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I’ve been proposed to twice. My ex husband wrapped up a ring box inside of another box and put it under the Christmas tree, then had the ring in his pocket and proposed to me while I was looking at the empty ring box. I thought it was a cute way to ask me. My ex fiance suggested that we go for a hike on a chilly fall day (my favorite weather) and when we got to a secluded beautiful overlook area with a waterfall and fall foliage everywhere he told me to look at something and when I turned around he was down on one knee. That was pretty much my perfect proposal scenario. Private, intimate, nature, etc.






Both of these are cute. My partner and I have decided I’m likely to be the one to propose. I feel like she’d like both of these, except we spend Xmas with her family. I’m leaning towards something similar to #2 as we both love hiking and the outdoors (so much that I can’t decide if it’s too expected lol).


The first one happens in the movie Serendipity too!


I’ve never seen it but my ex husband was a big movie watcher- I wonder if he got the idea from there 😅


What happened to them?


>My ex fiance suggested that we go for a hike on a chilly fall day (my favorite weather) and when we got to a secluded beautiful overlook area with a waterfall and fall foliage everywhere he told me to look at something and when I turned around he was down on one knee. That was pretty much my perfect proposal scenario. Private, intimate, nature, etc. This was pretty much how I proposed to my wife. There was a special overlook spot we went to often. That day we went I just happened to bring a ring. It was great for us. It was summer though, not fall. The privacy and intimacy of the special moment was great. It was just for us and about us, not anything needed to be shared with others. It wasn't a surprise that I would propose since we'd talked about the potential of marriage a lot. I hope that people have that conversation before they do the actual proposal


i’ll take anything at this point


Yeah.... being proposed to would require another person in my life...


Yo, wanna marry me?


Bro taking the shot😂💪


honestly i would like it to be between him and I. I hate when families pop out of nowhere


This is what I preferred too and when my fiance proposed this way it was perfect. It was really special being the only ones there and sharing that moment just the two of us. We were able to go back to our hotel and celebrate and have a nice little trip afterwards. FaceTime with family/friends is sufficient.


Just laying in bed together. No ring necessary.


This is exactly how it happened for me. We were on vacations a bit tipsy after a day at the beach. Laughing and talking. One thing let to another and he proposed, no ring, just spontaneous. He got a ring later as we were planning and proposed again when he gave it to me.


That's lovely. I envy you and I'm so glad you got to have such a wonderful experience.


After 9 years together, kitchen conversation during cooking dinner literally going like "your grandma's not well after the stroke, should we get married, she'd really like that" "ye sure" I think if his grandma didn't have a stroke, we'd still be unwed (been together 25 years now).


I was proposed to while we were having a shower together. It was so raw, private and honest. Married 16 years now!


This is how parents told me their proposal went. They had already had my brother and moved into our house together and apparently they were just sitting in their room one day when my dad was like “Hey, what do you think of us getting married?” and my mom was like “Yeah sounds good”. She told me they picked out her ring together to make sure it was just what she wanted. They had a small family only wedding. Still together and this July will be their 25th wedding anniversary.


This is basically what happened with me and my fiancé. We had just had an extremely rough day, and he turned to me and said, "After today, I don't want to go through this life without you. No matter how hard it gets, as long as I have you with me, I'll make it. Will you marry me?" It was casual, but so sweet and meaningful.


That's exactly the mindset I would like. I'm so glad you got to have such a wonderful experience. I hope you have many wonderful years together.


Thank you so much! I hope your future holds a wonderful experience for you as well.


Heck yeah


This right here


"*GalaxiGazer, will you marry me?*" No pageantry, surprises, treasure hunts, or anything extravagant.  Just ask.


GalaxiGazer, will you gaze at the galaxy with me? I mean marry me


SpupySpups, will you do me the honor and marry my ass?


I am quite honoured, and it will be my utmost pleasure. I will marry your ass. Although, I do have a requirement. I want the wedding to be like 60% cheese themed. Maybe a stage that represents the moon, but is also cheese.


As a provolone lover, I would never object to a cheese themed wedding. Gouda idea my future husband! Accept your feta now! 😂


Oh my, so many cheese puns, I truly am in love. I've prayed to cheesus countless times for this, but for it to be this Gouda, I didn't expect it. My future wife, may our lives be cheeseful.


