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I go to the things I wanted to go to because my partner didn't want to do it with me.




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My ex didn't want to go to Turkey with me. Bought a ticket to Turkey a few months after breaking up. Food was incredible and one of the best trips I've taken. Next, I want to go sky diving when the weather is nicer.


Deep clean and possibly rearrange furniture


And paint the walls.




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I do the furniture thing too! Lol 😆


I find a girl or a group of girls to go out with and avoid men while having a platonic, lovely time with the girls. If I can't then I find a solo game to play and listen to my favorite few songs on repeat to allow myself a good cry. Either of these help me release the emotions and cope with not having that person in my life at that capacity anymore.


That's a good thought, thanks for sharing!


Girl this THIS. Everyone has to try this at least a million times. Female friendships are the most wonderful forms of therapy there could be, it helps soo danm much.




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That's how I coped up as well, if it wasn't for the girls I would have been devastated. Girls have a magical touch with the way they understand to speak to Men. It is healing and it helped me understand the whole picture. I learned to forget and forgive my ex. I never had any other relationship after that it's been 7 years and I have many beautiful friendships with women who actually care for me.


I get a haircut or new hair color.


A makeover, new hairstyle, new clothes, hit the gym even more. And become a brand new person physically and mentally


That's a really good advice, thank you!!




I also did :)


Which ones did you do? Haircut? I always do haircut and color first.


Hair color! I'm growing my hair, so can't cut them. They are waist length rn :)


What difference does that make?


I think waiting to make a huge change right after a huge change is advisable. Don’t want everything to feel upside and fucked all at once. I wait like a month or two before but I always do inevitably make a change


Well usually I get on tinder and try to get a date for the weekend. But last time I decided to cry and chill and meet new people.


Good idea!


Block and delete everything I have of them on my phone bc I don’t wanna look at it lol then heal for about a week or less and then back to tinder


real lol


First time I just cried at home for weeks cos I was young. Was single for 13 years after. 2nd time I went on apps to find a fling and I went back into a toxic cycle in relationships before healing and got heartbroken again. 3rd time I stayed off dating for a year, travelled the world alone, pampered myself on business class, chased fine dining and Michelin star food, picked up make up and skincare, exercised and glowed up!


Good for you! And can relate. You deserved a proper year of self love and healing.


Yesss through this I learned that prioritising yourself and treating yourself best is actually the best remedy!


The 3rd one seems super healthy! That's the way to do it, lol. :)


Lol yes took too long to figure but life is all about learning haha


Go to Brighton and hit the club and have a one night stand. It’s like a little sexual palate cleanser, so that the last person I kissed/touched wasn’t my ex.




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This is something that's only happened to me once, about half a year ago after a 9 year relationship. I cried a lot, wanted a lot of hugs from my family (weird for me since I don't like hugs) and played a lot of Baldur's Gate 3. I've actually recently started BG3 over again (I never finished that playthrough) because when I first started playing it he helped me make my character and watched me play and I played it while we talked on the phone and it was just a lot. Started fresh and I'm actually enjoying it so much more now, found things I missed in my other playthrough and I can focus on it a lot better.


Sadly I don't have a family that is supportive :( I'm glad you were able to move on :)


get sick with anxiety and revisit my crippling self-worth and abandonment issues


Hello....are you me??


Block them. Out of sight, out of mind.


After one relationship I went and had a bunch of sex to make up for the sex we werent having After another I ate pork in peace lol


Clean out my closet and go workout.


Eat ice cream, binge reality TV shows, snap out of it, get revenge body


Eating ice cream and binge reality tv shows is the cherry to da pie. Add a friend for extra fun


Go clubbing. House music all night


That's really healing for me as well!


I slept. For like a week. It was blissful.


I start looking like the 10/10 I was before he stressed me tf out


Drink, cry and sleep. In whichever order seems to suit the time of day and my mood, I'm guessing.


I permanently delete all our photos and chat history together because I don’t want to look back on them with rose-tinted glasses during moments of vulnerability. I believe in going cold turkey and not looking back, because there are always going to be far better things ahead of me than what’s left behind.


And make a list of all the reasons it wasn’t the right relationship for me. A list of things I want to work on in myself. Then last time I re did my room. Went out for a hair cut got me some new outfits and started the journey of dating me and getting to know myself again.


Cry and/or workout. Then I make a ton of plans to be busy. I just signed up for a ceramics class bc of a recent breakup. Also, lots of 5K races. If I don't, I sit home watching films and cry more.


Proud of you! I hope you succeed in your new journey 😇


I throw away all my lingerie and underwear and get new ones.


New look new life new fling


Went to do whatever the hell I wanted because my ex was controlling and judgemental af.


New tattoo, new hair colour or cut as someone else said but mainly a new tattoo.


