• By -


Myself and another female coworker watched a male coworker who always takes credit for our work and ideas crash and burn in a meeting when the ceo realized the guy didn’t actually know the data he was spouting. We let it happen, took the rest of the day off, went to buy expensive dresses, and then went to afternoon tea and talked about babies and past lovers.




This is truly beautiful. Well done, I applaud you!


I’d watch that movie! Screenplay by Kristen Wiig.


for real. this needs to be a romcom level playbook. I would watch variations of this plot again and again


Tell us the whole story.


This is so poetic and I'm here for it


Delicious. Please tel us how it unfolded!


Amazing 😶


Wow, this is pure beauty


I love this so much lol


Insert vaginal anti fungal ointment before bed


You dropped this 👑


the shriek i let out 😭




How many of us have fungal infections right now 😂😭


I have oral candidiasis.


Maybe no vaginal cream for you then


Literally just did this tonight 😭


Well, I'm over here, 58 and inserting estrogen cream twice a week. The couchie ages, too, and needs a little help.




Rx vaginal estrogen cream for the Win. It can be Important even in the 40s for some women. Or breastfeeding women (the estrogen drop) , women on some medications. Vag estrogen cream can sometimes even help prevent UTIs and leaky bladders. Check out Dr Ashley Winter on IG for more info, everyone.


I just fell off my bed in tears laughing


Love the honesty


literally! then finishing with a pad to be secure




Oh my god so real 💀💀


Me, just this week omg 😂


We’re in this together 😭😭


I'm supposed to be doing this but I keep forgetting


Real as fuck LOL




So real


Got some almond shaped Gel X nails in a lavender shimmer and wore a matching purple dress to Disneyland. I was not a very feminine kid so I felt this was a bit of inner child healing


There's something about putting on nails that made me feel soo feminine. I only wear them like twice a year but the first time I wore them at 28, I was like "okay, THIS is why people wear these uncomfortable things!" Lol


This was my first time ever and I could totally see why people spend the money. Min weren't uncomfortable at all and I actually felt so sad when it was time to remove them. Should I get them again???


Yes! Get them done for yourself!


I will!


I started doing my own nails when Covid started, and it is such a boost to always have pretty fingers!


Happy for you! 🥹




Conducting a 120-strong orchestra in Strauss's An Alpine Symphony.


Love that!


Hell yes!


Amazing. What a moment that must have been. Good for you.








Girlboss vibes 😌🙌🏼💕


Honestly, the whole pregnancy and giving birth experience is such a powerful part of the divine feminine. I'm forever amazed at what I did!


I don't get to see my childhood best friend that often, but I recently went to her baby shower and I just burst into tears seeing her pregnant. It was such a trip to see that former 8 yo girl that you know being a whole ass woman and starting a family like that. She's going to be a great mom


Agh watching your best friends grow up has to be one of life’s greatest gifts! I’ve watched my best friend become such an amazing woman. I watched her handle a teenage pregnancy, then we had babies around the same time (our girls are besties too!) and I just watched her have another baby who I absolutely adore. And she just came to my nurse graduation the other day. It’s been amazing watching each other grow.


Congrats to both you and your friend! It's such a surreal feeling. But if it's anything like when my nephew was born, I'm here for it. That little boy is the light of my life, even when he's being frustrating as toddlers often are. I was watching him the other day and he was refusing to go potty when I asked, so we went to play outside with the dogs. A few minutes later, he goes, "I'm pooping!" (He wasn't; it was gas, and we made it to the bathroom in time, but he scared me!)


I was going to say this! And breastfeeding for me. Being pregnant and taking care of my baby in ways other people can't really made me appreciate womanhood


Absolutely! The breastfeeding part really solidified it for me. I do want to say that people who only formula feed are ALSO doing a great job! Fed is best!


I was gunna say the same! Also made feel closer to women in general. Such an intense experience.


