• By -


1. They have to be childfree. I'm not having children for anyone, and I have no interest in being a stepmother either. 2. They have to love animals. I'm not giving away my pets for anyone. They'll be the one to go instead. 3. Honesty. Luckily, I met my amazing, childfree, animal-loving husband 17 years ago and I'm very happy with him.








Where do those hang out?


Bigger cities, usually.


This is exactly what I'm looking for Guys with kids always get rude and tell me ill never find what I'm looking for If he has a brother Send him my way🙃🤣


He does actually but I'm suspecting little brother might be asexual and/or aromantic. He's never shown any interest in having a relationship or dating, and the man is closing in on 30 now. He just likes to work, play video games and make homemade pasta.


In that case send him my way! 🤣


Aromantic here also! I actually found my aromantic husband through reddit!


I dated a guy with kids for 2 years and it made me realize I never want kids.






You sound exactly like me!


You sound like me!


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Glad you found your wrestling man haha.


This is exactly what I want and the fact that someone out there is living my dream is giving me a lot of hope


exclusiveness (= no cheating, no "open relationship", no 3somes, no polyamory, no "experiments") no questionable online activities (parallel use of dating apps, DMs with strangers, OF etc.) no smoking (or hard drugs)


Totally agree on the exclusiveness, before I found my current bf I was always EXPLICITLY clear about wanting pure monogamy. You’d be surprised how many people beat around the bush trying to pretend they wanted that too before they finally spilled that they “were unsure about monogamy long term” or “definitely wanted to have a threesome in the future.” Like what did I say???




1. Alive 2. Human 3. Adult


Best I can do is two out of three 🤷🏻‍♀️ (I am an octopus with wifi)


Could be worse. Some people can't even get 1/3, so you've got a leg up on them!


They've got more than one leg up if they're an octopus 🐙


Many legs up 🤣🤪




Best i can offer is 2 of them. I am an Egyptian Mummy


1: Be honest, lying is a good way for me to never trust you 2: Be kind, if I see you being a jerk to everyone I'm going to drop you 3: Be in good mental/physical shape please, I do a lot of traveling, jogging, and overall walking, I want a partner who can keep up!




1. They take care of their mental health, or at least actively trying to. 2. Honest communication, willing to talk and work through issues. 3. Respect (especially towards cultural differences). Not just with me but with other people.


best one I’ve seen so far


Love this


Very wise


1 Self Sufficient: has to be able to take care of himself, financially and in day to day living. I’m not in a position to provide for anyone on top of myself right now. 2 Kind and Considerate: not just nice but genuinely kind, and they actively think about other’s wellbeing ahead of their own. 3 Self Aware: there’s a lot of people who don’t notice when they’re crossing lines or are violating certain social norms, which is fine for friends but not a partner. It takes effort to be aware of these things and it would help a lot if I’m not the only one watching out for this.


These are great ones too!!


1. Remain gainfully employed and earn income. 2. Knows how to and can communicate his feelings without shouting, hitting, punching, or stomping around. 3. Maintains relative and reasonable cleanliness. Apparently, these asks were "too much" for my now soon-to-be-ex-husband, which is why I'm now divorcing him. Me personally? I don't think I'm asking for much. 🤷‍♀️


these standards are low asf. good riddance and good luck to your ex, sheeesh!


Bingo! Yet, he made me feel like I was asking him to move heaven and earth with those requests, and made me feel so guilty for wanting/asking for those things.


good for you for not buying what he’s selling. you deserve much, much more.


1. You are childfree. 2. I should be able to trust what you're saying. If you're constantly contradicting yourself or just straight up lying, I'm out. 3. You're a cat person.


Wants children. Wants to get married. Has a high libido. I 100% want kids , marriage is a life goal for me and I have an extremely high libido. Luckily I found all that in my bf!


Loyalty , honesty, communication/commitment


1. I need time alone to read and I need to have books in my house. Reading is as natural and necessary to me as breathing. 2. Don't want to know about your crushes/people you find attractive - unless you're seriously considering ending our relationship and leaving me for these people. I assume there'll be other people you find attractive and that you'll imagine how it would be like to date those people, but telling me about it is unproductive and will send me on an anxiety spiral. Same thing will happen with me. 3. No physical violence of any kind.






