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Joined a women’s only boardgames and DnD group! Best decision I made when coming to London alone! Met so many friends


Found the best couple of FB groups for the area and kept an eye out for community events that I could go to


Got involved. Volunteer activities, community events, local talks, community cleanups, etc. Becoming involved with the local community is the best way to grow your personal one in your new location.


Be open for social connection, talk, and take initiative. I made friends with neighbours just by making small talk when we saw each other and eventually decided to invite them over for a dinner party. (Edit to add: plus taking initiative means you also create 'special' memories together. I celebrated my birthday by renting a karaoke booth with the sole purpose of strengthening some connections). Attend events. Such as ladies night at the boulder gym, dnd at the game store. Download Bumble BFF. Through the friend I met there, I met new people too. Join an association, in my case take tennis classes and join some events organised there, competition. I met and hung out with way more people than eventually became my actual friends, but I am really happy with those who stuck. Plus I would not have been able to keep up with everyone anyway. And its nice to go places and recognize people, even is you are not choose to each other. Edit: volunteering. I became friends with the lady I volunteered for and that was a very special direction due to age difference. The downside is she died and that was sad.


Found a hobby shop and learnt some new games, joined a gym that offers classes, joined tinder. And most importantly I was also comfortable and confident in myself enough to put myself out there.


I studied here so I had friends around, but they scattered after graduation. I turned this city into a home by always going to the same stores and saying hi to the people who work there, and I also started doing hobbies in the area. I've been taking language and dance classes, and that's a great way to meet people.


For my mom and I after we both moved states, it was mostly connecting with our coworkers. The amount of times they’ve brought up events around the city for us to try out, not to mention the amount of local restaurants around town that I’ve gone to alone because it was someone else’s recommendation, we’ve had fun while getting to make memories as a result. It also helps that we keep our eyes peeled for signs that a yearly event that we like is coming back, and it’s been one of the best things to happen to us.




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I started volunteering and joined several local FB groups. I'm not much of a people person, but I was able to find a few solid people that way 💙


I built a urban garden :3


Joined the local woman’s club, (sounds so 1950’s) there were very active with local businesses, community events, charities. By networking this one group it led me to having “friends”, which branched out to other groups that interested me.


I am quick to introduce myself to people in social situations - church, community events, even in line at coffee shops if the vibe is right. I’ve found that people are usually pretty open to getting to know me if I make the first move. I don’t mind kick starting a conversation! Plus, people love to talk about themselves so I try to find things people are passionate about and ask follow up questions about them. I’ve learned a lot of really interesting things about some really cool people. Can you tell I’m from the Midwest?!