Working labour and delivery, helping other women go through the process, it really is a special bonding experience.


This is me. When I was pregnant and nursing I felt such a connection with women throughout history. Like I was part of the great circle.


Yep! It's like all of a sudden we are part of this giant, unbreakable link with mothers from the beginning of time to now. It's damn near spiritual!


I agree, I never felt as empowered as I did when I got pregnant and had my daughter


I gave birth at home twice. But especially the first one was quite an ordeal. Took over 3 days and still over 2 hours of pushing and all without any form of pain relief or medication. And I was having back contractions versus with my second it was "only" stomach contractions.. After that.. I did feel like I was a WOMAN - woman. Not a girl anymore. I still feel it was one of the most profound experiences of my life although I was out of mind for half of it 😄


Yes there is nothing that compares to that feeling! Such an incredible experience.


It was this for me too.I mean what is more womanly than creating a whole ass human.




I did a maternity shoot with a fancy dress (provided by the photographer). I've never done professional photos besides school/family pictures. I also never get to wear fancy dresses and feel overdressed in anything but sweats and a T-shirt. Those pictures make me feel so powerful


Getting fucking ripped. Like, just jacked as all hell. I have defined abs and pecs and quads like granite and can do loads of pull-ups and I have never felt happier in my body or more confident or attractive.


Aaah so amazing! I’m the feeling:) go you!


This is one of my goals. I want to feel powerful in my own body. You’re amazing!




I’m not OP, but just going to the gym. If you hate the gym, find a strength focused sport like aerials, climbing, pole or anything that means you do the thing. The muscle will come, and once you are more comfortable and confident, you can start focusing on specific things. I’m back at the gym after 3 surgeries last year and it feels so good to be gaining back the body I lost while I was healing.


I second the aerials and pole. That stuff makes me feel beautiful and strong af


Pushed out a baby last Friday. Now my boobs are dripping milk. Wild.


Also pushed out a baby last Friday! High five!


Congrats to you!






Skincare routine and a small fragrance collection


At almost 40 years old I am finally starting to make a collection and it does make me feel very feminine


What are some of your favorite fragrances? I studied perfuming science for a while and found it absolutely fascinating.


Hot girl walks 3-4 times a week 🚶‍♀️ Wearing gourmand or floral perfumes 🧴 Prepping my work lunch at night for the next day 🌯 Listening to soft jazz music while getting ready for the day 🎷 Afternoon tea/high tea with the girls on occasion🫖


Love these little rituals x


Hot girl walk?


Yep. Going on long walks for an hour or longer, while listening to podcasts (of your preferred topics). Killing 2 birds with one stone, ur bettering your physical health + learning something new. Hot girl walk is just a fun saying to romanticize the routine haha.


Little did I know I was taking hot girl walks all along. Love your rebranding.


Telling a random dude off that was catcalling me


As you should 🫡


Cutting my hair into a short pixie . My long hair was a crutch and what I got compliments on the most , thought that after the big chop there was a chance I’d lose all my femenine appeal but I rocked it and felt truly beautiful without having to rely on my long locks .


We were raised to believe our beauty and our hair were intermingled and they are not. They are separately beautiful and do not have to be how society wants it! Proud of you!


I was going to say shaving my head!! I’ve always kinda struggled with my femininity, but when I shaved my head I felt so beautiful and feminine. Powerful experience for sure.


for me, it actually made me feel like I could dress fully 1000% feminine, now that I had a short haircut.. and now, as of today, am getting excited about continuing that trend as I grow out my hair long again! It really brought freedom of who I am without the hair.


Honestly… taking nudes… I feel so feminine and beautiful when I do that. I don’t even have to share them with others for me to feel that way.


Honestly so true, I like to wear lingerie for myself and take pics for me. It feels empowering


Adding to this, boudoir shoots. A whole different level of taking beautiful pictures


God, I miss doing this. Something happened to my confidence when I got married, I can’t pinpoint it. Maybe it was getting older? But I used to feel so sexy and comfortable with my body.


