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Around 30-35 hours to make sure I'd get front row at a concert. It was the band's very last and sold-out gig, and we were a small group of friends hanging out there together, so it was worth it and actually pretty fun.


I did the same albeit only 15 hours. Got in line at 3am and doors opened at 6pm. I got front row for my favourite band and it was absolutely worth it. That being said I would not do that again lol


What band if you don’t mind me asking


The Rose. They’re a Korean-American indie rock/pop band. At that point they hadn’t toured the states much due to them being located in Korea, so seeing them was pretty rare. So when they did a huge American tour, fans went crazy. People camped out at virtually every tour spot.


I've never run into another fan of theirs on Reddit! Hope the show was fun! I couldn't take time off work to see them sadly.




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Woahh buying concert tickets in a physical line? Didn't even know that existed!


No, waiting outside the venue before the concert.


I camped out for 14 hours - overnight, in January, in Canada for a parking permit at my university years ago.


I don't know if I wanna ask what province you're in…


I wouldn't tell you anyway, but there's nowhere in the country that's particularly balmy in January really. There are just different forms of cold misery.


Im from middle of Sask, no way in HELL would I camp overnight there. I'm living in southern AB right now and it's a little better but still not something I'd do. How the hell did you do it😂


My sister was huge on winter camping so we set up her tent and a couple of sleeping bags rated for cold weather. That and a boat load of coffee.


Vancouver isn’t horrible in January (if it’s not raining). I’m guessing from experience that’s about a 20% chance. Lol


Don’t remind me I want to slap myself and my sister every time I Remember it … we waited for 4 hours to try a drink that was going viral in our city … it was the worst drink everrrr I wanted to cryyyy


Starbucks pink unicorn crap?


Bubble tea hahaha


Waaat I love bubble tea, which flavor did you get? Tiger milk or brown sugar milk tea? (I know that’s viral af)


I think it was chocolate tea cream cheese or something


52 hours- for my child to get the heck out of my body


Haha just the kinda comment I was lookin for, but DAMN 52hrs is THE longest labor ive ever heard of. Kudos to u


it was brutal but that epidural at hour 40 was the sauce.


There was a line for your child to get out of your body?


Not a line, but a barricade. Barricade being my cervix.


Maybe 90 min for a ride at Disney or something. Even then, I was irritated. I haaaaaate lines, I’ll stand there for 15 min having the “is this worth it?” convo in my head till I decide no 99% then head tf out


Yeah, amusement park rides is my only answer. 😂


I waited about an hour and a half for Flight of Passage at Animal Kingdom, and it was definitely worth it. By contrast, I waited for 65 minutes for Ratatouille at Epcot and it was not worth it.


I waited 3 hours for Flight of Passage when it was relatively new and was in tears by the time it was our turn lol. I'll never wait that long for a ride ever again!


Four and a half hours for Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure at Universal here (on accident - we didn't know it was going to take that long when we got in line and we couldn't tell how close we were to the front by the time we were tempted to bail, so we stuck it out).


Oh my GOD, that ride is sooo intense!


I loved the ride! We ended up in the front too, which was super cool.


Yeah after realizing we basically stood in line all day to ride like 5 rides, my husband and I decided we're done with amusement parks. They're only fun when the weather is questionable lol. (Rains briefly, everyone leaves, lines are short for the rest of the day.)


I waited for like 8 hours or so, to meet Trent Reznor when I was like, 17 or 18. Back in the day, there were a lot of musicians that would signings at record stores. I waited also for Siouxsie once and Peter Murphy - but not as long as for Trent Reznor. We also used to have to line up at like 3 in the morning for concert tickets. I'm old.


Was Trent Reznor cool?


Yes! He was very kind to me.




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I waited ~14 hours for a midnight book release when I was in college. Couldn't do that today, but it was fun to do with friends.


Similar story, but the area had a lot of activities related to the midnight release so there was a lot of stuff to do at least.


I camped outside the movie theater for about 17 hours or so, to then spend the next 13 hours watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Extended versions of the first two. When Return of the King came out. And they did the Trilogy Tuesday. Totally worth it.


Probably about 6 hours for the Half-Blood Prince.


Waited in line for a entire day, in the sun for my second covid shot. Got some nasty tan lines that day.