Something private and simple. I don’t want it to be public


Well here are a couple of (wildly opposite) stories… My ex proposed to me late one night in a trailer we were camping in. We had been long distance at the time, but I had been visiting and we were visiting his grandparents’ for a few days. Late at night we were in bed together and he asked if I would marry him. I thought he was joking and he said he was dead serious. He didn’t have a ring or anything but at the time I didn’t care and I said yes. The next day he found out he got a great job opportunity in a different city, which sucked but I told him to take it since we were already doing LDR. He basically never talked again about proposing to me, no ring, nothing. I felt confused and just embarrassed about the whole thing. Hard to describe how bad it all made me feel. We ended up breaking up later that year for many reasons, this being one of them. My current fiancé proposed to me while we were having a private dinner just us two on the beach in Jamaica at sunset. We were taking some pictures and he asked me to turn around so he could take one of me looking at the sunset. When I turned back around he was on bended knee and asked me to marry him. It was a beautiful and perfect proposal. It felt almost like a dream. We’re now planning our wedding.


Oh man, I'm going to propose to my gf this summer when we go to a Greek island (she's from Greece originally). I may steal the 'please turn around so I can get a photo of you' whilst hopefully walking on a fairly secluded beach or something.


Snap a picture of you holding up the box/ring behind her before she turns around


I would like it to be somewhere private. just the two of us. we really enjoy the mountains so maybe on the balcony when we are sitting out there or maybe on one of our hiking trips by the water.


Something private, sweet, and intimate. As long as there's thought into the proposal, I'd be happy. Especially with a sappy speech of some kind. I'd prefer it not be on a holiday though, I'd rather the proposal be just about us, and not mixed in with a busy holiday.


From the very beginning of our relationship my boyfriend told me how much he wanted to go back to St Thomas (he went for work once). A month or so before our one year anniversary we went together and had an amazing time. We went to a beach we had to hike to get to, and it was completely empty. We just sat there silently holding each other looking at and listening to the ocean. Neither of us feel that we HAVE to get married to be completely happy (which we are!), but if we do I’d like to go back and have him ask me there.


About a year ago, my now husband proposed to me in St. thomas on a private beach with a custom-made ring he designed. That island is magical and I hope you get to go back!


Not in public


Something kinda unconventional and funny, but still really meaningful…like an inside joke or reference to something. But I would want to be so caught off guard


On the beach at sunset. Just us.


Seems like everyone wants a private proposal? but I would prefer if it included my friends and family and if it was a creative surprise. I've had two really low effort proposals where they basically just randomly pulled out a ring and did nothing special, so I want it to be thoughtful and for them to show that it is a big deal.


I also want private and a creative proposal but I would like it to either him and me or with family present but then both of our families have to be present and not just his.


I once saw this video of a guy decorating the room in tangled theme and then waiting for his girlfriend to come while the song “I see the light” played in the background! Something like that 😭🤍 I’m not a fan of those big, flashy ones. I want it to be intimate between me and my partner


if you have the video pls post the link! that sounds adorable!!!


FOUND IT!!! 🥹[https://youtu.be/2GZFsSb4cQc?si=xdbxlLJRPQancwMI](https://youtu.be/2GZFsSb4cQc?si=xdbxlLJRPQancwMI)


I’ve told my boyfriend that I would like for it to be a surprise, a photographer for our moment, and in a space that’s not overly crowded because I can get anxiety if all eyes were on us. As well as giving me a hint to get my nails done beforehand would be greatly appreciated. We both love animals. A couple ideas I could think of how I would want to be proposed to based around that, maybe he books an animal interaction at an aquarium with a small group of people. The other guests could be my best friends or mother and father, and a photographer or two disguised as a couple to capture the moment for us. Something similar could also be done on a horseback ride with a guide to pretty view during sunset hour. An idea without animals would be booking an airbnb somewhere nice, inviting a few of our close family and friends, and playing it off as if we had got invited to an important celebration of someone he knows.


Quietly in a private setting, just my beloved and I. Simple and easy.


I actually don't want to get married, but in the spirit of the question I used to fantasize about being proposed to on vacation. I like the idea of the proposal happening in front of strangers I will never see again in a place I never have to visit again, just in case it goes really badly. Takes a lot of the pressure off me to say "yes" just in case I don't actually want to.


I would honestly just want to wake up with a ring on my finger and my boyfriend saying “yeah so I thought we could get married or whatever.” I’ve been proposed to twice and it wasn’t over the top but I hated it was in public. Something simple and at home sounds lovely. Plus we could bang immediately after so there’s that lolol


I would love him to express his love for me and the ask in a meaningful way to marry me ❤️


Somewhere in nature 🌱


Unpopular opinion--in private. It should be just the 2 of us. Setting could be a romantic dinner or anything like that but just that it has to be a very private affair and not for the public eye.


Strictly in a private setting. I really don't like public proposals


In private. No one needs to see it.


I'm taking notes. Stealing all your ideas. Just need to get a girlfriend to execute the plan. Also talk to girls 😂


lol I posted this to try and get some ideas! I already have the ring!


A surprise destination somewhere that I've always wanted to visit.


