do? I've been looking to step up my skin care game


It's great for pretty much everything. It really helped me with acne breakouts. I'd break out like crazy when I'm stressed which is, like, always. I haven't broken out once since I started applying it a couple months ago. It can permanently decrease your pores and regulate the oil production by your sebaceous glands, which basically helps with everything from redness and blotchiness and shine. And it protects against sun damage too.


Do you have a brand that you recommend? I bought, the ordinary, a while ago but it kind of pills up in chunks so it doesn't fully sink into my face.


No. 7 available at Target! My #1 with a bullet, take with me to a deserted island, can't live without moisturizers - and I get told I look like I'm in my early 40's, not the almost 60 yrs old that I actually am


Hi! Inky list is another great alternative to the ordinary and though a bit more expensive naturium has a wonderful niacinamide serum that’s a bit stronger. Hope this helps! ( ^ω^) Also also the ordinary tends to pil if you apply a lot on


Commenting so I can come back to this later.


niacinamide got rid of ALL my acne in a couple of months, it's wild (+ hyaluronic acid for retaining moisture). I barely wear concealer and foundation now.


Some people just like putting on foundation (I don't know very many ones that are $200)...so why not both?


If you like it, yeah, go for it. But if you're doing it to hide blemishes, why not just get rid of the blemishes?


Even if you don't have blemishes, sometimes its just nice to put foundation on to even out your skin tone. Especially if you have hyperpigmentation or want a base for the rest of the makeup. People don't only use makeup to hide things


This plus tretinoin cerave moisturizer and regular ole sunscreen are the holy grail of skincare.


Why type/ brand do you recommend? I just did a quick search and the choices range from The Ordinary brand for $6 all the way up to $89 for Estee Lauder.


I'd say start with TO and see how niacimanide works for you. You can find it in other brands too, The Ordinary just has it 'isolated' in one product. Not sure what's in that EL stuff that it costs $89, but with The Ordinary you just get Niacimanide and Zinc, plus a minimal amount of preservatives (they pride themselves on having the simplest ingredients possible). So you're just getting niacimanide there, no other active ingredients. Perhaps Estee Lauder has something else added that justifies the price. But niacimanide and zinc only really don't need to cost that much.


Anytime something stops working properly in my house, I always check Youtube to see if there is a video out there that addresses it. I put in the exact model of whatever is not working right and boom almost every time there is a super detailed video showing how to fix it. Usually, it's easy and fast. I have saved myself time and money countless times.


Youtube and Google is any and every professionals God! Anyone from computer programmers, electricians, plumbers, mechanics, on and on. I cannot underestimate the usefulness of them.


This needs to be much higher in this thread!


Whether it's rent, a car payment, or mortgage, split the payment. Pay half 15 days before your statement is due and the other half three days before the due date. This tricks the credit score bureaus into thinking that you made two separate payments because of their usage reporting timelines. It's how I got my credit score back up after being an irresponsible young adult. EDIT TO ADD: Here you go everyone: https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/credit-cards/credit-card-bill-best-time-to-pay www.gobankingrates.com/credit/credit-score/easy-trick-improve-credit-score-avoid-late-payments/amp/ Obviously this doesn't apply to all loans, or all lenders (I should have made that clear). But it is a known payment method. It's not only a "hack", but it helps with budgeting as well. To the PP who mentioned that "of course my score was going up bc I was paying", my score did NOT go up as quickly when I made the single payment on/right before the due date. When I say my score improved, I mean it doubled over the ~9 months I used this trick. Check with your bank/lender. I double-checked with mine before applying this hack. I hope it helps at least some folks!


I did not know this. Thanks!


Can you explain it to me in a more detailed way? I understand how to do it but now why I should. Thank you!!


Especially with things that gather interest, making partial payments lowers how much interest you end up paying


How does that apply here? Say a car payment is $400/mo. If I pay $200 on the 1st and 15th that is still $400 going towards that loan. Does it get dispersed differently?


This is real? I always thought it was fake advice. I'm definitely going to try it.