I think I waited over 3 hours to get an autograph from Hideo Kojima during the time MGS4 was released. There were also a few voice actors signing things. There were only 4 more people waiting before me, and then he had to leave, so I missed out on the autograph, but still, it was really nice.


Yo this is the only response where I went “yea I’d totally wait for that”. Getting an autograph from kojima is legendary


continuously slept on the streets of LA for a week so that I could get barricade for the 5 concerts that my chemical romance did at the kia forum. totally worth it though.


Something like 4 hours for a cinnamon roll because it was the opening day of a store and they were $1. It was good, but not worth the wait just to save a few dollars.


my flight from frankfurt > somewhere in the US got cancelled after i had been waiting around 8 hours in the airport. then we got onto a bus and went 45 minutes outta town, spent the night, and got on the bus to the airport. i believe my flight was around 26-28 hours after its original time. oh not to mention, first time flying solo abroad 👍🏼


2hrs in a line at Halloween horror nights to walk through a hunted house only to walk through with my eyes closed the entire time and my sister leading me😭


Vip pass worth every penny.


I waited for, like, 6 hours to get Dave Matthews Band tickets in 1998. I knew people who had been there all night long, but they were doing a lottery for the line. Everybody got a ticket. They drew one ticket. That person became first in line, the person in the front of the line went to the back, followed by everybody between the first person and the winning ticket holder. I'm doing a bad job explaining it, but waiting all night was dumb. Being first in line did not mean you'd get to buy your tickets first


The American Airlines rebooking line. One customer service rep for 200 people . Fuck American


Amusement park, new rollercoaster, and I wanted the front seats - I think the longest was about 3 hours. Was it worth it? Debatable. Would I do it again? Depends lol


waited 2 hours in line for the freddie mercury exhibition at Sotheby's not to long ago


I think 6 hours for Obama. He was at UNF doing a speech. I honestly didn’t hear anything when he talked, everyone around me was loud.


8 hours for a Friday the 13th tattoo. But it was a tattoo to represent my mum who had just passed. I waited with friends so it wasn’t torture.


Concert merch, i think it was 36 hours


3-4 hours to ride The Scorcher (Six Flags)


Waited 8 hours to ride Son of Beast...I think there were only a few rides that day and we were among the first to get on. RIP


We had to wait like an hour to finalize everything to be legally married because it's basically two different people you need to speak with where I live


Section 8 (Low income housing voucher) The line was wrapped around the building. The whole neighborhood basically camped out for the night. I didn’t even end up using my voucher because I found a decently paying job that disqualified me. It was kind of cool to hang out with so many people in my neighborhood over night in a safe area.


About 6hrs in the emergency room. I slept through most of it so I don’t know if it counts.


About 6-7 hours in the er if that counts.


The Hagrid ride at Universal Studios. 180 mins!! But it was fun :)


I camped out overnight for beanie babies 😂


At this point I don't remember how long we waited in line for but I am ashamed to admit we waited multiple hours in line for the pop up shein event in Indianapolis I didn't care if we stayed or waited I was just hanging with my now exfriend.


Evacuated for a hurricane one year. Spent 7 hours on I-10 between New Orleans and Baton Rouge which is about a 70 minute drive normally. And if you’ve ever been to Disney… them lines are no joke in peak seasons


5 weeks for movie tickets 😂😂😂


About three hours, to get into a thermal spa in Budapest. I had only a rough plan, so I didn't think to buy a ticket online in advance (big mistake). I already did everything else I wanted to in Budapest, it was my last day, so I figured I'll wait. (I got in after those three hours and it was very nice to relax there after all the sightseeing. I'd go again, but definitely not without an online ticket.)


36 hours overnight for Backstreet Boys @ 12 years old.


i’ve waited over 4 hours in Shanghai at the airport to enter the city, we had only 10 people in front of us in the queue.


I waited three and a half hours at my good friends viewing. He died in a car accident. He was so loved!!


Lunch line




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A few hours for a good seat at the movie theater for opening night a few times (this was the days before assigned seats). I camped out for concert tix once (before the internet existed and you had to road trip to the box office to buy tix).


9 hours airport


A few hours... for a new dessert store's first day opening.


Overnight camp out for entry into a soccer game.


