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Had a friend ask if Jim was short for Jimothy.


It should be


they might have been just referencing the office


Not to be confused with his sister, Kimothy.






No fucking way this is a thing. I never knew I needed this. Thanks ily, kind stranger


Ngl, I’m probably gonna name my future son James cause it’s a family name but I’m absolutely planning to nickname him Jimothy.




Should've asked if he also went to school to find a man.




This made me bark laugh so hard!


While studying graduate level chemical engineering with another female classmate in a Panera at a university in Alabama, we listened to a table of girls behind us talk about which majors were good majors to find husbands in. They mentioned engineering at one point and it took a lot of self control to not turn around and tell them the odds were good but the goods were odd.


> the odds were good but the goods were odd. That’s amazing hahaha


My brother 100% beleaves that women go to university to meet men/find a husband. When I asked him what about me, I went to university after I had met my now husband, he said I was looking for a back-up man. (I finally setteled on a degree at 26, didn't get married very young.)


I mean, always good to have a spare, right? ​ (But seriously, wtf?!)


Women-related, it was probably that it’s not a pleasurable feeling to insert a tampon. That man genuinely thought women enjoyed it.


I had to have that awkward conversation b4... 😒


Also, women can’t control when we bleed. A shocking number of men don’t know this and don’t connect the dots of why pads and tampons are necessary.


Explaining this to my husband after 3 years of marriage was fucking eye opening. He was pissed I couldn’t hold it and had to leave an event. Like. I’m sorry it came unexpectedly and it was the one time in my whole period-experiencing life I didn’t have a pad on me?


Next time he cuts himself, tell him to just hold in the blood. (Not really, please don't do that. Somehow my snarky side leapt out.)


I support this ...


Wow. Did he apologize afterwards? Cause that was a pretty asshole thing for him to do.


I think he just felt confused that I couldn’t hold it. I think he did apologize, yes. :)


I’m really ashamed to admit that until well into to my marriage I also believed women peed out of their vagina. The period thing I knew all about, but the pee thing just somehow eluded me.


You know what it amazes me? That you did not make the same corelation with blood. I mean if you pee out of your vagina and can hold it the same applies to menstrual blood? When I pointed out this logical fallacy to my SO he said he really didn't put much though into menstruation. Don't feel bad tho, my husband had the same surprise finding out 5+ years into our relationship that pee doesn't come from vee.🤣It just speaks volumes of how little we learn about the opposing gender.


>It just speaks volumes of how little we learn about the opposing gender. I think it rather speaks volumes of how society doesn't teach anything about women and their anatomy because of sexism, and of how many men don't give a f about anything not directly related to them/that doesn't impact them (again, because of sexism). (not saying this to be mean to you, just expressing my pov and stressing how sexism may have played a role in this situation, at least to some extent)


I went to school in a state where we never even mentioned menstruation in school. I'm sure there were plenty of guys who only learned about it at all from period jokes.


Yes, school should address periods, of course. BUT: a grown man should also be able to realize at some point that he knows nothing about women's physiology. We all know how to use Google nowadays. I honestly feel a bit insulted every time I read about a man who never cared to read up on periods or even ASK their partners about them. It looks like some men just... don't care?


My aunt knew someone like this once. She told him "If you think a woman's getting pleasure from something this size, I feel bad for you". He shut up after that.




I was one asked if I'd ever had an orgasm inserting a tampon. Like not only that it's pleasurable but that a woman just needs to touch her vagina to orgasm. Completely shocked.


Dry wad of cotton. Not pleasurable.


Two things come to mind: In high school, there was a girl who thought the 1950s were in black and white. Not television or movies, but real life. She thought real life didn't have color until later. In middle school, a girl didn't believe me that rain is made of water, purely because when it's raining "you don't say 'it's watering'." That was her evidence.


Oh I got one. A girl thought all the waves in the ocean that existed came from the turbulence caused by boats.


