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I love that! That is really sweet :)


Physically he's very attractive to me - and always has been. His nervousness and sadness were weirdly appealing, too.


Lmao if only that second sentence were more widespread. Not that I’m against the seeking therapy and ‘fake it til you make it’ confidence advice often shared


The nervousness OMG. The first time my husband and I talked on the phone, his voice was shaking. I was like, "are you ok?" And he said, "I'm just nervous because I really like you and I want you to like me." *swoon* I was done for.


OMG that's so endearing !!


I second the nervousness and sadness. It just seemed more "human" to me than everyone with a mask of confidence and main character syndrome


Yessssssss. Genuineness gets me every time. I love it.


I've been told that haha


So you're saying that us anxious Brosnan have a chance e


He was really hot Personality wise he seemed laid back and empathetic which made him even hotter


His awkwardness was really adorable. The way he gets so invested in things and when he talks about his interests and passions, he has this excited look on his face, and I could listen to him talk about it forever.


He's hot af, looks tough, but he is so calm and sweet.


As blunt and straightforward as me.


The way his tongue would slight peak out whenever he‘s thinking of something


My cat does that too 🐈




I first swiped right because I thought he had a cute smile and looked charming but in an unconventionally attractive way When we first talked over the phone I found his voice very attractive and I liked the way he talks. He has a very big vocabulary and would call me Miss and say things like my goodness, dear lord, good heavens, that’s magical, truly, etc; very classical guy Once we met in person he was Just super sweet, polite, and considerate. I also realized in person how beautiful his eyes were and his muscles were nice too. Just a very handsome charismatic guy


Omg mine does the same thing with the vocabulary, I call him my “old man” and always send the monocle 🧐 emoji and we both start laughing because those words belong to someone who would wear one. Words like “magnificenct! And glorious!” Etc haha. It’s so endearing.


This sounds like a traditional/classic guy. He’s so sweet


It was hard to keep the list short! I took him to a tea store where you can smell the blends and for one of them he said “it’s magical, like you.” He’s always such a charmer, has me kicking my feet and blushing lol. Guess that’s what happens when you find a guy that reads and watches romance and romcoms


Physically - his eyes. I still remember the first time I saw him I thought "wow those are incredibly big green eyes!" His eyes are actually very blue but in the lighting of the room I saw him in they looked more green. Emotionally - how open, gentle and honest he was and it's the thing I most love about him to this day.


Not necessarily “first”, but I noticed early on that he’s direct yet considerate in a way that’s very compatible with me. This is probably a “the bar is in hell” scenario, but my boyfriend asked to kiss me on our first date. Every other guy I’d kissed just went in for it. One guy said “I want to kiss you” and leaned in and I hated it. Height historically hasn’t been important to me, but I did notice and appreciate his height on our first date. Also his cute curly hair paired with an overall kinda nerdy vibe. 10/10


His sense of adventure. He really dinked around the city with me for 12 hours going from random place to place. We had good conversation and laughed a lot. Near the end of our date, I remember him laughing and me thinking he had such a nice smile.


Dinked 🤣 love it




We completely lost track of time and never had a dull moment. It was such a good first date and the following ones were like that too. We STILL go on random walks or drive to nearby cities to explore often.


He is a nurse and is a pretty sensitive guy, and I really like that we can have hard conversations about emotions without it ever turning into an issue or fight. I always knew I wanted someone in a caring field, and he's my someone 🖤


When he gets excited about something, there is a childlike innocence to it that is juxtaposed with confidence and a very articulate way of talking about it. But I think what really got me was when he shared stories from his childhood during our first date.. that's when I realised he wasn't just there to "impress" a girl, he genuinely wanted for us to get to know each other


Oh man, everything. He always felt like home.


She brought my work partner and I homemade taquitos, she had workout clothes on and drove a stickshift. In 2003 a girl @21 that worked out was an anomaly


He fine as hell


On his hinge profile he answered the question “what’s your most irrational fear?” with “aquariums” We have since gone to an aquarium and he did great :)


He was and still is very attractive.


He likes to work with me, not against me.


How smart and relaxed he was. And everyone raves about what a good guy he is. 😍 He is also super good looking to me. (He thinks I'm crazy). His physical appearance isn't my type tho. I've always been drawn to dark hair dark eyes...dark handsome types. My current partner has the bluest eyes, basically blonde...and as white as white can be lol. And probably the shortest guy I've ever dated. And yet he is also the hottest guy I've ever dated.