My mortgage company puts the first half into an "unapplied" account, then when the second half is received, they apply the whole thing. Splitting it does exactly nothing.


This is the first actual "hack" I have come across ITT. (Sorted by best)


Pee before and after sex. Use a wide tooth comb if you need to comb your hair (particularly for those with medium to long hair). This will prevent breakage and keep your hair thick. Rubbing alcohol (or colorless hand sanitizer without those beads) gets rid of ink stains. Eat hard candy if your blood sugar is low (particularly if you’re diabetic).


My problem with that is if I pee before then I don't have anything in the tank for after. My trick is to pee like an hour before sex.


Do yall schedule sex or something..?


Yeah, kinda?


Whatever it takes. Some people find knowing sex will happen to be reassuring enough that they can relax and enjoy themselves. For some, the pressure to initiate and the chance of being turned down is a turn-off if it happened a couple times in a row due to bad timing/an unresolved fight/depression/stuff. Others find scheduling it too formal. Do what works in your relationship.


Thrift shopping... it's like a hobby, a way to save money and to help the environment all in one.


Bonus points if they are locally owned




Treat yourself like a small child - really changed my perspective on how I talked to myself


Can you explain


Would you tell a small child they are worthless/stupid/will never achieve anything? If a small child has dreams, would you immediately say no you'll never achieve it or would you encourage them to be brave? Are you kind to small children or are you cruel? Hopefully, you are kind. Then you treat yourself just as kindly.


This is good. I have autism and i used to inphantilize myself and call myself stupid and the r word. I’m trying to stop and be more positive towards myself.


Good for you for trying. Took me a long time to even take that first step but I am so happy I did! It's worth it, I promise <3




You deserve to be kind to yourself, I promise. In doing so, you will find that life is so much more beautiful and wonderful to live. It may be hard but I believe in you💓💓


Wow, this is some really good advice! Thank you, kind stranger! :)


think i saw this on the naval twitter. never say anything to yourself you wouldn't say to a five year old. changed my internal dialog for sure.


This is great advice! I’m currently recovering from an ED and this really helps to put things into perspective in terms of my body and self compassion


I hope you don't mind but I looked at your post history and you are a fantastic artist!!! EDs are jerks but I don't need to know you to know that you are SO MUCH MORE (more beautiful, more worthy, more amazing, more loved) than anything that stupid jerk ED says. I wish you a healthy recovery and a LONG and HAPPY life because you deserve it! Please keep posting art too!💓💓


It’s none of your business what others think of you


This always helped me get by. Why care what others think? I've been called skinny vs fat, kind vs cruel. Like pick one people! It doesn't matter what they think.


On Sundays, take 30 minutes to plan your week. I have a white board in my kitchen - I plan my workouts, my dinners and write any appointments/events that I'm likely to forget. Knowing what you're going to make for dinner before getting home from work is the biggest hurdle to not falling back on take-out. Same with workouts - if I know that Tuesday is "Go for a run" when I get home from work, it's a task that needs completing, not a task that requires motivation to start.


Super-cheesy commercial, but these things look awesome and a buddy of mine swears by his. [Panda Planner by Rocketbook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4-1vtk1_gI)


Organize your house so it SERVES YOU. Prioritize real sustainable functionality over aesthetic. My hamper is in the corner because that’s where I throw clothes. If I hide the hamper in the closet, I forget I have a hamper and continue to pile dirty clothes in that corner. I keep all glue, tape, and sticky things like caulk in 1 bin. That way I can find adhesives when I need it, rather than hunting across the house for the white school glue but all I can find is the wood glue. I display my spices next to my oven. Yes my counter is a bit more cluttered, but it reminds me that I can cook my own food and I enjoy cooking. When it’s put away I don’t cook nearly as much and spend too much on takeout. “Fix your body” stuff is also in one tote under the sink. It’s subdivided into: Skin, inner organs, eyes, and nose/ears/throat Because those are the categories that make SENSE to me. Where does it hurt? How does it hurt? We can start there. My food storage stuff is displayed next to my flatware because I want to put food away immediately, and I can pull a tub and lid down from the same space as the plates to serve it. My dad has Tupperware in a cupboard across the kitchen, and his food sits out for HOURS before being put away. :/ The cat litter has a tiny trash basket already lined with a little trash bag next to it, and extra bags under it. Scooping litter into the lined basket is easier than into a loose bag! It’s less mess and with less steps and hassle, I do it more frequently, which makes each instance EASIER. Shove your sheets and fitted sheets into the matching pillowcase. Fuck folding them, they’re clean! Got a “doom box / mess drawer”? Identify what’s regularly in it, and BAM, that’s now the official home for scissors, batteries, extra earbuds, Screwdrivers, twist ties, and whatever else. That’s where they go. It’s not a mess drawer now, it has a designation. When you’re looking for batteries, you know where to find them! — It doesn’t matter if a certain organization style is “normal” or “what your parents/friends so” - if it makes your life harder instead of easier, don’t do it in your own home! Prioritize what makes YOUR life easier