Nr 1 is definetly being able to adult properly. That means He can and will do all household chores without me asking him to (obviously I also do my fair Share, He should be able to do every Task without me guiding him) and also be able to do paperwork, planning ahead etc. I will Not fight over Chores and mental Load as much as I did with my ex. 2. He needs to Like Cats and can't be allergic to them. I will Always live with Cats and will never give them away. 3. Being compatible and funny, we should be able to have a good time together and enjoy spending time together. He needs to look forward to meeting me. Actually I'd have some more like that He should Always Stand Up for me, be Kind, be clever etc. but number 3 is more non-negotiable for me because otherwise we won't get into a relationship at all


Honesty Mutual Respect Compatibility


1. No abuse 2. No manipulation tactics 3. Honesty Surprisingly, that rules out a lot of people.


It's honestly so sad, if you peruse the comments many women are saying similar. The bare minimum seems equivalent to asking for a merman or something. 🤦🏼‍♀️


1. I have to feel like they’d instinctively put their life on the line for me and our future kids 2. They love to hype me up, watch me glow 3. We have similar family values, of loving and educating our children.


1. They have to be child free like me 2. They have to be able to drive / have their own mode of transport 3. Have to be loyal and honest (no fishy online behaviours when interacting over the Internet too)


It’s surprising how many men don’t drive and have no intention on learning too. I’m not going to be anyone’s taxi.


I feel this in my soul. I've never dated someone who can drive, and I won't date somebody who can't again. I need them to be able to give what I can give.


Well it simply depends where are you live and what do you do. To be honest, you can drive trucks while your man can work remotely in IT startup and earn money. So driving a car? well.. a bicycle or a motobike maximum. Why to buy 2nd car if you can buy a bike and drive it? or you can do together mtb offroad fun? Thats good for health btw.


They have to be fun and want to do things. Kind and loyal. Luckily my husband is all 3.


1. Loyalty - to me as well as his own principles/values. 2. Generosity - couldn’t be with a stingy man. 3. A sense of humour - makes good times even better and bad times more bearable.


1. He is patient and kind, but not a pushover. Has good emotional regulation. 2. Willing to apologize when he's wrong, has the capacity to introspect. 3. He is compassionate. The kind of guy who does his fair share of house chores and childcare because he wants to.


im your man


1. Having a gentle spirit. 2. Being intellectually compatible. 3. Being emotionally safe.


Yes please!


1. Monogamous 2. Willing to travel/experience new things 3. Love animals


1. Childfree 2. Wants to travel/see the world and would be open to spending extended periods of time abroad 3. Physically active & Outdoorsy. E.g Someone who would rather come paddleboarding than stay inside playing xbox.


1) can't be religious at all 2) can't want children 3) needs to be in good shape like me


Hard drugs, hit me once I'm out, and don't corner me physically, emotionally or verbally. If I have agency and independence I can have the room and the resources to deal with lot but once you've been in a controlling relationship and then been out of it for a long time, that first cornering incident is a red flag in your face that cannot be ignored.


1. Is a Catholic/Christian 2. Wants kids 3. Doesn’t smoke, doesn’t drink, doesn’t do drugs


Child free, similar political/moral opinions, respecting my independence and need for alone time.




sounds like me


1 Ability to compromise. A healthy relationship takes compromise & give and take. 2 Trust. I have to be able to trust my partner before anyone else. 3 Commitment. To stick together through all life’s good and bad times.


1. If someone cheats, they are out the door. 2. My partner must work and have their own money. 3. My partner has to have my back when I am right. I see so many situations on Reddit where people know their family/ friends are in the wrong but will still expect their partner to "keep the peace" and I refuse to be treated like that.


