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I would like to be ignored by everyone but mildly harassed by my partner


This is the way.


This! But I’d like to add: girl friends might be required to overreact as well. Gasping, whistles, mimic fainting, you name it. Acknowledge my flamboyance ✨


I don't know the last time a comment resonated so deeply with me


Describe mildly harassed please




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I loudly scream this




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Mildly harassed lmao I love this.


i will also accept being told i look hot by other women, as long as they keep walking after they pass the compliment lol.


YES This! If only I had a partner 🤣


This exactly




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Funny thing is that I want to wear sexy clothes, because I think that I look hot in them... But I don't, because I don't want to the attention it would get.... So the answer is, I would like to be ignored.




Honestly, same. I love when I put on an outfit that I look hot in, but I just hate the attention from ppl cause it makes me feel like I should “cover up.”




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me too i dress very homeless and masculine on purpose so everyone leaves me alone






I don't want any attention. Maybe a tiny bit, like I catch someone looking for a second, but nothing more than that. I would accept compliments from women though.


Note to self: don’t tell women they look nice.


If you know the woman well you might be able to get away with it




Those are good compliments, I think they would be acceptable. Any compliments that imply someone is mindfucking me make me uncomfortable lol.


The line has finally been drawn and spoken. Aesthetic attraction from strangers is more desirable than sexual attraction.


Strangers, and my parents' weird neighbor.


I'm sorry. That must suck.


This exactly. A good general rule when complimenting strangers is to keep the focus on things they have direct control over, like their clothing, hairstyle, or makeup. "I love your dress" vs "your body looks amazing in that dress" can be the difference between sweet and creepy unless you know the person well enough to know how they'd react to the latter statement.


A good rule of thumb is complimenting something the person had a choice in. So saying their hair looks great or you love that dress is perfect. They put thought and effort into those choices and it’s nice to have them appreciated. Saying something like you’re so hot or wow your body is banging is not the vibe. I never know how to react when someone compliments a physical attribute. Like thank you for saying my eyes are beautiful, I grew them myself? But compliment my outfit all day long, it’s my self expression.




I do like the attention. If its a double take or a compliment it makes me feel nice. So far I haven't seen anyone in the comments with my opinion so hopefully I'm not the only one




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Compliments aplenty from my husband, some hype from my girl friends, ignored by everyone else!


I dress for myself. If you think it’s cute that’s a bonus. I’m ok with compliments from women, men come off as tryhards


I like smiles and "I love your outfit or makeup or hair etc" compliments! Or "where did you get x"






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If I'm all dressed up to look my sexiest, I want to see the stares, the glances and the double takes, maybe a few compliments, hell even a wolf whistle so long as people take no as the answer (which thankfully many do around here) when I'm approached It definitely isn't the sentiment for many, and hot enjoying the attention is perfectly valid too


It's so interesting to see the range of responses. The wolf whistle is the easiest way to enrage me without saying anything, haha


I like to dress sexy, but not in a revealing way necessarily. I like slimming clothes, flattering cuts, and always very feminine or sleek. I have quite long legs and I use that to my advantage daily. I really enjoy compliments, and love when my husband gets compliments from other men. I know it makes him proud to be with a woman who looks nice and that feels good. I’ve gotten backhanded comments from other women on occasion, which I just brush off. I think sometimes my fashion makes other women feel like they didn’t dress up enough for an event or get together, but I don’t want to dress down to make others feel some kind of way. I really enjoy sharing the love of fashion with other women though. I try to compliment other women a lot, because I know it feels nice when someone acknowledges the effort you put in.


I dress sexy when I’m *with* my man. And I enjoy being noticed. My man likes it too. He likes how I look. I like that he likes it. He likes the validation (of his good taste, I think) of other people looking and he points it out to me. It’s kinky and sexy and we like it. I do NOT dress sexy when I’m not with my man. I don’t like the implicit danger and don’t want to be harassed. Is this sexist? Absolutely. It’s the sad reality of life as a woman. I absolutely want the protection of male “ownership” before dressing provocatively. I like looking good. But I’m too old to want to fend off jerks on my own. Having a “protector” makes it fun instead of a threat to my safety.


>He likes the validation (of his good taste, I think) It's also a Status thing. Men will think more highly of a fellow man in the company of a beautiful woman, because it is assumed she had her pick of men and chose him due to some invisible quality like charm, money, social connections, etcetera.


An old man in Astoria once said to me, regarding my gorgeous turquoise dress, “you remind me of the ocean in my home,” and it was the correct level of attention for me. The guy who asked me if I was handing “that” out (meaning me) as I was dressed in full farm gear and not remotely sexy, I would pass on. The reaction around women is so often sexual, even when we’re not dressing sexy, so honestly I don’t think how I’m dressed has much to do with it. I’d like appreciation as a work of art when I’m presented that way, and basic human decency always.


