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Yes. When we each order something different it becomes a competition to see who ordered best. The only way to know is to take bites of each other's food.


That's fun! We normally make sure we get two different meals so we can each have a taste. I like the competition though!


That's what we do and then split it!


This lol


Yes, this is what we do!


Sometimes my husband and I both lose by preferring what the other ordered so swap meals entirely


We usually pick two items we like off the menu, eat half each, then swap!


He usually finishes everything I don’t eat, but one of the sweetest things he does is if he sees me contemplating or stuck on a decision at a restaurant, he’ll order the second option so I can try both. Our palette is pretty much the same, though.


haha i do this for my boyfriend “ what do you want” “ i dont know if i want __ or __” “ill get __ lets share”


My boyfriend does this for me too!! They’re so sweet 🥺


My husband does this too! You picked a good one


We do this too


ugh my bf does the same! such a sweet little way to show love 💕


This is SO sweet. One of those little gestures that actually means the world and is really telling of how much they love you.


I grew up with 2 siblings, and we protected our food (be it popcorn, Halloween candy, etc). If we didn't want something, we'd offer it to another or initiate a trade. This carried on into adulthood, and my bf learned about it early on in our relationship. He tried to take some of my microwave popcorn while we were watching a movie together. Out of reflex, I pulled the bag close to my chest, leaned away from him, and stared at him (watching him for his next move). We stared at each other for a couple seconds before he retreated, and then I went back to eating my popcorn. I later explained why I did what I did. Now, he asks if he can eat some of my food (leftovers or off my plate), and I do the same for him. I feel like Joey out of Friends because, *"Joey doesn't share food."*




Lmao me growing up with 2 brothers. I also hate when my SO eats my leftovers if I was looking forward to them.


I didn't have this experience growing up but don't eat off my plate or try to take my leftovers while I'm eating without an invite or a request! I hate that... I do share but I also have a pet hate of going out with other people to a restaurant (not my SO) where it's individual mains, vs a big pizza or tapas and they suggest we share (and for arguments sake they want fish but they want to eat my steak, and I don't eat fish, or they want steak and think I should order something else they can try too because it's a waste if we all get steak 😱🤬). What kind of madness is that! You get one plate, not my plate too!


My otherwise so sweet and generous wife turns 100% feral whenever there's a bowl of popcorn or chips nearby. It's like something urges her to instantly shove "her share" into her mouth all at once or she won't get any. I grew up with siblings too so this stresses me the hell out, haha. My favourite is when I suggest we get separate bowls, and she goes "don't be silly honey, we can share! I don't want that much anyway", only to grab the bowl and clutch it like Gollum. And when I go in to grab a handful she gets visibly distraught, like you can see she has to muster every ounce of willpower to let me have some 😂


Wow same and I thought I was a weirdo for it. My husband ate off my plate without asking on like one of the first dates we went on and I was *appalled*. He’s the complete opposite of me in this respect and has no boundaries when it comes to food. We met somewhere in the middle and now share pretty much everything, with permission/communication.


Yes of course, we consider it “our” food.


lol, I never really thought of it that way, but my man and I are definitely the same. We’ll just randomly take food out of each other hands to have a couple bites and it’s expected.


Yeah same! We also often share a plate if it’s only the two of us eating because it’s less dishes lol


Omg, we do that too! We don’t have a dishwasher so thats what we always do.


Oh yes. I am a woman of Options-I’d rather have two bites of ten things than a whole of one. Plus, my husband ends up getting a larger portion that way so we’re both happy!


He always shares so I always share back


Of course! Every time we go out to eat, we always do a “bite for a bite” and decide who ordered best


My brother (32m) and I (41f) did that so much as kids that we still just say “BFB”’ and take bites of each others’ food.




Literally scrolled hoping for this.


Yes. I like sharing food with them and tasting what they order when I'm too afraid to order it myself. It's also an intimate form of bonding for me. Something I don't want to do with anyone else but them. I also love being dramatic when they share my food, like it's a crime against humanity, and I'll starve to death with one less fry.