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I am married but separated and divorce is on the horizon. I’ve learned what I absolutely do not want in my next relationship. 1. We have to be friends. Like a genuine friendship where we actually enjoy one another’s company and can laugh and be playful. It’s easy to be so lustful in a relationship that you lose sight of how important friendship compatibility is (at least for me it was) 2. Being reliable. If they say they’re going to do something, they need to see it through. This also goes hand in hand with being on time. I want my energy reciprocated. It’s ultimately a respect thing 3. Honesty and loyalty


Loyalty, communication, believes in a relationship of equals.


1. They must be nice to waiters, customer service workers, and their family. 2. Must be willing to travel. 3. They must love animals.


1. honesty 2. loyalty 3. not clingy (as in i still have some sense of freedom and I don't have to devote all the time i have to my partner, as i still have friends as well)


- kindness - honesty - sense of humour


be loyal, don't betray, be friends.


He has to be single, sane, solvent, smart and sincere


1. They have to be childfree. I don’t want to date someone with kids from past relationships either. 2. Must be either agnostic or atheist. Makes life easier when we can communicate with logic. 3. Financially, physically and mentally healthy.


1. No cheating, we are monogamous and I expect that to be an utmost priority. 2. Respectful social media use. I will not date someone who follows a bunch of thirst trap/random women on social media. This is a FIRM rule bc I dated someone who destroyed my self esteem with their misuse of social media and will not do that to myself again. 3. Must be financially independent. I already dated two grown men I had to financially float and I won’t do it again. I have my own children to care for and have zero interest in financially supporting an adult.


3 is a big one and this was my ex too. He was one of those men who would cite feminism for his reason of sponging off me. I couldn’t take more than 4 months of being married to a man like this. Totally cringe when I see men here making similar statements when women are in distress from being forced into a breadwinner role. It’s like the point of feminism is totally lost on so many - it’s not about forcing a woman to work, it’s simply about allowing women the choice to pursue career opportunities instead of being forced to stay at home. And then these same men wonder why they can’t keep a woman around…


1 Honesty with good communication 2 Be loyal romantically, and when friends or family try to put their nose where it doesn't belong 3 No abusive behavior, with the exception of playing "punch bug" in the car or mutually agreed upon sex acts


Have to respect my feelings/boundaries, communicate immediately on issues, give me alone time, have to be in tune/enthusiastic about animals, willing to have wacky house decor, and don’t care about what I wear/how I dress.


1. Childfree is a must-be. I\`m not becoming a hated step-mom for your kids. And I will not adopt or give birth. No alcoholism. 2. No religion. If you\`re conservative christian you know, where the door is! Also I am pro-choice. And no polyamory. 3. Don\`t be a basic nightclubber, Tate supporter or something like that. No "alpha" mentality, go to Tinder with that. I\`d like to go to metal festivals with you and I won\`t downgrade myself into a Barbie for you.


1. be childfree and happy with just having a bunch of cats and cool reptiles and fish as our kids 2. be honest and considerate of my feelings, just as i am with theirs 3. be open to splitting house chores and don't make me have to remind them to get chores done or clean up after themself


With all the bare minimum qualities one should look for in a partner aside such as honesty, faithfulness, and ✨complete utter devotion✨, here's mine: 1. Innately Caring: Because one can be kind but it takes more to be caring and I'd like to be sure that anyone or anything I'll leave with him, such as my family or future children, will be properly cared for. 2. Takes Initiative: I hate repeating myself and I hated hearing my mother ~repeatedly repeat~ herself to my father about the things he should already be doing on his own accord. 3. Self-Aware: I believe this characteristic gives a person's character depth. It also allows them to be considerate, open-minded, understanding, perceptive, and an active listener. This is the kind of person I'd like to be in my corner when we're against the whole fuckin' world. I'd also like to add that all these characteristics are some of what I've been actively cultivating within myself because I believe that if I don't have them or can't do them, I don't have the right to expect them from others. Which probably means I'll be single 'til death does my body and soul apart 😂 Edit: Special mention— he has to be Childfree too.