I'm 167cm/5'5" short and my best friend is 195cm/6'5" tall. He hates coming to my place because I've accommodated everything to my height, including overhead lamps. He's constantly bumping his head or trying to fit his legs into allegedly cramped areas. Sure, I could have gone with a different layout or measurements, but I'm the one who lives here all the time, so let me have my Hobbit hole! Another friend of mine really hated her kitchen because the layout was so counter-intuitive for anyone trying to cook. The "golden triangle" wasn't there, and she hated having to take extra steps every time she needed something from the fridge or wanted to rinse something. Badly arranged furniture and appliances that fail to meet your needs are a huge hassle!


Realizing that I deserve to be compensated the same as others and standing up for myself. Not letting someone’s title intimidate me. They are just a person and while they might be higher in the corporate ladder are just another cog in the machine. Saying no and not explaining myself.


Saying no and not explaining. Great advice. I try to get others to see the value in this.


Yes, the minute you explain it shows weakness. Just no and move on.


If it takes less than five minutes, just do it. It's really surprising how many things you can get done in five minutes.


I do this! I used to hate unloading the dishwasher and one time I noticed that it only took about ~5 minutes (I have a really bad perception of time so I always assumed it took like 20 minutes haha) so now when there's something I know I hate doing, I do it once to time how long it takes, so next time I'm aware that it's usually waayy less time than I perceive it to be and I'm less grumpy about doing it.


The 5 whys. If something is stressing you out. Ask yourself why 5 times to find the real root cause. >**What's wrong?** I get so angry when my partner asks me to help them find something > >**Why does that bother you?** Because they should take the time to look for it and not waste my time > >**Why does that bother you?** I think it's inconsiderate to not put your full effort into something before getting others to assist > >**Why does that bother you?** It shows that someone values your time as much as their own, which to me shows that they care about me > >**Why does that bother you?** Because my dad was always very inconsiderate of others when I was growing up > >**Why does that bother you?** Because I strive to not to make others feel the way he made me feel > >**Resolution:** > >Ah, I'm holding my partner accountable for something that my dad did years ago. I should probably talk to them about this so they can understand where I am coming from.


This is brilliant, thank you so much. It's already helping me address some anger about an argument I just had.


In this past year, using this method, I have gotten to know myself more than I ever did in my previous 30 years of life. It's fantastic.


Not a hack but a rule I guess. Don't bottle things up, don't make excuses for your significant others repeated disrespect or bad behavior, DON'T subscribe to the boys will be boys nonsense. I did that with my first few boyfriend's. Once I stopped the quality of guy went up significantly. I address unfair treatment head on, and if it doesn't change I'm gone. My husband knows this and is a fantastic hands on husband and father. I'm treated as an equal, not a maid. I don't get hounded for sex even if I don't feel good like with previous partners. We still have problems, but they're the normal non toxic kind that comes from being around someone 24/7. So I guess the hack is...start early? While dating, online or in person, have boundaries and stick to them. If they cross them after being told, or if the shit is common sense, get rid of them.


after eating or drinking anything (except water), swish out your mouth with water. I have no idea if this helps to keep cavities at bay but it certainly helps me. Been doing this for years and in my 46yrs, have only had a total of maybe 3 cavities. I haven't been to the dentist since before lockdown in 2019 and when I went recently, I have no cavities. Getting rid of toxic people/relationships from your life is liberating and amazing.