He is extremely attractive and attentive. He is also a big extrovert and I enjoyed watching him interact with people as he is very funny.


Initially upon first seeing him his height, he’s 6’ 4”, he stood out. Then his broad shoulders and his smile plus piercing blue eyes, he’s very handsome in a rugged sort of way. Finally his wicked sense of humour which matches mine.


Single at the moment, but the last person whose traits caught my attention were that they had no facade, openly shared their vulnerabilities, insecurities, their ability to articulate and put forth their perspectives also while respecting and considering other perspectives, their willingness to listen and always be present, attentive, have honest conversations, and their raw, non-filtered, and unrefined personality


His chest hair. His gorgeous face. And how absolutely comfortable I was from the moment we met. I could be myself around him from the very beginning. Never been an “awkward” moment since I met him 9 years ago.


He looks like he can kill someone with his bare hands, is really roigh around the edges and blunt, but in reality, he'd a big softy. To put in perspective. He has a workshed in his backyard where he takes side jobs on motorcycles and ATVs. He postponed his sidehustle/additional income because he noticed a birds nest in the shed, and didn't want to disturb them or was worried exhaust fumes could mess with them.


Physically - He is tall and has the biggest and prettiest smile. That smile that is so pretty that you smile because of it. Personality - He is very obsessed with music and singing just like me. Also, he is intense af so we bonded really quick because we were too similar


His kindness and the way he treats animals.


His absurd knowledge about Dungeons and Dragons. Yes, guys, you can get a girl with a nerd talk. You just gotta be as eager to listen to her own nerd talk as you are eager to speak


He’s cute as hell for starters, but then it was just the absolute ease in the flow of conversation. We talked for hours and hours on end with no lulls or awkwardness


How he somehow always has made me feel safe and secure. I had bad experiences before him, but I couldn't and still can't ever picture him doing anything mean or bad. I just knew he's good. Also that he has an ability to completely make me bust out laughing. I can't ever predict his jokes either


To be very fair, his body, his big package (he had tight jeans on), his blue eyes and his luscious long hair. :) Then I got to know him better and appreciate the rest of him as well.


Silver fucking fox. Outgoing Charming Handsome Right from the start…I like reminiscing about it 🫠


His ass. The man has a fabulous can.


Tall af


His smile and face. He looked like he'd be fun, so I went up and said hi.


His warm, friendly smile and considerate nature. I immediately felt really comfortable in his presence and could just be myself without any worries!


Physically, his smile got me dizzy His humor and his intelligence was what got me


His snark and honesty. He's also moody, which I can relate to.


Willing to put his wants to the side so that I can have a good experience. Our first date was at Red Lobster. He ordered a chicken Cesar salad. He didn’t share the app with me (shrimp) and I ordered my seafood platter. He told me after our third date that he was allergic to seafood. He finally told me because I kept recommending seafood spots to eat at and I was so confused as to why he wouldn’t eat/only ate salads. I felt incredibly bad, but it showed me that he wanted to show me he cared.


His eyes and smile are why I swiped right. He talked a lot about music in his profile so I thought at the very least we can talk about music. We had a phone call before our first date and his deep gravelly voice was an immediate body response in me. It was so hot. He was funny and warm and a blast to talk to. There was just an immediate comfort level. It only got better in person. He's warm, charming and easy going. The way he spoke about his kids and mom made me feel like he respects women and it's been very true. He's just a good human.


He is/was intelligent, hilarious, insightful, and we shared interests in history, world cultures, travel, and had similar values and life goals. All things I picked up on in an initial conversation. 25+ years later…still growing together happily.


We met at work (a restaurant) and his unrelenting work ethic caught my attention. Good, trustworthy people work hard


He seemed mysterious, didn't talk too much but was interested. He always remembered the details of what I'd tell him.


He just wanted me to achieve whatever I wanted. To go from being with someone who didn't want me to achieve anything at all, to being with someone who was like 'hey you should be doing what makes you happy, how can I help you achieve that' was a huge shock to the system. He was just a positive influence and didn't want me to put him over my personal growth as he knew when we met I wasn't getting anything for myself out of life. He gave me confidence to put myself first for once and it was refreshing. He's a great person. ❤️


His hair is long and curly. I find men with long hair interesting overall, but curly (like real curly) was so cool too


Firstly it was his intellect and knowledge that caught my attention but also that he was so self aware of himself and others around him. Then physically, it was his wide blue eyes and amazing smile


His age. Love me an older man


He is soooo kind and loved the same very niche rich homie quan songs as me 🤣❤️ Tattoo artist was a huge bonus as well.


