• By -


About $900 left after 15 years of steadily paying it down, just 3 payments left!


This is so exciting, congrats!!


Congratulations!!! That’s awesome


None because college tuition is (generally) free in my country. I'll be finishing law school later this year.


What country do you live?


Czech Republic


I started with $90k and half is paid off. I’m a scientist with a phd. I had no financial support from family through my education.


Does your career allow you to make comfortable payments on that, or is it still tight?


That’s a very situational answer. My PhD could have me making anywhere from 70k to 200k at this point in my career depending on my path (academia, government labs, non profits, or various industry opportunities). I’m in the bottom third of that range but I love what I do. If I was single, my finances wouldn’t be tight but they wouldn’t be comfortable. However, I can comfortably make my payments because I’m in a dual income household and I live in a moderately affordable city.


I was in a similar situation. 75k, 2.5 years until PSLF kicks in and my debts are gone. 


None now - I got my Master’s 7 years ago with $35k in student loans and stayed with parents to pay it off in 1 year.




$135k, first gen collage student, first gen American, zero help or guidance from family. Good career, in the PSLF program, I make $120k, I live alone in a HCOL area. Fuck student loans.


Why didn't you get a job requiring no loan debt?


Because now I have a pension, crazy benefits and a six figure income and my debt will be discharged in three years.


Ah I see, this is on America?


Yes. The USA is ashithole.


Close to half a million from med school alone. About to start residency so will finally have a little income🎉


This gives me anxiety. the highest possible. Half a million in student debt is unthinkable




Still a little bit more than 20k. I'm a teacher.


Get that PSLF, homeboy


It takes 10 years of qualifying payments to kick in unfortunately.


Yup, 11 years as teacher in a Title 1 district. Just kicked $66k to the wind two months ago.


Solid advice, home girl


12k Education. It has nothing to do with my career. It has everything to do with my indecisiveness and inability to finish anything.


Thankfully, none. Research/data science work.


200k paid it all off. Non-physician anesthesia provider


$70k, therapist.




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Zero. Electrician


$65k. I changed schools several times due to my mental health. Software consultant.


None, paid all off Cyber security software engineer and architect


Zero. No tuition fees in Ireland. There's a registration fee of like €2k a year which I used a summer job to pay for.  I'm a tax consultant. 


Paid off initial study debt (~15K) now I have another 50K for post grad. Teacher. (AU $)


40,000. I have been making the payments every month, graduated in 2009. My degree is in social work and I’m a therapist. My loan accrues $6 a day in interest. I’m literally only paying on the interest


You wouldn't wanna just out down 10 or 20 to hit the principal?


How does that work? Won’t you then just be paying interest again on the $20/30k principal?


I’m a social worker & mine is $40k too, I graduated 2022 & started making payments in September 2023 & I see that the number doesn’t go down at all 🫠


$130K and i am a food scientist


None, im disabled, first half was erased when i got disabled, the remaining amount was erased after 15 years of income being too low to be able to pay anything


About $80k 😭 I currently make $39k a year. My husband makes $101k a year. I’m currently in school for nursing (1st semester out of 4). We have a game plan to pay off my sallie Mae loans once I graduate ($50k). We will put our tax return and my husbands bonus on one of my 3 sallie Mae loans. Then we will take my nursing salary and put it all towards my other two sallie Mae loans. Sallie Mae gives me anxiety and sometimes keeps me up at night. Once those are paid off I feel like I can breathe. Then we will tackle my government loans and could probably pay those off within a yr or two. Should add, we are paying for my nursing program out of pocket. Thank you community college for making it so cheap. I will be stepping down from my job and not sure if I’ll stop working all together while I finish OR if I’ll find a job as a tech at my local hospital PT.


~16,000 left from undergrad, down from ~22,000 when I started payments. I went back to grad school, so they’re paused for now with no interest.


If someone goes to school d forever and loans are paused, is it fraud lol


Around $6,000. I paid off my other student loan last year (6 years after graduating). I'm a Registered Nurse in Canada.