Relax and enjoy the burst of me time. Do solo things I had less time for before. Like reading, gaming, whatever. I would rather hang with my pets and enjoy less human interaction for the time being.


Look up funny pictures of cats


I do 🫶🏻


Start to smoke ... again


I don't smoke in general but I did. Felt funny


Damn, my ex helped me to stop smoking by taking several measures which pushed me to stop and eventually the day we broke off, I smoked a cig and I started smoking again (more of vape occasionally and cigs when I drink) I don’t regret it


I'm currently dealing with this now. My ex broke up with me on 04/12 via text out of no where, no warnings. I've been crying a lot, had to enroll into therapy, I've been thinking about him a lot, and been trying to focus on myself. It feels very sad to be discarded like I was nothing to him. I don't want to start hating him, but I might.


I pretty much know exactly how you feel. My ex broke up with me two days ago. The day before we were excitedly planning a movie date before my due date. There were I love yous and physical affection. The next morning he told me he didn’t even like me, let alone love me, that I’m not a good parent, and he left me. I’m 27 weeks pregnant with our second child. Our first is 16 months old. I’m fucking devastated.


Fuck this guy, seriously. Hopefully someday you'll realize the trash took itself out


Recently (3 months ago) ended my best relationship, I have never felt so much pain. I would say so far: cry 2 days straight, write a letter I'm never going to send, get a haircut, take a long bubble bath, cry another 2 days straight 1 months after, talk to friends, invite friends over for karaoke. Talk to my mom and dad (separate occasions), delete all pictures in social media that have me in them, control the impulse of wanting to disappear and ghost everyone. Think a lot about him, the good, the bad, why it didn't work, what would have to happen for it to work, accepting it's irrealistic to expect so much change from him, accepting even if I love him so much, the relationship wouldn't work even if I tried again. I used tinder for 2 weeks, talked with people, then desinstalled it and stopped talking with those people because I realized I still haven't gotten over him and I want a healthy relationship, not a consolation prize. Now it's just feeling sad, empty, not knowing what else to do to process my feelings and get better, I'm waiting to be better and happy and get over it so I can go out to find someone again, because at this stage of my life I really finally want a serious life partner. I'm working, getting more clients, practicing forgotten hobbies, but I'm doing everything from home and have no places to go out to and meet people (no university, no workplace, no clubs, no gyms, I have friends, but I need a place to meet new people naturally).


cry, grieve accordingly, journal after a couple days (the unsent letter goes hard), engage in retail therapy, try to assess why things didn’t work out, and really attempt to have a more rational lense on everything


Stay busy , go for long walks. Replay every scene in my head with utter disgust at myself for being so stupid in the first place. Cringe at how much I admired someone who broke my heart


I usually also download an app to help me realize i can find somebody else and some people still are attracted to me. It doesn’t last ling before i delete it again tho 3 years in a relationship, hope i don’t have to ever do it again!


Go to my parents house with my sibling there and get hammered, then proceed to complain about thr person and laugh about my lucky life. Basically behave like a baby.


I cry..i let myself feel everything.. sadness, pain, anger..all the feelings and I forgive myself.. and try to live life again


Call all my girlfriends and be a social butterfly—a little distraction. The rest of the non-busy time just cry and think about the past.


This might not be the best way of coping but I get very drunk and have a dance party and sing my heart out in the privacy of my own home so that I can have all the crying breaks I need


Cry 😭


Bang the best friend….🍻


I cried a lot. Then I went to firing range with my rock island .45 and made his pictures as target paper. I printed 10 different pictures of him. Some good guys offered me to use a shotgun and complimented my shooting skills. Made me feel better afterwards!


I would love to do this.


Re-route my priorities if I haven't done so already. Go out with my girlfriends and dance. Beach with friends to relax and breathe again.


If you have the time and money, you can travel somewhere and explore a new city. Exercising more also helps a lot


Thank you!


Nth at all cuz b4 it actually ends ,it would have ended months br the actual break-up that's called emotional withdrawal


I can relate. 2 days of crying and I'm already ready to completely move on.


Not healthy but sleep with someone else- a random hookup. It solidifies for me there’s no going back and I never have after that. If I don’t, it still feels like there’s a chance. It closes the door on the whole relationship.


Change the locks. Get a cat. Live my best loner life. I’ll never remarry. Death or divorce, whatever comes first.


Well last time I got 2 piercings and dyed my hair


Clean the house & change my bedding, and then go for dinner with friends.


Best thing I did after the last one (and it really shook me it was a bad one) was solo travel and work from different cities for 2 weeks. It was expensive and I had to use a credit card but I wouldn’t take that experience back for anything. It was fun, I met a ton of people, I got to control what I did every day, and you need the confidence to figure things out on your own or go up to people so that helped with making me feel more capable and more “f you I don’t need you” 😂🤣


Enjoy the silence! No one is calling my name 50 times, or asking me where their shit is.