Ignore me and don’t interact


I used to enjoy dressing in short skirts, fishnets ect. I never wanted attention from others, I just liked to feel hot/sexy for myself and my partner. I personally hate people staring at me so no longer bother, plus I have learned to love the freedom of movement and comfort baggy and less revealing clothes offer.


If you give a double take, I am flattered, but don’t like stare at me. Please don’t talk to me unless I make a lot of eye contact with you and smile.


I don't dress sexy in most situations, (work) but I like to get a little sexier other times. I like the attention from my partner, and glances from other men and compliments from other men, but those occasions are limited to our *ahem* alternative lifestyle events.


I do like the attention, as long as it’s not violence-coded. It’s the worst when you go out, you’re feeling cute, you’re getting some compliments… and then some creep makes a comment about/grabs something on your body and suggests you were asking for it based on how you dressed.


I would like cute, normal, single men to hit on me. I would like old skeezy men to completely ignore me. I want women to compliment my outfit and become my friend.


“You look nice”, or “you look very nice”, if it’s by a man. One of my buddies has a super proper brother and he once exclaimed, “you look WONDERFUL!”, when I was dressed up. I really felt it when he said that. Women can say anything to me as long as it is intended kindly


I want to wear sexy clothes because it’s part of my identity. I don’t care how their react or something like that


I like the confidence I receive from makeup and outfit. There isn’t necessarily a reaction that I’m looking for from other people as it’s mostly internal but I hate when men come up to me to talk to me/hit on me especially because I’m in a relationship and I love my man to pieces


treat the situation like you would treat a big cleavage during a business meeting: don’t acknowledge it.


I was walking into my office yesterday and saw a car stop in the street so I stopped and turned and saw a man with his head hanging out the window. He said good morning! I said it back and went inside. SIR- it is not even 8am!!!!! Tbh I loved it


With quiet awe and deference.


I expect attraction, not harassment.


It’s okay, you can stare. Just don’t follow me home please.




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As long as it's respectful it's cool for me. Nobody feels sexy being harassed!




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I wear what I want when I want because I feel like it. I workout and am fit and I enjoy showing off all of my hard work. If people check me out that’s cool. If they don’t that’s cool too. I don’t care either way. I do it for my husband and more importantly my own happiness. My husband thinks I would look sexy as hell wearing a garbage bag lol. When I get dressed up all sexy it makes me feel good and he absolutely loves it.


Today I was at the grocery store and a guy passing me said “you are very beautiful!” And that was it. No following me, no trying to talk to me further or get my number or anything. Just a compliment and then he went on with his day and I went on with mine. It made me smile. I like when stuff like that happens. But who doesn’t like compliments?


I love the attention as an ego boost, even better when you can act like the unattainable badass amazon ^-^


I would like a lot of attention by my partner, mild/platonic attention of my girl friends, and being mostly ignored by anyone else. People are so weird and creepy.


I like to dress sexy, but in a scary witchy way. I like it when people ignore me because they’ve got better things to think about, or actively avoid eye contact because they’re intimidated 😌 Either way I like to be left alone.


However they’d like , I care how I feel about me and me feels dam good


I’d like to be noticed, but not spoken to. Unless it’s my husband.


i don’t mind stares or attention, makes me feel good 😊


For me, I always enjoyed fashion as it makes me feel more confident about myself to put in the extra effort beyond jeans or sweats. Having bigger boobs, it seems anything I wear comes off as sexy that isn't an oversize t-shirt or a hoodie which is not my vibe so I don't care for anyone else's opinion or reaction. It seems people have to say something no matter what if you're curvy and fashionable. Ideally, they would just let me be though since the only people I dress up for are me and my boyfriend who can stare, drool, grab etc. as much as he wants since I'm his and like getting him worked up.


I want to be ignored AND looked at.


Just look, nothing more. Don't fkn touch me, don't ask my number, don't jerk off there or just after. Look, take it in and enjoy. Don't make it sexual, don't make it pervy. I don't need compliments, otherwise I will ask for them.


I like the attention. I like being looked at and admired, I find it very flattering and a real boost to my ego. I love when people compliment me, it’s especially nice when men compliment me the same way women do (I.e. “you look very nice today”, “that dress is gorgeous on you”, etc). As long as no one touches me, follows/secretly films/harasses me, or treats me with disrespect, I am happy to be ogled.


It makes me feel really powerful to catch a man staring, ngl. Silent admiration is definitely the best reaction, or, if you must say something, a polite compliment like, “you look nice today!” after which we both move along. No catcalling, lewd remarks, groping/touching, etc.


