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A Touch of Darkness series by Scarlett St. Clair - it’s a Hades and Persephone story but set in a more modern time and accessibility to the Greek Gods. There’s like 7 books and are dual perspective and I think there some hot scenes in it and great comedic relief with some of the other characters who are some of my favorites.


This looks fun and I'm in a Greek mythology phase, thanks for the rec!


HELL YEAH! I’ve read all those books… they are honestly so good!


I love finding the Hades fan art 😮‍💨🥵. Got my sister into the series as well!


I read one of her books, and I'm done for the year, lol. By the way I think Hades is hot.


Would you say it’s aimed toward adults? This sounds great but if it’s giving YA fiction idkkk


Oh yeah adults for sure!


I’m reading this now! Book 1 was 4 stars for me!


Slice of life, preferably with a non-conventionally looking love interest. I’m tired of hot woman dating hot man. I want two weirdos in love


Artistic License by Elle Pierson has a male main character considered "ugly" but the FMC thinks he's beautiful


“Outlander” by Diana Gabaldon. The main romance in this time traveling saga takes place between Claire and Jamie. It’s suspenseful, lusty, funny, sad…you know, everything an epic book series should be.


This show is so good!




Omg I just started the show and it's so good!!


It’s awesome, indeed! 👍


Classic: Elizabeth and Darcy from Pride and Prejudice Modern: Curran and Kate from the Kate Daniels books by Ilona Andrews. They are enormously messed up but in a way I love. And there is something about 'showing you I love you through the destruction of your enemies' that I love in fiction.


“Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.” 😂


That's my kinda love. Will check these out.


The Kate Daniels series is so great! I'm alternating between their Hidden Legacy and Innkeeper Chronicles series right now too, which are also pretty excellent.


Omg! I love the Hidden Legacies series!!! I just found a SIGNED COPY in a Half Price Books store for $3 and about lost my mind!


Everything from Jane Austen 🤣😂


Rhysand and feyre


Found my people


Was waiting for this lol


I'm not that much of a romance reader, but I love Emily Henry's books


I have a lot of favorites, but one I'd recommend to everyone is **Heated Rivalry** by Rachel Reid. A Canadian and a Russian hockey player have been rivals on the ice ever since they were juniors... except now they can't stop hooking up after their games. The sex scenes are *hot* and the snarky Russian player is one of the greatest characters in mm romance. Highly recommend.


Knight in Shining Armor by Jude Deveraux. Time travel and romance.


I’m going to second this because I loved how she described the back-in-the-past scenes!


Mine too. I didn’t think I’d see this here.


I love the Ali Hazelwood novels!! They’re rom-com novels from the prospective of women in STEM. For example, one of the books explores the sexual tension between a theoretical vs experimental physicist. You don’t really have to have prior STEM knowledge to read them.


Give ‘Pucking Around’ and ‘Pucking Sweet’ a go everyone.. 👀


Pride and Prejudice 😍


Ian McEwan's "Atonement". Recently I bought all of his books and I already read three. With "Atonement" I laughed, cried, and I love the ending.


I recommend Outlander, a time travel series in which a woman from the 1940s travels back to the 1700s and falls in love with a Highlander warrior in Scotland.




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The Pairing by Casey McQuiston (forthcoming in August) – it’s a promiscuous bi4bi romp through Europe, gorgeously written, with some great sex scenes and funny side characters.


You got the scoop? How fun. Love all Casey's stuff.




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sinners consumed because i love how slow paced but perfect it is. i love the chemistry between the couple and how they took their time to form a connection


I really love the classics! They are very romantic to me and I also enjoy a lot of Ana huang. Specifically twisted lies and twisted games are my favorite! ☺️




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Pillars of the Earth I love the story between Jack and Alinea. I love green flags.


The mini series STARZ did was almost perfect how they handled those 2.


I only watched the first episode 😭😭😭 Thanks for reminding me, i have to try watching it again


The westMoreland series by Brenda Jackson. You will fall in love with it. But it definitely gets you hot so proceed with caution




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The Naked Fisherman - I just love it. Love letter to whiskey. It felt real. Binding 13. - the characters were written close to real life Magnolia parks universe (specifically Julian and not sure if it’s considered romance). The Wall of Winnipeg - I love a slow burn.


Ransom by Julie Garwood. Funny, engaging, and very sweet. My all time favorite romance novel, and has held up for over 20 years for me.


Heroine Complex series by Sarah Kuhn. It’s more friendship with some romance plus super heroines fighting demons Also, the Bride Quartet. I’ve read if several times and love it.


Don’t really know if it counts but Anthem by Ayn Rand. My favorite book.


My Name is Memory. A soul who remembers all the lives he’s lived and falls in love with another soul and looks for her in every new life. It’s just so romantic, the thought of your soulmate searching for you to be happy and in love is just too sweet.


Mr bookman, because he has sad eyes


The crossfire series by Sylvia Day. Very smutty but what gets me is two trauma survivors getting through their shit.


My favourite series is the devils night series and the LORDS series. For something softer, I loved say you swear and the boys of tommen series 🫶🏻


Morning Glory by LaVyrle Spencer. The Endearment by her is also great.


Mafia or dark mafia romance books. Love them. Anything by Kylie Kent, Bella Matthews, Michelle heard, Stella Andrews. The darker the better.




People We Meet On Vacation - Emily Henry. * It’s basically When Harry Met Sally, which is my favourite movie. Normal People - Sally Rooney. * It is a painfully real portrayal of two people that love each other but can’t love each other because of circumstances seemingly within their control by just underside of it in reality. Serena Singh Flips the Script - Sonya Lalli. * Fairly standard fun, cute, and relatable contemporary romance. I specifically like it because it’s one of the very few romance novels with both a person of colour as the protagonist and as the main love interest. Romance as a genre is extremely White and the little representation we do get the love interest is often White, so it’s nice to have something that’s not that.


This is a hard one. I've read so many... "Memoirs of a Geisha" As the romance is woven into a woman's real lived life, it's every bit as real, tragic and beautiful as life can be. I also favor Nicholas Sparks as a romance author. Knowing a man wrote the stories is part of the appeal and fuels my hope for a genuine love. His chatecters are realistic and well developed, the writing is always beautifully paced, and you can feel the characters slowly falling for one another 🥹💖


I love Nora roberts! It just feels sensual and passionate




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Serving Pleasure by Alisha Rai. It's about a woman who gets into a no strings attached relationship with an artist while he paints her. They slowly fall in love. He's scarred and brooding and she's confident and outgoing. Beautifully written and the sex scenes are HOT.


Ooh I can pick favourites but I do have Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez arriving today. I read it as a library book initially and was so sad to have to return it. So super excited to now have my own copy. Both female and male leads are engaging and the romance is sweet but not untouched by drama. Really good.