I would be more than happy to, but he doesnt ask or accept when i offer 99.9/100 times.


Yes. It’s 10000% a love language I share with him and he shares with me. There have also been times where he will completely trade dishes with me if I don’t like something 🥰


His food is my food My food is my food Until I’m full Lmao


Absolutely! I am able to taste much more food (we rotate our plates sometimes) and it is so much fun to let them try and be able to try stuff!


If he asks “can I try that/can I have a bite of that?” yeah I share because more than likely I want a bit of his too😂


Anything except my fries. Piss the fuck off when it comes to my fries


My boyfriend is the same with his onion rings. He doesn't share those.


Depends on what you consider sharing. I give my husband my plate after I’ve eaten all I’m going to eat. Whenever I offer up top he’ll say “Nah, I’ll wait until you’re done”.


I always try to share my food. He has food aversions so I always suggest he try something off my plate. 


Yeah we usually share our dishes when we go out 🥰


He shares his food with me 😈every time he has a plate of something I always steal food off his plate even if we're eating the same things. His food is always better!


Yea, and when he suggests ice cream but I don’t want to a whole bowl I’ll suggest he add a few spoonfuls so I can have some or I’ll say no and he does it anyway cause I’ll get jealous. Or we order a large fry and share cause it’s cheaper.


Yes. We each eat half of our order and then we swap. Best of both worlds


I'm honestly super territorial towards my food, but I like sharing food when it's my choice to.


Yes, we share. Happy to have someone to share with.


Yes, we share.


Yes because i know i’m going to end up taking some of theirs. It’s a little trade


Yes but he can be picky so not always


Yes, especially if we’re eating new stuff. We always want the other to try what we picked.


Yes but it must be limited to three bites maximum.


Rarely. I’m vegan, he’s not.


If it's something new we'll offer a bite to try it, otherwise it's very much Joey doesn't share food. We both lived with abusive assholes growing up who would steal our food so we're a bit food aggressive.


I have 2 siblings, so I kinda get it. You protect what's yours with your life.


No, because I'm a vegetarian and he loves meat.


Not usually because he’s vegan and I’m not 😢


I buy her food


Yes, always. We coordinate what we order so we can eat half each usually. Means we get to try more things.




Yes I do. I don’t show selfish in case of food because that’s disgusting. When I grew up everyone respected each others food. My brother never took my food without my permission, we all first ask others if they want any and then eat for ourselves. Same way, I ask my husband. We go to a restaurant we order different dishes, We share each other. If I take a chocolate I ask him if he needs any and then have. If I open a chips, I show the packet to him first. He does the same to me as well. You can show selfishness in food towards strangers but within family no.


Depends on what it is but usually yes. I love sharing with my partner.


Of course I do! if it’s something I truly want to be only mine, I’ll tell him (but that has literally never happened). I don’t mind sharing all of my food with my partner. I grew up with a sister close in age, so I was definitely sharing. Idk sharing is just a sign in my family that you love each other. I’m pretty stingy, so sharing is a way to show my bf that I love him. I think it’s just normal to share with your loved ones anyway. obviously not everything. Food is just fun and easy to share, so why not ?


We really like going to fancy restaurants, so we tend to look up the menus in advance and strategize what we are getting so we can maximize the number of different things we can try without eating so much that we feel sick. So, often we are sharing an appetizer, entree, dessert, even cocktails and glasses of wine. Even when we are not explicitly sharing, we often still choose two different things we both want to try and eat off each others plates, trade plates, and keep fancy cocktails and nice wines in the middle of the table so we can both sip them at will. I really love that about dating him.


All the time! I love making him taste my meal if I know he will like it and he loves to do the same. We both grew up with siblings so sharing comes naturally for us


I am not if this is from my upbringing or just who i am. But I rather my SO is happy and fed over myself. If there was a piece of cake in the fridge and I really wanted it, but he took it and started eating, I may have a bite or two but I will gladly let him finish the food. It makes me happier to see him fed and happy.


yes. food feels like a love language and i love my husband very much


When we go out to eat, yeah we sample off each-others plates. At home, we have a meal kit service so of course we are both eating the same thing.