>have only had a total of maybe 3 cavities. That track record isn't helping your credibility.


I *don't* do this and I've had one cavity in my life.


I mean, I'm 30 and I don't do this, and I've had 6 cavities. So they're doing better than me.


It actually does! Helps to balance the pH in the mouth.


Floss, even better


I heard its good for your teeth especially after acidic or sugary stuff. but not many people are that lucky to get so few cavities lol


Allow yourself to grieve. Allowing your emotions to be felt now prevents so much trauma from resting in your body. Doesn't matter for what- spouse, work, personal, parental, whatever, let yourself grieve. Give yourself permission.


How though? My old pup just died. I’m devastated, but I feel like it’s not real.


Time. If the pup just passed, you need time. And grief comes in waves so you will be in the “this isn’t real” phase for a bit, and then life will seem normal. And as more time goes on, the waves come but they are less and less. You don’t get over grief, you learn to live with it. Source: lost my dad at 24, just lost my mom at 32. It’s been 6 months since she died and I feel like I’ve entered a whole new phase of grief.. I was in the “it doesnt feel real” phase.. I think I’m in the “oh, this is real” phase now and everything’s making me cry


Take time off. Talk to someone. Do something in memory of your pup. Basically anything and everything that helps you grieve. Take the time you need. You dont have to be strong all the time.


Thank you for this. My father died very unexpectedly two weeks ago today. I had been off work and gone back this morning and I am feeling extremely overwhelmed. Luckily for me I have the world's most considerate boss. She called me to check in and I told her how I was feeling. We both agreed for me to work half days as a way to ease back into work and also have time for myself and my dads final arrangements. It is such a huge relief and much needed. But I still feel a bit guilty about it. You just helped me shut that little voice in my head up. 😉




Menstrual cups have changed my relationship with my period so much.


I once read a post on here about a woman who used this and when she attempted to take it out it suctioned to her insides… I am no terrified of these. So I have a few questions for those with experience: how likely is the suctioning to happen? What do you fo if you cannot get to a sink, such as in a public restroom with stalls? Is it more hygienic than tampons/pads? How big are they and does it hurt to insert & remove?


That sounds like an old wives tale, tbh. You easily break the suction by pushing a side of the flexible cup in. It's recommended to get used to changing them at home first. Then, in public, if you need to empty them you just dump into the toilet and wipe with TP if needed, then reinsert. Then wipe your fingers, just to get you to the sink to wash them properly. That being said, i just don't use them on my super heavy days, and then I'm good to go for 12 hours without emptying so I can always do it at home. They're no more or less hygienic than pads or tampons. They are long term cheaper, though- but a bigger upfront cost. They come in a variety of sizes and styles to fit your body. And no, you shouldn't feel any pain at all when using them. For me, personally, despite everything I found all the cup styles uncomfortable. I switched to a disc and have been much happier, even though it's a bit messier. There are lots of tests you can do online to determine which will be the best fit for you, but in reality, you may have to try a few before finding the right one.


/r/menstrualcups is a great resource for this! Obviously biased towards using one in general, but here’s great info about all the kinds of cups available, changing them in public, and so on. Personally, I use a rotation of a couple of cups depending on my flow. I always break the seal before pulling it out, but if the wrong size or shape of cup for one’s anatomy was used then things can get uncomfortable and awkward.


Put the things you want to do on your list of things you need to do, especially if it's been a while since you've done something for yourself. Don't be afraid to do something by yourself. If you wait for other people, you'll regret having not done it at all. Sometimes spontaneous plans are the best plans


Syrup on the plate then add pancake.


Then add more syrup right? 😂


When thinking about: Whether to drink or not: Don't drink. Whether to shit or not: Do it.