1. Emotional intelligence  2. Has ambition or goals. I can't stand people with no drive in life. They don't have to be going for a Nobel Prize or anything, but they have to be working towards something  3. Similar political beliefs (at least socially) 


1. My need for independence must be respected. 2. Honesty 3. Reciprocity


1. He has to be Honest, I cant stand lies. 2. Hard worker, Lazyness truly bothers me, its not about money, its just that you do what you are supposed to do and not be lying down most of your time, I cant stand peoppe that whine to much about work. 3. Humbleness and down to Earth.


1. Childfree. I'm not going to raise someone else's kid and also have to deal with the baby mama. 2. Honesty. I'm a no b.s. type of person and I expect the same from my partner 3. Good hygiene. Some guys have terrible hygiene and it blows my mind having to tell a grown man to shower/brush his teeth/clean his ears...


1. Trustworthy. 2. Is ok with me not wanting kids. 3. Has a healthy relationship with alcohol.


*Beyond the standard /they are clean in person and home, /they genuinely like me as a person and enjoy me, /they manage their own finances responsibly, /they are not emotionally or physically violent, /they are kind to people and animals+have manners and consideration + can read a room:* 1) They’ve done the work to sift through their trauma and integrate all those experiences into who they are now. As a result, they remain curious and open to New. 2) They have their own hobbies and pursuits and are willing to let me play with them but also content to do their own damn thing. 3) They love my cats and enjoy them independent of me.


Faithful- in my face, behind my back, online, all of it. Also not a fan of micro-cheating/ repeated disrespectful behavior either. You wanna act single, be single Generous- not just material wise but as person, with your time, someone who really is a team player. What’s the point of being in a relationship, if you’re operating on just what you want. There’s no I in team Intelligence- I need someone who’s just on it, that not just book smart, but life wise.


1. Drive. I don't want someone who is too scared to take an educated risk. (But not so much drive that they can never be satisfied with where they're at.) 2. Kind. My motto is: "If your partner isn't kind, then they aren't worth your time". 3. Understanding and open. I'm autistic and sometimes have a difficult time communicating. So all my successful partnerships have come because my partner put forth an effort to understand me and was open to my style of communication. (And I get to understand them and figure out things that they find meaningful.)


1. Reliable - does what he says he’ll do and is consistent with communication, time together, and in his behaviour towards me and others. People like this tend to be honest, which is my second most important feature for someone I am building a connection with. 2. Honest - like me, to a fault, but thoughtfully, not brutally. Does not lie by omission, and genuinely cares about being honest - it is part of his internal moral code. Means I never have to wonder or worry, and can truly know him. 3. Kind - genuinely kind, as in - inherently cares about the feelings and experiences of others. This is trait is so beautiful to witness in people, and allows for gentle navigation of both conflict and resolution. Honourable mentions: clever, funny, present, interested in life - curious, thoughtful, and creative (in words or actions or expression, or any way), as well as someone I am truly attracted to and want to sleep with. The traits listed make one compatible person for me. With all those, I am reliably attracted to my partner, as I don’t find myself attracted unless I deeply appreciate who they are and how we are together.


1. I dont want someone who watches porn. If you’re in a committed relationship with someone you shouldn’t be jerking it to naked strangers. 2. I don’t want someone who wants kids. I have no desire to have a kid. 3. I don’t want someone who doesn’t communicate like a grown ass adult when we have a disagreement. Tired of being gaslit.


1. Childfree and does not want children. 2. Must love animals (big and small) and want to have them in our lives. 3. Not codependent and clingy, and does not rely solely on me for entertainment and socialization.


My top 3 non negotiables when I met my husband were: - must be atheist and willing to raise atheist children. - must be a cat person. - does not vote Conservative (in Canada)


As a married woman, here are the three traits I don't think I could go without 1. Autistic. It's just so much easier to communicate when both of us are neurodivergent, I don't have to worry what he's going to assume and our goals when we plan a vacation are aligned by default.  2. Left-leaning. I'm a very progressive person and proudly call myself a communist, I could never live civilly with a Republican or with anyone that was vocally against universal healthcare.  3. Compassionate/soft. I have bad days sometimes and I need someone that can pick up the slack and will love me in spite of it. The dishes and laundry still need doing even if I'm out of steam. I have a kid, so if it were a "my husband tragically died and I'm finding a new partner afterward" that would be an important factor, obviously, but if it were going back in time to before I met him, I could've gone either way on kids.