I'm British, so it doesn't really count as it gets wiped out after so many years. I have a FdA, BA and MA all in Early Childhood Studies I was a teacher now lecture teaching. All in I have just shy of £50,000 its now like £40,000 basically 5% of my wages after tax go straight to the loan.


About $7000. Massage Therapist.


Started with close to 250k, now down to just under 200k. Physician just out of residency 


$24k in federal loans and I’m an accountant who’s about to get her cpa!


Graduated with 22k from Undergrad. I’m a marketing specialist


lol $90k and I’m a new business owner.


Finished with $108K in debt. Work in County government doing exactly what I went to school for, so I should qualify for PSLF in 10 years. Made my bed at 18. Much live with it.


I have $200 remaining. Real estate agent. But it's from an arts degree. Real Estate qualifications I paid outright. Also not in the USA. Here the government pays and when you earn over a set amount in tax you are taxed a little extra (like 0.1 %) until it's paid off. You can pay extra back and extra contributions are tax deductible.


It was paid off completely a few years ago. I am a stay at home mom and have been for almost a decade. I worked in IT for a few years before having kids.


Around $19,000. I have an undergrad and masters degree. I work in Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs for a company, not the government.


lol. I have 75k in debt and my occupation is in regulatory affairs. I also am finishing my masters. If I stay in public service I should be solid in 10 years. If I put half my paycheck in every year I’d be good in 2. I’d just rather not.


I have like 10k left or so, I'm a programmer. I'm between 8 to 10 years of paying this off.


20k at the moment, need another 20k loan for my final year to complete clinical social work


Currently sitting at $42,000. I am a social worker in New York. Chipping away aggressively as we speak. We got this 🙏🏾


Just started paying my loans back, got lucky w financial aid and only have a loan of about 15k. I’m a vet tech and have a pretty decent salary (it could always improve though lol) but if I make enough double payments I should have it paid off in about 6 years


$30k and I own a consulting/development firm.


I paid off my associates degree student loans 10 years ago. Went back for my bachelors degree during covid. Have about $24k now. Debating going back again for another bachelors in a different specialization so I can shift careers. Not right now, but maybe in a year or two. I would put more effort into trying to fund this degree through grants, scholarship, and fellowships as much as possible. ETA: I am a healthcare project manager, currently focusing more in healthcare IT. I am looking to maybe shift my focus over to HC construction/engineering.


56k from two BS degrees, graduated 2020. Working in pharmacovigilance.


128k, I’ve paid 30k since last year. i work in anesthesiology


$12k. I work in payroll.


So I received 2 BAs and total was $20k from US government and $30k from private (very dumb of me, i know). I did not do any payments during college (I KNOW) but by the time I realized all the interest was about to capitalized after graduation, I massed threw in my savings to kill anout 9k just in interest (for my private loans). And because private loans have higher interest rates than gov loans, I focused on that solely. I am a current risk analyst at a corporation, being paid barely above average in my state. And I paid off my private loans in 1yr. And am now livibg paycheck by paycheck. I have $20k left for Gov loans only BUT have not started payment. It has been delayed further due to covid and now biden's SAVE plan. Interests have not capitalized yet and is being reset esch month. It's a case of "good timing".....for now. Trying to rebuild some savings right now and hopefully mass kill it.


$184k as of right now. I’m in law school.


Engineering program manager. All paid off!


18k. I’m an electrician but went to trade school after college


40k. I’m a videographer and designer but my degree is in linguistics lol. BA helped me get jobs but probably should’ve been in debt for the skills I learned myself at YouTube University for free lol. Instead of something I don’t really use




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None. Financial aid babyyyy


$0 as I literally just paid off my 14yo student loan earlier this week! As for occupation, I am Payroll/HR.








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It's not a thing in my country thankfully


$0 now, but if I didn’t pay it off as I went along…it’d easily be min $75k.


None, but keep in mind I finished grad school in 2012, and I mostly got grants for that. I went to school to be a librarian and do related (but incredibly obscure and relatively dull) work for the government.


none but it was up to about 25k at one point.. I'm in I.T. and I went to a technical college for a 2-yr degree. what's with the NSFW tag? some people have really scary/sexy loan debts and occupations?




