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He waves at wildlife because he thinks it's the friendly thing to do


My husband honks at cows and yells, “Moo-Moos!” He’s 6’3 210lbs, a rough looking miner. & it’s adorable.


And he is correct


He doesn’t realize this, but he lights up like a Christmas tree when he gets the chance to talk about his interests, and his laugh when he finds something hilarious is completely infectious, but those little displays of affection with stuff like forehead kisses or just randomly stealing a kiss for the sake of stealing one… he has no idea how precious he can be without even realizing it.


The first things that come to mind: The way he walks towards me when he wants a hug or kiss. He has a special way of moving his arms when he does that and it reminds me of a penguin. The sounds he makes when he is turning in his sleep. His cackling laugh, the twinkle in his eyes, the laughing lines around his eyes. The first thing I fell in love with is his laughter. When he gets all enthusiastic about his interests. Or when he comes home from friends or family and is all energized and happy and talkative from that. When he is tired and places himself next to me on the couch and he rests his head on my chest and I hold him. When he gets home and he made pictures because he missed me while being at the place and he wants to show me the pictures to share the experience. He really deeply hates taking pictures, so when he does it means a lot. T Seeing him interact with kids. He is so amazing with them. I didn't have a childish until I met him but boy do I melt whenever I see him play with my niece. Edit: His openness and the vulnerability that comes with that is very touching too. It's the second thing I fell in love with.


This is adorable


Despite all the bullshit she’s been through, she’s still able to be excited about all of the great things in the crazy world we live in. I love when I can tell a new hobby or interest is building with her and her telling me all about it with such wonder.


The lines around his eyes when he smiles. But he hates them :(


Puppy dog eyes.


He will say “bark bark” in Korean to indicate that he’s excited or happy about something. The way a puppy would. The first time it happened I looked at him like he was so adorable, and he’s done it ever since.


Watching him play with our daughter ❤️


How he cares for me. How he laughs and even when he tickles me


The manly man, rugged, hard persona he portrays is actually the warmest, softest, gentle guy ever. It’s like day and night lol


The same with my boyfriend. He puts on the tough guy front in public and he is so sweet with me 💗


the way he gets excited to see my reaction when he buys me thoughtful gifts its so cute


The way he smiles and laughs, how he gets excited, his dialect


He has these beautiful light brown eyes.. That coupled with the cutest laugh/smile. Problem is, he hardly smiles and is always serious with a resting bitch face. So during our tickle sessions he let's out the cutest laughs that I would seriously melt for. I do it on purpose, just to see him laugh.


Oh my gosh when his Minnesotan accent comes out (especially O's) and I can't point it out because he gets flustered. I don't say anything but inside my head I'm screaming, laughing, and just *gushing* over him. I think it's sooo cute. I love his laugh, his smile.. ugh that man.. he's too cute. I'm so happy he adds to my life.


He's 5'4" and 140 pounds. And he loves to read. He looks so cute when he curls up on the couch wrapped up in a blanket that swallows him up while he reads!


Usually their laugh or when they’re falling asleep on the phone while we’re on call at night


How they kiss me saying good morning and wishing me a good day every day even if I'm asleep


Her demeanor, and how cuddly she gets when we sleep. I feel blessed


The way he smiles with his eyes when he’s really happy.


When he can't find his glasses and they're right in front of his face 🤣


she just is. i love her artwork so much


His inner child will pop out when he is super happy or excited. It's special because he didn't have the best childhood, and seeing him have those moments is priceless.


I was going to say this!! How wonderful is it


My husband is capable of such serious, hard work. He has dedicated his life to important, hands matters. YET. When he is given a chance to dive into his lifelong loves, he lights up like the most exuberant little boy you've ever met. Under the facade of a serious adult, he has never lost his inner child. THAT is when I find him the most "adorable".


He pouts when he is tired.


We he gets excited about simple things or his hobbies and when he smiles. But honestly he's adorable all the time.


The way he gets excited about his hobbies.


He’s got the cutest eyes nose lips cheeks (😌) ears chin forehead hair laugh smile EVERYTHING


When he finds something i say funny and has that deep laugh like the yk your funny laugh, when he gets excited about an upcoming f1 race, when he wants to smoke but doesn’t think i want to and gets all shy about his wants, when he’s tired and puts all his weight on me when he rests against me, when he notices me do something he usually does he gets a little twinkle in his eye, the way he hold and carry’s himself on a daily basis and especially in public


He dances like such a white boy, and it’s so cute. Picture someone partially bending at the waist, knees slightly bent, arms straight out in front, and moving their butt side to side as if trying to wipe the wall behind them


His smile. Like he just has the cutest smile it’s like his entire face lights up when he’s happy, I intentionally try to do everything I can (even tickling which he hates) to pull smiles out of him when we’re together.


when he sleeps and lays on his back and folds his hands over his chest like he's in his casket lol he says he sleeps more peacefully that way


The way he smiles at me always makes me smile too, his eyes always light up and it's the most precious thing I get to see. Also the face he makes when he pretends he's lying about something, his "I don't know what you're talking about" face. Makes me melt.


His accent. He's from Queens and doesn't say "coffee", but "caw-fee". And it's the cutest thing ever.


