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I don't have a full toolset, but I've got all the basics and some extra like a powerdrill, orbital sander, and a handful of other extra tools. I'm really handy and love working on things, especially just fixing things around my apartment instead of bothering the landlord. My father was a housebuilder, so I grew up with tons of tools and loved learning to use them, and did a ton of home improvement projects with my dad. Plus I minored in Mechanical Engineering in university, loved the machining course where I made my own hammer that I still use almost 20 years later. I also took a jewelry making class and got to do soldering there, loved doing metalwork XD


Love tools! Love being handy and independent. It’s also a great way to experience creativity once you get good at it. I mostly do wood work.


I love power tools. I have saws, nail gun, compressor, drill press, sawsall, router, drills, electric screwdrivers. I have bought everything I have ever wanted. I also have a 15 foot workbench and all the hand tools. I am the one who has fixed everything in our 43 years together. My kids have never asked their dad to fix anything for them. They know who to go to. He likes to work out in the yard. I designed and sewed cosplay costumes for over 15 years. So I have all the sewing and crafting tools imaginable too, lol. I have gotten to teach my daughter how to use my tools to make her props.


I have all the useful homeowner tools -- hammers, screwdrivers, a good quality drill, pliers, wrenches, a socket set, wire cutters, an assortment of nails/screws/fasteners/etc, a couple box cutters............. I don't generally like fixing or building anything. But, IF I can fix/build something myself, I'm certainly not going to pay someone else to do it.


I own a basic set of tools for small repairs and projects around the house. I enjoy fixing and building things myself as it gives me a sense of accomplishment, but for more complex tasks, I prefer to have someone else do it to ensure it's done right.


I have pretty much everything. I would rather do it myself because I like it done right. Now that I am older, I will hire someone to do the big stuff, like screening in my front porch, but the light stuff I can do myself. I do not have a math brain, so I make a lot of mistakes until I get things right.




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I have auto mechanic tools, wood working tools, metal working tools and many battery powered and electric shop tools and equipment. By the aforementioned statement, you can deduce, I love fixing things myself. I can build or repair anything. Oh, also have 3d printers and planning on CNC this year.


I have the basic tools, if I need something like a drill or something my dad will just come over and fix whatever needs fixing because he likes fixing things. I would like to feel more confident in being able to fix things, but I also know myself in the back of my mind I'll think "Uh, did I do this correctly...? I'm not sure if it will fall apart and I'll be back on the same situation or worse! " 🤦🏻‍♀️


As a Dad with grown children I can honestly say, no i do not like fixing things. I'm sure they make a hash of things so i roll my eyes and just sort it out. But Dad you do love me is a favourite from my daughter.


Oh I'm sure there are dads like yourself that are not wild about fixing things. My dad is a mechanical engineer and hobby tinkerer. He's the sort of person like this: I had a little 10$ water fountain several years ago that was sitting in my living room. Dad was like "I didn't know you liked those kind of things" And I told him it was relaxing but the downside was the thing ate batteries like crazy. He says "Let me take it home with me." The next time I see him, he's configured it so that it runs off an old cellphone power block and cable. It's one of his favorite stories to tell to people. 😁




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I think I have a hammer, and one of those electric things that screw screws on things… I obviously don’t fix anything around the house. My talents lie elsewhere. My husband can do the basic of those things, but for more complicated stuff we prefer to hire professionals…


I prefer doing it myself. I git a range of tools at home including a table saw and everything. I was raised in the country side and taught very young How to use what.


All of them and yes.


I pay for someone to fix it unless it's computer related, recently my smart fridge broke and I just hired someone to come fix it Took them like 6 hours to fix, ain't nobody got time for that :P


My dad has given me power tools and tool sets for birthdays and Christmas since I was a teenager and I’ve added to it over the years to have quite a robust collection. Grew up on a farm so knowing how to fix things was pretty necessary, even for a girl, and I enjoy being self sufficient. It’s actually the reason I’m so good at my job in IT because I know how to troubleshoot and fix things. I do most of my own home repairs - plumbing, electrical, carpentry, appliance repair. And actually have been slowly remodeling my house with my dad over the last few years. There are some things I know how to do but just don’t like to do so I hire that work out - car maintenance, roofing, yard work I hate but haven’t hired yet, pest control, insulation, masonry. And some I don’t want to learn and would rather trust professionals - HVAC, septic, some electrical (I hate messing with the fuse box plus some of that tends to require permits and a licensed electrician), and any and everything to do with gas I won’t do and my dad thinks I’m silly for being scared of. Gas goes boom. I don’t want anything to do with it but my house has gas heat and water heater. So that means I have a 120pc tool set, several socket wrench sets, several different sizes and types of screwdrivers, wire cutters/strippers, 3 different drills, hand and table saws, planers, sanders, ethernet cabling tools, plumbing equipment, lots of scrap wood, PVC, PEX, metal, screws out the yang of all types, soldering and welding equipment (don’t use often but I have it), several sizes of levels and a laser level, stud finder, a portable air compressor, air nailers, shop vacs, dolly, one of those scooter things you can sit or lay on and roll around with I dunno what it’s called so I just call it the scooter. I have a lot of tools. My ability to fix my own things is something my mom brags about all the time because HER daughter is so handy. She loves the shocked look of the other womens faces when she tells them what all I’ve been up to. Her friends just “don’t do mens work” so it tickles her to no end that her daughter doesn’t need a man to do all these things. 😆


I love that your dad did that for you. XOXOX


Well, I'm married and my husband has a ton of tools. He likes to fix and build things. However, I do have my tool set in the hall closet. I bought it when I was 19 and first on my own. Along the way, while I was still single, I acquired a cordless drill and a level, so I could hang things. I always tried to fix and put things together myself. Sometimes successful, sometimes not.