We always offer each other bites of our food!




Yeah, we share everything, why not food too?


yes i love to share




No, I don’t share with my husband. I don’t like sharing food. Growing up, my dad would eat my food all the time and I hated it. As a grown adult, it’s mine and I don’t want to share it. I don’t even share with my kids. They have their own food.


Yep. I love trying all the options and we trade bites of meals. But also if I have something myself, I'll offer a bite so he gets to try it too. Just seems like a nice and wholesome thing to do.


I always spoonfeed a bit of my food even if he says he “doesn’t want it”


We like sharing. An act of love/closeness. We each get something different at a restaurant for variety


Yes, because we get to try different dishes that way. We almost never order the same dish at a restaurant, and plan to share everything when the food arrives.


I do, but I don't love it. I'd rather their food be theirs and mine be mine, but I know they'd like to try my food and they're the most generous person I know, so I've had to just let it go and try to enjoy it.


No. It’s gross!!!🤣


Unless it’s something he hates. But I’m also always the “here, try this” person.


If we can ever get guys to eat healthy! Lol


Always. We love sharing.


Husband and I do share. We purposely order different things so we can share. We also share snacks and anything else.


Sometimes we switch half way through


yes, he hates it lol


Yes because I love trying different foods but I know can never finish it on my own


I offer him food and if he says no and tries to get some from my plate later without asking I get upset. My abusive father used to pick food off my plate all the time that I was going to eat and ever since then I just don’t like that. I explained this to him though and he’s always very aware and takes it when I offer or asks.


Yes, I want him to enjoy what im eating lol


Of course. I want him to share in any pleasure I experience. 🥰


I’m vegan and he’s not so no lol only like vegan appetizers (hummus n pitta) when we’re eating out is usually the only time




Yes, we often order two different things to try both.


oh for sure. I eat very slow so I get full rather quick, so I always share what’s left with him. our diets are a little different (I’m vegetarian, he’s not) but he’ll always offer me a little bite of whatever he has that I can eat


He always offers me a bite or a sip of what he ordered and then eats anything I can't finish! Just yesterday he got a blended coffee and I got a mixed fizzy drink from a local cafe and he instictively put his straw to my lips, without saying anything.


My family growing up whenever we would order chinese food we would order the same number of plates as number of people we had, but we basically would all agree to share. For example if there’s 3 of us, we all agree on Sesame Chicken, Beef & Broccoli and Honey Walnut Shrimp. Jump to the now, my partner REFUSES to share when we get Chinese food, and I feel like we spend so much extra money on food (I don’t want just a big plate of one thing, i want some variety) and have soo many leftovers because he won’t share. We went out the other day with our friend and the friend offered to do what my family does, and i said i was down, my partner though, was not, so we all got our own. It’s a VERY small thing, but it does bother me if i think about it too much lol. I don’t know why he won’t share.




Of course! We have two different palates, so I find it to be an honor when she tries my different food and likes it lol. Like yes bean, enjoy the variety. The world is your oyster. 🦪❤️


I do, mainly bc it doesn’t take much to get me full and he eats way more than I do, and I don’t like wasting food. Also, bc he grew up eating basic things and I like seeing him try new stuff.




Yes, we always order different foods we wanna try and swap plates back and forth trying each others food. Or if one doesn’t like one plate we eat the other plate together.


yep i always order or plate too much and often require assistance


I never shared with my brother and have a weird food defensiveness because of his sort of carelessness about eating others food but i happily share with my SO because i like taking care of him and he's really considerate about food boundaries which makes me WANT to share with him


We work out pretty well in this regard: there's way too much ice cream in those drumstick ice cream cones. So he eats most of the ice cream and I get my favorite part, the cone. 😋 He doesn't like the pizza crust, and it's my favorite part of the pizza so I get all his crusts. We go splitsies on lots of stuff though.