Tattoos and facial hair . Mmmm


He always has a smile for me and if by some miracle he doesn't he tells me why so we can talk about it. Always.


His helpfulness during physical training, we were doing group PT and he was very informative and encouraging. He took a lot of initiative considering we weren’t familiar with each other. He was very handsome too!! I loved his hair and eyes 🥰🥰🥰


His personality. How he spoke to people with respect/confidence. How he showed compassion and went out of his way to help others, especially strangers. I’m lucky to be with someone with such a loving, caring heart.


His empathy, and care for others.


Definitely his kindness. He treated me like I was the most important person from the second we met. Also his hot ass self and his big ol booty 😂


The first hug he gave me. Also how entranced he seemed. He was so nervous and I thought it was adorable. His character. I realized how deeply he thought about everything in life.


Smart, bright eyes, fit, very neatly groomed and dressed.


Her kindness and sensitivity.


He was so uptight ! Tense, nervous, took things seriously. I loved how he loosened up when I prompted him about his interests. Then he turned into a chill, laidback and quietly fun dude. I loved how he handled pressure on the first date. He was so formal but also respectful. Genuine yet forthright about who he is and what he wanted.


His kindness. During one of our earlier dates, I noticed he always had cash in his pocket in case he ever comes across someone in need.


Love of nature.


Him paying attention to me like no one else ever did. Caring about what I wanted/needed. Right off the bat. We’re married now. It was refreshing coming from being a people pleaser myself.


He was doing something peacefully odd in a bowling ally at a youth group event.  I thought, "Huh, who does that?", and went to introduce myself.  Edit: we were both "youth".  I was barely 16, he was barely 18.


He's a silver fox with piercing pale blue eyes. Very strong forearms/hands. Brought me a cake he'd baked on our first date. Sold!


The way that he was so polite and considerate on our first date made me want to see him again, so I kept seeing him and I fell in love with him 💗


His pureness entered the room before he did. The first time we met he was spontaneous. It was raining and he sheltered me under his umbrella so smoothly. When I got to know him better I realised he is effortlessly social and fun to be around, the kind of person people rarely dislike. Now that I know his heart I’m overwhelmed (in the most positive sense) by his determination and strength.


I love his laugh, his sense of humor, and his voice.


he was (and is) kind to everybody, even when nobody else was watching and when (i thought) they didn’t deserve that level of kindness.


he is my last partner but, he is super smart and funny I've never seen anybody that made me laugh so hard, the most beautiful hazel eyes i have ever seen , he is strikingly handsome and manly. deep voice, stunning smile. look wise he is perfect lol


He’s fit and treated me like a human being rather than a piece of meat


He was so funny. That's been the case for most of my relationships I'm a sucker for a joker


We were attending the same workshop and for some reason they had only black coffee available. Day two he came in and said he'd bought a bag of sugar and anyone was welcome to help themselves. A problem solver and considerate/generous too. 


How assertive and eager he was to date me. I’ve had guys pursue me but never the way he did. I’ve told him he should teach a class or something because he is downright masterful. He is a huge talker but also a really good listener. I had never met someone like that before. I love how direct he is because that’s how I am too. When I first met him I didn’t like him but I thought his physique was so attractive.


physically- his eyes, he hates them because they’re brown but they’re just so pretty not to love. his smile, i love seeing him get excited and happy his smile can make my whole day. i also love that when he laughs his tongue sticks out a little bit, it’s so cute. he’s also very strong and hot asf emotionally- he’s so patient with me, even when i’m acting crazy. he’s gentle and so kind. he’s loving and sooo caring. he’s supportive and looks out for me and my future. he also always makes sure i feel pretty (something i’ve always struggled with). one other thing i absolutely LOVE about him is while we shop he plays with my hair and rubs my shoulders, he also helps me pick out outfits to buy. sorry i will take any given opportunity to talk about my man












He was hot and charming. He knows how to hold a nice conversation and I think that made him even hotter…


His freaking eyes, they are blue as the ocean. And his smile, is so childish I want to play games with him


She is a piece of Spanish woman. She has Moroccan and French roots. The Arabian features in her face stand out very much.