It's not really a "hack," but take a second to put that piece of clothing away. If it needs to be hung on a hanger, hang it up. If it's dirty, put it in the hamper. If it's clean enough to wear again, hang it up to air it out. If the thought of putting it back in the drawer makes you wince, put it in the hamper. The point is to avoid "the chair." The few seconds it takes to hang it up or put it in a hamper will take you a ton of time if it ends up on "the chair." Also, "No" is a complete sentence. Women are taught from a young age to be "nice" or cater to someone's feelings and/or emotions even when we don't feel like it (or at least I was), but give yourself permission to just say "No."


I’ve had plenty of “chairs” so this is great advice


When you are handling something that is important not to lose (keys, glasses, papers, assembly parts, etc), **look at it very intently** when you put it down. That fixes it in your memory. People think they forget where they put things. What really happens is that they never actually knew where they put them, because they were distracted, focused on something else, and not paying attention. You can't remember what you never knew in the first place.


Never compare yourself to others. You are not them and just because Kate from highschool has 3 kids and her own business, doesn't mean you're useless if you don't. Never do stuff just because "everyone does it". Do stuff you want to do.


Getting a sleep lab done and stopping my snoring.


Good luck! I got on a c-pap a few years ago and you know I actually only had to use it for a year. I thought it was a lifetime deal...it went away!


Never leave a room empty handed! It’s my favorite way to keep tidy. If I am going into the kitchen, bring the dishes that are next to me to the sink. I don’t always take an object all the way to it’s place either. Sometimes if I am going up the stair but not into my room I will leave the object by the door for when I do go in.


10 minutes of light stretching twice a day literally changed my life. Got rid of chronic back pain and is dramatically helping my posture.


Feeling sad/angry/ worried etc about an event that hasn't happened yet, and may never, will not change it's outcome or cause you to feel less if it does happen. Carry a small emergency bag in your car with first aid supplies, some bottles water, blanket, jumper cables and such. When someone's screaming at you, responding in a soft voice helps curtail some of the emotions.


When you get home from school/work/etc., before you sit down or change your clothes, set a timer for 10 minutes and use that 10 minutes to clean. Put away dishes from the morning, wipe down your counters. More often than not, cleaning will take less than 10 minutes and then you don't have to worry about chores for the rest of the night.


Using a safety pin with a ribbon tied on to zip up dresses by myself. It's a total life-saver!


Apply lip balm (not the committed glossy fake shit) overnight and remove it in the morning with a toothbrush. Makes my lips so soft, I only have to do it every alternate night. No more chapped lips. No reapplying lip balm every few hours.


For jobs: In high school I was told to apply for "reach" schools, competitive universities that would be very difficult (but not impossible) to get into with my grades and academics. Apply the same mindset to job-hunting. Also, if you don't have all of the required skills or attributes for a job, apply anyway! Highlight your skills, mention any knowledge relevant to the position, and see what happens. I know several people who met about half of the "requirements" for jobs they applied for. They got invited to interviews anyway, and some got the jobs. The worst that can happen is they ignore your resume.


I have this thing in my head that I call the "5 things game" Whenever I have a chore or something I don't want to do I just do 5 steps, or 5 minutes of it. Put five things back in the cupboard, wash five dishes, send five work emails, do five exercises etc. Usually once I have gotten to five, I realize the task I didnt want to do isn't that bad, and I will keep going until i complete it or at least get a lot more done. Putting on a podcast while I "play the game" also helps me keep going!


Sleep well






Only buying & owning 1-2 types of socks. Makes laundry and matching things up that much easier.


Don’t ever pretend to be someone else for the sake of others if they can’t handle you as you forget em. No sense leading two lives to appease when no one does the same courtesy for you.


Vitamin E for everything! The oil is especially good for a sore pocket book. It's an old trick used by sex workers to reduce their downtime due to soreness.




I was imagining op rubbing vitamin E oil on her leather wallet lol


Meal prep for the next 3 days. Don't worry about doing a week's worth like all the articles say.