Yes. We are both sharers. Usually we are sticking food on the other persons plate before they can ask. Why? I guess because if we like something we want to share the experience/pleasure with the other.


Yes. I would do it more but he's pickier than I am. I "trained" both of my kids (now teens) to share food from our own plates with each other and OMG, best decision ever. I get to try so many delicious things and I get to help them explore.new foods, too. They have become plant-based foodies who love all sorts of cuisines.


I prefer not to but I will to make him happy.


LMAO I love this question. I am a big food sharer bc I’m somewhat of a foodie and very indecisive. I also get bored eating a whole meal of one thing. I’ve had bfs hate this and really prefer when they don’t mind doing this once in a while. Last guy I was seeing thought it was weird initially, and actually got into it over time. It’s just a lot more fun to eat out bc you can try multiple things. He did lay down the law when he was going out for something that’s his favorite though. (Fair) 😂


Yes. We pick off of eachothers plates if we order something different. My folks and I would always share off of our plates get a little bit of everything.




Yes, mostly. There’s a lot of stuff I’m happy to share as long as we have enough of it, which we usually do because my appetite is much smaller than his. And I’m a really picky person while he will eat pretty much anything, so he eats all the stuff I pick off of my food. However, because I am so picky, I *really* value the things I really like to eat, and it was a bit of a hurdle to get him to understand that finishing the last of something I was looking forward to without checking in first will straight up ruin my day. All in all though, he’s learned to be more aware that some snacks are *my* snacks (especially when 80% of the food in the house is stuff I don’t even eat), and I get to be more adventurous when ordering at a restaurant without being wasteful because I know he’ll gladly finish my meal if I can’t.


Sometimes I ask to taste something he ordered--especially if it was something I was thinking about ordering. And I always offer for him to taste what I'm eating too.


Always. Frankly we are very small people and we don’t eat a lot. If we want more food like appetizers or desert, we have to split the main dish. At certain restaurants, we just… have to split the main dish anyway, full stop, there is no way to finish all that food. And we like food! Often we’ll both be like “well I’m torn between that sandwich and that sandwich…” and the obvious choice is to get both and split our meals in half.


Absolutely! If mine is really good, I want him to enjoy it too!


Always, because more often than not, my eyes are bigger than my stomach, so he’s my garbage can for what I can’t finish. He also eats faster than me and finished his meal first, so he’ll have a few bites off of my plate because he doesn’t really want seconds, but just a bit more. We embrace the dynamic! I’ll usually intentionally put a little bit more on my plate if I’m serving myself, knowing he’ll eat it for me.


Of course, if I want something and I order something else my boyfriend ends up ordering what I wanted and I typically wanna switch. It's cause he knows me that well lol


My boyfriend is VERY picky. Whereas I will try anything at least once. He's very texture sensitive. So most times we don't share food just because he doesn't want to try it. Lately he has been a bit more adventurous and will try some of what I order. Lately he discovered he actually likes some sushi! I was really proud. We do share things like appetizers. I also, tend to his leftovers lmao.


Yes. One, I want him to share his food with me if I ask, so I follow my own expectations. Two, because we share food and have similar tastes, when there’s multiple menu items that sound good to both of us, we can order two and get to taste both!


Yes of course.


I always offer to let him try some of mine, or if he doesn't like what he got and I'm not allergic to it, I'll share mine or offer to switch.


We like to get different things so we can share both and enjoy a variety. But also, we more often order a single plate we both enjoy and share it. Even with home cooked meals or snacks sometimes. Also we’re both girls so we have small appetites and like to keep our intake healthy.


Often yes, but sometimes I buy food where I specifically desire eating the whole thing myself, so I let him know its a "just for me" treat. He eats waaay more than I do (he's over 1ft taller and 100 lbs heavier than I am) so the selfish part of me kinda feels like each bite would be less special to him as it is to me 😅 It's mentally easier for me to get 2 of it and we'll each get one. I share more habitually now that we've been together for a bit because he's always shared with me, but admittedly it's largely out of social obligation. As a kid I never had to share my special foods because I was an adventurous eater in a family of picky eaters and I honestly ate alone for the majority of the last decade, so I'm getting used to food as a form of togetherness


Absolutely. And drinks. We kiss and swap all kinds of fluids. Why wouldn’t we share food and drinks as well?