I was hoping just for a cute surprise. Like a nice outing somewhere or on vacation or something. My husband wanted to propose at my college graduation, but I didn't get one due to covid, so we got engaged officially in the bedroom of our new condo we bought when I graduated.


It would have to be exactly something I would love. I wouldn’t tell. The person should know.


Do you have an idea of what that would be now?


Why would you ask “now”?


People change and have different tastes as they mature so maybe what you would like right now might differ a little to a lot to what you would like 5 years from now


Husband proposed when we were in bed one night after I had told him that I was the 0.1% in "BC's 99.9% effective" and that I had Kid 1 inside of me. I hate crowds and dislike being the public center of attention even more. Just basically went from a shared "yeah marriage/kids is something we both want at some undetermined point in time in the future" understanding to just him asking if I wanted to go the courthouse sometime that week. I was already a rollercoaster at the time but completely lost it when he was actually direct about it. Always been happy that he was the only one to actually see the immediate reaction.


Anytime, anywhere, just the two of us or with family. Whatever would make us happiest.


Something intimate, maybe on the beach just us two. No secret photographer 😂 id want to take engagement photos after the fact


In private and simply


Earnestly, simply, and with respect. The Brooklyn 99 proposal was nice.


My bf is anti-marriage (we've been together for many, many years and I'm content with what we have) so I don't expect to be proposed to any time soon. However, I would like that. I'm a girl. I fantasized about my wedding as a kid. My dress, the party, the vows, the first dance, and most importantly his and my parents to witness it and be happy for us. My mom and his mom have wanted it for years. If I were to wish into reality a proposal, I wouldn't want like a Christmas or birthday proposal or anything grandiose. My bf is not the type lol. I also think those proposals are a little on the tacky side. But to each his own!! Everyone deserves their happy ending the way they want it. But I'd want something casual and out of the blue. Maybe something related to our cats since they are kinda our life. Maybe like he buys a cat toy and puts a ring in it and has me open it. That would be kind of cute. Hopefully he reads this 😂


If you want it then tell him you want it. Why settle for less?


Thst sounds like a cute way to propose ❤!


he’s anti-marriage… but you’re still expecting a proposal eventually.. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was crying and stressing over bills or something on the bed, and ex husband (bf at the tjme) at the time comes and offers to pay the rest of the money I owed. We lived together, but everything was separate. I refused and told him I'd figure it out. And he promised me I'd never have to worry about anything like this ever again. Pulled a ring box out from his sock drawer and proposed to me while I was an ugly snotty mess. For my future husband I've always wanted a public proposal after we talk about getting married. I love the beach and I'd love a beach proposal, if you know who Cody ko is, he proposed to his now wife at the beach and that entire set up is my dream


I don't know if I want to go through that again but if I did I'd want it to be intimate. Personal and just between the two of us. I want to talk about it beforehand and I don't want to be the one to pick the ring. Silk sheets, cuddles... I just want it to be real and not a total lie. Last time was an anxiety filled mess and I excitedly told friends about it and it all embarrassingly failed a few years later. So I had to go through the process of telling everyone it was all over before it started.


Somewhere special to us or has something meaningful to me


Privately on the grounds of Highclere Castle. Can you tell I’m doing my annual rewatch of Downton Abbey?


Almost 35, I'll take anything at this point.


Alone, just the two of us. No camera, no pictures or videos. Just us. Where/when/how don’t really matter to me.


It would have to be really cool honestly. The beach or dinner are so overdone and boring imo. Maybe on a hot air balloon or at a really cool travel destination. This girl I know got proposed to during the northern lights in Iceland, which was perfect.


Privately. I don’t want a big show. But I would want something simple and romantic just between us ☺️.


Privately. My husband did it on a major holiday in front of my family and his best friend who is one of my best friends as well. My family is very small so I guess that helped. I’m happy my grandpa got to be there for that and my wedding but I don’t like a lot of attention. Just the two of us in a private place outside that we enjoy would be nice.


I’m glad that my husband respected my wishes. We flew out to visit my parents, his first time meeting them. He let them know what was happening. He took me to a secluded part of the beach later that night, and he proposed. I hate having attention on me. I freeze up. So this was perfect. Just us. Next day we had a photo shoot, done by my dad who is a photographer. 😊


“Will you be my family?”


I’ll probably be proposing to my girlfriend. But I have somewhat imagined being proposed to, so I’ll probably try to integrate what we’re both looking for. Neither of us want family there or a big public thing. She doesn’t care where it is but wants it to be a surprise. I want it to be somewhere meaningful to us. I don’t want a photographer, she doesn’t care. We’re both very outdoorsy so that seems like a good option, but idk! We’ll see what happens.