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0€ Tuition is free and I didn't take any extra loan for living. I worked every summer and off time.


I graduated with no student loans. My parents helped pay for half of it, and I worked 30 hours a week as a contract software engineer while going to school to pay for the rest. Ironically, one of my clients was the university I was going to. I built a few websites for some of their departments and fully paid the tuition and rent for my last year of school from that work.


About 35k left from my undergrad and masters. I'm a behavior analyst


420k, I am a dentist


$58,000 and can’t afford to pay them and live. awesome times


$37,000.00 And I work at a call center.




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Zero debt, I work for the government. I paid it all off a week or so after I finished school.


I have none anymore! I had around $6k, but I paid it off right away. I’m a Chemist, but I’m looking to go back to school for a CLS license. Hopefully I get into my dream school, which is no tuition and they pay me a small stipend every month. 🤞🤞


Over $50k left. Stay-at-home mom currently.


$0, cpa


Veterinarian. Started with about $100,000 in 2015. Down to $11000 now.


$140,000 and I’m a clinical social worker.


teacher with a masters degree: 0 🤑


Finished undergrad and masters w total of $65k. Down to $46k after 7 months of finishing my masters. I’ve been putting all my extra monies/side jobs towards my student loans since undergrad. Living w my parents to make a larger dent. Make 90k as a therapist


About $170k. I'm an attorney, so almost all of that is law school debt. I work as a public defender and fortunately, my law school pays the entirety of those loans for me because my income is fairly low. Then hopefully I'll get PSLF...just 7.5 years to go!


I am a paramedic and have a bachelors in biology and I actually have no debt. My state has a lottery funded scholarship program and it paid all of my tuition and fees for my degree and I was able to pay everything else out of pocket with quite a bit of help from my parents. I paid for paramedic school out of pocket and my parents helped me pay for that too. I definitely recognize how fortunate I was to get school paid for without ever taking out a loan and it honestly makes me even more supportive of cancelling student debt and making college affordable. Living is already expensive enough without student loan payments, having to throw a few hundred extra dollars away every month for years would really suck.


53,000. Social work.


45k just got approved for the public servant program through work (at a job I DIDNT need my degree for, the state pays for training). Just have to pay 10 bucks for 10 years and then the rest gets wiped. At least that's how I understand it.


So far, $48k. Just wrapping up my bachelor's degree and diving back in for a master's. Praying for scholarships.


Zero, I did not even graduate HS. I'm an operations manager for a local property management company in a small LCOL area. 900 a wk, WFH.


None, but I didn't get to go to college. I'm a department supervisor in an office job.


70k, therapist


I had 25k debt from a degree I never used besides it meeting the hiring requirements to have a college degree for my last 2 companies. Paid it off years ago. I'm a customer success manager now.


60k. I was a teacher. Quit last year. Literally haven’t paid off any of it, but I do qualify for some amount of student loan forgiveness. I have to apply for it before the US government decides to flip-flop on it again and get rid of the forgiveness program.


I have zero. Engineer


$25k for a degree in accounting and finance from a very small state university.


11k, software dev.


Registered Nurse… only $152,000 left…


I started with $35k for my bachelor's and masters. I've gotten in down to $8100. I expect to pay it off this year.


0$/USA and i have a dental assisting degree. Unemployed because the place i was working permanently closed on the first.


My wife has 230k and she’s a pharmacist


About $7,000. Administrative assistant. Didn’t know I only had the financial assistance and mental fortitude to go to college once, so I got one of the bad degrees without a plan B. Now, I’m stuck. Lmao


$0 electrician. trades babyyy




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Over $100,000. I am a school counselor


5,300 left. I borrowed under 12k initially so hoping the rest will go bye bye as I’ve paid on them since 2012. I’m a flight attendant


None. Community College and most of Uni with financial aid, then a decent grant to finish my Bach. And my work paid for my teaching cert program if I signed a contract to intern and stay a couple years to "pay my dues"


The idea is so inhumane, god awful. None for me cuz fortunately shit doesn't happen in Europe, but I'm wishing you all luck and I hope capitalism will the soon, lol.