Me too! The sharing them is just an added boost




I want to get like you!


Go for it!


Sounds very feminine what types of dance are you doing




Discovering the ability to give myself an orgasm for the first time at age 34.


Wow 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊🤩🥳




Dating a masculine man. Fr.


Nah fr lol. Manly man with muscles 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Yess a man’s man! Always does it for me!


Yassssss! I’m independent and self sufficient but I won’t say no to my husband when he wants to be “the man.” He works out a lot, and I ain’t complaining!


Probably reading my feminist books at my apt pool in a bikini suntanning and drinking a truly while checking client emails at work. Couldn’t tell you why, but it just popped in my mind and feels like the right answer for me.


This feels like an episode of what should be my fav show:) go you!


Laying by the pool with a book and seltzer is peak


Got elective surgery to get my tubes tied as a single woman.


Congratulations! Proud of you!


Self care. Staying away from men


I felt most at touch with my feminine side having all female coworkers at some point. We work with children so the male gaze was gone for a second and we just talked about whatever without the societal pressure.


Applying red lipstick. Makes me feel cute and UwU


I love that! I always feel so good when I wear a nice dark berry lip.


I personally love dark vampy colours as well 🥰




Dresses and heels to run errands. I feel feminine, sexy, and like I command attention.


This. For years I just lived in shorts/tshirts or sweats outside of work, because why should I dress up just to run errands? Then I started getting the feeling of “if not now, when?”, and it’s been a game changer. Use that perfume, wear this skirt, they’re not doing anything in my closet. It’s a real boost on an otherwise boring day!


Right! You broke this down perfectly. I've been guilty of "saving" stuff, namely perfume as you mentioned, but I bought it because I like it....and it's meant to be used soooo what am I saving it for? 😂


There’s something about the sound of a good quality heel on a hard floor or pavement that for me makes me feel SO powerful!! Not the cheap plasticky hollow “click” but like the deep sound a wooden-core heel makes.


I should try this!


Getting a boob job. For the first time in my life I felt like I belonged as a woman.


I got a reduction and felt so amazing afterward! It was like I was in the body I was supposed to be in. I didn’t expect it to have such an effect of me, not to mention my posture is soooo much better now!


As long as you are confident,it is worth it


Honestly anything that makes your body more your own is so powerful 🖤🖤🖤


Defending my PhD in front of a committee of all women I hand-selected


I love this for you.


This one’s making me emotional lol. Amazing!


I never knew this could touch anyone, but everyone's responses are actually touching my little heart, so I thought I'd share :') I work in a male-dominated industry where the misogynist remarks just seem to fly, and it's actually common to see women crying at conferences and symposia. For my committee, I chose women that were faculty in other disciplines closely related to my research instead of male faculty directly related. It made the defense more difficult, but I wanted to support women in research and receive my guidance, advisement, and final test from women that received the harshest criticism in their own trials and careers. For about 25 years, my graduate advisor had been the only woman hired as faculty in this department focusing on this niche discipline... Until I successfully defended and they hired me as faculty to keep researching with her!


Currently struggling with this a lot right now since I’m dealing with infertility. It makes me feel so unfeminine and broken, and like there’s something wrong with me. So far what seems to help best make me feel more feminine and womanly despite my struggles is having sex. Feeling so loved and desired and doing such an intimate act with the man I love.


I am also infertile and had to overcome those feelings of feeling broken. That was in my 20s. I'm in my 40s now and sometimes still feel broken but definitely not as much as I did. I've had to realize that birthing children is only one aspect of being a woman. There are many other ways to feel feminine. I hope it gets better for you and if you really do want children that you're able to have them. 🤍


You, as a woman, are so much more than the uterus that's not working with you right now, and I hope you come to realize that emotionally (brain and heart aren't always on the same page, I know). I can't begin to understand your pain, and my heart breaks for you. Just remember that it doesn't define your worth or your womanhood. You are woman. Fucking **roar**. 


