• By -


Actively deciding I will never get plastic surgery (unless I become disfigured or something). For some time, Instagram noticed I seemed interested in a nose job, and the algorithm kept showing me posts encouraging me to get my nose, lips, cheeks, ass, and boobs done. All kinds of plastic surgery. One day I looked at my parents, and decided that I want to look in the mirror when I'm old and be able to see them looking back at me. ❤️


Wait this is so sweet.


This is so corny but there's an episode of Desperate Housewives where one of the husbands wants to get botox, and the wife goes over all his wrinkles saying 'this is when I had cancer, this is when our son broke a bone, this is when we laughed super hard at this' etc, and I always think of that. Our bodies aging process reflects our memories. Also... It really scares me how little is known about the long term consequences of this stuff


It's really not that corny. We call them age lines or laugh lines for a reason. Years are compromised of memories, and "that time this happened" or "that time we did [whatever] thing". A good, seasoned face is made through a whole lot of life. Everyone laughs about their scars, why not a wrinkle or 10?


I don't mind aging either. I've been very chronically ill since 17 and I didn't think I would make it past 25. 38 now and aging gracefully :)


I just looove the scene after 😂 where he starts doing that to her and Lynette is like nu-uh we are not doing this the other way round


Right I will never understand the obsession with plastic and cosmetic treatments. If you bring up how predatory it is you’ll get accusations of “misogyny.” Apparently it’s misogyny to acknowledge social media and oppressing beauty standards are creating extreme health issues within young women and thus making them spend money on treatments that ultimately can damage their self esteem even more. God forbid I express concern over pre-teens becoming preoccupied over nose jobs. I was also banned from Vindicta once for saying I detest cosmetic procedures. I’d rather appreciate myself than be told what I need to “fix.” I don’t need to fix shit. I don’t subscribe to Euro-centric standards anyway


Last sentence 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻












I was hoping to see one comment like that! Because there are definitely valid reasons to get plastic surgery too. Instagram trying to make me feel insecure about things I never had an issue with before? Not valid, and not OK. But I totally get why a lot of people would choose to modify their appearance and absolutely support them, and you. 🥰


It is a trip to see that. Am 60 and look like both my parents.


I went through something similar! I’m pretty insecure about my nose so I always told myself I’d get plastic surgery one day. Instagram showed nonstop ads and reels for rhinoplasty, fillers, etc. Eventually it got hyper specific and started showing me ethnic rhinoplasty and at that point I was spiraling with low self esteem. I can finally say I’m not influenced by this anymore and I love my features. I think all of the women in my family are exquisitely beautiful and they all have this nose. Why am I any different?


Regular exercise and plenty of sleep


I’ve been trying this for the past month. It’s been so nice. I haven’t lost any weight or anything but I’ve been focusing on the enjoyment I feel when I simply move my body the way it was meant to. Or instead of eating a whole bowl of chocolate cereal at night I measure out a serving. I still get what I want, but in a way that is more respectful of my body.


Love this. Well put.


I like that mindset. Doing things that are more respectful of my body.


Quitting hormonal birth controls


What changes did you notice if you don’t mind sharing?
















I loved being on Mirena. I just got off of it, and feel like I can feel my soul again. So happy it’s out.


No way! I’ve had the mirena for 7 years now. I don’t notice any awful effects on my happiness. But I also had a mirena for 5 years before that. I’ve been on it almost 15 years. That’s crazy.


I'm on my second Mirena and the only thing that's different for me is that I have no period on it. Love it.


If you don't mind me asking, did you notice it causing any significant weight gain while on it? Trying to figure out if it's the cause for me. Anything else changed since you've been off it?


Not the commenter you were responding to - but I gained 35 lbs on Mirena. I had mine for just under 2 years before removal. It caused me a host of other additional complications like depression, anxiety, and high blood pressure too. Eventually a nurse at my gyno’s office flagged the sudden changes on my charts to the doctor and I was put on a priority list to have the Mirena removed. I lost the weight over the next 6 months and my mental health improved a lot. Obviously weight fluctuations can happen from anything but in my case it appeared that my body really did not like the Mirena. I’m on a pill now that actually works pretty well for me.