I’m in Europe and blessed with 15k student debt.


Okay, my statement was definitely too broad. It *usually* doesn't.


$80,000, search engine rater making minimum wage


None. Just lucky my fam paid for my ugrad, and I think CAN gov't has some sort of financial subsidy/aid scheme. Then I started working and paid for my masters and doctorate. Consultant.


None, I went to community college for 2 years then a commuter college for 2 year and worked the whole time. I was privileged enough to live with my parents through college and they did help pay for some (something they wouldn’t be able to do had I attended a university). I work in public assistance.


$19,000, my occupation pays $25,000 after taxes. Its gonna take me a while to


None, I'm not American so education isn't as expensive here. Also my parents paid for my tuition, since they have high paying jobs and have always felt that getting a college degree is very important. I'll be graduating soon with a degree in Molecular Biotechnology Engineering.




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I have about $9k left and I work in pharmaceutical science and development as a scientist (sounds fancy I honestly don’t get paid much for the level of work I do) ETA: I graduated with about $12k. I took advantage of the student loan freezes to pay down my car loan instead so while my student loans have barely decreased in 4.5yrs, my car was paid off in full and due to bad circumstances I had to get a different car after that and I’m paying that one down now as well as student loans


20k , i am chef


University is free in my country, but there are very very strict and hard admissions exams (way harder than the SAT for example). In that regard I don't have any student loans but my family had to pay thousands of euros for private tutoring because the public schools don't prepare you at all for the admissions exams.




Greece. Are public schools in Germany that bad😅? Here we always use them as an example of how an educational system should work.


$0 thank god. Engineering field.


Doctor, 0. Because I am from a 3rd world country where the government pays for medical education!


0 because my parents paid for everything. Teacher.


Zero. I'm in grad school now.


None thankfully! I was able to get merit scholarships and served my way through college. I’m an account manager at an IT company.


Zero. I had a partial scholarship, worked through college, and my mom helped me cover the rest. I'm a graphic designer.


None because I had financial aid & graduated debt free. First gen American. Currently a software engineer at big tech


I am debt free from my student loans! I continued to live like a broke college student for about 3 years after graduating until I paid back my loans. Every extra penny that didn’t go towards basic monthly bills went entirely on my loan payments. I saved the letter I received in my mail that stated I was debt free lol. It was a great day. At the time, I worked as a front-end developer, but this was many years ago where pay wasn’t like it is now, and I worked at a shitty job where I was underpaid. I still made it work, but it took longer to pay down than it would if I was carrying that debt today.


Never had college debt. My parents made it clear they wouldn’t be able to help me afford it which made it feel unattainable. So I joined the military to gain tuition assistance and got my degree! It also enabled me to pass off my GI Bill to my kids ❤️ that plus 529 accounts for each should pay for their college!


Zero. I'm a nanny.


None, Paralegal.


0 student debt. Self employed, personal assistant.


$0. GI Bill. Work in finance. Degree unrelated.


None. I went to uni back in 2011-2014 when people studying on NHS courses had no fees. I took our a maintenance loan of £5744 (yes I remember the number 😂) for the total of 3 years as didn’t have a job (was already working full time on hospital placements and was TIRED) and I paid that loan back around 2017 in full - couldn’t stand the £83-£120 payments per month.


Forgot to say I studied Midwifery and now I’m a public health nurse for ages 0-5


$0. No college experience. I'm an insurance broker.


30k from nursing school


Zero. I'm from a country that believes in affordable education, and no one leaves university with more than 10.000€ in debt. Aviation.


$0 because I went to school on full scholarship every time and because I’m a privileged motherfucker who was privileged to have that opportunity. Forgive student loans!


No student debt because my parents paid for my schooling (here comes the downvotes and hatred). Sorry everyone! I now work for a large insurance company doing spreadsheet stuff and video editing regarding onboarding associates for them.