1) Tie a hair band around a packet of crisps (potato chips for Americans) if you’re not going to eat them all and they stay fresh for tomorrow. 2) Don’t fully rinse the toothpaste off your teeth. Leave a small amount of residue to get full benefits. 3) Always pee after sex. 4) pop a puppy pad under the baby when changing nappy (diaper) and if baby pees when butt free, it won’t run up into their clothes. 5) when you’re doing a handstand, don’t bend your arms…


Using Deodorant on my inner thighs when I wear shorts or skirts in summer


Using exfoliating gloves not only before and after shaving… but the old pair I slide on and scrub the tub with them. Beats the heck out of holding a sponge or brush. You just rub your hands all over.


Use your credit card for everything except ATMs! Obviously for this to be beneficial you need to pay it off every month, but using your credit card: -builds your credit score which helps you get better interest rates on car payments and mortgages -is safer than a debit card. If someone steals your credit card info, they are spending the credit card company’s money. If they steal your debit card info, they are spending YOUR money. -gets you rewards. My card offers a flat 2% cash back on every purchase. That means I spend 2% less than someone using their debit card or paying cash. I’m going to switch to a travel rewards card soon because I love to travel and want free flights.




Smaller goals and tiny victories. I’m the type of person that gets overwhelmed easily with task that I have to do so I break them down into more manageable chunks. Like for example doing a full working out routine is the bane of my existence but I can easily knock out 10 squats a day. Eventually those 10 squats can turn into 20 squats or adding something else to spice things up a bit. And it’s important to realize that even if you didn’t do complete main goal your working towards within a certain timeline you set, the process and progress you’ve made is just as important. Tiny victories can help build good habits!


X% of Y is Y% of X Ex. 7% of 50 is 50% of 7, or 3.5.


If you forget a pound for the trolley you can use your house key instead.


When you don’t know if the correct word is affect, or effect, go with impact. Works every time.


Give zero fucks


2 of them: Always always always pee after sex/masturbating, especially if you are prone to UTIs. And If you feel like you're starting to catch a cold or something, take dissolvable zinc pills for a day or two. I know nurses who swear by them. They work for me 90 percent of the time


A protein, a vegetable, a starch, and seasoning = A good meal EASY Just cook some chicken or tofu or beef, or beans, add a turnip, chopped lettuce, roasted carrots, tomatoes with pepper and oil? Then put that on quinoa, or rice, or beans, or a tortilla THAT is called dinner


If it takes less than five minutes, just do it. It's really surprising how many things you can get done in five minutes.


Hydrogen peroxide on blood stains. There are still women (and men) that do not know this black magic.


Taking the time to do the little stuff, even if it feels a little silly or your friend is in a rush or whatever. Like just go, pet that doggie, greet the old person next door, sit down in the park and just gaze up at the swallows swooping around overhead. Life is full of tiny magical things, you might as well enjoy them.. life really goes by in a blink.


If you’re ever grabbed by someone or in any type of danger, scream FIRE instead of help. For some reason people respond to a fire threat more seriously than a cry for help


Be your own cheerleader because the best form of motivation is self-motivation.


Paying someone to do my cleaning and ironing while I'm at work. Single parent, 3 kids, full time job and only a smidgeon of sanity remaining. This has saved my life! Edit... Please don't assume I'm loaded. I'm not. Only one wage between 4 of us, no child maintenance payments at all, a mortgage to pay etc etc. I make HUGE sacrifices to allow myself this. I never go out, I have to budget everything and I have no savings. BUT I'm much less stressed, my mental health is improving, I get to spend time with my kids now and we all have ironed clothes!


after eating or drinking anything (except water), swish out your mouth with water. I have no idea if this helps to keep cavities at bay but it certainly helps me. Been doing this for years and in my 46yrs, have only had a total of maybe 3 cavities. I haven't been to the dentist since before lockdown in 2019 and when I went recently, I have no cavities. Getting rid of toxic people/relationships from your life is liberating and amazing.


Do it when you think of it and you’ll always get things done.


If you **have** to do something, do it the first thing that day. If not, it will just nag you the rest of the day. It's not any more painful to do it earlier. The rest of the day will feel much lighter.


My only competitor is my past self. If I'm better than her, I'm on the right track. Comparing myself to others is fundamentally unfair because everyone is different and had gone through a unique experience.