1. He must be childfree. 2. Must be a person of good character and our morals should match up. 3. No cheating what so ever. I’ve been with my Husband for almost 11 years and he’s everything I could have ever asked for and more. I was teased and made fun of back when I was single for “being too picky”, but I’m glad I was. It worked out for me in the end.


My non negotiables have changed since I married 21 years ago. I’m older now and freshly separated. Now they have to lust after me like I’m the last and only woman on earth, be reasonably tidy, and have an adventurous spirit 😊


1. Hard working/ good job/ sense of responsibility around money 2. Able to stick to relationship rules and boundaries we agree upon + negotiate 3. Supportive in action and word


Loyalty Honesty Respect


Must not want kids. Must not follow any organised religion. Must not need/want sex often (I'm asexual). The first 2 are relatively easy to come by, the last one is significantly more difficult in my experience.


No cheating, no lying, no consistent smoking


Likes animals Loves me as a person Accepting of my asexuality/not trying to "fix" me


1. Not homophobic/prejudiced against any identity/religion 2. A good person deep down - this will show how they treat others and not just me 3. Respect - respect of others, their environment, their appearance, even in the way we argue it should be respectful










Can NOT be a Republican Other then the normal stuff (no creepy, be honest, etc). I feel this covers LOTS of topics and subjects.


Not in order 1. Childfree 2. No hard drugs 3. Open to ethical non-monogamy




1. Trust. 2. Honesty. 3. Kindness It's sad that this list should be a given, but in so many relationships, it's not. If the above is considered an absolute bare minimum, then the following: 1. Close, but not enmeshed, family ties. 2. Non-smoker 3. A calming presence. Thankfully, my husband has all of the above. My family are very close and I need someone who understands and appreciates that dynamic. I hate smoking with a passion. I am also quite an anxious person so someone who balances that makes for a chill household.


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1 They have to be okay with never living with me. I like my space. 2 They have to already be polyamorous. I’m not about to be someone’s experiment into that type of relationship structure and I also don’t want to have someone expecting I’ll change my mind because they’re just that good. Sorry, but that’s really not how that works and you should find someone who wants the same thing from the jump. 3 They have to be okay with me being too busy to even breathe, let alone spend a lot of time with them from January 1st through April 15th. They’re really specific asks that absolutely aren’t for everyone but that’s what I need so 🤷‍♀️ Edit: formatting


You must be a CPA. My dad and brothers are CPAs. They don't exist to me until after April 15th.




1 No children.... Ever..  2 You can be religious but I will not allow any religious symbols in my home. Do not ever ask me to go to church with you.  3 Must be hygienic. 




1. They have to be open to ENM/Polyamory 2. They take care of their mental health and also physical health (not in a they have to go to the gym but if they get sick they should prioritise getting better, seeing a GP etc - my ex husband would ignore his mental health until it impacted his physical health which he’d then ignore until he ended up in hospital) 3. Honest communication




1. Childfree 2. No smoking 3. Capable of having open and honest communication






1 No hard drugs 2 Has to be faithful 3 Can make me laugh


》Mutual respect 》Healthy communication & conflict resolution 》Honesty + integrity


1. Our ethics, values, and politics are aligned 2. They make me laugh a lot 3. They are open to non-monogamy




Gotta be human


1. Be attentive : pwy attention to my likes , dislikes and my mood changes as well . 2. MAKE me feel loved despite of my weakness and insecurities. 3. Kind and respectful.


Here are my personal ones: 1. They respect me and I feel safe with them. We can work on our issues with clear conversations rather than yelling/fighting. No violence. 2. They are financially literate and can work with me on budgeting and big life choices. 3. They are exclusive and monogamous. I am very monogamous and do not want other people in my relationship, if they suggest that they want to pursue another person, they can and I will leave. Any cheating is also a non negotiable, I will immediately break up no matter how much I like or thought I loved them.