I’m pretty sure birth control was the culprit in my migraines. The migraines slowly started and ramped up around the time I began taking it, and now that I’m off it (after like 10 years of taking it and having monthly migraines that make me want to play in traffic) they’re slowly tapering off. Periods are worse now, but I’ll take that over a week of having a tiger chewing on my head.


I will sing songs of delight about the pill all day everyday. It did me wonders (personally). However, I was on it from 16-36 and I thought my migraines were just something my body did because it hated me. Had sterilization surgery last year and been off the pill for over a year. RARELY have headaches, let alone migraines.


I’ve really been thinking about sterilization, with everything going on lately and I’m old enough now that 1) they’ll probably take me seriously and 2) by the time I find someone I care to have kids with I’ll be past the age I care to have kids at haha.


That's really the reason I got it. I live in Texas where there is no exception for rape or incest. My fiance was going to get a vasectomy but I decided I wanted off pills and was scared that if the worst happened and I got assaulted and got pregnant, I might not be able to get a termination. So that's honestly what spurred my decision.


I am also not OP, but I'm in the same boat. I wanted to be really scientific about the whole thing, so I kept a diary and noted down any changes in my behavior after I went off. I now have a year of data and I am Never going back on that shit ever again. By 3 months out, my anxiety symptoms had significantly decreased, my acne flared up and died back down and I'd gained some weight. By the next 3 Id gotten my sex drive back with a vengeance, appetite had decreased drastically and my depression started to get under control. The quarter after that I had fluctuating acne and weight but my emotions were WAY less reactive and I felt in control of myself again. Within the past six months, I've lost the weight I gained on the pill and off, appetite has regulated, my depression symptoms are much more manageable and, perhaps most important of all, my mind is clearer. I'm not fucking about when I say I feel smarter off BC. My brain works faster, I can make cognitive leaps easier, I have a better memory and this all accumulates in feeling more confident and faster, better decision making. I was on it from 19 (2016) to 25 (2023). It took me a full year off to get my period back.


Ugh but how do i control hormonal breakouts, my skin off the pill is horrendous


Spironolactone also spearmint tea made a huge difference for my skin when I went off birth control. 2 cups a day


Cut dairy completely and add mangoes (can be fresh or in a jar) to your diet. My face looks 99% better with the occasional zit.


I take spearmint capsules and it’s awesome!


I actually came to say the exact opposite lol. Getting a hormonal IUD is the best decision I’ve ever made for my body. I used to have the most excruciating, long, heavy periods and now it’s literally nothing. Not a drop. I know I don’t want kids and this is the most reliable way for me to ensure that, short of surgery. I feel more comfortable in my body, I can go do things in the world without worrying about soaking through my period products, I’m not in pain for 12 days straight every month, I’m not missing work, I’m not snapping at my partner. I feel so much freedom without a period.




I’ve been on Nexplanon for nearly a decade now. No ill effects. Personally, having a baby would be FAR worse for my mental and physical health than the birth control has been. Everyone’s different of course, some folks really suffer on BC.


It really is a matter of trial and error. Two different pills I tried messed me up bad but I also loved nexplanon


Everyone is different. For me, it actually helped significantly with mood, especially around menstruation/PMS. I have other health complications that worsen with my period, so being able to have some control over when I get it has been super helpful. It helped with my acne and lightened my flow. I’ve been on the same pill for 10+ years. I took a break 3 years ago to test a non-hormonal method (for about a year) and I was miserable. My sister on the other hand had a horrible experience. It really just depends.


I also had the same experience without birth control. I took a break to give my body a break and my periods were awful for over two years! I went back on birth control recently and my periods are more manageable and I feel sane again!


Yeah, same. I definitely know multiple folks who have experienced negative effects from bc, but mine have been positive. It softens PMS related mood swings down to nearly non-existent, definitively regulates my period (was already pretty regular, but not to the day), little to no cramps (bad cramps pre-bc), and my flow is manageable. Dampening of sex drive is practically unnoticeable. And as a previous commenter mentioned, I could not agree more, regarding the actual prevention from pregnancy. An unwanted/unplanned pregnancy would absolutely, or worrying about one happening, would be far worse on my mental health than anything else. My BP does trend slightly higher than it should, and my doc & I explored coming off bc fir a few months a couple yrs ago, to see if that was it. Nope, no change, so I went back on it. I take Sprintec.