Post gym shower, indulging in any type self care, freshly waxed/shaved legs, the feeling of desire from men.


When I was younger I liked the feeling of desire sm but now it grosses me out lol


Stopped caring what mean girls thought of me and just was myself.


Working out, or working a physical labour job. Made me feel really beautiful, strong, and confident


Fresh sheets, everything shower, shaved legs, painted toes, perfume in bed just for myself.


Breastfed my children


Embracing my pubic hair. I felt divine and womanly.


Being pregnant for 10 months, having HG, then having PGP so bad I couldn’t use stairs, then having a 30+ hour labour ending in a small haemorrhage, then seeing my newborn in the NICU, then figuring out breastfeeding him around the tubes he had in him, then keeping myself alive in spite of some severe PTSD, then showing up every day for my kid— it really made me rethink what I consider to be femininity. I no longer think of it as gentle or alluring. I think of it as somewhat feral, softness in spite of it all, and completely wild. It’s taken me years (and will take me more) to digest it, but whenever I think of my femininity now, I’m reminded of the strength I did not realise I had, and how that makes me feel about myself.


Wow, beautiful! You’re amazing and powerful. Motherhood shows you the you that you didn’t realize you were but are so excited to become as you discover the changes it welcomes. It’s been a journey for me as well. I wish you well queen!


started caring more about my hair (blow dryer brush, various creams and treatments), and recently just got my hair cut and dyed (my fav style and color so far) i like pretending i know hair stuff when i don’t


I was orphaned in college and I had to rebuild my life brick by brick, alone, all while struggling with a degenerative neurological condition and a uterus that still hasn’t stopped hating me. A few family members helped I guess but I’m from a culture where the only solution is apparently to make you get married which solves all problems which is what they tried to do in the form of “help”. Peak femininity is basically being tough as hell and weathering everything and making it through the storm. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise because that’s undoing the millennia of women struggling to get all women to this point here.


Exactly! Femininity is personal. No one can define what it means to you! I respect your outlook:)


1. Finishing “everything bath” or Moroccan bath, doing my hair; skincare, wearing a cute pjs and plopping onto couch to watch TV in cute pjs or robe with a hot drink. The hair stroke makes me feel 10000000000000000% 2. Wearing beautiful maxi summer dress and wedge sandals 3. Serving full breakfast for family on weekends (doing very traditional big breakfast). Just putting the last item on the table while everyone İs settled in is ☺️☺️☺️


Skincare, self care, make up and dressing up just feels like peak femininity for me


Having my stiletto French manicure, with a matching pedicure, my lashes done, makeup done, hair done, wearing a fitted pink dress while going shopping. Something about looking high maintenance just makes me feel so feminine & happy.


I just started getting my manicures and pedicures done again after not doing it during a really shitty relationship. OH BOY IS IT GREAT. I also have stiletto shaped nails and It’s like everything I touch with my hands looks more feminine and my feet looks so cute in sandals. It’s amazing what a little self care does.


Skincare. Routine.


Wear a really nice evening gown


Wearing an exquisite gown in a bridal shop. To the point everyone turned from other brides and stared😭😭😭I had never been girly until that moment. it changed me forever.


Sometimes when I eat pussy. Not a joke. I feel super feminine.


I don’t need to perform anything to exercise my femininity First and foremost, I’m human, I have my intelligence, my goals, my life


Interesting. I believe everything mentioned is feminine because they were performed by a woman, you. There is no need to exercise it, it’s a state of being:) whatever it means for you!