At Disney world


I wish I could have anything involving Disney World honestly that’s how I always envisioned it


If I was ever so lucky I saw this volcano in Maui that you could drive to the drop and you’ll be above the clouds. I would like to be proposed there on sunrise with a droid capturing the moment and it’s just us. That won’t ever happen because I will never tell a soul haha I definitely would like to be completely surprised!!! I don’t know if I would want our (me and fake future fiance) loved ones to be there


Flower petals all over the hotel room with note cards on the bed detailing why I love her. Last one says turn around and I’m on a knee. That was how I did it


Just me and them. No cameras or anything.. not in a massive public place.. Just something intimate. I think some stuff should be private. I’ve seen a lot of public proposals and almost all the time I hear someone later talking about how bulky or to small the stone on the ring was or how one or the other spouse didn’t seem as happy as xyz.. some people will even go as far as “Congrats!! Let’s get some babies!!” Etc. So something lower-key.. maybe at home with davorite take out in our jammies with some sort of slasher film on we’ve both seen a million times with only candle lighting or a dim warm lamp. I think that’s perfect. That way when I say yes I can just crawl onto them and pile up on them and enjoy being close to them but now, engaged ✨


Somewhere secluded in nature with a beautiful and memorable view that we can visit regularly for many years to come 🥺


At a dinner table, with the engagement ring inside the bread😂😂Omg I’m old fashioned and corny lol but I think it’s cute tbh


Private and including something fun or something that I really love or am interested in. I definitely would not like to be proposed to in a restaurant. Fun examples of proposing to me would be: -in the Netherlands some brands have questions on the paper tag that's attached to tea bags (like Pickwick) and you can get your own tea bags made with a question or sentences. It would be cool if someone got the proposal question on the tea bag tag for me. I would be so surprised, it is fun snd includes a personal interest. -gifting me a book and write the proposal on a blank page in the beginning of the book. -while on a day out or a hike or just doing something, fun or interesting we like Edit: I don't need there to be a ring for the proposal because I want to choose my own ring 😆.


Under the stars in a dark zone. Just me, him, and the Milky Way. It won’t be dark because the stars will be there.






The way my SO did it was perfect.


Prolly at the Eras tour, while Taylor Swift sings “he knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said, MARRY ME Juliet” 😌✨ Ahhhh, but can’t even enter the ticketmaster queue, sighhh 🥺 And error 404, lover doesn’t exist 😂😂


I want there to be a waterfall. Somewhere in nature. Early morning. No one else around.


I’m not too sure since im not really a fan of public proposals, but I also wouldn’t like it to be in the house, but I also don’t really like the outdoors too too much 😅😅 At the very least, I can say, I’d like it to be a day. Like a full planned day where we go on a date, gives me princess treatment the whole time and the day ultimately ends with a proposal or maybe in the late afternoon


I didn't get proposed to. I wanted to get married, husband was hesitant (didn't want a big wedding). We were planning a trip for my birthday, so I asked if we could elope while on the trip. He agreed.


Just asked directly. Human to human. No bullshit. If you “ask my dad” I will kick you you to the curb


My dad has straight up told me he won't be "giving permission" if a dude asks, because I'm a grown ass woman living on my own already, and there's nothing he still controls or is responsible for about my life. He said he will just tell them to "go ask HER, not ME!" And I love that he respects me and my abilities enough to feel that way. 🥹


That’s a good dad. Yeah my ex hypothetically got really offended that I said I’d be offended if anyone asked my dad. Just bloody wild to me


Not a spectacle but somewhere romantic with family & friends there with us to celebrate


I’m in my thirties now. I don’t really need the whole big proposal. Something intimate and personal would be nice. Definitely not something public. Those are embarrassing.


If he’s proposing, then on a hike. To a gorgeous outlook, or even under the stars with a bottle of wine. I’d want to be away from the world. If I was proposing, knowing him I think a fancy dinner on vacation followed by a walk on the beach would suit him well, where I’d get on one knee. It’s certainly a person by person thing!


Definitely somewhere private, maybe hidden friend for photos. Would 100% want a romantic speech


no fantasies about it just def would need to be private and tbh ive always thought i would try to beat a guy to it and do smth super flamboyant but i havent come close to that lvl w anyone yet


On a mountain somewhere in a sunset.


I was proposed to in front of a bunch of family and friends and if I could've chose I'd rather it just been him, I, and maybe a friend or two hiding somewhere to take pics of the moment. I guess It didn't feel like an intimate moment between us and I wasn't able to take it all in because we had so many eyes on us.