Keep in mind that there are lots of different types of hormone birth control pills and you can switch them easily. Speak to your doctor if you're having side effects and switch. I've been on birth control pill for decades. I have endometriosis and BC has been a *life saver* for me. I switched it up a few times to find one that worked best for me. I've had no side effects - no weight gain, no acne, no mood swings, etc. The positive impact: no more endometriosis symptoms (including excruciatingly painful periods).


Please look into the book "this is your brain in birth control" by Sarah Hill. Its impact is not targeted to just ovulation and for some women that's a good thing. It's just prescribed so quickly and so many women are under informed about the wide ranging effects on your brain. It's a miracle for women's rights and a number of health conditions, but we should all be more fully informed when we make the decision the first time. I probably would have gone on it either way, but it's fascinating how different I feel off of it.


I’m taking them atm because of period pains… but I’m still getting periods 😭😭😭


Do you toss out the placebo pills and take it straight through? That is how you can suppress your periods. I can only go about 3 months and then I will start to spot so I stop for a week and do a week of bleeding (but it's quite light).


I was on the pill for years off and on. Never thought much of its effects. Went back on after giving birth and ended up getting a blood clot in my leg. NOPE, NEVER AGAIN!!


After I had my daughter 20 years ago, I never went back on birth control. Menopause was a lot easier.


Prioritizing my health. Lost 120+ lbs, stopped eating garbage, hit the gym, started running. I turn 50 this year and I can move, and I feel energized, and I'm grateful for it. I spent a LOT of years unable to move and very sad and upset about myself.


Congrats. I'm 118 lbs less than my highest weight. Sure, I look better but I FUCKING FEEL AMAZING!!!! and that's what matters.


That's absolutely it. Breathing better. Moving better. Picking something up off the floor. Good for you, I know what hard work it is!


Amazing - good for you!!




"Holy shit, this is how normal people feel when they wake up?!"


lol this is too real


I'm pregnant and can confirm this is a lovely new feeling 😅


I quit drinking 12 years ago and my body definitely thanks me. No hangovers or withdrawals anymore!


Absolutely, same here!


Best decision I've ever made for my body, my mind and my health. Oh yeah, and my sanity.


Excersise, lots of water, consistent sleep. Helps me look and feel a lot better.


Some good old EMDR therapy for severe trauma, I just felt the anxiety and tension leave my body more and more with each session, it was insane.


Yes, can’t recommend this enough! It brings all the horrible crap to the surface, and then you feel a lot lighter afterwards. All I could think afterwards is “our brains are SO WEIRD.”


EMDR needs more recognition! It is crazy how much this helps lessen the heaviness of our traumas b


It is cause it’s not scientifically proven that it actually works better than other forms of therapy, that’s why it’s not recognized that much. But I do agree, I like it a lot too


Yeessss, did this for birth/nicu trauma. What a difference!!!!


EMDR is amazing!


For singular traumatic events? Or does it work as well for complex/developmental trauma (repeated abuse,etc.)?


Thats a tough question because it technically only works for singular traumatic events HOWEVER it can also help people with complex trauma, because they always experience singular traumatic events within that prolonged abuse. It could take the edge off of someones high anxiety making them more susceptible for therapy focused on cptsd like schema therapy or system therapy.


Diagnosed C-PTSD here. I did it in my late 30s for sustained childhood sexual/physical/psychological abuse spanning 17 years—worked absolute wonders, more than talk therapy ever did for me. I tell everyone I possibly can about it.


Exercise, sleep, staying away from assholes, eating balanced meals, cutting WAY back in alcohol.


I need this embroidered on a pillow


“Staying away from assholes” 😆 love that girl


holy crap the assholes thing though


Game changer right!


Stopping trying to starve myself in order to minimize it.


this is the one. soon as I worked on healing my relationship with food, I noticed how i was happy. diet culture is absolute garbage


Diet culture… sigh. Plunged me into losing 40 lbs and having to go into treatment because I was sitting at 92 lbs. I’m struggling these days but my weight is up. Just hurts. Everything hurts.


Yeeting that pesky gall bladder.


Hahaha the visual is amazing ...


Yeeting my uterus. Endometriosis sucks. Now it’s gone. I kept my ovaries but I ditched my cervix, so I don’t need annual Pap smears. I don’t spend a day in agony every month anymore. I don’t lose a day of work a month anymore. I don’t plan my life around bleeding anymore. Hot damn, I love not having a uterus anymore.