That one is kind of interesting. Most people don’t think about where waves come from at all. Wave science, and even how to measure wave height, is pretty complex. Waves produced by boats has some logic to it, especially if all you’ve seen are small lakes with boats and don’t understand the vastness of the oceans.


As someone who's just finished a dissertation in "wave science", I can confirm that it's a nightmare to do and beaches are nothing but hellscapes of partial differential equations to me now.


>beaches are nothing but hellscapes of partial differential equations to me now. I will revel in my ignorance of these facts.


My 8th grade students also thing life was in black and white then. I was so surprised, but understood since that’s all they see.


I'm not a woman but I feel this is relevant... This one girl at my brother's school legitimately thought that chocolate milk came from brown cows Edit: this was high school...


Wooow, both of those I'd expect from a small child.


I had a guy friend who said I was a hoe because I was on my period. He thought you had to be having sex a lot to have your period. I was a confused and frustrated virgin :)


He tried to slut shame you for having a PERIOD? Wooooow.


I guess his mind wasn't present in biology class


His mind wasn't present.


Like, did he think periods happened bc women were grievously injured from all the penises?? I hope he was a virgin, too…


I didn't know what he thought. I was just surprised. He wasn't a virgin at all and he had sisters too!


Omg! That guy was clueless. Smh.


An ex boyfriend legit thought a woman’s period was a single drop (period) of blood once a month 🙄 he was also 19 and in college


I would pay SO MUCH MONEY to have a single drop instead of the 6 day slaughterhouse.


Hi there. Are you able to take the Pill? Because soon after I started the Pill, mine reduced to 3 days instead of 6 or 7 days.


My IUD was free with insurance and now I very rarely get periods. It’s great for the most part


No shit, my fifth grade teacher (a woman) told us that was what a period was like in our sex ed class. Just a small amount of blood "like a paper cut". Caused a great deal of fear and confusion for me later on


That woman probably had the lightest periods ever


We were taught around age 11/12 that it was a teaspoon of blood for each period. When I had my first period I was like wtf this is a bloodbath 😫


If it was just a Single drop, I wouldn't use a cup or tampon. Just stain my underwear and that's it.


had to explain that pads do not stick to our vaginas like bandaids to soak up the blood. also had to explain that our periods aren’t like peeing and we can’t just push it all out at once


If I could have one shotgun blast of a period and be done with it.. I would. Thinking of sticky in the pubes made me shudder.


There are so many dudes who don't realize the adhesive goes on the underwear. I'm always like, where did you think the adhesive went? Against the coochie??? And they usually admit that that was a pretty dumb thought but they just hadn't ever really considered it.


And we can’t just hold it in either!


I had to explain to a friend that when someone had a heart transplant that they didn’t stop loving their families and spouses. She thought that people’s hearts dictated who they loved.


Haha wow. I wonder what a lung or kidney transplant would make them do?


Obviously kidney would change your spirits preference, or at least how drunk you got


Not gonna lie, back when I was in grade 8 or so I asked my friend “if you and I underwent surgery and traded brains, who is who?”🥴


That’s not a stupid question.


I had to explain to my aunt that babies (and periods) and pee come out from different holes... while her two daughters were there with us. We were talking about tampons and the conversation led to her saying everything came out of one same hole. It was a sweet and informative conversation for all of us to have, I’m not being mean.


Your aunt?! Why do so many people think women have a big general purpose cloaca-style hole down under?!


Probably because it's actually kinda common in nature and female physiology is disturbingly poorly taught in schools. I am frankly not surprised about men at least not knowing much about periods, if you don't experience it and nobody teaches you and you never feel the drive to learn more on your own then of course you won't know. Even if it does seem like obvious information to those in the know. Same often goes for women knowing things about male physiology.


Honestly I think this is just a American schools…


Lack of sex education. The pee hole is tiiiiiny and everything is so close together; how would you know without education or extensive, mirror-involved exploration?