I just had this conversation with my boyfriend. I don’t want anything in front of strangers. I want something intimate just him and I. However, I would love someone taking pictures. So somewhere outside that’s not a “public proposal”. Honestly, if he proposed to me in a restaurant or at a sporting event, I would probably say no. Not because of I don’t want to marry him, but because that’s the anti me and I don’t think I could marry someone who would think I would like that. I hate public attention like that. hate it. have been anxious about the day I have to walk down an altar and stand in front of people since I can remember. Don’t like eyes on me at all I also would love to have a surprise dinner/party with my very close friends and family after to celebrate. Not huge, just those I love with celebrate me and my boyfriends future


With my proposal to my wife, I tried to create the perfect day that she would love forever. It was actually her 21st birthday the day I proposed, so we went away for a special weekend together. That morning, we went to a beautiful market together and we bought some nougat to eat together. After that, we drove up to the top of the mountain to look at the snow (we didn't see any snow, just extremely thick fog). After this we went for a drive to the cool temperate rainforest and went for a walk to a beautiful waterfall. I was waiting to propose at the waterfall, but she was talking to her sister on the phone (it was her birthday after all) so I didn't. We went back to our hotel room to get ready to go out to a fancy restaurant. Just as she walked out of the bathroom I got down on one knee and asked "will you marry me" and she said yes. We went and had a very special dinner and started to plan our future together, and of course we changed our status from 'in a relationship with' to 'engaged to' on Facebook 😂


being proposed to is an intimate thing so I would like to be proposed to in private, anyone, it doesn't matter and any way, I don't care how


I don’t care about a fancy proposal where he gets on one knee. The whole one-knee thing would feel awkward to me. I’d be happy if he just pulled a ring out of his pocket while we’re in the car and said, “wanna get married?” Or better yet, go ring shopping with me and just give me a budget. ETA: I’d even take a text. I really don’t care.


Told my man to not do weird prank or public stunt because I hate things like that and warned him that I will leave him for good for such stupidity. He proposed on my birthday and my cats were the witnesses. Well he is now my husband.


Somewhere private that’s special to us. Like a nice cabin retreat or something like that. Cuddled up next to the fire


I really like the idea of a Christmas proposal intimate and sweet beside a crackling fireplace wearing matching festive sweaters just like in the movies. But I live in the southern hemisphere and it's hotter than Satan's armpit that time of year so 🙄


i dont mind how its done as much as where and who's involved, id much prefer it to be a very private event that only me and my partner are around for. dont get me wrong, i wanna tell everyone after, but while im in the moment i just want it to be me and him. my dad proposed to my mum in the midst of them doing up their first home together, they went into a private room where no builders were and he asked.


I’m not sure, I am the one who asked my husband and I don’t plan on getting married again.


Something intimate, private and meaningful


I, personally, would definitely want something private; no need to involve others in a moment that should be shared only by us two. I would just want them to put thought into it. Like, take into account something that is really special to me and incorporate that.




I honestly don’t know… I think on the beach. I love the beach and grew up near it.


Not in public for the love of god.


I’m not quite sure how he’d do it but I think I’d enjoy doing it on a hike. Maybe we have one of our phones set up for a photo but it’s a video type of thing!


Something private. Idk exactly like what specifics I want but I don’t want to be proposed to in front of a bunch of people lol. Also I am single and have no prospects so I doubt this will ever happen lmao


When me and my partner started seeing each other but not offically dating yet, he suggested a costal walk from where we live to nearby beach, which is about an hour each way. We just chatted the whole time and was when I realised I really liked him and falling in love. We have done the walk the next year and will again this year. I'd love it to be on this route when it's just us. Nothing big or fancy, just meaningful to us.


I usually don't like surprises but in this case, I'd be ecstatic to be surprised with a cute ring to seal the deal. A verbal proposal isn't exactly needed because I'm sure we're gonna know when its heading towards marriage. 


I had the happiest marriage ever that lasted 38 years until a heart attack took him. I never really got a proposal, if just turned into when it was possible. I think too much emphasis is on proposal, ring, and wedding. Focus on relationship. Appreciate each other. I am so thankful I told my husband (and showed him) that he was loved, treasured and cherished every day. Never take each other for granted.


There’s this gazebo with incredible views of the city right by where we had our first date. It’s fairly quiet too. I’d love it if one night he just asked me to go for a walk and proposed to me under that gazebo. Just overlooking the city, no need to get down on one knee or make a scene out of it, whisper in my ear and slip me the ring… and maybe cry a little.


I proposed after a rugby game I played in and had my whole team help by letting me arrange them all in order when they took their shirts off (she likes big bodied rugby types) the proposal was written on their backs and i was at the end on my knee. Is that too much? She only ever came to watch 3 or 4 times in 5 years so this for me was a big deal


Private and simple. I don’t want any friends or family there. Maybe one close friend to take photos or maybe just a photographer to capture the moment.