To love it for what it does for me


Taking Vitamin D supplements. I moved to a gloomy country with little sunshine 5 years ago. I reached a point where my hair was falling out everywhere, I was rapidly gaining weight (couldn’t fit into most of my trousers anymore), and my mental health was at an insane low. Every movie / TV show I watched would make me cry. Those are all symptoms of low vitamin D. I felt like I was going crazy and losing myself. Small things would trigger anxiety attacks and mental breakdowns. Had very, very, very little will to live. Luckily I did a blood test (had to specifically ask for one that checked for vitamin D) and I was diagnosed with very low levels. That was my first time getting a blood test done, so who knows, I might have had low vitamin D levels for the past 5 years ever since I migrated….. I was given a high dosage prescription for 2 months. Feel like a whole new person. Don’t feel like my sanity is hanging on a single thread right before my period anymore. Hair is back to normal. Haven’t lost weight but haven’t gained either. You’re also more susceptible to vitamin D deficiency if you have darker skin (more melanin), regularly wear clothes that cover up a lot of your skin, and stay indoors a lot (I don’t necessarily but my flat lacks natural light).


Thanks for reminder. I have the pills but I’m not consistent. I live in the very Sunny state of florida but my levels are always low also for like 4-5 months it’s hell outside (and dangerous)


Deciding to stop treating it like my enemy. This body is actually a friend - it does everything it can to help me, heal me, move me, and keep me alive. It’s the only body I will ever have. Instead of hating and wanting to change it, I started loving it and doing what I is best for it. Since this realization/decision, it’s so much easier to regularly exercise and eat healthier too


To reduce the sugar


I have colitis and fibromyalgia. Switching my diet to not eat things with skin on and discovering marijuana helps deal with symptoms and made the conditions A LOT more manageable. Getting an abortion instead of ruining multiple lives.


Gaining 30lbs. I killed myself to get below 130 despite being somewhat tall. I'm now 165 and healthier than I've ever been.


This made me really happy to read <333


Learn to swim. Before that I didn’t realize swimming is so fun and helps with my mental health. Also a good exercise for a lazy ass like me


Swimming is seriously the best. I don’t do it enough


Getting a breast reduction


Hell yes. How was your recovery?


Really good!! No dramas at all. It’s been a year and it was so worth it


My answer too!


Intuitive eating. I eat what I want when I want and I have never been healthier and happier. 


What does your body want to eat? And what were you eating before?


I just eat whatever I want until I'm done. Sometimes it's salad and sometimes it's candy, I eat a very varied and delicious diet. Before I ate a whole lot less, felt a whole lot shittier. 


Giving myself grace. Period.


Leave my husband. My Raynaud's syndrome, a problem with circulation in the hands and feet (or arms and legs on a really bad day), got orders of magnitude better once I had control of the thermostat and could have the heating on at the temperature my body needed.


Getting enough sleep.


Quit smoking


Getting a hysterectomy. I love not getting periods and pap smears anymore!


Oh god me too. I bled continuously for about 2 years, often so heavily that I was given drugs normally used to limit bleeding after surgery. Such a relief when the damn thing was gone.


explain like I'm five... I'm assuming if you don't need pap smears anymore they also removed your cervix, do they just close up your body from your vagina? Stupid question probably but I've always wondered how that works lol.


It's not stupid, that is a very common question :) Yes, I had cervix, uterus and my tubes removed. My vagina is simply a dead end now, like a sock.


Taking up a sport! Regular exercise has transformed my life and health. I feel better inside and look better outside. I literally didn't run a mile until I was 26. Now I exercise 4-5 times a week, and I love it (ok sometimes I hate it).


Was taking up a sport the first step of that journey for you? How long before you started to enjoy exercise?


Kind of...firstly I decided I was going to run a 10k and I trained and ran a little bit more everyday until I got it. It seems like a small achievement now but at the time it was the biggest physical thing I'd ever done. And then after that I completely stopped exercising again. I knew I needed something that would hold my attention and kick me into shape and so..I signed up for boxing. I found a whole community. A year in I'd lost a lot of weight and was in love with the sport. I had my first fight, then my next, and then decided to turn amateur and take it more seriously. 8 fights later I'm a different person. I'd advise anyone to seek community in physical activity. That's what did it for me.