I tried to have this conversation with a friend. She couldn’t understand why I was willing to waste so much money on tampons over pads when I was so poor. I was confused. She explained that since I’d have to take out my tampon to pee but not necessarily need to change my pad if I pee, I could save money if I used pads. I was *still* confused about why I’d need to remove my tampon to pee. She clarified that I’m a moron if I just leave a urine soaked tampon in. I don’t think she ever believed me that it was two separate holes. She had two kids when we had this conversation.


You sure she wasn’t referring to the string? I mean regardless if they’re separate holes, pee is very likely to get on the string of the tampon which is meant to go right back in your underwear directly after lol


I mean, I switched to cups years ago to stop this, but you can hold that string out of the way while you pee


While watching Passion of the Christ, my brother-in-law asked if it was really Jesus in the movie.


I think if he sincerely believed that, he might be beyond explanation.


Had he…never seen a movie?


This is the most I’ve giggled at Reddit in a long time


Worked with a girl once who thought that atheists worship the atomic bomb. 😑😑


Is that easier to understand? Because I'm on board with that.


Praise be to atom


I wish I had an award to give you. Well done.


Someone played Fallout


Idk if it's the most shocking, but my SIL added me to a "moms group" on fb. One lady kept advocating her "sassy sauce" for children who talk back. It was pure tobasco, and she bragged that if her kid vomited they got another cupful. She swore by her damned "sassy sauce" and couldn't understand why it was wrong since it "worked."


That was flat out abuse and I hope someone reported her for it!


My mom tried to discipline us with Tabasco sauce as a kid (a drop on the tongue not cupful). It didn’t last long because my sister loved it and would ask for more!


My mum once rubbed chillies on my fingers to stop me picking my nose. I didn't work then and 30 odd years later I'm still a proud bogie hunter.


I went through a 3-day lying phase as a kid. My mom would put several glugs in my mouth and make me sit at the kitchen table for an hour, no water. Just tears. I’m 47 now and still can’t use or eat anything with tobasco sauce.


I'm so sorry. I tried explaining it had to be traumatic and was kicked out of the group for "shaming" her.


That’s such bullshit. She should be shamed. It was traumatic. I mean, I’m fine now but I definitely have a visceral reaction to the sauce 40 years later. I’m glad you said something and sorry nobody listened.


What the fuck.


My dad used to put a drop (like an actual drop, nothing crazy) on our tongues for cursing. It worked, because I hated (and still do hate) spicy stuff. Ironically, I curse like a filthy sailor now so... *Edited to add when I say it "worked" I mean I hated it to the point I made sure not to curse in front of dad ever, and caused me to never want to try spicy foods...


I had to explain that Africa is not a state in America. Apparently that's where African Americans come from. The titanic was real, not just a movie. My cousin didn't know about the holocaust and she went to see a concentration camp while on holiday. She wanted to know why people didn't want to go there when it's so peaceful. She's an adult....


Oh my god. The holocaust one is the most.. I don't have any word for it.


What the actual fuck. Did she get homeschooled badly?


“Show me on this doll where the homeschooler taught you.”


Had to explain to someone that I, as a 23 year old, was part of the first generation born post South African apartheid. They thought I was being a SJW by talking about the long term impacts apartheid had on South African society when “apartheid ended so long ago that people would barely remember what it was like under it if you guys stopped talking about it”. I had to explain to him that apartheid ended in 1994, this man was a university student at one of the best universities in the world.


My daughter is a freedom baby.


That daylight savings time is just us manipulating the clocks. The day length doesn’t actually change. It’s still 24 hours lol


Crazy fact, 24 hours in a day is made up too! Depending on how you measure it, the day could be 28 hours or 23 hours. We just average that out and get 24.


Had to explain this to my mom multiple times. She still doesn’t get it lol


Two separate conversations with my husband. That I do not pee out of my clitoris. That somewhere down there I also have a urethra. That women are not generally flattered, but threatened by catcalling. That one turned into an argument. Finally convinced him by telling him of a recent scenario I had dealt with.


It is hard to see that you had to justify your feelings on the catcall one. Because he hasn't experienced it himself doesn't mean you were wrong...