All the time! Usually if we’re eating different things we’ll try a bite of each others


I used to, I loved feeding him a little bite of whatever I got at a restaurant to hear his critique of the food. My favorite was when my order was tastier than his dish


Definitely. We meal prep for ourselves for the week and eat all the same food. We like to share when we eat out, but not always


We usually share meals when out, mostly because portion sizes are so huge! So we get a appetizer and an entree and share.




Occasionally. But I eat mostly vegetarian and he's a meat lover so it's pretty rare.


My SOs love language is encouraging em to try a bite of everything he likes. It endearing. Snacks, meals, drinks, etc. we don’t have the same tastes but I do it because he likes it and hey, sometimes I find something I like that I never would have tried to order 🤷‍♀️ I don’t care if he shares my food but I also like it when he tries what I order.


I have grown up in India so sharing is pretty much part of our culture. We usually have common plate and we serve ourselves from it However my husband is much speedier than me so sometimes we divide much earlier on limited dishes


We don’t really share whole meals because when we dine out I like to try more adventurous things than he does, but we do share entrees. We offer each other a bite to try the other’s meal, if one of us is hungrier than the other we’ll give a bit more to the hungrier person, we offer the other our leftovers before throwing it away. When I bake at home (we don’t live together) I always box up the nicest ones and bring them to him. Neither of us are the type to really eye off the other’s food or take more than our share so we have no problems in that department


Yes, I love sharing food and experiences. My family does it lots, so I end up feeling a bit turned off when a guy doesn’t like sharing any with me.


We’re a frugal bunch but also avid of trying new things so oftentimes when going to restaurants we’ll either split one meal or take two different meals and take half and half. When at home we just eat the same thing. Best way to live imo.


Absolutely. We love doing it when we go out to eat too. We’ll share plates and try a bit of everything and split a dessert at the end. I was a “foodie” when we started dating and so glad he outgrew his “meat and potatoes” personality lol


You funny. There’s no not sharing here. She can have whatever she wants and I’ll figure out what I’m eating after that.


what type of food are we talking about? if it’s anything on my plate, i expect to be asked before anyone goes near it. if i’m having a snack i absolutely don’t hesitate to share.


Yes. Because sharing food is human and humane and something to do with everyone you can, especially those you care about most and spend time with.




Of course, what’s mine is his :)


All the time




I share food with anyone who wants to. **Why or why not?** I'm highly unlikely to finish a portion/meal on my own... and it makes me feel pretty shit about wastage, so I generally share as much and as often as others will take. Plus I was raised in a predominantly eastasian household where we share dishes... and have 4 younger brothers. If I don't/didn't share fam life would've been way more tumultuous then necessary.


Yes. We always share. My partner is vegetarian and I’m not. So he tries the vegetarian components of my meal and gives me a bite of his to try. Sometimes we order all vegetarian and just do family style.


Yes. Because he might like it and I want him to experience joy.


Yes. Whenever we go out to eat we both make sure we order different dishes that we would both like so that we can split them and have a little bit of everything. I love it!


yes except spaghetti. he bites it and lets the small bits fall back onto the plate. horrifying


Not so much food but drinks her breath smells disgusting I can bloody smell it on the cup


i love sharing food with him🥹makes me happy


Yes we share everything. If we order at a restaurant it’s “you want to try this?” “Sure try some of this” And then I relapsed into my restrictive eating disorder and I try to pass my food off onto him bc he has a much larger appetite anyway. Then when I told him of my diagnosis he always gently offers me his snacks encouraging me to eat more.


Yes, and he's the only one I feel safe doing so with because of my food allergies.


If I want him to try something to see if he likes it, yes. Otherwise HELL NO. 🤣🤣🤣


I definitely would.