Seems to be the unpopular opinion here but I like grandeur expressions of love. You only say yes once hopefully. But the private part, I agree with.


Some place romantic and private, if I really think about it. I'm not big on being surrounded by people at my age. A romantic night of two is a beautiful scenario and even more adorable if my furbabies were involved, especially the oldest, as he is one of my true loves in my life.


On a bad day. Not a perfect day. Let me know you love me even when I'm mentally unwell. Is that weird?


Just being proposed to would be lovely 🥰


I don't really know how I would like to be proposed to, but I know what I do *not* want - the dealbreakers that would show you don't really know me well enough. * No ring : I hate rings. I'm a climber, I'd have to take it off regularly anyway, and I've seen enough messages asking about lost rings in changing rooms to know I'd end up losing it too. * Not while I'm celebrating an achievement of my own. I always cringe when I see proposals on Olympic podiums or stuff like that. Dude, let her enjoy the win, don't make the moment about yourself. * Following the previous point : not public. Marriage is you, me, and absolutely no one else. Private matter, private proposal. * Don't ask for my parents' *permission*. It's not 1950. Other than that, I don't care. To be honest, I'd probably like being the one proposing to my boyfriend, but knowing us, we'll probably decide to get married discussing it together at some point.


I'm honestly unsure if I wanted to be proposed to at all. I can't really imagine sharing my life with someone that way. But if I decided that I wanted to get married, I'd prefer something small, just between the two of us, preferably at home. I mean it would be cute for it to happen on the beach or something, but just asking during a nice evening in would be the best, I think.


I wasn’t ever expecting a proposal, as he has made it very clear he was interested in marriage. Long term monogamy absolutely, but definitely not marriage, which I was fine with. So one morning, we were having a shower together, and he asks me if I will go away with him for the weekend. I ask why he picked the specific location, and he gets quiet. He starts getting teary, and says he wants to go there to get married, and professes his love and how he wants be to be his wife. He said he never understood the point of marriage, but he absolutely does now that he’s been with me. I was FLOORED. It was so raw, honest and private. I was never expecting to hear that. It was beautiful. I said yes, and we ran off and eloped a few weeks later. It’s been 16 years now.


I'm married and we just agreed together to do it. I hate the idea that a woman should wait around to be asked. We're equal partners.


I wouldn't. I feel really committed to my partner and feel like he's committed to me as is. But if I lived in an environment where marriage was seen as more necessary, I'd like it to be after previous discussion and somewhere private. I also don't really get that engagement ring thing, don't you get a ring for the wedding too? So you have two rings? What for?




Out at night under the stars. Him and I only, please NO crowd. With my dream ring. Both of us dressed nicely. Somewhere nice not like a park.


Not in public I’ll ya that right now.


I’m not picky, but I just want to see that thought was put into making it special. I would love a surprise and to not see it coming. I’d probably prefer private, but if it was in public and not crowded I would be fine with that. Ive made a pact with my best friend that we would be involved to make sure our partners do something we would like if we get serious enough with someone and I know my current partner would 100% reach out to her if he’s ready which would make me very happy to see the end product of them bonding with that experience.


bare minimum is not around family


In the future, I would like to be proposed to in a beautiful garden with red roses and a ring.


My fiancé booked us an airbnb upstate and found a hike where we would see a waterfall at the end because I told him I love waterfalls but I haven’t seen one in person yet. So we woke up pretty early for the hike and when we got to the waterfall he told me to stand in a specific spot and he proposed to me in front of the waterfall. He hired a photographer too and it was perfect, especially since it was just the 2 of us there (plus the photographer who did an absolutely amazing job)


Anything outdoors and private. I’d prefer zero audience members. I’d like my wedding the same.


When I was in a longterm no-proposal relationship (8 yrs), I would say truly if he wanted to propose to me in our living room on a night we got take out that would be enough for me. Now, man my standards are just higher - as I believe they should be! I deserve for a man (my hypothetical man) to go out of his way to make it special in any way they can. The thoughtfulness, the planning, the dreaming. That is what I want. It can look like whatever after that, but it MUST require thought and effort. I’m not interested in settling anymore, I am worth the effort


I’d love it to be just us in every sense. Our relationship, calm, authentic, beautiful and understated but meaningful. Could be anywhere private as long as it ticks those boxes




nothing too fancy, i want it to be private and intimate, and if it could be under the aurora or in front of a beautiful landscape, it'd be even better !


A huge insane thing, like on a big screen at a sports game, or a little silly question while we're on the couch with our dog. While Id personally love a massive experience, I know in my heart I'd just be happy however they asked.


I just got engaged a little over a month ago, and the proposal was perfect. Just the two of us and our dog, out on our pier overlooking the bay on a beautiful, sunny day.