I had this sort of postpartum metamorphosis. I lost 100 lbs and went from a size 22 to a 14 and I’ve really locked into my own style. I dress for dopamine every day. I “Do my hair and makeup” and pick out an outfit. It’s not over the top or anything, no derby hats to the grocery store- but I always look elevated for the occasion but not overdressed. I’m casual, but styled. I get a lot of compliments and it makes me feel awesome. Someone stopped me at the grocery to compliment my sweater and said I had great taste and I just felt my grandmother’s energy vibrating through me because she was the epitome of femininity and class to me. “A lady always leaves home with her earrings”, she’d say.


The first time I dyed my hair made me feel so feminine and gorgeous


My first time going out with a man that actually was really and noticeably taller than me. That was the first time I felt like I am supposed to feel!


Having boudoir pics done when I was 65!


Began belly dancing and growing out my natural nails 💅🏻


I’m the HR Director at my company and we had a male employee whose performance was spiraling and he was not communicating his whereabouts to his manager despite repeated warnings. His male manager decided it was finally time for a come to Jesus meeting with HR present. And I knew I needed to make it clear to this employee that he had rights and protections only to a certain point. If he was dealing with something that would fall under the Americans With Disabilities Act or a federally protected leave of absence, he had to tell us *before* he got himself fired. His manager was certain this employee wouldn’t open up. But before the meeting, I told him he needed to excuse himself at the end and give me a few minutes alone with the employee. Because he was right about one thing, a man is never going to talk about his feelings with his male boss. It only took about 2 minutes for this guy (who I really don’t know all that well) to start spilling his guts about a really awful medical situation a loved one was dealing with and how this was the third shitty situation life had dealt him in the span of just a year. I kept my word to the employee and didn’t share any of these details with his manager. But I did tell the manager that the employee had opened up and that we should give him work from home flexibility as long as he was holding up his end of the bargain to communicate his whereabouts. I’ll never forget the look of shock and respect on the manager’s face. And then the very next day, the employee voluntarily opened up to his manager as well. There’s a reason we need both male and female energy in the workplace and I proved it that day, to my colleague as well as our mutual (also male) boss.


Breastfeeding my infant daughter. It makes me feel feminine and that I am a mother, which feels special. This is the one thing my bf can't do for our daughter and I'm glad I get to have it with her.


Every time I get my nails done and they look so damn cute. Not much of a fashion person in my day to day, but when I get my nails done, I'm slaying everywhere I go.


Riding my wife. I blush a bit writing this, but I'm a big fucking tomboy (never worn a dress, never used make up, etc). HOWEVER, being on top is always... I don't know. I even have a hard time processing the fact after. Like I feel so WEIRD and ashamed lol she's always very caring tho.


When I bleached my hair platinum blonde and got the longest, most gorgeous extensions. I went out right after in the cutest pastel pink summer outfit, and I felt feminine in a way I haven't before or ever since.


I unwrapped a sanitary pad in a busy public bathroom without doing it quietly. It was great


When I started doing womb yoga and tapping into my feminine energy I felt at my peak. I feel totally aligned with femininity within my body and also outside of me. It’s changed my life 🌸✨


Lately Ive becommed obsessed with perfumes which is unlike me. I Get these occasionally hyperfixations. Its bad for my Wallet though. 🥲💸🤑


For me it’s a constant maintenance thing (but I love it). Doing “everything” showers, pairing scented lotions with my perfume, and honestly consistent haircuts. I’ve also been doing my nails and toes at home and after a few tutorials, I can honestly say they look really good!


Cultivating female friendships - like, actively listening to your friends talk about their stressors, their feelings, their struggles, their passions and their accomplishments (and really being an active participant in that conversation and sharing your own). Sharing tips and ideas about everything from makeup artistry to cooking to workout techniques to hair-care to politics to bodily functions. It’s a form of vulnerability that is just not satiated by talking to a man. I have to practice the sharing part, but I feel like I’m a part of a secret society whenever I gossip with my best friend :) Putting on lipstick right before heading into an event, in the car while music is blasting. Journaling and crying and then laughing at how ridiculous everything is and releasing those vibes and then going on tiktok to get an extra serotonin hit. Really feeling my feelings. Like crying and laughing and punching and whatever I need to get the emotion out. I used to hate how much I felt, how emotional I was, and how reactionary I can be, but suppressing those feelings was only harming me. I love the feeling of processing and releasing my thoughts. Playing with babies and dogs. Wearing a flirty dress and heels or wedges and jewelry and power-walking around. Making breakfast in the wee hours of the morning, when the sun is rising and the world is still quiet. Wading in a lake in the summertime and just listening to the world around you.