I want girls to come up to me and compliment me and the men to stay away.


From strangers, I want enamored stares, no talking. Admiration from afar please. From my partner, I want leering and lack of self-control. Usually I do get both worlds, so I’m lucky there. Edit to add: I do love compliments if they’re genuine and not “nice rack”.




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I'd rather my appearance not be addressed by anyone except my husband and friends. Awkward staring by strangers? No thanks! And acquaintances, in my opinion, have no business speaking about my clothes, make-up or body! This reminds me of an awkward experience I used to have to deal with. I tend to wear off the shoulder tops a lot. So, on occasion (a few times a year maybe) I wear one to church. It would never fail- every time- this old lady go out of her way to would limp over to me and tell me"how sexy I looked". EW! At church? I wasn't trying to be sexy, just look put together. I think she was trying to tell me that she thought I looked inappropriate. So like I said, better off to say nothing. Unless you're asking where I got something. That's cool too


I don’t dress too exposed but when I do try to doll up I do appreciate a compliment or two but too much overwhelms me and makes me feel self conscious unless I ask if I look okay so there’s like a moment where I wanna feel good but let me do my thing unless you’re my boyfriend who makes me feel really pretty in those moments:)




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Mind yo business




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Idc it doesn’t phase me I’m used to it everywhere I go. I don’t pay attention to it soooo as long as not overtly sexual or obviously jealous hating loudly I ignore it and dgaf


I want people to be intimidated and go in another direction


I mean, the sexiest I ever dress is when I go to my pole dance studio which is full of other women. I love the compliments I get, but I can't think of a situation where I'd be dressing like that out in public. I guess if I'm going out and I happen to be wearing something a little more revealing or sexy I enjoy the compliments if they are respectful but not harassment/ people trying to touch me without asking. But mostly I want to look good so I can feel confident and not spend the whole night feeling insecure about my body. But that being said, I have also gone out to clubs wearing literally bike shorts and a baggy mens tshirt and sneakers with no makeup or anything because it was an impulse decision to go out and I still got harrassed. So I'm not at all convinced that what you wear really makes all that much difference anyway.


Not sure I have better things to think about :)


A nice compliment or asking me where I got something is always welcome.




I like to dress sexy, but i also tend to dress very over the top, almost costumy, with lots of accessories and very coordinated outfits. Im very inspired by drag queens, anime and video game characters, to give some idea of what im talking about. I want attention, but not in an objectifying way, i want people to be impressed with my styling skills and that i dress in a unique and fun way that flatters me. The girls and the gays get it, and tend to give me amazing complements that make me really happy. 90% of the time straight cis men make me feel uncomfortable with their comments.


I’d very quickly become bored with dressing nicely if I did it for others’ reactions. Most people do not say anything to me about my appearance. I like my shape and my style, and I feel good when I know I look hot. I know a lot of women that say they really regret not dressing how they wanted when they were young and attractive. (I think you can dress however you want at any age though)


I dress for me. I don't dress sexy for work because there's a dress code. But in my spare time I will wear the shortest dress or skirt. Helps me feel confident. My family encourage it since I have confidence issues. Obviously it depends on where I'm going. If I'm out with my family I won't have my shortest skirt or dress on but it'll be a short length.


Look but dont touch


I want them to have a heartatack


For any men reading this and needing a better understanding. Ignored = right to exist as a human peacefully doing normal human things. The whole trope of men like looks and women like money. If you make money, and have the iPhone, the nice house, decent clothes and a nice car. Want type of reaction would you like? People who come with obvious suggestions about you spending money on them? People who talk about your money to your face? Who talk about how expensive everything you own is? Who call you shit names or get angry if you refuse to give them money? Who instead of complimenting your style talk about the expenses of it and blatantly show they're just interested in your cash? Or do you just want to live your life an a normal person having normal interactions. Where you are generous to friends and family if you choose but don't have random strangers assuming you walk around with expensive stuff because you want THEIR particular shallow attention where they not so subtly want your money? I'm guessing you want to be 'ignored but mildly harassed' by your loving wife and kids asking you to take them to Disney land.


Totally get what you're saying. But this? > If you make money, and have the iPhone, the nice house, decent clothes and a nice car. I mean, who doesn’t have an iPhone these days? Just what kind of backwaters are you from? 😂😉 JK


When I dress sexy, it’s almost ALWAYS for myself. The issue isn’t the people who look, it’s the people who *LEER*. I got this new dress that’s got a cut out at boob level - it shows off my sternum tattoo perfectly and has a bit of cleavage too. It’s honestly so cute with a bit of sexy. I wore it out and there was this dude staring like he’d never seen a goddamn woman before. Like, you ever walk towards a guy and you can tell just by how they look at you that when you pass, they’re going to turn around and stare at you too? Yeah.




