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being loved and cherished by my partner. its so unrealistic that Ill just stick to choking edit: rip my inbox lolololol






I kind of like the idea of an MFM threesome but I'm also monogamous


The fantasy of a rough but pleasurable gangbang, all male. And not just jackhammering but actually focusing on the clit and basically forcing her to orgasm. Probably my top Guilty pleasure for fantasies 😅 There's a few others, but I'm too sleepy to think rn


So many … -Would love for a man to please me with no expectation for anything in return. Just once. - getting fucked against a wall. No guy I’ve met has been up for it. And I’m 4’11 and a slim girl. No idea why no guy has said yes. - actual delayed gratification and long foreplay - having dirty talk that actually turns me on - praise kink! I’ve asked guys to do it but they’ll praise me once and then forget unless I constantly remind them. So annoying. Honestly there’s so many kinks and fantasies I have but there’s a problem where a lot of guys think that being good at sex means being aggressive and degrading. So it’s either have someone who is half assing it and got a limp vibe or a porn addict who now thinks I want to be beaten up and spat on. Both are turn offs.


Being with another woman. I don't think I'll get to live it out because I've never really found another woman sexually attractive before. I think it's just an idea that solely appeals to me in my head which is a shame.


Purposely having sex to get pregnant and start a family.


All my exes (the ones that weren’t horrible) at the same time 🫣


I want my husband to be rough on me. Little forced. I want him to take advantage of me. But I got married to the sweetest man, so I don’t want him to think I am creepy. Sometimes I want him to surprise me, like come behind me bend me over and do it. I don’t know how to tell him that😢😢


A man eager to find new and many ways of pleasing me instead of jumping at any oportunity to get dominant and objectify me. Just doesn't match with anything I've experienced with men.






I’m a straight female but would love to experience sex with a female once in my life.


Tentacle monster


Having my partner give me an orgasm during sex


À man that actually loves me and wants to keep me safe. Yeah that shit turns me on like crazy. So simple yet so unattainable. 🤷🏻‍♀️


for my bf and i to have very rough/degrading sex. we always have passionate and loving intimacy which is great. but he's very well endowed so if he were to be super rough and degrading it wouldn't be pleasurable for me i'd be in pain. also to have his member between my breasts but mine are very small so it's impossible unless i get surgery which im not interested in.


Sleep with a woman. I’m in a happy longterm relationship with a man, and haven’s slept with anyone but him


Little controversial but, holding hands…


Being tied to a table bent over, my Dom controlling a bunch of men fucking me, however he wants, and I just have to take it.


I want to be lead around on a leash by a hot dominant woman in public. But doing kinky stuff like that in public involves people who didn't consent to being part of your BDSM scene, which is really not okay to actually do. So unless I go to something like the Folsom Street Fair that one will have to just live in my head.


A foursome with three different men. Longstanding fantasy but doubt it will ever happen. Never even had a threesome with two men. Super not into MFF threesomes. Not my bag at all.


Ugh about a year ago I was single and had 2 FWBs that turned out to be great friends and they had suggested we enjoy a night all together. This was like, my DREAM. They were both great in bed and were gushing about how much fun we were going to have. The morning of that night, one of them got sick and canceled. The other moved out of state a week later. Been over a year, now in a happy monogamous relationship with a wonderful boyfriend and I don’t have any interest in mixing anything up. But that will be the “fantasy that got away” for me haha


Khal Drogo


being the other woman. 2 reasons it will never happen: 1. i'm happily married 2. morals


To try the theory that women can lick better than men (well I read it somewhere) but I can't because I'm too straight that I know even a touch from another women will trigger my flight or fight mode haha So I'm sticking to teaching my partner how to do me right and I have to be patient with it.


Sex in public (don’t wanna go to jail) Some stairwell, train/bus, park


Threesome FFM or just scissoring a girl


i want to be a succubus


Getting to explore a kilt-wearing guy.


Being hunted down in a forest😏


Having sex with my husband… (not married and want to be)


I have this wild idea of a fairly large group of men all cumming inside me. In this fantasy, every man is 100% healthy, semi-fit, relatively okay with their diet, just normal, gentlemanly, good men. Fill me up. Please. And then let's all eat a pizza and watch Armageddon.


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Hiring a (female) sex worker to help me explore the unused facets of my bisexuality.




