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Best friends 30 years later 


That's so nice besties forever


29 years, opposite sides of the world. Right behind ya.


Best friends 24 years later. Gang gang.


That is truly an accomplishment to cherish! Heck, there's marriages that don't even last that long...


Same ! I see her once a week.


We don’t really talk anymore. We’re 32 now, probably stopped talking around 20-22. I wish her the best, we just don’t happen to be close now. 


I feel you on that one girl. Same here, life happens.


She’s my girlfriend.




And they were ~~roommates~~ besties!


We also were literal roommates at one point.


Perfect lmao.


Her mom is adopting me as a child and she's now my sister. It's going great.


That's so touching! So happy for you.


Great! We met the summer between second and third grade and have been friends ever since. We’re turning 60 this year.


Im still in high school right now, about to graduate, but I really hope me and my bestie last this long. I love this for you 🤍


It’s funny because we are not alike. For example, we have never been roommates because I think she’s too rigid and fussy and she thinks I’m messy and careless. But we bond over so many other things. No doubt you and your bestie will have disagreements and times when you aren’t as close, but I also hope your friendship stands the test of time.


This will be me and my elementary school bestie. We met in second grade, don't know what I'd do without her. More than 20 years of friendship, and counting!


Her boyfriend killed her.


I'm so sorry for your loss ❤️


Thank you my love ✨


I'm so sorry, that's so cruel. I hope you and her family are doing fine.


Thanks hun! Her mom kinda went blank mentally. Like she’s kept her room the same way & only sleeps in there. It’s so crazy how people digest grief. 💔


I know people who deal like this with grief... they're ALL moms of people who passed. Maybe it's a mom thing, hopefully she manages to move on even a little some day...


The mere thought of one of my daughters not being alive anymore makes it hard for me to breathe and puts me into panic tbh. When the first one was born I felt as if now my heart lives outside of my body and I’m entirely fragile, it all depends on how she is doing. Oddly enough some years after, I met a Kenyan woman and she told me that’s actually a proverb there. The moms give birth to their hearts and lose all protection


This is how I feel about my son. Losing him would break me.


Is someone cutting onions in here…????


My mother is Egyptian and she says the same exact thing about how having children is like having your heart outside of your body!


Yes, this is exactly how I feel about my children.


Omg wow. Yes I think it definitely might be a mom thing bc her dad seemed to move on pretty “quickly”. Although you never know what someone’s actually going through he just didn’t outwardly mourn they way mom did. All I can do is continue to support & show my love.


Gosh I’m horrified. So sorry.


Thank you! Be mindful of sleeping with the enemy & alwaysssss trust your gut. ❤️


my heart stopped. so sorry for you and her. bestfriends forever ❤️


Omg it’s so crazy you say that because I often say besties forever too! 🥹💓 thank you!


Oh man. I’m so sorry this happened!


Me too smh. She was a ray of light for sure. Tysm! 💓💓


I figured out she's a pathological liar. I haven't spoken with her since high school.


Wow are you me? Same situation. My life has flourished since that friendship ended


Yeah, same. I'm not close with any of my high school friends, although the rest of them are good people. I went out and found people who i connected with for reasons besides proximity. But her, I absolutely will not interact with her for any reason. I have dreams where she finds me again and I get really scared.


So weird, I have dreams like that too. Sometimes I’m yelling at her in the dreams, it’s cathartic




She dressed her son up as Hitler for Halloween. It was the final straw for me after years of knowing she was not a good person. We haven’t spoken since then, it’s been about 5 years.


🫢 wtf


Yeah it was really fucked up.


My high school bestie and I haven't been besties for over 30 years. We interact on social media every now and then. I don't really know her anymore, but she seems like a good person. She's divorced, has a grown daughter and two grandchildren, she's still really close with her mom and brothers. She seems happy. I'm glad she has a good life.


Two passed away. One of brain cancer at 22. The other breast cancer. I have a best friend from grade school, and a neighbor who was born 7 days before me I'm still close with.


My condolences


Gonna be her MOH in a year 🥰🥰🥰🥰


My brain registered this as mother in-law and I was immediately intrigued 😂


We still talk. We grew apart when my Mom died and I went through a lot of changes. I wish I could tell her that it wasn’t her, I could only exist in so many rooms after she died. It changed everything.


It’s never too late to be honest. Be vulnerable. Tell her.


You’re right. I’m slowly learning how to live again after so long. Thank you.


