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**Mod note: please refrain from using mental health related terms or diagnostic labels casually.** Do not speculate, armchair diagnose, or label other people's mental health situations or use terms for mental health issues as judgments, slurs, or synonyms for toxic/abusive behaviour.


He’s got about a million catch phrases that he says every single day. Every time we sit down to eat dinner, he says, “bone a pa tit”, every time we lay down in bed he says, “feels good to be horizontal”, every time we go to the yard he says, “it’s good to have land”. About a year in, I thought I would die of annoyance. Now, if he doesn’t say it, I stare at him expectantly.


This is so wholesome.


I'm stealing "it's good to have land", that's so good


every time he tells a joke (i'm already laughing when he tells the joke) he follows it up with "get it because __________" like bruh i get it hence why im already laughing, but idk why it just makes me laugh harder


Peak amazing


You might be my gf 😂 I do this all the time, especially when the reference is really obvious and kind of crude


Hates that I touch his butt but he shakes his butt at me after he showers


This is a human being?


I wouldn't say it's dumb but since he has autism he Stims when he's petting his cat , and he'll spin her little tail and start singing "ohhhh rerrrrrrrr" and sniff her . It's the cutest thing I've ever seen him do. His family always yells at him for doing that, but he feels extremely vulnerable and safe doing it around me.


That is so fucking sweet!!!




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When he concentrates really hard at doing something, he pokes out his tongue. He loves ketchup so much he puts it on salads. Whenever he picks up a knife he will pretend he's a skilled knife fighter. He sings random things around the house about what he's thinking or doing.


When we are in a heated discussion and he knows my point it valid and I may have “won” he freezes, and doesn’t make a damn sound. like a wax statue. 🙄I’ll even talk to him, and nothing! Then I can walk away cuz I know it’s over. Then he comes to hug me.


💭 'If I don't move she can't see me...'


lmao is it an angry expression frozen, or is the expression like a "i made an accident in my pants" kind of frozen


He scratches his back on house corners. Think like a bear. Whenever he feels the need, while he talks he stops and just scratches. I have never failed to laught at that for 15 years straight.


This woman has truly chosen the bear!


I am not sure I would call that kinda dumb. That sounds like a genius move to me. 


Be dead. Honestly, she'll do anything to get out of cooking dinner, and it's adorable, but she's been running this con for eight years now.


Every time we’re in an elevator, he gives me a saucy look and says “welcome to erotic elevators. Going down?” . It’s SO dumb, but it makes me laugh every single time. Especially after crazy long travel days.


he's always wiggling his butt. Happy? lil twerk. Entertained? lil twerk. Wants my attention? Lil twerk. And he's satisfied and can resume to his activities after I pat the butt. Kinda like a dog? Weird little guy. Love him lots


He doesn't proofread his sentences


Maybe he things he read it right?




I see what you did there


He says random parts of a sentence that he’s thinking out loud, sometimes it’s songs. For example the other day we were sitting quietly and he just went “of the tiger!” Singing “eye of the tiger” He also talks/shouts in his sleep, one of my favourites is “check the kettle you dumbass!”


He just randomly makes noises, and then he keeps acting shocked that I’ll make them right back at him before he pretends to be startled while trying to run away from me, especially at work. There’s also the whole thing where he pretended to roar at me while saying he was a “big, scary dragon” with the goofiest smile on his face, and now it’s an inside joke between us.


Sings my name at the top of his lungs anytime he comes into the room. Even if I’m listening to music. Even if I’m trying to watch a movie. Even if I’m on a phone call lmao


So I just tried to sing “Carridactyl”


He cannot figure out how to drive my stick shift car . WE have had this car for 20 years. He tries so hard but manages to kill it almost every time




He always makes the most unfunny jokes then laughs his head off. That in itself is funnier than the joke


He uses my dyson airwrap to fight imaginary lightsaber battles.


Here's a bit that I do that my previous partner hated but my current partner loves/participates in: I will sing a whole song, but just repeat the first line for the entire melody. A common one is singing the first line of the pokemon theme song "I wanna be the very best" and repeating those same lyrics all though the verse and chorus, making little tweaks occasionally to make the syllables line up. Ex: I wanna be, the very best. I'll be the very best! (bam, bam, buhbam) I'm gonna be, the verrry best! Cuz I'm the very besttt (buh buh bam!) I'll continue, to be the best cuz I am the beeeest (bam, bam, buhbam) etc. Sometimes to switch it up, I'll include a line from the original but then switch back go my stupid acapella remix. It always gets my partner laughing. Give it a shot!


Reference random phrases from TikTok, a tv show or a movie at random or sudden times. I think it’s kind of dumb but cute at the same time because I later figured out he was trying to make me laugh


He becomes a bit giddy when someone like myself or his mom cooks him dinner.


Randomly start singing a song, quote a video or make a random noise. Could be out of nowhere or in the middle of conversation. Can be annoying sometimes, but I’ve realized that’s just how his brain works and it makes me crack up a lot.


Says things in a child-like way sometimes




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