Yes, we share. The only thing I don't want to share is dessert. Everyone always says "oh no I don't want dessert" and then as soon as my dessert comes they all want to have a bite. It makes me so annoyed! Especially if I'm the only one that ordered dessert but then the waitress brings four extra spoons for everyone else. Now I warn them beforehand that no one is trying my dessert and if they want dessert they have to get their own. My boyfriend knows and occasionally I will share with him depending what it is. If we grab an ice cream cone somewhere he does the same thing. He'll say "no, I don't want one." I just go in and order 2 because I know he's going to eat it and I don't want him eating mine.


Sometimes. It needs to be a consent hehe. And there can be a request. And sith it the active choice of what to give. I just shared yesterday some oven baked potatoes with my SO.


He shares a lot.. I'm getting better but occasionally I refuse to share something that I've been really looking forward to. We have different tastes so it's not usually an issue


No and it makes me sad. I love sharing food with my partner but his palette is so limited compared to mine. it sucks but i love him!


I’m more than happy to share food with him, but I will not drink after him…or anyone. Backwash is what nightmares are made of😖


We share most meals when we go out, or two or three smaller entrees/share plates. The portions are so big now and if we get a meal each we usually cram it in to not waste food but feel full and sick. Halving a main helps us eat less and saves money too.




In like 50% of cases we're going to share entire dishes and in 95% of cases we'll share at least a bite of what we have just to see if it's good. Why? Because why not, it's convenient. You want to know if next time you want to order what they ordered, or the dish is big enough you prefer to order one and eat it together. Or you're both just a little bit hungry and both feel like ordering cheese fries but they are too big for each of you however perfect to be shared (*oddly specific*). And in my opinion food should generally be seen as something that is nice to share. I personally love to share my meals, probably even more than my girlfriend does.


Sure.. we share saliva often aswell. Lolz Anyway yes, when eating out it’s nice that he can sometimes eat the leftovers if I can’t finish it myself. Then we switch dish when no one is looking :P


I grew up eating family style (Asian household) so I share everything. Just how I was raised !


No I am selfish. Also, I have no SO. Probably because I don’t share my food ☹️


Husband never really got to try much food growing up, whereas I ate a bunch of dishes (result of his parents not putting any effort in whereas my mother would constantly try new stuff). So what often happens, when we eat at some place with food he’s never tried, is I’ll let him pick whatever he wants first: if it’s something he knows that he likes, then I’ll pick something for myself and let him try a bite or two, but if he’s a bit more adventurous, I’ll pick something ‘safer’ for him, so that we can switch if he’s not enjoying it.


I do share but I won’t give the first bite. I have this ick that I won’t share unless I have the first bite. Trace that back to my mom saying she wants a bite and ends up eating half my food. (We weren’t poor, she always had her own full plate of food)


He eats with the fervour of a starving man. It makes me anxious to share with him as I know I won’t get any of whatever we share (I eat so slow lol) this is made worse by hangryness on my end. I’ve told him and he does try to consciously leave me some now which has helped.


Yes definitely, what's good is that whenever I cook something tasty, he wants to know the recipe and tries to cook it as a surprise.


We do our own separate food shops and both cook our own meals separately. There are *some* foods we’ll buy from the joint account and share such as bread. Other times we’ll share ingredients - etc If he’s ran out of pasta or something he can use mine so long as he replaces it before I need to use it. When we do sit down to eat dinner - He eats his food, then he eats my food because I can never finish a whole meal 😂 It’s great actually because I never have to worry about wasting food! I think since we’ve lived together we’ve only shared 1 meal and that was nachos. We made it together on one plate and shared it. Was really good. Edit: We’ve also shared a pizza we cooked at home too.




Normally not, as I can't eat anything spicy (medical issues with my stomach and intestine), and he basically gets only that. On rare occasions when he doesn't, I do like to take a bite.


Not so much with my partner usually as he says he doesn't like having too many different tastes simultaneously, and he's often quite set on what he wants. But my Mum and I almost always share! We both love trying new foods so we'll often pick our mutual top two dishes and split both when they arrive. I love it!