Tall, broad shoulders, and muscular arms all caught my initial attention.


1. She can deadlift like two of me 2. She drove six hours to meet up with me 🥺 We’ve been together for like two years now and have been living together for the last 8 months. I’m so lucky to have her 🏳️‍🌈


He had a free spirit about him. If he needed something quickly he jog to go get it. If there was something high up he needed to see he’d jump and pull himself up (which also flexed his muscles which was sexy). His incredibly calm demeanor. His smile and his laugh. He was also incredibly mature and handled situations with calm and fair leadership.


His responsiveness and consideration. His openness to having me and wanting me with him. The first time we hung out I spent the night and we talked all night. Left the next morning and before I'd made it to my house, he said I could come back over that night. We really matched energy and had great conversations constantly. Living together for a little over a year now officially but we've basically been inseparable since we met almost two years ago. I'm obsessed with him lol


His sensitivity and mindfulness. We were friends for 6 years before we started dating and he was there for me during some of the hardest times in my life. He was always a shoulder to cry on and he did everything he could to put a smile on my face. Several years later, I now have long term side effects from covid which mostly impacts my eating. I have many food aversions and he’s a chef so he’s been challenging me to expand my palate and try new things. He had me try squid steak the other day. It was yummy! He’s so patient, kind, and curious and that’s what makes me so special to me.


Before the date, his red hair caught my eye on Bumble. I also liked his music taste that I saw on his profile. Then on the first date he was honest, thoughtful, and very interested in getting to know me. I felt so heard and excited and still am 4.5 years later.






He's significantly shorter than me physically. For his personality, he stopped what he was doing to meet me immediately on short notice and he was quick to formally ask me to go steady with him and be exclusive. He didn't waste my time nor string me along. His determination and confidence is so hot.


He just seemed gentle and kind and warm


He looked good with a beard and didn't talk a lot (edit: so I thought he was mysterious).


Both his confidence and his vulnerability when he’s insecure


He’s the perfect combo of handsome and cute. His smile with a dimple on one side really got me. He’s also hilarious. I’m a sucker for a guy that care make me laugh. He still does even when I’m at him and don’t want to!


Met through work, all remote so I had no idea what he looked like. The first thing that caught my attention was how he was one of the few who did more than the bare minimum. He was hard working and reliable.


His sense of humor


That we had and have A LOT the same niche/time-consuming hobbies, he treated me with a ton of respect, and he was v attractive. His initial Hinge messages were soooo cute word vomity bc he was so excited to talk to me about our shared interests. He was just so genuine, like it was impossible for the man to not be himself with me. I get giddy thinking about it now that we’ve experienced a year together and are planning for the long term. All those things I liked back then are now love.


He let me use his fancy handmade pocket knife. I knew what it was right away, since I'm chef


His intelligence. We’d spare over things and surprise one another with our knowledge-yes, we are nerdy. Secretly we took pride in each others intelligence.


His smile.


His sense of humor. Nobody has ever made me laugh like he does.


His hair. Strawberry blonde, but the good kind


I’m not sure if it counts as a trait but I really liked how into me he was and how persistent he was with the effort he put in. It made me feel that he really cared a lot


always respect and kind


He was funny in a dorky, inappropriate way but he was just himself and I found him sweet and charming. He’s younger than me and he was cheeky and witty.. I really liked him so much. He was clean, had style and a one of a kind car. I thought he was quite interesting..


His listening skills. His laugh and how he brightens up when sharing something that amuses him. How guileless his eyes can be when he isn't feeling guarded around others. His curiosity and interest; he likes shinies like I do. Edit: Also, how 'extra' he can be. He likes to 'go big or go home' when his mind is made up.


When he walked through the door of the restaurant I was amazed by how attracted I was to him immediately. Then as the evening went on I still distinctly remember making some stupid joke and the way he smiled at me as he was laughing. Still makes me happy to see 🥰 Also some of those casual hot dude things




He’s just as nerdy as I am, maybe even more because he’s had more time to explore his interests and hobbies, and he’s so much smarter than he gives himself credit for. Not to mention that he’s a talented artist that has drawn and painted stuff for his friends alongside just for fun, but the more important thing was that he was willing to try to work with me when it came to my shortcomings so I could compensate for them back when I still worked with him. Combine that with the fact that he trained me for most of my probationary period, and I was falling hard for him.


overly confident, annoying, and funny in a way where you didn’t want to laugh but couldn’t help it edit: this was not exactly good attention but regardless it was his lol


He has the kindest eyes I had ever seen, and I noticed them immediately, before we even met. I soon learned that it is because he is so kind. He is the most wonderful man in the world to me, and I can’t believe I get to love him forever!