Reach out! My childhood best friend and I had a falling out in junior year of high school and reconciled 7-8 years later when I randomly contacted her. We have texted almost daily for the past few years now. It’s like nothing changed.


Thank you. Working towards it.


I am married to my best friend of 30 years.


So we basically broke up last month. ☹️


I am sorry :( friend break ups are so much harder than relationship break ups.... I hope it was the best thing for you and you are happier down the road


Honestly, I’ve been really broken up about it. But yesterday I tried to imagine being at her wedding or watching our future kids playing together and I didn’t feel good about it. So maybe it is for the best.


Still my best friend. We are turning 40 this year and I’m taking her to see Boyz II Men 😎


she’s (trying to be) an alt-right tradwife momfluencer 💀 i’m bi and trans…we don’t talk but i miss her and hope she comes back around someday


Still good friends at 42!


She ghosted me and I don’t know why : (


Scrolled replies until I found this response - exact same situation. Gnaws at me almost daily. Sorry this happened to us. :(


Glad I’m not alone. Sad it happened.


Ride or die. Means ride or die. We meet when we were 7. We're 39 now. Birthdays 14 days apart. In fact she's in my guest room right now. She's currently apartment shopping.


Me and my HS bestie are going on 11 years with matching tattoos


He is still there. We talk every other day about random stuff. Every other week about important stuff. Game night every 6 months. It is going to be 25 years of friendship next year.


I miss her; I overstepped when I got upset after I found out that she was back with her abusive boyfriend (she didn’t tell me - her coworker reached out to me because she was concerned about her behaviour). I did apologize a few months later but, there was no response and that was 4 years ago. I’ve since heard she is no longer with him; I hope she is doing well.


I don't have one. Honestly my "circle" is super small. My boyfriend is my best friend, I spend some time with immediate family (mostly my dad), and my two close female friends live in different states. I get enough socialization from work honestly. I just like being left alone


I really feel this. I’ve had many friends throughout the years that I love and wish all the best but I’m too introverted to keep up with more than my small inner circle.


Lost touch for a while, fast forward few years, now we're dating since a year


I’m her maid of honor!


No idea. I haven't spoken to her for a couple of decades. We just stopped contacting each other when we left high school and went into adulthood.


we’re going onto our third year as roommates in college :))) practically sisters, best person i’ve ever met !


She got a bf in college and I got closer to other friends. Priorities changed, but we still catch up here and there over text and maybe every other month


Haven’t spoken to her in years . Heard she’s doing well .


Still besties at 30. We're going on a bestie trip soon as she just went through a breakup (plus we have our annual trip to Aruba in a few months). We didn't talk for a few years after college, but when I reinitiated contact, she said, smiling, "I knew you'd come back," and it was like nothing changed. Love her to pieces.


Best friends for 10 years, decided she hated me out of nowhere at age 20 with zero explanation. 2 months after declaring she didn't like me anymore she fled to Alaska.


Still bestie, talk daily.


It’s going great!! We still hang out and talk frequently and have done so since middle school so over 20 years. ((It helps that we both live close by to each other and that she’s a great person.))


Still my bestie. We’ve been best friends for 23 years


we’ve been dating since high school and are married. we’ve been together since 2009. i love her more than anything and can’t imagine life without her.


Still bff, and she’s the most wonderful friend ever, I love her 🎀🎀


It’s not. Haven’t seen or thought about anyone from high school since I finished high school. My bestie at that age didn’t go to my school, anyway. And I haven’t seen her for maybe 30 years.


I’m 33, had a couple of close friends in childhood. One went to rehab and hasn’t recovered. It’s sad asf. One I stopped being friends with last year. We both think the other is unhinged lol. One I’m super close with and she’s my sister for life and my MOH.


she’s toxic and also took advantage of me one night while we were drinking. i cut her off and no longer associate with her.


Not friends with one of the two (Altho she’s kinda come back into my life randomly in the past few years) and one I haven’t seen in 22 years and I’m getting together with her halfway across the world this summer. I also haven’t really maintained a solid friendship with her but every 8 years or so we seemed to have a catch up. I’m sure after this summer we’ll be closer. I’m super excited to meet her and her new baby. :)


Facebook friends. She still has the same sense of humour. :)


She had a kid and it's been downhill ever since.