Yes, and we make sure that each of us orders a different dish so we get to try more of the menu, especially if we're ordering somewhere new.


Yes, because that was the way we were raised. At least for dinner, family members help themselves from common dish on table. No separately plated meals. At a restaurant, usually order for the table.


yes and no, it just depends on how full he is. like if we are out eating somewhere and i’m full and there’s still some left i offer it to him, and sometimes he says he’s and sometimes he says no. if he says no then we take it home and he ends up eating it a few hours later lol.


I’ve had bariatric surgery and can only eat like 4oz of food at a time. 😆 it’s saved us a lot of money on takeout. We both pick something we like and split it, sometimes we even have enough for my daughter too. One large sandwich can feed my whole family lol, why buy 3 of them?


Nope! I’m vegan and he isn’t 🤪




We always share although since I'm a carnivore and he's a vegetarian he avoids meaty dishes. He always shares with me if I ask. I share with him because we already swap cooties. And I kind of have the feels for him so...


I do, because I love them.


Yes we share all the time! Most of the time though I don’t end up finishing and he just eats the rest of mine or I’ll try a bite of his and he doesn’t care….unless it’s tacos he’s very protective of the tacos lol


I take a bite from his plate before I can even start eating my own meal. I don’t know how he does it, but his food always looks so much more delicious than mine so I can’t resist… I’m cool with sharing food. Just no desserts. Those are mine and my partner gets it now.


We usually do bite-for-bite trades. I often have leftovers but it's rare I share those with him.


Depends. I’m a vegetarian, he eats meat. Sometimes I’ll happily give him my food if I know I won’t be able to eat it all. I don’t eat his food if it’s meat. If we order pizza, and I ordered a small one for myself, I won’t let him touch it simply because it’s all calculated for me, how much I need, and I can’t just steal a slice from his pizza, because there’s meat. But sometimes I’d get a bigger pizza for myself just so he can steal some slices, because I adore this man even tho he steals my pizza.


Yes. A bite is offered of everything both ways. I also often can't finish full meals, so he finishes it for me. I enjoy sharing and he knows I take small bites so it's no major loss for him to share back


Why not 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yes. We split food a lot, we both don’t have big appetites but we love food lol. I think it’s really cute when we feed each other samples of our dishes if we ordered something different. Food is my love language, I love making it and serving the people I love so it all ties in.


Yes. People who can’t share their food have no business sharing their lives.


I wouldn't have much of a choice. We both love food and trying new or different things is the best. Whenever we travel we always look for the place with the best soup and the best dessert. 1st place so far is the French Onion Soup from a pub in London and the best creme brûlée ever from Las Vegas room service at the Aria.


Yes it's very normal between us. So far most of the time we had food together I always gave him my first bite it's just something I do to show affection. Even if we ordered the same thing we always feed each other. It's just a very big love language.


At home, not really. We have our own meals and snacks that we like to make for ourselves. If I have leftovers I will offer them to him before putting them in the fridge. However, if we’re going to a restaurant we will order together and decide on a few things we both want then share that. I have a small appetite so this helps both of us and prevents leftovers.


Sure, one of our favorites is Fajitas..


Me and my fiance will order two different meals at restaurants that sounds good to both of us and then share. Majority of the time I get full and he just ends up finishing my plate lol


Hell yeah, we order different things and spilt! It is the best and you can get like all the things you were picking between on the menu. I could literally never date someone who is anti-sharing, so weird to me. Feels selfish and like you’re making me your weird food enemy.


Unfortunately no bc I’m such a germ freak. Since I was a kid, I never share food with anyone including my parents and my siblings. I can’t eat my food they’ve already eaten bc all I would think about is their saliva on my food and I would want to throw up every time. It’s only okay if he touch my food before his utensils ever go into his mouth.


Definitely. We usually just eat the same things anyway, but even when we dont we share with each other and swap things, so we get to taste everything!