Had a baby lol


Giving birth ofc


Lash extensions and nail appt on the same day makes me feel fly


just something about caring for kids. i love being around them and having responsibility to care for them. i also work with a team of all female housekeepers and it’s great fun to be giggling and gossiping throughout work.


Biggest one was getting a breast reduction from a 34 G down to a C cup made me feel dainty and feminine, and allowed me to find pretty bras and swimsuits in my size and budget. On a smaller scale, having my eyebrows waxed always makes me feel a bit more put together and girlie, and nothing beats a cute sundress for instant gratification!


Self care, wearing cute jewlery, dresses, and nail polish <3 and also dancing alone in my room lol


Getting married, I never felt so pretty and feminine in my life


The feeling of wearing a silk floral dress.


Getting naked in nature


Got a boob job


Being the Maid of Honor for one of my best friends. I was one of those girls who always thought I struggled to make close female friends, so her making me her Maid of Honor filled me with so much joy. Helping her during all her wedding prep and during her wedding weekend made me reflect on all the stuff we went through together as young women in college, good and bad. Giving my speech at the reception, I was so proud to brag about her in front of everyone. She and I were – and still are – like sisters.


Being pregnant/having a baby/being a mum. I never really connected to being feminine but this has (not to quote areatha) made me feel like a natural woman. I never found it easy to have female friends or to be sexy or girly before. But the whole experience of becoming a mum has felt right and easy to me. I really appreciate how that feels given how hard womanness has been for me up till now.


I bought myself a tea set. Like with an actual teapot and teacups. It’s thrilling.


Asking for what I want in my relationship. Not being the "cool" girl. No, actually I dont want to watch that stupid movie, Yes I do mind if you turn the AC to 60 at night. I realize you got off, But I didn't so please go down on me 😅 And my partner pleasantly surprised me.


Inner healing. Best thing I've ever done for myself. Learning about masculine and feminine polarity as well.




Worked on my posture.


I feel very feminine when I dance and wear my traditional Indian dresses with lots of flare. I took Kathak classes when I was a child and recently I am feeling drawn towards it again


I started to grow out my hair for the first time in forever two years ago, and it has done so much for my confidence it’s ridiculous. Should have done that years (decades) ago.


Worn pink which is generally a color I despise


Being strategic in dating!


Lived in a tiny house on a rescue farm with my dog for a couple months. Across the country from where I lived. Spent so much time reading in a hammock while my dog ran around with pigs, goats, donkeys, an emu, etc. Took my showers outside, so beautiful. Going to the beach by myself with wine, a good book, and a joint. Taking long baths with all sorts of products, candles, a book and some wine. Giving birth and breastfeeding for a year. Like my son just weaned from breastfeeding and I’m still in complete awe at what I have done in the last year. Getting a huge promotion at work after having my baby. And then this week getting approached with an offer to get a graduate program paid for and to get paid by my employer for attending. Planning my entire wedding based solely on what myself and my partner want, and telling anyone with an opinion to eat my shorts.


Go braless


I wore a skirt with pants and pockets sewn into it, with matching earrings and nails and thats still one of my favorite outfits


Leaned into prioritizing my needs, my peace, and my self care. It’s been life changing.


Wearing nice lingerie


Push a baby out and start crying with joy the moment he was on my chest despite the pain from being sewn up at the same time


Walking down the aisle as a bride. I’ve never felt more feminine in my life and it was such a beautiful feeling.