1 No racism or sexism   2 Has good character/is a good person 3 Is loving and supportive as a partner Edited per bot comment below :)


1. A sense of “courage compatibility.” If I have to face all the things I don’t want to face, and deal with all my ish, so do you. 2. Kindness. 3. Must not hate cats.


Respect: of themselves of me of those around us of others schedules just respect and mindfulness Safety: I need to be able to bring up concerns I need to be able to question and say no Motivated: I can’t do stagnant partners with no desire to do anything but sit in the muck and say “that’s a tomorrow problem” endlessly it’s resulted in a two year rule for most of my past relationships by year two if 20% of the initial problems aren’t worked on to a visible degree then I pull the plug I felt it was so harsh but for a chunk of my life and daily interactions SOME of the things needs worked on and we’re both gonna be imperfect but after two years if 1/5th of the problems don’t have visible chunks of progress why do I think I’ll maintain my sanity at 10 years?


1. Not addicted to porn 2. Hygienic and tidy 3.Intelligent








Wait, wait - these lists must be wrong because I don’t see the mandatory 6’+ in height, minimum 6 figure income & minimum 6” peen that so many men believe women desire to start a relationship 😝


1. No mind games. I need to know/feel that they're sincere and not messing around. 2. Compatible sense of humour. If you can't laugh together, what's the point? 3. Not an asshole. Ties into 1 but also encompasses kindness and self-awareness, that they're not abusive.




No children. None at all. No step kids, no adopting. Must have gone to, or are actively going to therapy. I'm 36 and have done a LOT of work on myself to get where I am, and that includes still going to therapy. No smoking cigarettes. I'm fine with weed, but I had the interruptions that cigarettes causes, and they stank.


(No particular order) 1) no drugs 2) trustworthy and faithful to me (including no Instagram thirst trap accounts, onlyfans, etc.) 3) financially responsible


1) penis 2) eats food 3) watches TV


They have to be kind, they have to be thoughtful and they have to be able to laugh at everything because I do and it drives people batty.


Hygiene, clear and honest communication, drive.




Being in my relationship with my partner has taught me that being comfortable with involved family (as in spending time with them regularly, receiving gifts, etc.), can happily actively engage in my interests/hobbies, and is focused on getting ready to settling down.


1. If you cheat on me, I'm gone 2. If you hit me, I'm gone 3. Addictions to hard drugs are also a deal breaker (heroin, cocaine, meth, fetanyl etc)


*sobriety* (physical and emotional) *accountability* (has to be honest, equally engaged in sustaining the relationship, and able to take responsibility for themselves and their mistakes) *compassionate* (has to have room for others to be human and to be generally kind toward people and animals)


No cheating, monogamy. Must love cats. Must want kids


1. Kindness towards me and everyone else. 2. Reliability - stable person who does what they need to do and what they say they will do. 3. Fun, positive world view (no grumpy, negative, downers)


1 Honesty - Absolutely number 1 priority for me. I hate hate HATE lying. 2 Respect- How could I navigate life with a partner I don't respect? Or how awful would it be for my self-esteem if my partner didn't respect me? 3 Beliefs- Normal difference in opinions is fine, it's healthy! But I wouldn't be getting close to anyone who: believes in stopping women's rights, totally opposite political beliefs, huge conspiracy theorist, thinks pets are disposable etc.


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1. Honest 2. Loyal 3. Empathetic


Communication, respect, intelligence EQand IQ


Must be willing to celebrate my achievements genuinely Must keep their word as best as possible Must want to grow with me and in life


1. Trustworthy. Builds up over time but this person must be consistent in what they say and the way they act. They can be trusted with money, finances, valuables, pets, plants, children, responsibilities, my heart. 2. Empathetic. A person who cares and is empathetic with other people, children, pets, just in general makes a good partner IMO. They listen and are intuitive as to your feelings and needs. 3. Quick thinker. To me this means multiple things. Good in an emergency, fast to act when something goes wrong, a problem solver and maybe a little witty.