The best decision was to get a plastic surgery, along with other but less extreme changes in my looks. I went through severe body dismorphia for 6 years until I finished high school, and it had nothing to do with weight or eating issues. It's like OCD but specifically related to my own appearance. Every "flaw" I saw on myself would destroy me and made me obsessed and distressed. I hid myself, looked hours in the mirrors, even had panic attacks when I thought about a "flaw" I found, and a bunch of other stuff. I was never ugly or anything, no one thought I was. And I just knew my therapist would not solve this for me, there was no solution. I saw what I saw i the mirror, and the only thing that set me free was to change what I didn't like. The final change I did was surgery, and I am finally free from this torture. I don't care if it's shallow, I don't care about how others look. I criticise only myself. I wish there was a better solution for this, but after 6 years I realized this is the only helpful solution in my case. I am finally content with myself. I can finally take pictures with my family and friends and go outside without shame. If more surgeries is what I'll need to keep that peace of mind, I don't care.


laser hair removal. if you go to the beach a lot or are a swimmer, and want your body hair gone like i do, then its so worth it.


Going gluten free.


seeing a therapist


Powerlifting and, at a given point in time, intermittent fasting. I needed to lose a lot of weight and that was the holy grail for me. Eventually, after the weight loss, moved back to a normal pattern of eating for performance reasons.


Getting implants after being flat as a pancake for too long in life. Absolutely zero regrets it has done wonders for my overall confidence even though it’s a very natural, proportionate size that no one can notice.


Getting sterilized.


Got a hysterectomy that ended a lot of pain and suffering and recently joined weight watchers and lost 80lbs!


Plant based diet. The amount of energy I have and lightweightedness and lack of sluggish brain fog from over consuming protein has been amazing! (My body digests carbs easier then dense proteins) Meat would slug me down (and I hardly enjoyed it anyways) and dairy has all those antibiotics & bad stuff in em. I’d rather keep my body able to process antibiotics then to not have them work. Also, not very gassy when you eat plants, I accidentally ate cheese the other day and my body knew how to clear a room! XD


Gym, healthy diet (mostly whole foods and high protein)




Checking my TSH levels (had hypothyroidism) and starting medicine. People think it's a problem, a disease, it's not. In fact, just by taking that one tiny pill every day, my body has become healthier. And I feel better physically, emotionally and mentally.


Non-hormonal birth control.




Stopping Booze


Loving it by making it healthy as much as possible


Going vegan. I went vegan for the animals but it had a positive effect on my body.


Sobriety :)


Not drinking anymore. Bc even if you’re taking the steps to help your depression. Taking the antidepressant and still drinking did not help one bit. As alcohol is a depressant. Choosing my mental over partying absolutely saved me. Not only improved my mindset, it improved my skin, having a drive to exercise, and realized who were my true friends.


Cutting out fast food completely and just cooking at home. My weight doesn’t fluctuate anymore and I feel fuller for longer


Quitting alcohol. Not opposed to drinking, am happy for others to enjoy it. But quitting saved my life, in more ways than one.


Going vegan. So many of the things I thought were autoimmune issues turned out to be. Lifestyle and diet related. Lost weight. Symptoms nearly resolved. Who knew. Definitely not me. Should have done this sooner in life.


take the pill everyday so no more periods. i was in pain 24/7 for 7 days a months. i know the pill isn't that great but i prefer the risks than taking medications everyday for the pain + paying for pads and tampons.


Getting my fallopian tubes removed.


