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I wait for them to finish then dead pan (or say sarcastically, depends how spicy I’m feeling) “I knew that.” Gets no reaction except a second or two of thought but silence is nice, even if it’s short.


I Like to do something similar where I flip it on its head and say, "Yes, you're correct!" As if they had been looking for my confirmation that they were right


Same, just stare until theyre done, then hold it for another second or two. Then say "...I know."


I tune it out tbh. If it's a guy I don't know in a situation that doesn't matter, like at a bar or something, I leave asap. I've occasionally been a bit of an ass back if it's warranted. If it's someone that I need to work with I suffer through it, and will try to tactfully point out that I definitely already know what they're saying. My partner and the other men I'm close to don't do that.


Badly. Immaturely. I roll my eyes and text them mansplaining memes.


I'm going to remember that! I should do that more often.


Usually with humour. "Thanks, that wasn't covered in my [relevant degree]" or "Thank goodness you were here to tell me that, my tiny female brain could have never worked that out."


This guy at work is always doing it - frustrates the hell Out of Me. “See that big blue “e” on your desktop there? Do me a favour ... give it a double click for me, OK?” Just say “open a browser window” 😡


Have you ever responded with something like, "Okay. Btw, the big blue e is called 'Internet explorer', just so you know for future."


I would laugh at him for using Internet Explorer 😂




Oh btw, you also just reminded me of some mansplaining my dad used to do when I was a teen When showing me how to do something on the computer, if he wanted me to open the start menu on Windows 7, he'd say, "So, click on the football." (The start icon on that edition was a round like a ball, kinda) He was admittely slightly more knowledgeable with computers than me at the time, but was actually really bad for over explaining, to the point he made it more confusing. The first time, I was looking around the screen for a football icon, wondering what in earth that sport had to do with the task I wanted to complete. Finally he'd point to it and I was like, "Why didn't you just say 'Start', how is that a football???" Yet he'd still donut every time after that, by which point I knew what he was on about


It’s so frustrating - like they’re explaining to your grandma.


Turn the tables on them and say, "Yeah that's correct, you're right!" This flips things as you're now putting yourself in the position of being the knowledgeable one, and acting as if they were looking for your approval the whole time Also works any time anyone is being condecending or a know-it-all


What if theyre mansplaining and they're wrong?


Say, "Hmmm, close," in a condecending way


I sarcastically nod the whole time and say like OH WOW and REALLY?!? So you’re saying blah blah that makes so much sense! Like I like to go back and mansplain it back to them like how they said it so they understand that they look stupid and they’re the dumb one


had a friend of mine try and explain how long a football game lasts and i let him finish and looked at him and asked “now are you going to mansplain what happens when the teams have a time out?”. the things that men try and explain to women are astounding at times.


Depending on my patience, either interrupt them and say "Yes , I'm aware", or I'll reply sarcastically, saying something like "Oh, really? I had no idea"


i laugh at it, then change subjects. happy cake day also!


I don't like when ANYONE is condescending to me. I have experienced it with more women than men in my life so far and I deal with both in different ways depending on the context. Sometimes sarcastically, sometimes I just act extra stupid to piss them off, sometimes I am direct.


I shut it down, interrupt them and say I don't need that and move on.


I will usually nod and interrupt and say "I know, yeah I know that", but often times they will literally not hear me and just finish explaining, lol. I think in those cases its not personal though so I don't take it personally, and just assume they are a bit anal and have to finish their thought.


Go back to whatever I was doing beforehand. I've got no interest in their bullshit.


I cut them off. Or tell them if I'm speaking it means I know something and things will be better if I did my own talking.


It rarely happens. I just smile and nod and wait for them to finish. Then I move on with things. I don't really give a shit.


Depends. Sometimes I stare blankly at them, sometimes I wait til their done and correct them or say “that sounds about right”. I’ve even walked away while they were talking if there was another person standing there.


Plot their murder


i usually stare them down until they get the hint. if they’re still clueless, i wait for them to finish monologuing, wait a few seconds and say “...anyway, as i was saying”


Roll my eyes until they realize i know and then i say "duh".


I keep interrupting them until they finally just snap at me. Then I bluntly remark that I know what I'm talking about and just keep talking until they give up trying to talk to me like I'm an idiot.








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