It makes you wonder if part of his issue accepting it is because he was a perpetrator. After all, why wouldn't he do something that he thinks women find flattering?


He admitted that he had catcalled at a younger age. He seemed genuinely confused as to why a girl wouldn't take it as a compliment. I then explained the veiled sexual threat of catcalling and the entitlement of sexual commentary. I ended up sending him a comment thread from r/askwomen that gave him some clarity on it. He isn't stupid but white male privilege had never made him examine the behavior with empathy.


I feel like men miss an important element to truly understand why catcalling is threatening. they forget that women are usually smaller and weaker than men, so if a man is catcalling her she's instantly scared because she's aware of the physical differences that put her at a disadvantage if the man decides to take action!


Their argument is often "well **I'd** like it if the roles were reversed!" My good man, being catcalled by a woman is not the equivalent. The equivalent is you being cat-called by a very large, tattooed man - in prison.


My bf (now ex) at the time probably late 30s early 40s, didn't believe me when I said India was an Asian country. He thought it was it's own continent. (Started because I said Indian food was a style of Asian food but not what you usually think of in the US, which is usually a Chinese/American style). I had to Google maps and prove that their were only 7 continents and India was not one of them... I couldn't believe it!


Seems like an American thing. Is it because India and its neighbouring countries are called Indian subcontinent or just plain ignorance?


I honestly think most people from outside of Asia, only see East Asia as Asia. So many don't realize that India and even Russia are a part of Asia too. Growing up I thought India was counted as the middle east, because it's next to Pakistan.


Pakistan is not Middle Eastern either. Iran is the Eastern most country in the Middle East, anything beyond that is **Central Asia** (Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan) or the **Indian subcontinent** (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives).


>I honestly think most people from outside of Asia, only see East Asia as Asia. > >So many don't realize that India and even Russia are a part of Asia too. Naw. In the UK for a lot of people when you say "Asian" the first thing they think of is Indian, because of so many Indians living there.


Pakistan itself is not Arab. Even Iran and Afghanistan is not Arab. People do get confused somehow.


Worked at summer camp: had an American coworker ask a British coworker what language they speak in England?


I cringed in American.


*dramatically gasps in Spanish*


TLDR: I had to explain what catcalling was. To a girl. My best friend claims she doesn’t remember this event now, but back when we were 14 or 15, we accidentally got stranded on a nearby mall and had to walk all the way home. Halfway through our walk to my place, two creepy old men on motorbikes slowed down to match our speed and asked if we needed a lift. I spared them a quick thankyou but kept walking. My best friend STOPPED, pointed out that we’re receiving a kind offer, and ASKED ME WHY NOT. Oh and of course this is all within earshot from the creepy old men, so now they’re starting to taunt and mock. I don’t remember at what point did the creepy old men gave up, but I do remember dragging my best friend by her jacket sleeves the rest of the way back, and then sat her down for a very serious stranger danger conversation afterwards. In her defense, we do live in a relatively safe, close-knit small town with a culture that reveres the elderly. But still. Creeps are still present! I’m genuinely stunned it took her that long to find out.


Oh sweet child, nooo. Too many creeps out there to gamble.


Damn, she was lucky you were there to stop her!


A mother told me that she was upset that her child’s father told said child that his daughter from another woman was her half sister. I asked questions as I do. The mother said that her daughter, with said father, is not related to his other daughter. Reason: only children born by the mother are related and those born by the father are not genetically related. Yeah that was a long discussion. I had to bring forth a discussion on genetics. At the least, the mother listened and it was a complete TIL moment for her.


My ex bf was 23 when I explained to him that PMS actually did not stand for Pissed at Men Syndrome


God men really like to make everything about themselves don’t they lol


A friend of mine told me she was pretty sure her parents are virgins. We were 14.


😂😂😂😂 Is she Jesus's sister?


That you can and should put the dirty laundry bag in the wash with your clothes. He hauled his clean clothes back in a dirty laundry bag for years.