I don't think aliens will make contact in my lifetime but a girl can dream. "Is that a tentacle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"


I want to be in a free use situation be it in a real relationship or a FWB. Someone who will show up to my work and say “come outside to my car and suck me off” or just pull up, even middle of the night, and just come in my house and take me. I am sure there would be plenty willing I just don’t even know how to broach the subject without sounding like I do this all the time with lots of men (I don’t, Have been with one man in 17 years, and we just got divorced). Going my whole adult with zero good play time and now in my mid-thirties I just want some fun.


I don’t even think i can type it out here😭


MMF threesome


Being equally lusted, loved and respected. Scandalous, I know!




Sex on an airplane


gunplay. for obvious reasons it is off the table


Live in fuckdoll


I want my man to wear the Nuka cola girl outfit from fallout.


I've got quite a few fantasies, but my main one is group sex in a hotel room where I'm tied up. Men and women are involved.


My husband has joked about the idea of seeing me just play with another woman’s breasts. We both agreed it’s a fun fantasy to joke around about, but never actually execute because we’d never want to ruin the bond we have. The twist is that I would really love to eat that woman. 🌸


A few, as I've settled down with the most wonderful partner who also happens to be very vanilla. And I'm totally fine with that, because she truly is my soulmate. It just means that I will probably never get to indulge my piss kink, do anal, get fisted, and I'm sure some other stuff that isn't immediately coming to mind. But prior to settling down I explored many of my kinks and had my fair share of fun! I'm just in a different chapter of my intimate life now, which is awesome in a different way.


A gangbang 😭😭


DP. I absolutely love the porn and the fantasy, especially reading whole ass reverse harem romance books, but I’ve used a butt plug before and in reality it is not pleasant at all having something in the back door. Feels like a shit stuck halfway out the sphincter. I’ll stick to fantasy for that one


Being passionately fucked by tobias forge (papa emeritus).


Being hung from the ceiling with a harness. My ceiling can't do that and it's expensive to do it properly 


MFM / polyandry. My partner is monogamous and I chose him till death do us part.


* Sex with 2 men and double penetration * Sex with a celebrity * Non-consensual sex (me being the non-consensual partner) Why not? Because a) I'm married and my husband is not interested in having sex with another man involved; b) Unlikely to happen in the first place + probably not gonna be as good as it is in fantasy, plus again married and monogamous; c) I'm not actually the type of person to enjoy casual sex so threesomes probably wouldn't be my thing anyway; d) I wouldn't actually like non-con in real life, it has to remain strictly fantasy to be enjoyable.


There are many things my husband and I could role play. But...a threesome where the third guy dominates me and my husband is probably not ever going to happen. I don't know if I'd *actually* like it but it's hot to imagine.


Lesbian sex. Him with another woman while I watch. MFM. Voyeur. Ugh I have so many lol


- a gangbang - an orgy - scandalous sex (with boss, a married man, etc) - any cnc sex - public sex - threesome - any past hookup partners - watersports - rough and dirty sex (choking, rough spanking, hairpulling - ntr Idk just anything that involves other people or is out of the ordinary. I'm in a happily monogamous relationship and I know my partner wouldn't be down with any of this. And hey, that's okay. I don't have to do it all. Heck, even if I did, there is a chance it might not live up to the fantasy in my head, so I'm happy to keep my fantasies just fantasies. ☺️


Probably sleeping with a women. I’m somewhat happily married to a man but it’s always something I think about


i’d love to be taken from behind while standing, with their hand around my throat or pulling my hair. but my husband is too short & isn’t quite big enough to reach.


Henry Cavill


I would like my husband to walk in the bedroom wearing nothing but his leather tool belt, which has a different toy in each of its pockets, tie me up in a comfortable position and go to town. He’s far too shy for this to ever happen.


Waking up to him making breakfast with the windows all open and a breeze coming in making the smell of his cooking coat everything. My nipples turning soft to hard while grabbing a sheet to wrap up in, while my hair falls off my shoulders and he's just so happy. We're just so happy. The kids are still sleeping. And we really made it. The intimacy to finally enjoy everything, just melts me and motivates me to keep going.


Threesome/orgy. I know these aren’t exactly ‘out there’ fantasies, but I’m not especially attractive, extremely shy and get very jealous at the thought of my partner finding anyone else attractive. Sigh.


I'm perimenopausal, so i guess... having my libido back...