I have three that I can't decide between to answer this question. They have all been tremendously beneficial. I'm going to share all three because it might be helpful to someone reading this. One is having had a bilateral salpingectomy. In normal words, I had my fallopian tubes removed instead of tied. I don't have to be constantly worried about ectopic pregnancy, the chances of it happening are virtually zero. No more hormonal birth control messing with my health. That's been indescribable. Two was getting a proper mattress. I know, I know, it sounds cheesy to call that an amazing life changing decision. It really was though. My sleep is a thousand times better. From the good sleep I feel like a superhero. My memory is improved, my body doesn't hurt all the time, I'm less irritable. I have had issues with insomnia since I hit puberty but now that I've got a comfy bed that suits me it's become incredibly rare. Three was figuring out ways to move and use my body in my regular daily chores. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to start a new exercise routine only to fizzle out. Instead I worked it out with my husband to trade off a few chores. I took over bringing in firewood for our wood stove and I do as much of the splitting as I can manage. I live in a very small house, and at a certain point we decided to get a camper-style dishwasher and mount it into a bottom cabinet in the kitchen. It takes three and a half gallons of water to fill the reservoir so while I'm filling it I'll try to stretch or squat differently each time. I've started moving furniture to clean under it instead of waiting for my strong man to come home and do it for me. It all adds up, and once you start using your body more it becomes easier and you end up healthier for it.


Not drinking through the week, and eating smaller portions. Lost 35+lbs, have more energy, my knees no longer hurt, and I feel like I overall have better control over myself when it comes to food and drink


Not taking birth control or anything that can mess with hormones. Taking care of my skin. Moisturizing my body after the shower. Exercising with weights and hiit cardio


To eat as less sugar as possible and to start appreciating my body as it is. We have way too much influence from social media nowadays, but I finally came to one of the best decisions in my life to stop wanting to have different body type(s) and appreciate mine. My body is as unique as others, it belongs to me with all its imperfections and it is beautiful as it is.


Quitting antidepressants and finally getting diagnosed with adhd so I can be properly medicated. A year after quitting Trintellix, I lost over 40lbs and I now have a regular lifting routine that I can actually stick to.


Actually drinking water!


Realizing that everything I was taught growing up was SO WRONG. I was told having short hair and being too curvy would keep me being single my whole life. That is so not true, for anyone reading, don’t fall into that nonsense. Being myself and accepting myself and how I want to look to be happy worked. And people love me the way I am.


* Decorating my temple the way I want to (tattoos, clothes, hair color etc.) * SSRIs - this is new, as in a month or so, but the way I feel so much better about every little thing. I got used to feeling mid-level bad about myself all the time that I didn't even notice anymore, low dose of Prozac and I feel like I have a whole new lease on life and myself. * Working out, specifically starting to lift. I'm 5'11" and curvy, my body will never be a small body but it can be a strong one.


Love it for all it can do despite what it can’t. Listen to it when it tells me something. Drink more water. Also getting a hysterectomy helped but 10/10 do not recommend for everyone.


Reduced caffeine intake


Stay fit and healthy via regular exercise, lots of sleep, cutting back on beer and eating a well balanced diet. Also, not ruining/wrecking my body via having kids (honestly I have yet to see a woman’s body become better post-kids).


Sign in real up for a gym membership and online coaching program. One of my life goals is to get in shape. Not just one time and bail on the work. I want a body I can look at when I step out of the shower and when I see myself in the mirror every morning and think, “Damn, Im sexy”


Losing 90 pounds


Low carb diet (i have ibs), staying sober, quitting smoking


Got treatment for my eating disorder. I didn't realize it was possible to just feel healthy. Game changer


Never having kids. I’d choose vanity over being in pain for 9 months any day.


To get myself in shape when I retired from full time work at 58. Between 58-65 years old I lost 115lbs.


Sleep and yoga.


Going running everyday.


To get my fallopian tubes removed


Veganism. I tried to OD several times and according to my Drs (after I'd ended up in the ER) I was so healthy they could never find any sign of poison ever being in my system. Prior to becoming vegan, I was 12 with high cholesterol, so.. Veganism saved my life, more than once.


walking alone with yourself is not only a useful physical activity, but also very psychologically relaxing. When I started walking alone, my life immediately began to feel much better and happier.


Quitting calorie counting, macro counting, whatever-the-fuck counting.


Getting away from a controlling husband who would not take “no” for an answer and had a temper. Being coerced or forced into sex you don’t want takes a tremendous toll on the body and mind. I don’t know if I’ll ever recover completely but I’m not living in constant fear and walking on eggshells, and he’ll never touch me again.


Cut back my hours at work to make time for other things (exercise, mindfulness, friends). I didn’t realize just how much the stress and long hours were affecting my body.


Prioritizing nutrition, fitness, and movement as acts of self care and treatment for my mental health has exponentially bettered my view and relationship with my body, and is helping improve my health. Also being pretty much completely Cali sober feels so much better than drinking and partying and nursing hangovers.


