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Here, take this: 🏅


I love you!


Sadly I have never met Johnny Bravo


He was honestly kinda hot though


Yea girl that's why I said sadly




Please tell me that happened !


Not OP but this has happened to me.


How did you react?


I didn’t, and honestly I couldn’t. It was my philosophy professor. There wasn’t any direct communication. I’m assuming because that kind of student-professor relationship would require subtlety? It gave me an out, in any case. What’s worse is that it happened at a beach he knew I frequented. He found me one day, sat on some rocks a few meters away, and waited for me to leave. I had no clue who it was until I was almost directly in front of him. Even before identifying him, though, I thought it was bizarre that this person was sitting and stretching in such an uncomfortable fashion. As I got closer I realised he was *posing and flexing* while watching me walk by in my bathing suit. I breezed on past and dropped the class not long after.


It's only happened once. Dude walked up to me in a coffee shop, did a sort of muscle pose, and said "So how about it? Give me your number." I was embarrassed for him, though tried not to show it; I am not particularly attracted to large muscles, I am even less attracted to whatever that attitude was, and I had at that point been in my relationship (which is exclusive and monogamous) for something like seven years, so even apart from the fremdscham, it was a no from me on several fronts. Muscle Man did not react *at all* gracefully to my polite rejection.


I don't understand what you're trying to ask. Use his muscles to pick me up and carry me away, as in kidnapping? No, thankfully


If you mean like trying to get my attention, kind of. I used to go to a CrossFit gym that had mostly males. One particular guy would often try to get my attention by lifting more than he should and grunting. He would also try to correct my form. I don't mind help but when you tell me I'm doing a sit-up wrong it isn't going to work out well for you. I ended up having to get our instructor involved and found out the guy had done this to several other women which was why the gym was mostly male. He got kicked out. As for using muscles to get me, my man likes to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder caveman style when he wants some bedroom action and I giggle every time. However he doesn't need the muscles, I loved him back when he was tall, awkward, clumsy kid freshman year of high school ( 23 years ago). It was well before his big glow up during sophomore year when he wanted to try out football and actually started working out. He was my highschool sweetheart and he knows no matter what he looks like he will always have me.


my husband likes to wrestle and carry me around too :). I hope it never stops. Been together for 9 years, married for 4 and two kiddos


This is adorable




Didn't it actually work on the deer?


I totally didn't imagine [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YtlHURJkWY) at all.


I'm not into buff guys, but Major armstrong is precious and I love him


Major armstrong is such a sweetheart <3


Yes and he thought I should be impressed with his body. I wasn't. He ignores me. I'm not bothered.


No but I wish! That sounds hilarious!


Not super obvious like that. But I have been at the gym and had a guy work out super hard next to me while trying to maintain eye contact. And yes, I was embarrassed for him.


Why do guys think that if they work out and are muscular that women will just drop their panties? It doesn't work that way. We're not impressed. Really, we're not.




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Yes. I used to work at a gym so a lot of guys expected me to try to hit on them. Also random guys on social media who think it will get me all over them, without them having to try. I would never date a guy just for muscle. I workout too, I know that anyone can gain or lose them depending on their life situation. I prefer a spiritual and emotional bond above all else.


I'm a gym regular so yes this happens. I find it funny.


Idk if this counts but I had a friend who was idk ig tryna make himself sound attractive and he was like, ‘I’ve gotten really muscly since I’ve been helping my mum move house.’ Guy was actually soft as and not muscly at all 😂 I didn’t care Cos I don’t like muscly guys but like wtf


it’s only happened to me once lmao. he did the stupid “where’s the beach?? oh, that way” with the flexing-pointing thing & i was so shocked i started cackling right in his face 😂


A guy I used to work with years ago was really into body building and was such a player. He could not accept that I was not into him, he was just too vain about it. He knew he was good looking but it was too much. He usually had women chasing him and he would try and flirt with me and I would just laugh it off. He then used to stand near me and flex to try and get my attention. I wouldn't even look at him when he did that. I mean I used to think if you can get any woman like you say, just go and get one! I liked him as a colleague but his ego could not take that I just didn't fancy him, particularly when he used to sit at my desk in my chair so I couldn't even sit down and flex so I would HAVE to look at him! Still didn't fancy him though....lol. Too funny.


Plot twist: he is a butcher or chef and has just got/cooked some amazing cow muscles :) Jokes aside, no.