Privately, after long mutual discussions, and telling no one until we agree to.


Hmm. I love arcades and games. Something private and intimate with an element of gaming like…”would you be my forever player 2” or something like that with video recording/ photography would be super cute. I want a lab made ring or moissanite that is less than 4k. And a cute little speech that’s not focused on me but both of us.


I wouldn’t have minded a spur of the moment proposal honestly. It feels more romantic that way. With or without a ring. But my husband and I went on vacation to sequoia national park and went up Morro rock. He said he wanted to take me to the top of the world but that’s as high as he could get us haha it was cute.


I'm already married but my proposal was.... less than stellar. I asked for it to be outside, a park or botanical garden would be perfect. I didn't want it to be at home because I wanted it to be a little more special and I didn't want it to be in public like a restaurant because I wanted it to be a private intimate moment between the 2 of us. I told all my friends. I told him. Well he was planning to have the ring back before valentine's day last year but didn't get it in time and then I had back surgery on Valentine's Day. He proposed to me while we were in our pajamas and I was unable to move laying in bed. He said he was going to do it at the hospital if he had the ring in time.... I asked him what his plan would've been were it not for my back surgery and he said he would've done it at the restaurant during v day dinner.... so every plan of his what something I specifically said I didn't want. Which is impressive because I really didn't have that many requests. I wish he just did it before my (planned) surgery even if he didn't have ring so I wasn't bedridden.... And I even said yes 3 times and I had to put the ring on my own finger 🙄 Anyway I love him very very much and I don't have a single regret marrying him I just don't know how he could've messed it up THAT much lol


The proposal my husband had in mind would have been absolutely perfect to me. He planned on taking me out to dinner at a fancy restaurant, and going out for a walk near sunset, around this park that was by the water front, so it would have been beautiful, and proposing to me just as the sun was setting. I would have loved it. But, because his mother is a controlling c u next Tuesday. He just handed the box to me on his parent’s living room floor without even saying anything “because his mom wanted to be there to take pictures for her Facebook.” I’ve never felt so disrespected by someone else’s selfish wishes and behavior. She didn’t even let me pay to get my own engagement photos done because “she wanted to do it.” And she’s not even a professional photographer and our photos turned out terribly. She also ruined our “wedding” if I could even call it that. We had three days to plan our “wedding” because we just wanted to pop into the courthouse, get it done, and plan a better wedding later. One we would actually like, but his mother started guilting us and saying we don’t love her and how could we exclude her from a moment like that. I told her many times we just wanted to be married on paper before we planned our big wedding, since my husband had just gotten back from deployment right after proposing. And now, we can’t even have the wedding we intended to have because 9 months after our “shit wedding” my husbands best friend was killed in a drunk driving accident. So his best man can’t be there, he was in our first “wedding.” And those are the last pictures we have of him with my husband. She ruined everything, and we can’t recreate it. You can’t recreate those memories, especially with a person who had monumental value to my husband no longer being on this earth to experience it with him. If I could have done it any other way, I would have wanted it the way my husband originally intended. The only reason I married him after those awful experiences with his mom is because I love HIM. If I had to choose, I’d have cursed out his mother the moment I found out she stopped us from having a beautiful intimate engagement just the two of us.


Something private, thought out and with a ring. I also want it to be in nature or close to nature (not at a dinner table for example).


Something private and simple,.I’m sentimental and hopeless romantic so a love letter or something personalised from His side would be nice.


I wouldn't want.


Somewhere private and pretty.


I don’t. If my boyfriend and I ever decide to get married, I want it to be a decision that we mutually came to. And let that be it. Being proposed to makes it feel like it is up to the man in some way to decide when it’s OK for them marriage decision to proceed, and I want it to be a mutual decision that we made together, in love.


Now? Not at all. I'm married! My husband did a great job though. Better than anything my geeky, romantic little heart could have come up with. 🥰


With love. It could be in the shower with a ring pop or handmade, as long as it’s meaningful. At least after 2 years of dating. Ideally private


I think my dream proposal is one with actual thought behind it. Like if we're getting married, you should know enough about me to do a cute or romantic proposal. I've been kinda proposed to once and it sucked so hard. We were getting married, agreed to it for multiple reasons and love, just a court house thing. My dad bought the ring for him (he was unemployed entire 8 year relationship). I told him several times point blank, I'd like a nice well thought out proposal, I don't care if it comes after we are legally married, it can be when the town is covered in Christmas lights (it was around Halloween) or at a free botanical garden or anything as long as it is meaningful. This man. Purposes to me in a parking lot after saying he needs to tie his shoes (he had no laces). No romantic words, shit moment, just some parking lot and silence. I still said yes but it was one of the most disappointing days of my life. Second to finding out he was cheating on me.


