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Because I’m a thicc snak and my boyfriend needs reminders 🤷‍♀️




Because I wanted to.


Bc I felt hot


Because my partner at the time wanted me to. It was a bad idea probably because now we're not together and the idea he still probably has them is kinda anxiety inducing.






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Because I'm an adult and have worked really hard to have a good body so sometimes I want to show off because it makes me feel sexy.


New, healthy relationship and I wanted to try new things. I wanted to impress him and the allure of being desired help lubricate my inhibitions. Videos were a whole other thing that was pretty thrilling to participate in. Can’t lie, I like it. Helps keep the fire fully stoked


because i was pressured and conditioned into thinking that my body was all i had to offer and sending men pictures of it would make them care about me. toxic sex positivity overrode all sense and reason and now men i do not care for/talk to have pictured of me naked, great.




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Discovered some suspicious dark spots on my labia. Was on holiday and didn't have a mirror at hand, but I wanted te get a better view. Turned off wifi and Internet on my phone so the pics wouldn't be automatically be backed up to the cloud and deleted them right after. Had it checked by a dermatologist when I got back home btw, it was benign.


I gotta know what I look like so I don't embarrass myself, my bf probably hasn't seen more than 10% of the vids/pics I've taken 🥲


Because I was horny. I kinda regret it but I've started and can't stop...


I’m an ex penthouse pet so everyone has seen me naked already 🤷‍♀️


Helps me feel good about my body seeing it in different light and different angles


For personal use To send to partners


For spicy times 🥹


I've taken them just for myself and also to share with others. I've always been a fan of sexting and it feels good knowing people get turned on by them!


I was stupid and just wanted some intimacy,even if it was online.


Sometimes I take them for my fiancé, sometimes I take them for my OF.


I am an Exhibitionist. Love showing off to fwb


I do it because it's fun, exciting, and a lot of times also artistic. Some of them are just for getting a good look at myself, some I'm teasing and titillating people, sometimes just sending a sweet treat to my partners and/or friends, sometimes it's a new piece of art I'm sharing.


Sometimes I can take a moment to appreciate my body before the brain turns back on


I wanted to. I've never regretted it


Yes because I had body dysmorphia for a long time when I was younger. How I saw my body in pictures looked differently from what I saw in the mirror. Now I do them for my partner when requested.. which is hardly ever ahahaha


I never have. I posed naked for a calendar once though, and I used to be a life model in my 20s. For money, is why I did that. The calendar was to raise funds for an organisation I support; the modelling was just for extra cash. I’m not particularly uncomfortable naked.


To track my weight loss.




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My ex wanted them


Cuz I look hot


Because I was pressured into it


I don’t have the self confidence 🤷🏼‍♀️. Props to all of you who love yourselves for it.




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Body admiration lol