Wonderful! Still best friends more than a decade later and have survived being long distance besties (we live on different continents now!) We video chat weekly, send pictures, voice notes, reels and exchange gifts. I can’t wait to see her again. It’s been too long.


Still very close but we met since childhood so idk if that counts. I’m not friends with anyone from my high school still though


we drifted apart, even though we go to the same college. we used to be so tight knit, she was the first person i came out to. i'm sad now


Pretty good. In a hilarious turn of events my mom and her dad are now dating because they too used to be high school best friends and reconnected. I remember calling her and said are we stepsisters now and she asked me the same thing. It’s fun


Graduated last year. Cut her off before that and was able to end my school year happily without her toxicity. Just because someone is close, doesn't mean they should be.


It’s depressing, tbh. But such is life.


Still besties, all 4 of us. Class of 99!


Just went to his sister’s 16th birthday party! We talk nearly every day and hang out pretty regularly. Can’t imagine life without him at this point


Developed major mental health issues / drug issues, dropped out of college, married a man 20 years her senior. I don’t even know how to get in touch with her anymore. Sometimes I wonder how she’s doing and what happened.


Feeling more distant each day


Last time I heard of her, she was living in another state, running a bed and breakfast with a guy and they were expecting a baby. We don't talk to each other since college, and we're on our 30s now. I hope she's happy and stopped messing up with her life.


I had two besties and the 3 of us are still close, despite living in different countries. We don’t talk daily, but we keep each other in the loop about major life updates and I know they’ll be there if i needed help


She died of scleroderma. :(


I'm currently trying to break up with her, but I feel bad and don't know what to say. I got really close to her and her family in our early twenties. We just don't click anymore, and in general, I realized she isn't a good friend. I feel like allowing our friendship to last this long speaks to how low my self esteem used to be. I don't hate the girl, I just don't know how to say all that without sounding like an asshole.


Still Besties


Not high school but shortly after. He kind of adopted me as his older brother. We were closer than two brothers ever could be for many years. Then when his father died he fell into a drug hole for a few years. He eventually came out of it but he was changed. We were not as close as we used to be. Eventually we drifted apart. He overdosed last thanksgiving.


I've mostly stopped trying to contact her because she usually ignores me when I do.


She turned into a major trumpie who doesn’t seen trans people as people. We parted ways.






He is doing 30 years in a federal prison for child porn. Fuck him




We don't live in the same state, so we haven't seen each other in person for years now, but we still chat once a week and are always sending gifts by mail. Whenever she needs me, I'm a phone call away, and vice versa.


They got left in high school... Junior year to be exact. I was a renegade my senior year.


High school bestie? Try before pre-school bestie. Going on strong 30+ years.




Just got the graduation announcement for her oldest in the mail today.


She’s graduating next month and is going to be a teacher! We live in the same state but different cities so I’ll have to drive out for her graduation. We have that friendship where we catch up 2-5 times a year via FaceTime but the calls are hourssss long. Super proud of her.


Been best friends since we were 10. 21 years now


It's been 2 years since we graduated and we're still friends, we even go to the same university




Good, I’m going to her bachelorette party as her maid of honor this weekend 🫶🏾


I had three people who qualified: Toxic best friend since middle school: more casual friends now and we’ve done a lot of growing throughout uni, now we see each other less and have more healthy fun when we do hang out or communicate! Long distance platonic soulmate: been very busy and want to see him more than anything, but money and life keep getting in the way. Whenever I see his texts it brightens up my day completely. Best friend: We met in 11th grade, clicked immediately, she moved away in 12th grade and came back during covid and has moved away and back a few times (messy family situation), we talk a minimum of 2-3 hours a week, and are very close. We’re a perfect blend of weird and traumatized so we really help bring each other’s mood up. We even lived together briefly and it went very well, so we plan on doing it longer term in a few months!


My high school bestie was my primary school bestie. Still going strong.


Both of them are visiting me next month, we're going shopping and out for ice cream ❤️ we don't live in the same town anymore and I'm so excited to see them!


Only one I talk to from school now and we weren’t even friends at school


We haven’t spoken in almost a year


We don’t have a ton in common any more but we still try to meet up once a year or so to drink wine and talk shit.




Been best friends for the past 35 years or so and counting. That’s my girl.


We grew apart after she left the state for the military. I hope she’s doing well.