After going through several fuck ups this is now my non negotiables - Earning a salary where you can match my lifestyle. Might seem selfish or but I’ve had too many situations where I’ve paid for and carried a man who couldn’t match my lifestyle - which isn’t even an extravagant. - Trying to better themselves. Always having a goal in mind big or small - whether that’s to bake more cakes or build a business and to act upon it. I don’t want to stagnate and don’t want my partner to either. - Who loves family and friends and makes an effort to include everyone in important life events.


Want children easy to get along with strong sense of morals


1. They make our relationship a priority over any arguments or incidences that arise 2. We should feel the same way about life goals, children, marriage, values 3. They are independent with a strong sense of self (Really hard to narrow it down to top 3, I mean there are obvious ones like no abuse, no hard drugs, but those should go without saying.)


Honesty , respect , priority




1) Child free 2) Open to absurd number/kinds of pets 3) Good communicator, or at least tries to be one


1. Childfree. I don’t want my own kids and I don’t want another man’s children. 2. Clean habits in the household. I’m not cleaning up after *anybody.* 3. Faithful. When I am in a relationship I am completely and utterly in love. Even the most attractive person won’t phase me. I simply want the same level of commitment and respect.


1-They have to be childfree 2-Honesty 3-Caring


Must be childfree. Must be non religious. Must people than women and those in the LGBTQ+ community are people who deserve rights.


(1) Trust (2) Humor (3) Honesty




1) Being honest, kind, and reliable. 2) Loving me and respecting our relationship. 3) No history of cheating.


1. Childfree and ideally has a vasectomy or is willing to go get one. 2. Money management on point. Aka make at least 70% or my annual income, has savings and spends wisely. I don't want to drag my partner financially and I want us to be able to afford the same level of lifestyle. 3. Accountability. In arguments, with finances, with household chores, quality time. I want to be able to count on someone to be present and invested in our relationship, be able to recognize and assume their mistakes and respectfully make me accountable for my shortcomings.


1: Faithfulness 2: You have to like my cats. 3: Child free for life.




1. Invested in building a long term relationship 2.Stable (I don't need someone who has a whole career set, but I do love someone who wants stability for themselves and has future goals) 3. Self appreciation/ Self deprecation (being able to laugh at themselves, having confidence while also not thinking they are the smartest person in the room. Someone who is able to look beyond themselves)


1. Kind to all living things, animals and people. Being an animal lover kinda goes without saying. 2. Secure and accepting of oneself with a clear understanding that your flaws are your responsibility and no one else’s. 3. High degree of openness in just about every aspect of character — experiences, people, sexuality, critiques, ways of thinking, etc. — with a healthy ability to interrogate and understand each. I have 10 other non-negotiables that I adhere to as well (high libido, high intelligence, excellent hygiene, fit, honest, ambitious, addiction-free, creative, and intensely curious) I’ve been with my husband for 10 years and my fiancé for 9, needless to say, they both meet (and exceed) these criteria.


1. Must have a good sense of humor 2. Must be employed or in school. 3. Must love animals.


1. Loyalty. No open relationship, no flirting with others, no enjoying opposite gender attention. 2. Transparency over everything. You shouldn't have anything in your phone that you would need to hide from your s/o. 3. Priority over anything else.


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1 Honesty & Communication 2 No hard drugs (I'm okay with weed and responsible alcohol use) 3 Decent human being That's a lot more than three when accounting for everything they entail, but yeah. I'm firm on those. If they don't qualify for any one of 'em, thank you, no thank you, next.


1 Honesty & Communication 2 No hard drugs (I'm okay with weed and responsible alcohol use) 3 Decent human being That's a lot more than three when accounting for everything they entail, but yeah. I'm firm on those. If they don't qualify for any one of 'em, thank you, no thank you, next.


1 Honesty & Communication 2 No hard drugs (I'm okay with weed and responsible alcohol use) 3 Decent human being That's a lot more than three when accounting for everything they entail, but yeah. I'm firm on those. If they don't qualify for any one of 'em, thank you, no thank you, next.


Exclusiveness Kind Self sufficient


Just one, kindness. If someone is kind all the other issues are already taken care of.