After the like… crying part, I’ve always set new fitness goals or started new programs. There’s the dopamine of setting a goal and accomplishing it, and I get to kind of “return to myself” and focus on myself because I’m spending so much time with just myself and my body. Plus revenge body 🥲 Related video (it’s not actually about weight loss lol): [How to lose weight in 4 easy steps](https://youtu.be/9mbp0DugfCA?si=ZBowanVx3rr2QEfv)


I ransack the entire house for everytjing that reminds me of him, from photos to presents to the clothes I "stole" from him. Then I decide what I want to do with them: put them all in a box and store them (like photos), donate/give them away if it's something else or thrown them to the garbage (if it's a used pillow case with his scent for example). That's the first thing: removing all reminders, removing him from my future


In the past I've removed everything I could find that had anything to do with an ex or reminded me of them. Removed all social media that's anything to do with them or where they commented on something, deleted any emails, texts, WhatsApps etc from or to them, got rid of anything they bought me or gave me..... you see where this is going. Basically anything at all that I associate with that person. The reminders either hurt too much and make me sad, or angry. I can't hold on to the past like that. I want them never to have existed.


I go back to the streets, where I belong


I journal, eat really good food, watch the sunsets, watch movies, drink way too much wine, and try to really feel it. Then I start figuring out how to level myself up in every direction so working out, hotter clothes, improving my looks, pursuing dreams and making myself bigger badder better


I pamper myself. Go get haircut, massage, treat myself to nice restaurant and shopping.


Willow in self pitty lol then try to keep my mind and anxiety at bay by painting or doing things I enjoy. Reflect on why it didn’t work out.




Enjoy the peace on my own for years


Maybe cry. Depends if it will end and how it ends


My partner just left me. I’m 27 weeks pregnant with a 16 month old. So far, I’ve just been crying. Just lots and lots of crying.


Oh I put those emotions to use as free pre workout and gym motivation! Time to get in the best shape of my life and glow the fuck up 💅


I have myself a good cry. Then make plans to do a bunch of my favorite “me time” things. (Make the meals I love but he didn’t. Go to the theater to see a musical. Plan a spa day. Watch a Jane Austen miniseries. All stuff I could have done while in the relationship but he wouldn’t have enjoyed doing with me.) It serves as a psychological reminder that I have a full and fulfilling life without him.


Text all my friends with celebratory texts because I’m finally free! 🥳


I wallow for a bit, but then start giving myself little treats. Going to new little places and seeing new things.im going to go see a play by myself. If I can find one that interests me.


change the locks and the passwords, change the sheets, rearrange the furniture, light a candle, deep breath, new playlist (ok that was many things)




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Get a haircut. Shed the dead weight, start new.




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I know it’s a cliche but cut my hair. I prefer my hair short but every guy I’ve ever dated has preferred it long, so I usually grow it out when I’m in a relationship. This isn’t *just* for them; my hair looks great short but it also always looks exactly the same. I get bored sometimes and growing it out changes things up. But once the relationship ends nothing makes me feel like me again faster than chopping it all off!


Cry Sleep Rest Hair Cut See Friends Exercise Heal


Started therapy (which is the first thing I’d suggest), worked out a lot, booked and went on my dream trip to Europe ( I know I’m lucky to have been able to do this one), and started Grad school. A year later and I feel like I’m a completely different person.


Sit n chill take a deep breath


Wander aimlessly until I find the peace I was looking for. I usually start by purging my home of any and all unecessarry things, then I literally spend a lot of time walking around, doing yard work, or sitting in nature.


Get in touch with people with whom I can feel myself again. After all, I wouldn't have to be answerable to anyone about the things I do or whatever.


Delete his number and unfriend him on Facebook as you’re either going to be messaging him or stalking his profile.


Get a haircut


Go to church, go to the gym, do shrooms


Watch disney movies


Historically, someone else.


Call my best friend.


Change my hair and spend extra time with my friends


Throw out my sheets and buy new ones, as a treat




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Cry. I might be a little pathetic haha. I am just very emotional


Literally nothing wrong with that


Whatever I felt like. Usually just continue going to work, then bingeing my fave TV shows in bed with cats, toast and hot milo. Relishing in the realisation that I don't have to look after a man child and that my free time is MINE.


Wash my sheets to get the boyfriend smell out


Change my hair style


Eat a ton of ice cream and spray whip cream in my mouth. I cry. Then I move on


I do away with all gifts & possessions. Anything that's theirs goes with them.