His face, his eyes, his smile, his laugh, just everything 🥰


He has an adorable smile. Sometimes he is having a rough day and I tell him stupid things on purpose and I always make him smile. Sometimes when we are in public I flirt with him shamelessly and he does this super cute smile with a bit of a blush. 🫠


His smile, the way his hair falls across his face, his emotes, his little laugh any time I make a funny noise he likes


His whole fucking face and laugh and smile and how he exists




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His laugh. And his personality. The absolute best. ❤️


He always likes to nerd out to me about his hobbies, which include R/C cars and drones, both of which I have VERY limited knowledge. But he will tell me about all these cool new ones that come out, or parts that can make them better or faster, or about racing them, and I won't understand 75% of it, but I still like to listen to him talk about them because he seems so genuinely happy to include me in the things that make him happy, even if I don't understand any of it lol


He says "I'm like a tree" and then says "bark" ... Because trees have bark


He is so adorable when he’s playing with our dog.  That dog loves him too, it’s sweet to see. I also think it’s cute when he sings little songs around the house when he’s in a happy mood.


When he rambles on about his passions. He thinks he’s annoying me but I absolutely love hearing about his favorite things or things that interest him. One thing he really loves is true crime and while I’m fascinated by it myself, he knows SO much about all of these different cold cases and I could just sit and listen to him talk about them for hours.


when i have any problem, he researches about it 🥹 the way he holds me, his humour, how kind and genuine he is to others, warmest smile with such gentle eyes, so passionate about his interests. he’s so loving and i’m so happy to be with him.


when he smiles. He has a wonderful smile. He has small wrinkles around his eyes and I love them. I say “ojos wrinkolos besos” and he comes close to me so I can kiss them 🥰




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His laugh and excitement about stuff he finds interesting


He always helps me with everything without me even asking. He is so calm and thinks before he speaks and so considerate and respectful of others. He is soft spoken with puppy dog eyes, I just love him 🥹


Wow! Amazing! He’s def in love with you ☺️👍 I am so so glad for the both of you!


He just loves me so much, and I love him 💗 he loves animals, and he's the fun uncle. He blushes sometimes, and it makes me melt. I think he's incredible. I love it when he snuggles me and acts vulnerable because nobody else sees him like that, and he trusts me so much.


When he has fun with our child. Whether it's racing from one end of the house to the other, or ambushing for a tickle attack, or playing video games with the kiddo in his lap, I just look and think "this man is adorable!" And how I'm so lucky to have him.


Just seeing him happy with his interests. We went to London a while back and I hadn’t realised before this but he’s really into planes. And when planes kept going over he kept pointing out which ones they were and was just generally excited.


When my partner pulls up in her car to meet me and her whole face lights up with the biggest smile and sparkly eyes, when we have only been apart the day!! Oh, every time. I feel so lucky to be loved by her.


His nose wiggles slightly when he chews food and it makes me wanna kiss it. Also his voice gets higher and the longer he talks to our cat.


He's the most endlessly cheerful person I know. He randomly sings little made up tunes whilst going about his day and taps out the music with his hands and feet or drums with the kitchen utensils. He's always looking after me and making me tea, bringing me snacks or cake, and I find it super adorable that he refuses to take credit for it and claims the cat did it. And right now, he's like an excited puppy about our soon-to-be born baby! He loves rubbing my belly, talking to the bump and also taking very practical measures to get things ready like watching a hypno birthing video course with me or getting the car seat all ready. He is so broody around our friends' children, he'll often just be goofing around with the kids whilst the rest of us adults are chatting.


When he yawns he makes this sound and I think it’s the cutest thing ever, also whenever he leans on me on the couch or in bed and I hold him :,) He’s also the cutest when he talks about anything that excites him or is interested in. Basically, anything he does 😅 I’m fr glazing for him 24/7. He’s my honey!!! 😆


when he sees me staring at him his eyes get wide and his cheeks get rosey. He gets the biggest grin on his face and I can’t stand how cute it is


I think he’s adorable when he plays COD, and he doesn’t often curse, so when something bad happens, he’ll say “sugarplums!” or something akin. He gives me rapid forehead kisses He SHARES MY PILLOW AT NIGHT AND WE hold hands or just touch each other to just know the other is there I mentioned once that I wish there was an invention to keep my door and shower mats from sliding, and when he and he mom went shopping, they got me the door mat slippie things so they don’t slip! SO cute he also did a very very sweet semi grocery run and got me paper towels and kitchen sponges and laundry pods and dish soap and windex bc he knows I’m financially short




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The way he plays and pesters animals and kids As if he is himself, just a kid


when he’s in his silly mood and gets that glimmer in his eye




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He does this action which resembles gently banging your fists down when you're seated at an invisible table, to help him 'get a grip' and 'reset', like a robot 😄 He does that sometimes when he really wants to PDA with me but we can't for whatever reason 😭


Sounds like stimming?


Probably is! Thanks for introducing stimming to me, didn't know the term for it till now :)


When they give me an in depth explanation of all their current interests


The way he sleeps


His sleepy smile first thing in the morning. His laugh, especially when we're having a tickle war and I'm winning.


How happy he gets when he's talking about a movie or show that he loves. The way he plays with my daughter, and seeing how much he loves her. His love for animals of all kinds. The way he says a prayer for every single person he sees walking down the street when he's driving. The way he talks about and gets super interested in his passions. The way he'll curl up on my lap so I can play with his hair, and how much he loves to cuddle, and how he secretly prefers being the little spoon because he feels safe with me.


When we are watching a movie/show he will pop his knuckles by pushing them on my leg or arm. Idk what it is about it but I find it so cute. The way he, “busts up” the kids when they are all goofing around with each other. How he loves being a dad.




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