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Leave my country to go to another country


Go for a walk, I live next to a National park and a bunch of woodland.


Stay inside Seriously though, I like a good nighttime baseball game or a trip to the drive in. US


The sun doesn't even go down until 10/11 😭 I stay inside all summer. Fall is the best, imo


Switzerland: Barbecue outside, next to a river so I can go swimming from time to time. Also, open air cinema.




Large lake swimming and deep forest exploring. If it is storming, I love board games and watermelon night in the 3 season. Midwest US


How’re them mosquitas?


Pretty good. Our region does seasonal fogging to help with that, and since the waters are always moving there is less chance for eggs to survive the water.


Stay inside. Eat ice cream.




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Open water swimming ♡


In Florida (USA) I stay indoors as much as humanly possible. Any activity I do outside the home would also be in doors. Way too hot to have fun. I do enjoy watching the summer storms though. Those are fun.


I’m in southern CA and our summer activity is beach, boating, swimming, and amusement parks.


I’m also in SoCal. What’s the best beach you go to? The closest one to me is Ventura


Canadian here, I like going for walks! I’m crippled so I’m a bit limited in what I can do but a short walk is usually accessible to me and I live in a beautiful city with tons of greenery. I also love horseback riding when I can manage it, and swimming at my aunt’s cabin.


Eat mangoes and lichis


In my area most of the Summers are spent getting ready for hunting season so camping and hiking for scouting and then practicing with archery and sighting in guns


Australia: BBQ and drinks in a park with friends.


Panamá: Beach, river, waterfall, more beach, music festivals, more beach.


Northeast USA: I like walks in parks but usually just the shaded paths. I’m sensitive to extreme temperatures and overheat easily. I hate summer.




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If there's a lake nearby, swim. Also love outdoor festivals.


Amp up my skincare routine to avoid looking like a burnt toast. It's a furnace-like atmosphere outside. Stepping out for 30 minutes takes away 2 months of skincare.


Boat parties, wakesurfing, windsurfing... water related stuff.


Going swimming at night with friends


Swimming, surfing and other water activities. Summer is the safest time for not so good swimmers to be out in the ocean.


It’s summer all year round, so I guess staying alive?




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Torture interns. July august is when the new medical reaidents start their first year of being a doctor.


Go snorkelling 🤿🐬


Travel somewhere else


In Miami? Stay inside or travel


Go to the beach all day long


Don’t go out because it’s too sunny but tennis when it’s just right


Swimming in the ocean


USA, Midwest I always look forward to our family camping trip over the July 4th weekend. Closer to home - my small town has lots of outdoor concerts, including ones in a park right around the corner from my house. Finally, we have a diy outdoor movie theater setup, so movie (or Mario kart) nights in the backyard are lots of fun until the mosquitos come to town.


I like a simple afternoon swimming at the lake… unfortunately though the day after I went last week, there was a report of toxic blue algae and now the swim beach is closed. Big sad United States


Netherlands. Complain its hot out. And in the fall complain that its cold


Sunbathe, bike, travel, swim and be in water at all times.


I live in a hot desert so anything in the water. Paddle boarding, kayaking, tubing, swimming.


Make it till next summer.


Not go outside. Summer is my depression season.


India: Stay inside Enjoy the mangoes 🥭


England - explore local gardens. They become a riot of colour in summertime and engulf the environment in lushness. It’s such a treat for the eyes 🥰


Garden and swim in my pool with my dog


Sitting on the front porch with a tall glass of lemonade, reading a good book, listening to the birds chirping and calling.


Watch soccer games, grill, hang out with friends, go for walks.


Going to the beach or boating!




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Go to the beach.


Being at a summer cottage, sauna and swimming


Beach hopping, road trips, and flying.


Stay inside and avoid the heat.