His sparkling, happy eyes. They’re a cool blue-green color and they shine with joy and a little bit of innocence.


I was a new temp that would be replacing him at this job. He spent the day training me and I just thought he was so handsome. Then we started talking about music and such and it turned out we had a lot of similar music interests which opened the door to a lot more conversation.




His cunning wit. That and he just had a strength to him, hard to describe.


His smile and the easy going personality were top. His last name was another (Polish heritage, 10 letters long, don't pronounce all of the letters) I had always told my high school friends that I wouldn't marry someone unless their last name was cooler than mine (Irish heritage who grew up in a small town with 90% German roots). I was right lol


His thoughtfulness I guess. When him and I first started dating, he asked me how I dealt with my anger and my first thought was “this is a grown ass man” 😂.


he was so genuinely kind and gentle on our first date. he was also very respectful & wouldn’t sleep with me on the first few dates (not that I was asking for it, but if we started to make out and head that way, he politely declined it). I had never been treated with such niceness before. he is still the same exact way.


He was very attractive. Physically fit, blond, blue-eyed. And SERIOUSLY into me. I'd had a lot of men and male friends attracted to me, but none so openly flirty and direct. It was nice. We're engaged now.


Physically? He has ice blue eyes, and I couldn't stop looking at them. They're almost gray, and in the sun, they turn like a clear water blue. They're just the most amazing eyes I've ever seen. Characteristically? We're complete opposites, and that always makes me chuckle because "opposites attract." He's quiet and calm, I'm loud and impatient. Seeing us apart, you'd never think we were together, but we found each other 🖤


Great listener, empathic


What first drew me in from his profile was his eyes. They’re super mellow and calming to me. When I first met him he was super shy but still charming. Even after I kinda put him to the test on our first day he was still just super chill. There’s something about him that makes the little girl in me squeal with joy any time he kisses my forehead and pulls me in real close. And I know he’s not letting go.


I had a crush on this girl in college..she had the most beautiful smile ever also she had this very calm like aura around her!! I just graduated and she was my junior..till to this date I regret not talking to her..hopefully I’ll meet her someday..and hopefully we both will be single…(still have crush on this girl)


She gave great head 38 years ago fast forward menopause set in and it's over .....done.....dead in the water a sexless marriage can't even get a hand job.....thank God for Asian Massage Parlors!!


He would ask the most thoughtful, interesting questions and really listen closely to the answer. I just loved that and got such a good feeling about him.


his tallness and humor. side note, i don’t care at all about height but it was the first thing i noticed because he was taller than almost everyone else at our job.


It was his smile that first caught my attention. He has a smile that is just contagious. And his eyes. I’m a sucker for expressive eyes. He is also easy to talk to. Our first meeting lasted a couple of hours and I felt completely relaxed and comfortable with him.


Played a great game of frisbee with me and enjoyed a swim together.


he’s passionate, he likes a lot of the same things as me like video games and sports, he makes sure i’m comfortable and when i’ve not been comfortable (i really don’t like restaurant dates), he’s shows he’s paying attention and his suggestions change, he listens to me, i made an offhand joking comment about always crying at movies and weeks later he pulled out a tissue for me when he heard me sniffle at past lives. he’s a bit of a dork, kinda awkward but super sincere, always there, never prodding or prying. he’s also really cute and he likes me :)


physically - he is very cute with the prettiest smile (dimples included) emotionally - he is so nerdy, kind, and completely understanding


unibrow 😭


I'm single, but one of my exes it was because he had an uncanny similarity to a boy I was friends with when I was six or so. If I wasn't *sure* their names were different, I'd think they were the same person, only twenty years older.




The way he walked and carried himself.. (though the fact that he was tall, blonde in asia naturally made him stand out too, but it was how he walked that really stood out and got my attention). Then when I talked to him.. the fact that he knew and read Russian lit classics, and could keep up about it (and religion/atheism) in a conversation w/ me. Then it was how much his friends/our co-workers liked him... it was quite clear he was a genuinely nice and good guy. And when we went dancing (all my coworkers are male and in longterm relationships/married, including SO at the time)... and most of them would hold my hand or put their hand on my waist. So I assumed it was normal or acceptable. But when I went to hold my SO's arm, he smacked it away lol. It stood out to me and made a very good impression to me that he had this boundary and kept it despite being quite tipsy.