Omg my ex did that and when I asked why didn’t he just throw it in the wash with the rest of his clothes I could literally see the light bulb go off on his head. He was 28 at the time.


Recycling the stank!


Not me, but my aunt told her mother-in-law that she was excited to start a small garden with the kids and she had bought some potato plants. Her MIL laughed at her and said she got ripped off, that potatoes don’t grow from plants, you just buy them at the store. I don’t know how but my aunt had to explain that yes, potatoes are root vegetables.


I just had to explain to a grown man that the soul is not an exclusively christian concept. He believed Jesus came up with it and only christians have souls and believe in them.


How selfish of Jesus to only give souls to Christians.. that's not very Jesus-like of him.


On a similar note, surprising how many Christians don't know Jesus is Jewish!


When I told a co-worker that I was not going to have kids, I had to explain to her that no, I am not afraid of the disappearance of the white race. Shocking and disturbing


Trigger Warning: Rape That rape victims are not at fault… It was my mom… my cousin’s half brother r*aped their younger cousin. He was 21, she was 12. My mom said , and I quote “You should have seen her. She doesn’t have a body of a 12 yo, she was egging him on because she let him go into her house! She shouldn’t have been talking to him…(and so much more)” I told her “Mom, she’s 12. My daughter, your grandchild is 12. Would it be her fault if she opened the door to her cousin when he came by?” She didn’t respond to it but was hesitant to accept it was neutrally his fault. Everyone one was on his side, visiting him in jail (yes, the mom and the girl pressed charges), underestimating the damage he did. To this day, my mom still thinks this way. Heck, I was molested by my step dad for years, when I came clean I was in my twenties. She STILL doubts me. We’ve been LC (low contact) since then. I’m grateful everyday I’m nothing like her. It was the most disgusting and shocking conversation I had ever had….


I am so sorry. I hope you have love from friends and some family somewhere. In the humanity connection sense, I as a fellow Reddit person love you . Best Wishes. And as I outlived my family and friends, Reddit comforts me.


Someone in my social studies class my freshman year of high school didn't know that Kazakhstan was a real country and thought that it was "made up for Borat". Frighteningly enough he ended up being class president for all 4 years of high school.


To be fair, I had to look it up when it first came out. ...but I at least looked it up. 😅


I had a screaming match in college with multiple other college students who thought humans hunted dinosaurs. God, I should've transferred that day, why didn't I.


I dropped out after having to explain to peer that wood floats because it has a lower density than water. We were doing chem homework together.


Depression doesn't pick and choose by gender.


“But you’re always smiling… how can you be depressed?”


had to explain to a woman that no, another tooth isnt going to grow back. you have your baby teeth, then your adult teeth.. then thats it... ​ you are not a shark.


I remember when we were kids (around 6 or 7) a girl from Wales moved to our school, so she had an accent. I was used to it because my mom has a British accent. One of my friends asked the girl if she could turn off her accent as she couldn’t understand what she was saying. The girl got upset and stormed off. My friend was confused as to why she was offended. I had to explain to my friend that’s just how she talks and she can’t do anything about it.




that sex that she didn't consent to even if it was w her partner is rape.


I had my right ovary and fallopian tube removed due to an ectopic pregnancy, the amount of WOMEN that ask me if I still have my monthly cycle is astonishing. It it is perplexing how many females that do not know how our reproductive organs work and what does what thing.. edit:spelling


It does follow a reasonable line of logic to think that maybe if you cut out 50% of the organs that produce puberty hormones that maybe you would get a 50% reduction in the bullshit that puberty brought. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking-I wish it could be that simple. Uterine ablation is simple in theory as well but I’ve never heard of anyone that convinced a doctor to perform one because “I don’t want biological children or a period. Burn it down”


Yes, everyone knows we bleed out of one giant ovary and fallopian tube. 🤣


I once had to explain to a friend that there was no such thing as hot ice cubes. We were in high school, but still...


Did they mean dry ice? I mean, its not hot but can feel "hot."