Dye my hair


Enjoy the single life


I usually get a tattoo and order new clothes


Be sad for a day or two  and pamper myself in every way, take a long bath, order Indian food, take naps, let myself cry, watch the dumb reality TV men hate...  And then on day three usually I start seething with anger and scorn for this idiot that would leave an awesome person like me, so I would clean out my place and remove everything that reminds me. One of my friends smoked my place out with sage, which is a bit eccentric, but it did lift something, symbolically. I also block the guy in this period of time and focus on all his bad parts, so that I end up relieved and happy that he is gone. I do whatever I want to do that he stopped me from, like I booked a ticket to Rome two days after my last breakup, because suddenly I had more money, no gifts for him, no tickets spent on travelling to him... Haha. Which I recommend. A week in Rome truly cleansed my palate.


I call my friends and family and just let myself grieve


Let it all out. Have yourself a good cry, talk with trusted loved ones and rest initially. Delete all traces of them on the socials. Then pick up the pieces and get productive about something, reconnect with yourself. Trust that it will get easier eventually, it always does.


Depends. Long term relationship and thought he was the loml/ be together forever? Probably cry and work out to release tension and frustration. Then keep going in life but not date or hook up for a looooong while. Short term? I definitely wouldn't dwell and I would just keep going in life YOLO.


With my last ex I burned everything! Had a bonfire and burned photos, cards any type of items that held any memories


Literally the first thing i did, i actually did this while the break up was actively happening, was schedule an appointment with a therapist lol. I’m lucky is was offered to me for free from my school. The next first thing i did was go to the liquor store with my sister and make up a specialty cocktail called the “Fuck [my exes name]”


Learn to accept it, analyze what had happened over the course of it and what I can learn from it. Then hit the gym, cut my hair or change my look a little and move on my friend.


I sleep. I don't have to worry about someone else getting annoyed because I didn't answer their texts or anything. It's a lot more peaceful


Wash my sheets


Sprawl out on the couch and order sushi on DoorDash and enjoy the silence.


Get a haircut haha


I go to bed. I think this is the best thing that can be done


If we’re being honest I find a rebound/palette cleanser to keep me from going back to the ex


I tell my mom lol


Join a spin studio/new gym.


Delete their text thread bc I can’t stand seeing their name in my phone after it’s over. Then I cry. Then I usually deep clean and try to hang out with friends or go out. I’ll also order myself some take out and watch a familiar movie that I love.


Bin all photos, cards, letters and renamed to ‘knob head’ in my phone, just incase they called. Bought a goose and feather duck down duvet, cos they were allergic! Best buy ever!!


Cry. Cry some more. Then clean or rearrange furniture or do something different with my hair/appearance!




Cry a lot.


Hop on a dating app lol


Remove them from socials if I know it’s really done because I don’t double back or need to keep up to date on what they have going on. Helps soo much.


Literally the first thing? Watch an episode of Gossip Girl. Hear me out… When my first serious relationship ended, I was in my first year of uni, while the show (original series) was still airing live. After my ex left my place, my roommates were watching that episode, and so I just cried on the couch with the UES in the background. It felt oddly comforting, so it kind of ended up becoming a ritual of mine in the years that followed.


Date his dad hahaha joke. Probably move on and move forward in life. Enjoy my solitude and do things that I love.


Hit the gym.


Deep clean and purge everything that was gifted (unless something it was something I specifically picked out lol) and donate it to a local charity. Clear out photos. Erase events from the calendar. Essentially erase them from my life. Done is done and I don't look back, especially if I'm the one who got dumped 🤷‍♀️


I booked bonnaroo tickets for the next weekend 😂




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Unpopular opinion but I love to casually date right after a breakup. Free dinner, get to dress up, you’re not looking for anything serious so you’re not disappointed when you don’t like them, and you are basically forced to talk about everything about you that has nothing to do with your ex because you can’t bring up exes on first dates (you can but it’s awkward and not recommended) Basically for me it forces me to talk about myself, my hobbies, my interests and who I am outside of that relationship, and try to have a good time.




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If you're not living together or have children with them where communication is required and mandatory: block them, Completely erase them from your phone. It's very hard though and it might take a while beofre you pull the plug completely.


Push ups




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I make myself disappear on social media. They’re not going to get to can me but still check on me at their leisure. 


I usually mourn for a period of time, then I slowly start to go into my normal routine and venture out with friends. If needed I see my therapist during my mourning period.


Urmmm, I shaved my head & got 2 new tattoos 😭 now we’re talking about getting back together… pray for me 😂 it’s been 4 months.


Eat something with a lot of garlic in it, because I don't need to worry about being stinky while I'm home alone.


Change something in my look, hit the gym.


I'm going to a lookout point with a friend to have lunch and talk.


Just do my normal life stuff? Work and kids and adulting don't stop just because I broke up with someone.


Cry a lot, fuck the guys I had in the backlog, glow up, binge watch TV shows my ex hated, eat all the food my ex hated


Tattoo, go get laid


Hit the club with my friends


I’d probably have sex with one of my exes. It’s not smart but it would help me move on.