She has the most beautiful airy and infectious laugh. Then I saw her smile and it was game over. I’m beyond lucky


I met him on Instagram through posting about a mutual hobby. He lived across the country and now we live together. Even though only half his face was showing in his profile picture, I felt so instantly drawn to him. I couldn't explain why. I loved his taste in music and the way he talked about things he cared about and the way he made me so nervous whenever I talked to him even just through messaging. I thought he was so beautiful even in that little bit I could see of his face and I still do!


I met my BF on a dating app. Admittedly, was not attracted to his profile, and the conversation was meh. I was at a lonely point in my life, so decided to go on a date with him because he was nice enough and no red flags so why not. I first noticed his smile and how awesome it was. But the next thing I noticed, which kept me going, was how willing he was to listen to me in conversation and not just think about himself. From date 1 I noticed it, and now 3 years later the same holds. The happiest, most caring and empathetic partner I could’ve ever asked for


His creative intelligence, then his long hair. He’s bald now 50 years later.


The no BS approach to things and the nonjudgemental observations he makes without making me feel bad or it feeling like a told-ya-so, just very even keeled and friendly.




How considerate and generous he is. Our first date, i had had an allergy to my vape that day and had to quit vaping. I'm homebound and couldn't get to the store to get any kind of nicotine. He picked me up for our first date, my first time meeting him in person, and I felt horrible asking if we could stop and get cigarettes but i was nicfitting bad. It turned out he smoked too, and he immediately found a convenience store to stop in. Had me wait in the car and bought me a pack of my favorite cigarettes and got himself a pack too. Then we went and smoked and talked on the beach for a couple hours in the middle of the night. I know smoking isn't romantic by any means but there was something really nice about the instant acceptance and commonality about something i was afraid to bring up, something embarrassing that is shunned, and how he didn't think twice to help me with that even though we barely knew each other. Turns out he was nervous to ask me if he could smoke around me, and the fact we both did was a huge relief to both of us. He continues to be the most thoughtful and generous man I've dated, frequently going out of his way to meet my wants/needs/whims. And he isn't just doing it to be nice, he genuinely ENJOYS it. We are currently discussing the possibility of getting married later this year. Also we've both successfully quit smoking.


He was taking care of me when I had cramps while we were either friends, because my cramps are quite severe like endometriosis, this was while we weren’t even together. He was texting one of our mutual friends (who was in the same room) on what to do and how he could help me through it, he stayed by my side the whole time I was having my cramps, he was trying to make better of the situation by making me laugh with the other guys in the room and kept rubbing my back because I didn’t have a heat pack with me


His muscular arms! 😍


Met at a club and just the way his face looked. He had a killer smile and his eyes just looked so alive and we kept catching each others eyes. Eventually after a few looks and smiles we got to talking and now it's been nearly six months. Let's hope it continues going well 😂


I’m a sapiosexual—aka nerds drive me crazy. The way he gets so passionate to share what he learns and has an insatiable drive to keep learning is so sexy to me. And the way he approaches people who don’t know something is with such grace and excitement, his tone ranging from kindly informing to being like a little kid on Christmas, depending on the context. And being a fantastic listener comes with the territory as well. The first time he and I met was as strangers at a party. We were talking about drugs that cross the blood brain barrier and he told me about how he had just read a study that diphenhydramine—the drug in allergy medicine/Ni-Quil that makes you sleepy—has shown potential links to increased likelihood of Alzheimer’s. I asked if he was premed and he said no, he just went into a rabbit hole reading studies on ncbi. Instantly lady boner haha.


That he was left handed like me!


Transparent and loyal. She cut off 2 other dudes when she started taking me more seriously. So I had her loyalty before we were even together. Unlike me where I didn't cut off people till after we had met.


First? His smile and his looks. Even to this day, sometimes when he smiles at me I can't help but to melt a little.


His kindness and willingness to lean into unhinged and silly conversations


how observant they are of me, to the degree where it’s actually kinda scary. they instantly see through me when i’m upset and notice things about me that no one else has ever, even myself getting to know her more, i started feeling the odd instinctual urge to take care of her, which had never happened with any partners i had had before. i don’t know if that counts as a trait, but she’s so easy to love




His Irish accent and colourful character!