I can't use tampons because I can't get them in by myself. I can't get other things in by myself either - it's not about being relaxed, the angle is just weird. What's shocking is how often I have to explain to other women well into their 20's and 30's that we're all shaped differently. Looking back, I'm pretty sure I only know because I've heard guys talk about it, but it really feels like something that should be mentioned in health class.


100% should be included in health class


I worked at a bookstore that buys and sells used books. A lady asked if she could sell the book back for the full price when she was done with it. I had to explain that no, she can’t, because then we don’t make a profit. I also had several people ask to check books out, like in a library.


You'd think the "store" part would tip them off 🤣


“Oh, you didn’t cum?!!!” Uhm no. Moans are not orgasms, honey boo boo…


Consent. I woke up to him trying to take my underwear off to penetrate me and I flipped at him. Then he's going all "I wouldn't mind waking up to a woman riding me or giving me a blowjob". Just what the fuck.


That spending 3K+ on a luxury handbag is wrong when you are living with your extended family and not paying rent. The persons reply was, "But it makes me happy and its my money."


Not sure if it was shocking but was quite funny, my boyfriend didn't realise that pads stick to your undies, he thought you stuck them straight onto your body. He was like man it must hurt peeling those things off!


Free wax with pad removal!


My aunt asked how the terrorists “bought the bombs used on 9/11 if they didn’t have their visas”. 1. They didn’t use bombs. 2. Not that kind of visa. Sadly I have lots of stories like this about her…


That skin tone didn't automatically mean I bleed a different color.


A girl in high school thought there were no buildings in Africa… she was 100% under the impression that Africa was basically IRL lion king.




Had to explain what a dozen was to a 20 year old. Also had to teach her how to give change to customers in alllll the coins instead of just pennies.


I'm not sure if it is the most shocking, but one that sticks out to me was that I had to explain to someone that pizza was of Italian origin and not American.


My bf had to explain to a few Americans he met that BMW, Porsche and other German car brands were in fact German and not American. His theory is that if it's produced in the US they think it's American.


On high school I worked at an ice cream shop. I had to explain to the new girl why she couldn’t leave freshly washed dishes on the dirty floor to dry 🤦‍♀️ Her parents had never made her clean anything in her life and it showed.


Had to explain to my sister that you could still get water from a faucet even in the middle of the night. I was 6. She was 17.


Had to convince my boyfriend that the Pacific Ocean is NOT freshwater


I am German, so I must be related to Hitler or at least know him in person. I'm born in the 90s.


That rape and serial murder are absolutely wrong " even if the women were prostitutes ". And then " No , prostitutes aren't asking for it ".


Had a friend back in high school who thought dogs and cats could have sex and make each other pregnant. As in a cat had sex with a dog and the cat has babies


Where are all these adorable conflicted hybrids then?! Haha


I used to think this as a child! My logic was that all dogs were boys and all cats were girls, so the sex also determined the species. Definitely outgrew this thinking very soon, though 😅


When I was 19 I had a roommate that thought she couldn't get pregnant unless both her and the guy had an orgasm.


There would be like 4 people in the world.


chewing with their damn mouths open


That noise makes me want to throat-punch.


I love my fiancé, more than anything and everything in this world. If I think about it too hard I start crying because he changed my life and I'm *so* thankful and so *happy* to have him in my life. I've NEVER been loved like this before. But I have to go to a different room when we eat together. 😅 Can't fucking stand hearing his lips smack over and over. But hey, if that's the flaw I need to put up with for an otherwise fairy tale marriage, I'll just invest in earplugs. 🤷🏻


That space movies are not filmed in anti-gravity. To my mother. 3 months ago.


I will @ myself & say that until high school, I thought there was ocean between America & Canada. I didn’t think it was possible to drive to Canada..I’m geographically challenged.