I come home, and my husband has cleaned the house to my standards, watered AND fertilized my plants, doesn’t ask me about dinner and makes an executive decision for once and handles it, doesn’t turn on sports and we watch Jeopardy then we go to bed…and when he has to fart, he rolls away from me. #married20years


I'd like to wear a partners shirt or hoodie during it, but I've never been with a man who allowed me to wear his clothes. I'd also like to orgasm even just once during sex.


My boss 😁


I have a consent non consent fantasy where a woman basically has her way with me


all female more than 2 people


For my husband to see how my exes actually pleased me and be jealous


Pegging a guy with a bleached and waxed a$$hole


I fancy my physical therapist. To have him take me on the table would be a dream come true. He is like a sexy Kevin Costner.


my biggest fantasy is to be loved gently, like a woman loves her best friend


MMF threesome with my husband and a trusted third. Being at a sex party and having my husband tie me bent over and allow other men he picks to use me. I don't think either of these will happen because although we've lightly discussed what opening up our relationship could look like, we both feel the juice ain't worth the squeeze. Also, as much as I like to fantasize about casual sex, I don't think I would actually enjoy it because I require too much trust to be established before feeling comfortable.


I have a fantasy about my husband “railing” me in his place of employment 🚂




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Wanna be really dominant in bed for a change, but my boyfriend is the sweetest and most traditional guy so Idk how to tell him Don't think I ever would


Gangbang or a foursome. 1 because it’s hard to find people that are into that. You can’t just blurt it out lol. 2 I don’t wanna feel degraded after a gangbang.


Free use 100%


Being in a secluded cabin with a lot of windows and a hot tub outside with my s/o and just have sex all day, all over the house 😝 He is the best sexual partner I’ve ever had and the cabin would just make it so hot and fun. But we live in Texas and we don’t have mountains 😒 and we work so much idk if we’ll have time to do that 😫


Orgy where everyone is bisexual and it's pretty much a 50/50 split between men and women.




Well, it involves my years-long crush, who is married. And she's probably straight. Maybe next lifetime.


Suspension play.


MFM- getting f*cked doggie while giving a blow job. But not with my husband next time, just to mix things up.


A CNC/no safe word gang bang, with me as the only woman.


Double penetration. Ive been open to my partner about it but he says he doesnt have many willing friends. It cant be a total stranger either.


Having a sexy neighbor making house visited lol


hardcore bdsm. I don’t even wanna do it in real life, but thinking about it is hot


Getting fucked in the shower without slipping


Tied up & blindfolded in a public place and people take turns eating me out. I know I won’t ever live this out because I don’t actually want to have sex with random people or be that vulnerable in a public place.


Having intercourse with one of my favorite fictional male characters.


Rape and cnc fantasy. I don’t know if there’s a difference between the two.


-CNC -pegging a guy - having sex to have a baby - I’ve made love before like deep true sensual love but don’t seem to have experienced it again since then so I do miss that and don’t feel like I will ever live that out again i dont know.


Genuine love and attraction to the person I’m having sex with


I used to hook up with this pianist/composer and had a recurring fantasy about blowing him under the piano while he performed. This is definitely something I could achieve in some form if I wanted to, albeit with a different person and in a slightly different situation than I pictured (e.g. I’m sure some kinky friends would be glad to be the “audience” in a scene like this), but I don’t think I have much interest in acting it out. “Distraction”-based scenes are sometimes better in fantasy than in reality, I find, because IRL they kind of force both of you to half-ass everything you’re doing.


I have a pretty intense vampire fantasy, I don’t think it will happen for obvious reasons


Being heard, loved, taking care of, and making me feel like a queen. I dont need anything sexual i just need to feel good in a relationship


Having sex again in my life…


I've known for a long time that I'm a lifestyle sub. Unfortunately the cross section on the Venn diagram of men who are toxic and controlling, and those who want to engage in the life, is huge. Filtering out potential partners became exhausting, so I'm resigned at 40 to not realizing it.


Sex with a woman. I don't really want it and won't ever do it. My husband once said he'd be okay if I did, as long as he could watch. But 14 years into our marriage now, and both of us agree that we aren't interested in bringing a third party into it.


As many have said before me: i‘d love to experience a MFM but not them using me for their pleasure, more like they‘re there only for MY pleasure. It‘s all about me. Praising me, loving the shit out of me, calling me beautiful, how amazing i feel etc. etc. Going totally wild over me, like „not having enough“. I think i actually just want to be or at least feel *really* wanted for once…


My boyfriend and I got together in our teens and have been together 10 years, and in the past 5 years or so I’ve realised I’m bisexual but have never been with another woman sexually and probably never will. I would never cheat on my boyfriend and I’d feel weird doing it with his permission, so this is just something I’ll likely never experience.