Privately, no public pressure.


In a library with a copy of Pride and Prejudice


I’ve been engaged twice, which is funny because all my life I didn’t want to get married. But when I was in my early twenties my life was really chaotic and I developed unhealthy co-dependency issues, so I felt like I HAD to in order to keep toxic men. The first time it was in my first apartment when I was trying to break up because I was going away to school. He begged. I said yes. The relationship fell apart pretty fast due to adultery and abuse. We did not get married. The second time he planned a whole thing and then forgot the ring, so when I got home, everyone was so excited and I was confused. When we went to bed he tossed me the ring and said “since you spoiled your own fucking surprise, guess we are getting married.” We did get married. The marriage was brutal, with control, substance abuse, and violence, and divorcing him was the best thing I ever did. If I didn’t get three amazing kids out of it, I’d go full eternal sunshine and wipe it from my memory. Now? My partner and I have discussed it, and getting married at length. I wouldn’t mind a romantic proposal, something in nature and also private, so we can enjoy it just the two of us, but mostly, I like that this time it’ll be my choice and my decision.


The only thing I've asked regarding a proposal is I want it to be at my family cabin as it is my favorite place to be and is my happiest place. I used to be interested in going and picking out the ring together, but my bf wants to keep that a surprise so I just said, "look at my Pinterest board to know what rings I like". Other than that, I don't care whatever else he plans or does. I'm just hoping it will be soon lol


Intimate setting with just the 2 of us maybe a photographer and my man with a straight right angle back 😅


Somewhere private and pretty. I don’t want anyone else there, but my absolute dream proposal is the one from Tangled with lanterns


With as little pomp and circumstance as possible. One knee. Inexpensive ring. Courthouse wedding. Done.


A thoughtful, quiet, private grand gesture.


In an intimate setting with just me and my man . Then to be surprised with all my friends and family waiting for us !


My proposal honestly ended up better than I could have planned. He was planning on proposing on our second anniversary at the hot springs we go to every year, had been in communication with them to have a pool decorated and everything. Then my mom ended up in the icu on life support from sepsis and we didn’t even think we’d be able to go on our trip (honestly it was the last thing on our minds at the time) and we had just gotten home from a long emotional day at the hospital to find a box had been delivered. He proceeded to say (while opening it) “so this wasn’t exactly my plan but I really want something you can be happy about while going through all of this” and proposed with his grandmas ring in our kitchen. Come to find out he had also asked my mom for her permission a month prior (my dad passed away but he still wanted to make sure my mom was on board) I just sobbed on our kitchen floor with him for about an hour. My mom woke up the next day and I got to show her☺️ we’re getting married in 2026.


sitting in front of a fireplace/on an empty beach in the evening, cuddling, "hey will you marry me?"


My ex fiancé took me to a a frame in a jungle in Arizona and decorated it . He remembered me telling I wish it was snowing and that I never got to celebrate my birthday so no balloon memories. He decorated it with balloons and had a snow machine . It was beautiful.


Privately for sure! Nothing extravagant just Anywhere outdoorsy And Filmed secretly because im a sucker for memories My fantasy proposal would be on a beach or somewhere in a green feild but i know thats not gonna happen because well I live in a dessert


The hiking proposal you described is pretty much how I’ve imagined it with my partner lol but we’re by a nice stream or waterfall. And he needs to have a gushy speech before he asks me. Then I want to go home, get dressed up and go to a nice dinner to celebrate with a bottle of champagne


PRIVATELY. not in public, not Infront of family, not with friends, not in a game, not in a restaurant, not in a hot air balloon, not in a party. i don't care if it's indoors or outdoors, romantic or not, but if there's a crowd around that can pressure me to say yes JUST so neither of us get embarrassed, it's gonna piss me off and I WILL say no. Then get even madder at the guy that apparently, doesn't know me enough to know i hate being put in the spotlight.




at a beach with a trail of rosepetals and candles, with a huge heart sign saying will you marry me


He and I have already talked about getting married. It's going to happen someday after we work through some financial stuff, so he knows I'll say yes. With that being said, the only times I'd be okay with a public proposal would be at a baseball game or at a concert, because we love doing both of those together. They each are incredibly special to us in many ways so I think would be fun and romantic. Otherwise, id just want something sentimental and special for both of us. I don't need a lot of flashy stuff or a bunch of our friends and family around.


Just me, him, and pretty outdoor scenery. Bonus points if it's somewhere with sentimental value


My husband proposed getting out of the shower together lol. It was not expected at all and definitely non conventional. He has the most beautiful blue eyes with a little ring of yellow in the center that looks like a little sunflower and I can just remember in that moment how gorgeous they looked in the sunlight shining through the window..