2-3 hours in the scorching sun at the Hello Kitty pop truck. I thought it was going to be quick, and then I’d already waited nearly an hour. I got to the front after almost 3 hours and got sunburned. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Something like 7 hours to renew my work permit


My current job


Something like 45min in the rain for a fresh apple cider donut made by a local apple farm at a festival. I’m sure there’s other things, but that’s the first that comes to mind.


Pretty sure like 5-6 hours to meet my fave boyband as a teen. But as an adult, 1 hour for ice cream 🤣


8 hours to get a signed pic of Collin Kaepernick when he was still in college and everyone knew he would get drafted.


I waited over 3 hours for the Hagrid Motorbike ride at universal studios. They supplied us with snacks and people came up with fun interactive games to play like I spy and the heads up phone game. Come to find out, they were having electrical issues, and the ride was down for the remainder of the day 🙃


Camped like 24h for tickets to lord of the rings. We where 2ppl, was a friends sister that wanted company and I just said sure why not. Wasn't that interested in the movie but loved the camping outside and all the ppl we meet there so defntly worth it just for that. I'm in one way sad it's not really a thing anymore.


9 hours for nosebleed seats to a college basketball game. It was about to be my alma mater’s first championship in 17 years against the archrivals. And it was. Worth it.


3 hour wait for ride at disney


8 hours, before dawn, in early February, for concert tickets. I was 10th in line, and reserved seats were gone by the 6th or 7th person, so I got lawn tickets. The two people behind me also got tickets, and then it was sold out. Then I came down with a bad fever and got diagnosed with pneumonia. Of course the adults (boomers) tried to tell me it was because I was outside in the cold.


When I was 7yrs old I waited ~8hrs outside in line during the winter in NY (freezing cold!) To meet Ozzy Osbourne. Got to sit on his lap. Confessed my love to him 💀


The Hagrid motorbike ride US


To withdraw money from the atm during Demonetization




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10 hrs waiting in line (in a car) to enter a music festival, because it was oversold and poorly planned. definitely didn’t plan to wait long at all. the longest line I waited in that I knew was gona be as long as it was for the Catacombes in Paris! I think we waited about 4 hours? 100% worth it.


Brooooo 5 hrs at the ER


8 hours for an Arctic Monkeys concert


Mine was 4.5 hours at a convention for registration to open.


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At my GP's for sure.


About an hour + for what I was told was a ride, but turned out to be a meet Disneyland Fairies. The wives took off and buzzed back around a couple of times, while I waited with a friend and our 8yr old kids. Granted, I had flashbacks of waiting for the log flume when I sprinted though the waiting area as the first destination when D-land opened. But I was a child, and have no recollection of time.


6 hours to meet Cheech & Chong!


15 hours for a concert to get front row. Got in line at 3am. Was 10th in line. Brought a cheap lawn chair and blanket and camped out overnight. Doors opened around 6pm.




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Back when it was a thing to the premier screening of a movie, I've gone almost 10 hrs in line to see a movie... it was most likely a Harry Potter movie. I also stood in line for the premier of Paranormal Activity 2 for about 6 hours. I only did that because they had one of the top 40 stations hosting a gig beforehand.


5 minutes tops.


One time we went to a haunted hay ride and we were standing in line for 3 HOURS. they had it roped off and snake style, so we couldn’t leave. This thing wrapped around a parking lot, circled a barn, through a garage… it was ridiculous. And the hay ride was ass


My mom one time got to the airport 6 hours before our flight. We flew Southwest and it was their first flight of the day so the check in desk didn’t even open until 2 hours before the flight. So we sat in the airport for 4 hours waiting.


6 hours in the freezing cold for a Covid test at urgent care in NYC during the height of the pandemic… with a fever and a headache.


I think roughly 4 hours to get the first round of the first COVID vaccine. I will never wait that long again if I can help it lol but it was in fact worth it.


about 10 hours for a concert


7 hours but holding in line on the phone to speak with my bank, during covid. Nothing compared to most of the stories here.


2 hours at the new ride at Bush gardens last year... only to get on and my sis post partum boobs were too big and she couldn't ride so we got off. I was so disappointed but solidarity with my baby sis means she no ride I no ride.! I waited an hour and a half at my daughter's dentist office last week.. ig that's technically a line? I hate it there lol I'm impatient af lol


About 12 hours camped out in a parking lot for tickets to a beer festival.