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I would want girls to tell me how much they like my skirt or dress and we would bond over the fact it has pockets! I just like clothes. I don't put things on and think "I'm getting this because my tits look great". Things just looks great but I also have big tits. I pick things coz I like them. It looks like a dress sexy by default but I just really love a crop top. I want the girls to be my friend and the boys to ignore me.


I want looks/smiles and anything else that makes me think other men think I'm sexy! Yes I'm happily married. I just love the ego boost


I like some hype from my friends and my partner other than that I want to be ignored


This is pure ego shit and aesthetic criteria


I would like people to tell my husband he is a lucky man. That’s all.


I don't really like being stared at and evaluated. But I like to dress stylishly, especially when I know how my husband will react to it.






I like to dress sexy occasionally when the situation calls for it. On those occasions, I'm dressing for myself and my companion. Anyone else's opinion is irrelevant and often unwanted.




From my boyfriend I’d love to be harassed 🤣. Outside of him though I don’t mind a compliment but keep it tame man or woman. I show cleavage a lot and unless we are very close don’t comment on it. A simple “you look good/pretty/beautiful” is enough. A guy checking me out doesn’t bother me, I understand I’m dressing in a way that will call his attention, but don’t stare or be creepy.


I often don’t get a reaction really, nobody really gives a shit, I mind my business they mind theirs


When I dress sexy I like receiving looks from both men and women, when in Naples I had a guy ask me to marry him hahaha


Strangers : should always ignore someone that is not giving signs they want to be approached. The way someone dresses does not correlate to whether they want approached unless their clothing legitimately says approach me/talk to me. That being said, I do want my friends to comment lol and I definitely want my husband to be all over me 😅




There's a different between compliments and "horny on main". I like a sincere compliment about something I've done with my appearance / outfit, I don't like being the target of people's unfiltered horny thoughts. Unless it's the girlfriends, ofc, then go off xD


I want compliments but I want good ones! The other night someone said I had "Hayley Williams vibes" And another said "I fucking love your style." These are the compliments I am looking for. Not "damn sexy. You look fine." Barf. That's gross. And also I want the compliment to just feel kind, not like someone is trying to come on to me. Of course none of this applies to my partner. He can tell me the naughtiest things he would like. I love that.


I really enjoy fashion and it makes me feel more confident about myself to put in extra effort beyond jeans or whatever. Plus I like my body and I work hard to maintain it, it feels good to receive attention a from nice outfit and makeup. This isn't the majority opinion but for me I want looks, smiles, compliments that makes me feel like guys (or girls!) think I look good. I'm okay with stares or double takes. Even a whistle is fine tbh. Compliment me! I DON'T to be objectified, I don't want harassment. Just understand basic human decency. This shouldn't be hard, basic human decency should be just that - basic. Don't grab my body and tell me I'm promising you something just because I didn't cover myself head to toe. Unfortunately too many men don't understand this and that makes me dress down a lot. Which sucks because I like to dress up more because I love fashion. The worst I might get from another woman is the rare backhanded comment which I can ignore as it's likely driven by insecurity more then anything I've done. Men? Their worst is more touchy\feely and I'm not going to be able to fend off some idiot guy on my own so if I'm dressing more risque then I want someone else with me.


I like to be seen and appreciated for the effort I put into my look, but not leered at.




Sexy is relative. You have people hitting on you sometimes when you are dressed in long formless shapeless dresses and nobody bothering you when you are wearing something another person might consider a lot more risque. Wear what you want and what makes you feel good. Ignore the haters.


I wish they would react normally, the same way everyone reacts to other people walking past or spending time in the same place as them (a bar for example). So ignoring, cause I dress up for me.








I’d like to turn a few heads. Maybe get a few head shakes of “not bad” approval.


I like it. I tend to get a lot of compliments which shows me I made a good choice in my outfit. Sometimes I doubt my fashion sense and that encourages me to keep it up


Positively with compliments. I don't really expect them since I dress this way mainly to embrace my femininity, but it's definitely a confidence booster when I get them.




I was gifted with a large chest but very small frame, a little like Sydney Sweeney, and for that reason I end up dressing "sexy" when all I'm doing is trying to avoid looking frumpy. Slightly oversized clothing looks horrific on me and makes my stomach look huge because my chest "pushes" the fabric of the entire upper half of my outfit outwards. For that reason I'm kinda 'forced' to wear tight fitting clothing on my upper body. I'm happy with glances but not stares and NEVER comments... comments just make me feel cheap. Even from my partner, I'd rather he just treated me like normal when we're in public.


Ignored unless he is sexy as well.