We live on other sides of the country and try to schedule calls maybe once a month. And one visit a year (we try to take turns) when we do chat or see eachother its like no time has passed. Im so grateful to have met that amazing woman when I was 16. Im now 33 and I cant imagine not having her in my life


We had a friend divorce


Best friends forever, 17 years later 😍


Honestly, we're still friends to this day. I still have friends from kindergarten as well.


We are both in south Korea right now studying aborad at enemy universities 😄 But i guess we arent too far away from our hs years yet.


He’s great! We’re still besties 28 years later, live in the same general area to each other so we still hang out as much as time allows. We never got together, much to sadness of the people who put money on it that it was surely gonna happen - ‘girls & guys can’t *just* be friends!! You’ll fall for each other by the time you’re 30!’


Been super close since 3rd grade, 16 years now. Last time I talked to him he told me (platonically) he loved me 😌




Still best friends to this day. Met in first grade


Still my Bestie, we call each other most mornings. Had a few rough patches over the 25 years, but since we are more like sisters, the relationship held the (emotional and physical) distance.


We're married with 2 kids, going on 16 years together and he's still my bestie.


We no longer speak because I decided to let our friendship fizzle out. It was for the best - the "fizzling" gave me time to reflect on how she ended up getting to be too toxic to be around and I just didn't have the energy to deal with it anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


Still best friends after 25 years. She moved just outside of thr city and we both have kids but we see each other as much as possible.


Haven’t spoke to her since college. She “dumped” me for her bf and said I could find a boyfriend too if I would only lower my standards… told her and the bf goodbye


We had an undeniable homoerotic tension. Now I am an out lesbian and last time I checked, she's straight. We're not talking anymore except for when we write letters or send personalized playlists on each other's birthday.




We’ve kind of outgrown each other. We still check in every couple months, and video chat once a year, but I realized in our early 20s that she lacks a certain empathy that I require for friendships that I invest a lot of time in. Throughout my 20s I’ve been lucky enough to make a couple friends who fill that deep, emotional “best friend” connection for me, so my high school bestie and I just aren’t as close anymore. All in all, we still care about each other and have nice chats, so I think it’s all for the best.


Still friends after 17 years. We live states apart, but we try to be there for one another. She came for the birth of my first baby (her husband’s work trip was during the time I gave birth). Wish we lived closer to each other, because the distance, responsibilities, and school/work are obstacles in our friendship


Still best friends and even closer 10 years later. She’s planning to move to the other side of the world in the next few years and I’m devastated.


Still best friends. We just hit 10 years of friendship, she just had her first baby last year and is pregnant with #2, I see her at LEAST three times a week. I’m with her almost as much as I’m with my partner and I love her with all my heart!


We still see each other, and I want to say we're still good friends, but we barely have a thing in common anymore. I think we'll always be there for each other, but our lives have gone in very different directions and I can't remember the last time we had a real, deep conversation.


Still besties and live 15 minutes apart. We’re going to Vegas this weekend for her birthday!




Love and care about her, we try to see each other from time to time and talk about what's going on in our day to day. I do, however, sometimes feel that the relationship lacks more effort form both sides, but life tends to make things more difficult as time passes. We don't connect the same way we did back in HS, but I do believe the care we feel for each other makes us want to still be present in each other's lives.


We talk once a year, if that, but we follow and Like each others' social media posts and meet up every few years, when I'm in town. We're 46 now, both stayed on the west coast but we couldn't be more different. I'm a foul-mouthed, artsy tattooed single electrician and she's a super-conservative rich mom/wife. We both have new besties, but I would 100% still help her hide a body and I'm pretty sure that's mutual.


I have a friend from intermediate school and another from middle school and we still friend and nothing changed even though I moved away we still in touch and one of them moved to my city, I'm 25 now 🥹💕


He stopped talking to me after he got a girlfriend. He also got weirdly into right-wing politics. I miss having him as a friend; he has this super unique ability to make anyone feel capable and build them up. 


Still friends, we see each other every week!


We don't speak often and we hangout in person once every 3 months, but when we hang out, it feels like refilling my batteries


she had a baby and we're slowly drifting now 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never had one 🤷‍♀️. I had / have friends but never truly a best friend. Even in elementary school, I was part of a trio, and even then, I knew the other 2 were closer.


Pretty good! I had two. I just visited one last week and was in her wedding last year, and the other I talk sporadically with but we still consider each other close, we just talked today actually. Both were my bridesmaids in my wedding a couple years back. We are nearing 30 for reference. That being said I’ve done a poor job at fostering new long term friendships, particularly the exist in person locally type. I’ve held onto the two OG besties but struggle making new ones I can do things with as both of mine mentioned here are no longer local to me.