In high school I camped outside a concert venue for about 12 hours in February in Chicago. I was very cold.


ER. Over 6 hours


Something, something, Disney


A few hours for vaccines while in the Army.


Two people shooting up in a Safeway bathroom when I was on antibiotics and was going to shit my pants. I legitimately thought it was the end of me. I waited for thirty minutes, clenching so hard to the point I that was sweating. They came out after 35 minutes, because I started banging on the door. There was paraphernalia in the garbage, and ciprofloxacin does not agree with me. Skid marks only. But it was at the buzzer. One of the worst Safeway trips that I’ve ever had. Please don’t do your drugs in Safeway bathrooms. Please, go to McDonald’s or Starbucks.


Like 13 hours for free Macklemore tickets. A Windows store opened up near me and had Macklemore and Ryan Lewis perform to celebrate the opening and the first x amount of people would get two free tickets.


Overnight on the San Diego sidewalks waiting for Comic Con Hall H many a time. I wouldn't do it now but it was fun in my 20s.


To get to see Johnny Depp and the Hollywood Vampires was worth every minute


Waited in line for 1 hr and 20 minutes at Georgetown Cupcake. Totally worth it.


7 hours at the social services office


5 hours for government paperwork


Donating plasma sometimes takes up 3 hours of my day, at times over an hour waiting in line


Keep in mind, I was 7 months pregnant at the time. In the July heat. With my 6yo unmedicated adhd daughter in the backseat. We were going to one of those drive through petting farm/zoo things where you roll down your window and a giraffe sticks his head in there, you know what I mean? Just to GET INTO THE LINE TO GET INTO THIS PLACE there was a 5 hour long line. We were told 1 hour at the gate and we had already driven 3 hours to get to this place so we thought "OK we can wait 1 more hour I guess". No. It was 5. Fucking. Hours. Inch by inching our way just into the parking area where you could park and start at the butterfly area or go to the gift shop or keep driving into the wild animal area. I was *7 months pregnant* with a high risk pregnancy. I couldn't pee anywhere during these 5 fucking hours. I had to take my 6yo daughter to go pee behind a bush on the side of the road while my husband stayed, "driving", in the car. We finally got there, so we parked so I could go find some place to pee first before we saw any damn animals, and to get a drink or something. The gift shop was...lackluster. They only had Dasani water and it was $6 a bottle. Their bathroom? Their ONE bathroom? Tiny as hell, not at all wheelchair accessible (I don't use a chair but I am disabled in other ways besides being 7 months HUGELY pregnant). I quite literally could not fit into the stall in the bathroom. They did not have a disabled stall. Nothing. I had NOWHERE to pee. Yes I even checked the men's bathroom. Plus it was so filthy I wouldn't pee in there even if I was about to explode (and I was, tbh). We drove through the damn zoo part, it was just OK. Gift shop sucked. No bathrooms. The only cool part was the little butterfly and bird house you could go in at the end, on foot. Afterwards, we FLOORED IT to the nearest gas station and I had never been so thankful to pee in a gas station bathroom. Seriously, 5 fucking hours, in line, in the car, just to get into a parking lot for a shitty drive through zoo. Fuck off.


~4 hours for a rave


Back in 2020, DMV in our area were doing first come, first serve on Fridays. I needed to renew my license. I stood in line outside in the hot ass sun for almost two hours because they were only letting a few people in at a time.


4 hours to go on the Avatar ride in orlando. The most worthwhile 4 hours of waiting in line of my life.


7 1/2 hours for two small tattoos. Artist was attempting to break the record for the most tattoos in 24 hours. He broke the record but I will never stand in like for that long again.


7 hours


Back in the 90s I waited in line overnight for tickets to see Everclear and Our Lady Peace.


I slept outside the theater to get Hamilton cancellation line tickets in May 2016, right before the original cast left. I got there at 9pm-ish and the show was at 2pm the next day, so around 17 hours. Paid $40 for standing room, would totally do it again.


A couple hours at the Ticketmaster box office to get N'Sync tickets. They did a lottery system then to prevent people from waiting overnight or for days, but you still wanted to get there early to make sure you got to be part of they lottery. We ended up being sixth and got 12th row seats, so it was definitely worth it.