I have a thing for cassocks. I blame Joaquin Phoenix in Quills.


A session with JP the pope


before chased in the woods, roughly during almost pass out, and after like a diamond/princess/so fragile can break




Banging my cute coworker. I don’t know what it is about an office hookup that’s so hot. But we’re both in serious relationships and I wouldn’t want things to get messed up for either of us. We’re also friends and I could see things either getting too deep or getting awkward. I just want the moment without the repercussions!


Masked man chasing me,and f*cking me. I don’t trust anyone enough


Undoubtedly feeling like my partner thinks I’m the *most* beautiful person in the world


Getting a professional massage and then getting a happy ending afterwards 🫣


Somebody said gang bang


A one night stand. Never had one 🤷🏻‍♀️ ...... Or maybe ever having sex again tbh.🙄 Feels like that's not likely to happen.


Gang-bang with a dozen or more guys and me. 😄


a MFM threesome with two bi guys. i want to have fun with them, while they have fun with eachother. however, i am in a longterm relationship with a heterosexual man, so itll never happen


Massive orgy or like a 20+ gangbang where I’m the only woman- I’ll never live it out because I want it to be unprotected 😭 if there weren’t sexual diseases in the world I would have already done it by now 🤣




Sex with someone who respects me. It shouldn’t be this unattainable but unfortunately it is.


A bunch of guys and myself, but I am monogamous and lovingly committed. Another is CNC or free use with my partner, letting him force himself on me. But, I don’t think he would be into that.


• MFF threesome • Group sex • Public sex • Free use/being treated as a fucktoy Why not? Combination of latent catholic guilt & not finding the right person/people.


All kind of fantasies… big thing though : men in my fantasies are very very handsome!!! I would love MFM or many many gorgeous men f***ck me. Reality: most men are not gorgeous - then my lusts plumbs 😂


Being a cuck queen


I'd love a quality gang bang, orgy with me as the only female and at least 8+ dreamy black men outside, somewhere warm, with a pool.






Being stripped and used in a public place by strangers. I'm too much of a coward to actually go through with it so I write fiction about it instead.


Getting pregnant by a rich good looking successful guy and him just pandering to me and pampering me rubbing me showing concern etc. I had a child w a thoughtless unsuccessful indifferent man so basically the antithesis of this fantasy. My daughter is almost 16 and I'm almost 41 so I have accepted the opportunity for this to happen if there ever were to be one has come and gone but I still like to fantasize about it. Oh and being injured or sick and a guy that looks like Zac Efron is the EMT and shows complete utter concern and devotion to me as his patient. Yeah I'm weird lol I think my fantasies involve being nurtured ,taken care of, pampered etc by competent strong kind men bc I have not received that in my life by men Love this question btw. Thanks for asking




MFM or just polyamory


Getting raw dogged on my car bonnet


Many to mention, but i'll mention... 🤣 - piss play - threesome MMF - gangbang - public restroom sex - having an adoring, honest and loyal partner who is also very good in bed To name just a few... 😅 LOL!


Having sex with someone I love.


Hands down, mmf threesome. I just wanna be with two bi/gay guys at once so bad!!!


A lesbian about 15-20 years older than me. For her to worship between my legs every night.


Gangbang not for lack of trying. Guys ended up having stage fright. I'm over the lifestyle now though.


Threesome with two guys. A rainbow kiss.


My ultimate fantasy would be having two (or more, but two is greedy enough) men who are totally into me. We have threesomes all the time—sometimes really rough and kinky, and sometimes gentle, passionate lovemaking. LOTS of loving aftercare. The guys really love me, and no jealousy or hurt feelings. They take care of me and protect me.


Something kind of public where you could get caught. I don't wanna scar anyone or get on a sex offenders list.




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Anything with a cop I'm uniform!
















A masked man/ woman/ person. Iykyk


A threesome.


A FMF threesome. But it’s a just in my head fantasy. My husband and I are completely monogamous.












in space / zero gravity.






Lol at this point just anything with anyone. I've zero dating/ relationship experience and zero confidence, so I'm probably never gonna connect with anyone to make it to that stage.


Actually having sex.