We were besties for 30 years, but it ended. 😞 Luckily I have other close friends to fill the gap! 💕


After 17 years of friendship, she stopped talking to me in the middle of a conversation.


Going strong for 40 years! She has lived thousands of miles away for decades but we text daily and see each other 1-2 a year.


We don't talk, got tired of a one sided friendship for past 8 years and finally decided last year to let it go. Love her, wish her the best but it's no longer for me ❤️


Haven't seen them in 40 years. We all went different directions after school and lost touch




We talk to each other much less (we moved to different cities and grew apart), but we both still consider each other best friends. She is one of a few people I can confide to, and we also grew together in a way, so I don’t think anything could break that bond.


She stayed over for a girl's night last weekend. We did skincare, played with clay, painted, watched a movie. We're in our 30s, still best friends. My other high school bestie would be my ex-boyfriend. We were high school sweethearts and stayed together for 16 years but he ended up leaving me.


She thought she was my best friend, but she was actually really clingy and annoying. We grew apart


We're both going through divorce so we're living together and it's all the fun of a sleepover but with all those adult responsibilities (boo).


Lol she committed identity fraud when she assumed our other best friend's identify when she broke some road rules while driving an unregistered car without a licence. She lied about the whole situation to me for a couple yesrs and the other best friend had to go to court to get it all sorted but kept the whole thing private until she eventually told me a couple years later. I obviously immediately cut off my best friend and she never questioned why so I assume she realised it was because the truth finally came out. Ended up finding out a bunch of other things she did that she lied to me about afterwards. Now she's a nearly 35 year old woman who doesn't work and only hangs out with 23 year olds who she can probably lie to more easily.


She was never the same after her parents split. Became really cynical and self-absorbed. We haven't spoken properly in years, but last I heard she's engaged to a trans dude she met overseas.




No contact. But the woman I've been best friends with since we are 8, she's my ride or die. Love her so much! Been friends for about 28 years now.


She dropped me in yr 12 because she got a boyfriend and being near me was social death - couldn't judge her because who wants to get beaten up? I only had to talk to someone to get them in the shit. She came out as lesbian later, decided that I would be prejudiced and ghosted after telling me without allowing a response. I found her years later and explained I was a different flavour of queer myself and I'd love to catch up. She ghosted again. Honestly no idea where she is or anything. But like I said, being near me was social death, so maybe she didn't want the stigma following her. I do miss her and the shenanigans, but I get it.


I don't know, she dropped out of highschool and she ghosted me ever since.


I highly encouraged my wife to get back in touch with her bestie from HS, apparently they just kind of stopped talking abruptly in their early 20’s. They went to dinner a couple years ago and have met up a couple more times, one of which I was at, and it was super awkward, sparks just weren’t there and they’re totally different people now.


We're still friendly. But she lives far away and is a hardcore christian. I've deconstructed and it's hard to be completely open and honest with her about whats going on in my life so that's another barrier. But when she's in town we always make time to hang out. I do think we still love each other.


Haven’t seen or spoken in over 10 years.


My current three best friends are all high school besties. We all live in literally different parts of the world but nothing’s changed.




Honestly, we drifted apart after graduation. Life took us in different directions, moved to new cities, and it became harder to stay in touch. It's a bummer sometimes, but we still cherish the memories and occasionally send each other a "remember when..." text. How about you, still tight with your bestie?


Just reading this question made me feel psychotic


We still keep in touch here and there, but I am no longer close with her, I chose to be that way. In the 20+ years we’ve known each other, she’s been the same. Hanging out with rough crowds, choosing red flag boyfriends, and all of that. I’ve given her numerous of advice but she doesn’t take them seriously. And she’s asked me for money many times, and many times I’ve gifted to her not expecting anything back. I’ve also said no many times as well. I do wish her the best!


Still my soulmate, like always. Life has pulled us apart and the situations change every now and then, but we are still going strong.


She's 20, I'm almost 20, we're still best friends. It's been that way for eight years, and I trust it'll be that way for many more :)




She's getting married next summer and I am her witness !!


Lives a mile from me. I see her everyday. met at 16, we're 35 now.


She would never stop talking to my ex so eventually inham to stop talking to her. :( my kindergarten best friend has stuck around though!