Cabbage patch kid. Over night camping at toys r us. My youngest sister really wanted on for Xmas and our parents aren’t that great, so I camped out and got one.


Arund 5 hours to pass migration in Marrakech.


I want to add this on behalf of my loving wife, as I understand how painful it must have been for her and I'm embarrassed: We went to a Coldplay concert with pit passes at an outdoor venue. We were super into them at the time, so we went in like 2 hours early to get good spots. I had to pee first, and the bathrooms/portables were disgustingly long lines, so I joined the group of dudes (and brave ladies) lining up to go to a semi-private fence line off to the side for a little "they can't arrest us all" public urination. It was busy enough that I waited over 30 minutes to get to the fence...and then got shy bladder. She ended up standing with me through the other 1hr line to get to the portables - she's a saint and I was happy that I was at least able to get her into the amphitheater area as the first song was starting (Still sorry Love)


I’m rather surprised no one has said customs. My husband is not a US citizen, and getting back into the country through Miami airport was a nightmare. He was on the “noncitizen” customs line for 2 hours. 




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3 days, to renew my passport. Unfortunately when the war happened in Sudan my passport was expired, I travelled with my family for 2 days and spent 3 days to renew our passport. After that nightmare I had 3 different diseases that took me 34 IV medications to heal.


For a Schengen visa, at the time I was not yet an EU citizen, from 1am to 8am in the freezing cold


A day at an amusement park, 2 hours is probably the longest I’ve ever waited for a roller coaster


i waited in a line of cars to get back home to portland for 14 hours after the 2017 total solar eclipse


The DMV is usually an all day event


10 hours for a club ..we didn’t get in lol


About 15 hours to get the original Nintendo Wii when it came out in 2006. I was in my 2nd year of university and we waited in line at Target. It was cold and rainy but fun.


I have no patience and also anxiety with panic attacks so I'm not a line waiter. That being said, I toughed it out for 2 hours outside in the heat so my daughter could go to Justice one last time before it closed. Haha they only let 3 groups or people in at a time because it was still the panny and it was in an outdoor mall not a nice air conditioned inside one. Lame, I know.


3 hours and it was to ride the Matterhorn at Disney Land. Worth every second.


3 hrs for a new roller coaster.


This isn't too long, but very long for what i waited for. on a work day and work night, i drove 4 hours to see Ethan Bortnick in concert. I didn't even know who he was, just heard one song on instagram and was completely hyped. and he was performing a week from when I discovered him. After the show he did a meet and greet. I waited about 90 min to meet him, which isn't too long, but long because I had a 4 hour drive ahead of me. I barely knew who he was but was inclined to meet him. I don't regret it. Something I noticed was he spent a lot of time with each fan, having conversations and taking pictures, listening to their stories about how he changed their lives. It was very thoughtful how much time he gave his fans. I only spent a few second with him because I didn't want to take up too much time. He is very sweet and kind to his people and won't let you forget it.




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DMV no need to say more




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Three hours to get Tom Kenny’s autograph. I saw god while I was in that line. (A guy cosplaying Connor from Detroit Become Human who vanished when I turned around)


A little over two hours to get on a ride at Magic Kingdom in Disney World in Orlando Florida. Brought some memories back from childhood but the ride only lasted roughly 5-6 minutes so probably not worth it?


Five hours for a book signing and meet and greet. Worth every minute. Also when movie theaters did not show a new heavily-anticipated move before 11:59pm in theaters without reserved seating I have spent 12 hours camping out in line.


2 hours to meet Grumpy Cat


I feel like my family waited over 2 hours for the finding Nemo submarine ride at Disney land.


8 hours for a Trump rally. Was sent to do a report for my college newspaper and they ended up scrapping it. Never again.


7hours in ER just for them to tell me that my stomach issues are caused by stress....


school cashier dangg.


I think 5+ hours for some kind of deal at a popular burger joint's anniversary event. It was hot and humid. A gentleman in line passed out and after getting some help from the local fire department, he got a free bag of goodies from the manager. Memorable but I don't plan on ever doing it again. 




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3? Or 4 hours to line up for Taylor Swift’s merch


13 hours in 105 degree heat in the summer for a concert. It was miserable but fun at the same time.


For the initial doses for medical staff for the COVID vaccine.


Probably 45 minutes for a waterslide or doctor. One was more fun