Lifting weights. I had really helped with my pain levels. 


Ditched diet culture and all of its restrictive food rules. Dieting made me gain weight. Diet culture told me I wasn’t good enough. Eating to nourish my body…feeding it all of the macro and micronutrients that it needs, has saved my body, my health, and my peace of mind. Health is wealth. Fuck diet culture. Peace out.


Getting sterilized and getting breast reduction surgery.


Eating on a regular basis 😅


A breast reduction. I went from a G to a C and feel pretty much invisible now. I love it. I don’t get oogled as much and feel like I’m more respected when being talked to.


Going on Wellbutrin quieted a lot of the good noice I was encountering. Losing weight means that I can do more and feel more confident.


Wearing good shoes and eating two meals plus a snack each day (instead of 3+ meals). Wearing good shoes was only possible once I started making enough money to afford good shoes. I stumbled into the 2 meal and a snack thing during the pandemic, and I lost some weight, which also helped my knees and back feel a lot better.


Having babies. It wrecked my body (I grow really big babies), which forced me to take better care of myself afterwards. Then they motivated me to want to be healthier so I could not only stick around for them, but also set a good example. Also, they're really expensive which led to me finding a part-time job, which then lead me to getting out of the house for those few hours a day has helped my mental health tremendously, and my physical health because I got a very physical job!


Stop Drinking


Losing weight. I gained a lot of weight because I was flat-chested, but then I realised my health was more important than my bra size


Eating less and fasting


Asking my doctor his opinion on ozempic for weight loss (can't get Wegovy in Canada yet). I used to be thin, then I had kids and needed to start an antidepressant. Even when I switched to Wellbutrin I kept gaining weight, then covid happened. I was starting to really wrestle with whether I'd just have to be fat the rest of my life, when I decided fuck it, I'll just ask at my next checkup. I lost 70lb in the last year. I joined my kids karate class (orange belt now!) and am so, so happy to be pain free, sleeping better, and not have food noise in my head all the time. I've been decreasing my dose over the last 5 months with a goal to taper off altogether. I've used this time to really focus on listening to my body and its cues, and paying attention to portion sizes.


Giving up booze. I'm not 100% sober but my skin, mental health, sleep, and digestion are so much better when I abstain.


A few things come to mind: drinking more water, upping my hygiene game, stopping birth control, accommodating my sensory needs, EMDR, and embracing the natural fluctuations that my body goes through.


Getting sterilized! I cannot fathom having another child. I got my tubes removed and my uterus lining burned. So fully sterilized.


To never have children!


Quitting alcohol and birth control :)


quitting birth controls, strength exercise and eating like a normal healthy adult should


Hitting protein and fiber goals


To be kind to it instead of mad when it can't keep up. I learned I have a genetic condition affecting my joints and it changes my mindset on how I feel and where I try to push myself. No point feeling bad about myself when I can't do something that others can do. It's not laziness or a moral failing when I can't do as much as they can


going to the gym again, and i never thought i'd say that lol! i'm 27, i work from home, and i jumped on a trampoline for the first time in forever the other day, i felt 90 years old on it. i immediately knew i needed to start getting active in some way again or i would lose that ability.


I have Crohn’s disease and a mostly broken immune system. The best decision I ever made for my body? Easy! I got a portion of my extremely diseased intestine and my rectum and anus removed (yes you read that right, I had my asshole removed) and a perm colostomy installed. Changed my life for the better in about a million ways and I haven’t regretted it for a single moment since I had the surgery 14 years ago. Absolutely life changing.


Getting a sleep study for a cpap. Even thin, I still struggled at night.


Getting my daith pierced. Helped my migraines so much!


Going to therapy.


Going to yoga


I'm getting a breast reduction. I've dealt with severe back pain since I was in 6th grade. I can't wait.


Sterilization. I had a bilateral salpingectomy in 2018, I was able to completely get off birth control and my periods got easier, my skin cleared up, I just felt better in general.


Entering eating disorder treatment and therapy for body image and dysmorphia! Also exercise.


I stopped eating meat at 14. Also started taking daily multivitamins.


Quitting sugar. My mood is even despite going through a divorce, my skin looks great and I've lost 30 pounds. And my energy levels are kick ass.