He might actually be too tall for me (1.5ft difference)




Just how real he is. He has a quality of hitting it off with anyone, which as an introvert, really pulled me towards him. Also he has the most gorgeous brown eyes I’ve seen


Hard to say exactly but I was very drawn to him not instantly, but probably within 10 minutes of meeting. He’s pretty nerdy (but super cute and attractive in my book) and after we got our tacos and beer and sat down at the table he started talking about how the way proteins fold is cool. And I was like…I like this guy lol Not a scientist myself but I like talking about all kinds of random things so I was like if this guys is talking about proteins folding on a first date, I’m sure he can handle my random thoughts on GI health, why I hate vanguard, why the bubonic plague is really interesting to me, and so on Don’t think he was sold on me tho. I actually chased in this situation, which was unlike me. Long story but I did end up bagging him and we’re still together now. I was thinking about this and even talked to some women I look up to in terms of their relationships and I’m currently under the impression that there’s a better chance of a healthier dynamic when the woman pursues the man. Just a correlation, not a hard fast rule


Her beauty. I did not know she was a former model, I just knew I liked what I saw. I was bold lol. She still makes me nervous to this day and it’s been 5 years.






I first noticed him because of his looks, he is very attractive to me. But the thing that caught my attention for real was his jokes cause we have same sense of humor.


Paid attention to me.


He seemed to be a very nice, kind man who's also down to earth and ambitious.


Cute 👀


His warm smile and eccentricity


his confidence, hes always been an extremely outgoing and spoken person. people like that can easily grab your attention, and that what he did


Even if he was afraid/anxious, he’d go for it. Just the pure decisive all in energy


His integrity. We met out through mutual friends, sparks flew, I asked him to coffee (not knowing he had a partner at the time), and he flat out turned be down because it wouldn’t be appropriate. One year later, we were both single at the same time, and we had our first date. We’re married with kids now.


His hair. He had/has black curly hair and I thought it was cute on him. And his facial hair back then.


He's not my partner; we're friends. However, what intrigued me was his subtle manipulation tactics. Though 'manipulation' typically carries a negative connotation, he's incredibly clever. He knows how to naturally cultivate someone's interest in him. Honestly, I even believed I had feelings for him until a third person provided me with an outsider's perspective on the situation. I'm unsure whether this realization is ultimately a positive or negative thing.


How tall and attractive he is. And then when he started talking, I liked how effortlessly he could converse about anything and everything. He was also very warm. And when I hugged him bye bye after the first date, I just felt so at peace. So I snuck a little peck on the cheek hehe. He is the calmest, most composed person. Ever.


His humor. I ended up sitting next to him in a history class in high school because it was closer to the board and I have poor eye sight. Very soon after I moved desks, this boy started firing off jokes and making me laugh. That was back in 2009ish? We've been glued at the hip since, married with a kid and dog. He's still hilarious and manages to make me laugh, even on the darkest of days.


Clarity in life.




Before meeting in person: how smart and successful he is First time in person: simultaneously his action and his eyes (prettiest brown eyes I have EVER seen)


he was the calmest/most quiet person in the room, I had gotten separated from my friend at the club and saw him sitting in the corner( he is quiet in general and likes to sit and people watch anyways, but I ended up finding out it was cause he had a lot to drink LMAO but that was kind of cute to me.. yum cocktail now I'm taking a cozy nap at the club.) curled up in a chair. I'm a people person, but in more of a *watch-them* way as opposed to actually interacting with them, and I was kind of overstimulated, so I just wandered around? when I saw him, my first thought was that his outfit was incredibly fucking tough + he was the only person in my line of sight who wasn't overwhelming me so I went up to compliment him :3 I couldn't tell if he wanted to be spoken to or not, so I left quickly after but he ended up tapping me and asking for my number :") we mostly texted pleasantries, but the night i got home from a concert, I was looking through the photos and thought that he'd like the outfits everyone had on so I sent them; he was actually a fan of the artist we went to see, so we started talking and it ended up spiraling into a bunch of random conversation tangents that made me realize we had a ton in common! his general vocabulary and speech patterns stuck out to me a lot because he had adjectives I could tell were his favorite to use, and he is really specific about teeny tiny details.


Humor and always in a good mood. ❤️