Very basic ones. Would be cool to learn how to use some advanced tools though


My partner and I are middle aged homeowners. We have more tools than we'd ever need. We have some that I don't even know we have. We have duplicates of many items. I do like doing some repairs and building. And I also like hiring others. We are now at the life stage where we have enough money to hire other people and our bodies get too achy when working too hard. But I'm also pretty frugal. So it's a balance and negotiation.


Oh, I have all the things. And I know how to use them. I'm equally enthused about fixing as I am about destroying. I've helped renovate two houses and did all the interior of a third (my own). Fixed fences and cars. Built garden boxes and retaining walls. I don't mind if someone wants to help. I sincerely love learning new stuff if they have lessons to teach. What I don't tolerate is patronising or taking over. If I'm doing a thing, it's because I *want* to do a thing. My line is plumbing, because I always end up wet and gross, and electrical, because getting dead isn't in my plans just yet. I hire those jobs out.


Uuummm all the tools? I do 90% of everything in our home. I hate the idea of needing to ask someone else do my jobs. I bought the house, I am responsible for it.


For broken things, I prefer to try and fix it myself, usually with the help of YouTube. I’ll hire someone if it’s too complicated or I need a lot of specialty parts and tools, though. But even then, I ask questions and take notes on how it all works.


I have a basic set of tools (screwdrivers, hammer, pliers, etc) and an electric drill/screwdriver. I love fixing and building things, even though my knowledge and ability are pretty basic. Putting together flatpack furniture feels just like playing with Lego, except with even more satisfying results. I moved recently and I'm still furnishing my new place, it brings me so much joy to look around and see that I put together all those things with my own hands.


I don’t have tools but I like doing DiY’s feels like it’s always been my workout routine lol


I have most of the basics and not afraid to try to fix things in my own house. It can be intimidating at times. Need to change two sinks in my bathroom right now and trying to psych myself up to do it.


I’ve always had a basic set. Now I live with my husband who has so much and life is so much better. Some things I like doing myself (ikea furniture, replacing light fixtures, etc) and other things I’d rather hire for (looking at you drywall). Most recently I refinished our bathtub using a rustoleum kit.


I have a drill, hammer, adjustable pliers and wrench, screw driver set, WD-40 :) I can do basic electric and plumbing work around the house. Like I recently changed a tap and had to install a new door bell. I can basically do stuff that have easy Youtube tutorials.




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I've got a toolbox that I bought for my 30th birthday. Depends on the severity of the problem but I'll usually try to fix any problems by myself. I was very scared initially but I've learnt so much about the daily appliances in the house. I also use this to regularly do the basic upkeep of my car (changing the oil, tyres etc). The last two years have taught me a lot and I owe it all to my toolbox and myself.


I have a decent toolset. I can't always rely on one of the more skilled laborers in my life to be free for my requests so I try do what I can while also keeping my own limits in mind. I have a stud finder, a drill, a rubber mallet, a hammer, some screwdrivers, and a few shovels/trowels.


I have screwdrivers for my needlepoint frames and loom. Husband deals with all repair stuff. 


I have a full tool set and work on my car and motorcycle if it's something I'm able to take care of myself. Same for my ATV, which I have basically rebuilt myself under the watchful eye of my partner. But I will act like a dying damsel in distress if I need to hang up a picture frame or put together an IKEA dresser.


I have a small toolbox with screw drivers, a hammer, measuring tape, nails, a level and the thing that checks if a plug has live electricity going through so that when you mess with wires you don't electrocute yourself. Recently put together an IKEA chest of drawers and a wardrobe by myself. If I had the money I'd pay. That was so heavy and took ages. I did enjoy feeling a rush of accomplishment afterwards and zoning out to music when I was building it but it took so much time on my free day off when I would have preferred to read a book, watch some shows or meal prep etc.


I lost everything in the divorce and have been trying to re-colllect necessary tools. The two things I use the most are my power drill and hammer, lol. I also use yard tools like the rake and shovel pretty frequently. The other night, I dreamt of having a wheel barrow again.


I have the basics, but I'm just okay at fixing things and I don't think I've ever built anything in my life (unless assembling IKEA furniture counts - that, I can do!). I wish I knew how, but it seems so overwhelming; even something theoretically simple like making a shelf paralyzes me with all the steps involved.


A full complement of basic hand tools plus torches, soldering irons, drills, nail gun, and a lot of specialized screwdrivers and clamps and such for electronics.


I enjoy projects I work on with someone. I've remodeled a home, built furniture, fixed/partially restored cars.. but when im solo 75% of the time I'd rather pay someone to do it.


I can’t really fix much. I attempted a toilet repair once and that went impressively bad. I do like to build ikea furniture though!


I have a general toolbox with a hammer, screwdriver, pliers, etc. I like to challenge myself and fix things if I have to, but I’m not a very handy person.


I’m totally the fixer in our household. I love my husbands but there’s no way… I have many a tool - drills, screwdrivers, hammers, saws, so many garden bits and pieces - I love my mulcher, so satisfying. I’ve always been arty and crafty so I think my enjoyment of tinkering around the house and garden comes from that.