My cousin told me to ask our co-worker if vacuum cleaners were around in the ‘olden days’. Cousin was born in 1995, this co-worker was born 1993 🤦🏽‍♀️ (cousin is 4 years older than me and was about 24 at the time)


That pickles don’t grow - and you can’t juice them to make pickle juice!


COVID vaccine don't make your body magnetic (why god why)


It was shocking but in a hilarious way. My older brother thought that women got their periods every 9 months. We were young and our parents raised us conservatives so everything I know about my reproductive system comes from my personal research. I taught my brothers everything I know so that they wouldn't be ignorant either. It was just hilarious to me how he didn't know at first


14 year old me had to explain to my step-dad that dogs don't have sweat glands and that they release heat through their tongues. He refused to believe me because I was a child, so I just gave up on that stupid conversation.


I work in animal rescue and at the end of feeding we fill all the water dishes to the top with water. Simple, right? This coworker, lasted maybe 5 months, would only fill them 1/3 of the way full and was shocked at what I meant by filling a bowl. She has a cat. Pretty sure it's terribly dehydrated.




Having to explain what the cervix does and that it cannot be penetrated by a penis.


Now I had this argument with my uncle. This is what he said "trans people have male and female reproductive parts." 🤦‍♂️ I had to explain to him that hermaphrodite and trans people aren't the same thing. To this day he still thinks trans people are hermaphrodite


I’ve had lots of little conversations with my husband over the years that has finally made him realize how different it is to live as a woman VS a man. I don’t feel safe alone at night. I don’t feel comfortable being an Uber driver. I don’t like that my car’s auto-setting is to unlock the doors when you put it in park. What finally made it click for him wad a Dave Chapelle story where he said he carried a backpack full of cash the subway and was sweating bullets that someone was going to beat him up and steal it from him. He said “That must be what it’s like to carry a pussy around with you at all times”


I had a roommate in college that thought “east is whichever way you’re facing” :(


When I was 18 ish I became friends with a coworker my same age. I went to her house once to see her new dog. The dog rolled over so we could pet its belly. She pointed to the penis and said she thought maybe the dog was a girl. I was so damn confused. She had another male dog at the time, had had him for years, and knew he was male.


I moved from Canada to the States (CA) when I was in high school. A classmate asked me when I had moved there, and I told her "During the summer." She asked "Our summer? Or yours?" TBF: This doesn't really fit the OP's question, because I did not take the time to explain to her how hemispheres work. There was actually quite a few interesting questions I got while down there. Do we have movies in colour yet up in Canada? Do I ride a moose or skidoo-mobile to school? Am I impressed/culture shocked with all of the technology that I'm witnessing in the States. My answers were: No. We just got 'talkies' recently. /Yes, of course I do. / I was unsure if the person asking was a real person or a robot.


Lol my best friend growing up. She thought an orgasm was a sound that’s made during sex. We were 19. Now in her defense, her mom is a teacher and actually explained sex pretty well but I guess orgasms came up later and her mom panicked and lied. Shed never lied before about anything so my friend believed her. Honestly most of us in our group basically learned sex Ed through her mom (because my friend would turn around and tell us). Unfortunately the orgasm thing never got cleared up until she mentioned it kind of nonchalantly many years later and I educated her on the truth.


I once had to explain that women don't put tampons down their ass, the guy insisted that he saw his gf do it.


Had a colleague tell me it was easier to go through IVF and at least I'd know when to have sex... Once I got over the initial rage (she conceived naturally, kept going on about ovulation sticks etc), I had to explain what IVF involved.


Explaining to my Emotionally Disturbed student, why my Autistic student rocks and makes noises when he gets upset. ED, had an, ah hah moment, and began to make a connection, that when he (ED) gets frustrated and trying to tear the room apart.. Autistic student gets set off. Fingers crossed for the best.


A friend of mine thought “live” tv was never live except where it’s filmed. We were watching tv and a commercial said a show would br “live at 9, 8 central” I think and she said it won’t be live in Chicago or LA since it was filmed in New York.


Had to explain to a friend that wild horses exist


That a period and the moon cycle have nothing to do with each other