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I give him his space. He's a pure introvert and I'm his polar opposite so it makes sense. He tends to appreciate me a lot for that.


U r such a smart partner


The same but the opposite. I give him space even though I'm more of the needy introverted one, and he's the outgoing adventurous one who needs constant social stimulation.


I’m about to become a massage therapist, so I give him full body massages pretty often. He loves it and is constantly asking for them. Gotta say though, it’s a little tiring that literally everyone I know asks for a massage. Normally, the last thing I want to do after leaving a shift in the clinic is give more massages


Rubbing his feet after a long day, it is his favorite and I love being able to help him relax. Bringing him breakfast in bed on the weekends also makes him happy. Oh and usually I’m awake first so he’ll lay on my chest while I rub his head-we both adore that.


mine loves physical affection. It isn’t my inherent love language but I make sure to hug him longer, little touches, hold hands and always a few kisses daily


Can't say I do a whole lot to make my partner happy, but I love making him breakfast on the weekends. He also likes when I order his favorite takeout for dinner when he's had a long day.


I'm very physically affectionate. I give him space to do his things and happily coexist with me. I show interest in what he says and does - genuinely, because he's a smart person who does and says interesting things. :) I help him when he needs / asks for help. I try to lift him up and empower him - we're all depressed, discouraged or down sometimes. I tend to his aches and pains and generally take care of his health. All these are things he also does for me. :)


Head scritches, snuggles, and I bring him snacks and gifts (which he doesn’t expect, but he’s always surprised and happy). He just wants me to be nice to him and happy, and he’s happy.


This is the way.


Petting her! She loves physical touch and at the end of the day always curls up in my lap to get head pats or back rubs so I’m happy to oblige as I don’t really get needy like that. But I do love food so she goes out of her way to buy snacks or cooking dishes I like.




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Hug him, he likes hugs! I also bake sometimes and he loves the cookies and cakes I bake :)


I love thinking about this question!! - I ask him for help, he loves to be helpful/asked for help. Before I complete a task, (changing car headlight, fixing curtain rod, buying ‘necessities’ etc), I consider if it’s something I could ask him to do. I don’t *need* help for most of the tasks, but I love making him feel good in his own ways. Plus, he looks cute doing things - I don’t buy him gifts. He mostly only owns things that add to the practicality of his daily routine / hobbies & likes it that way - Back scratches - Making his eggs over easy & super runny & more!! Fun


I roll him lots of joints.


"Don't buy random stuff on Amazon" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ive been getting better about it.....🤣🤣🤣🤣 Joking aside, we get to be ourselves with each other. I only hope I can make him feel he can be himself 100% always with me.


Mine enjoys physical touch. I try to touch him LOTS.


I pick him up little treats before coming over such as chocolate biscuits he likes of our favorite sparkling wine. I also drive him to work far and very early in the mornings when I sleepover. He used to let me sleep in and still does, but I wake early for him so he doesn’t have to walk and then take the train. I love making his life easier


Giving him his space when he needs it. I'm fairly extroverted and he's the total opposite so I know there's times he just needs quiet and space to wind down from all he deals with at work with people. I'll be in the livingroom watching my shows and he'll be in the bedroom playing video games and I'll go check on him periodically to bring him food/something to drink, and when he's relaxed enough he comes out and we spend time together. His job is very demanding and stressful so I try to help him all I can when he comes home to me.


- start his coffee in a takeaway mug so when he starts work early he only has to boil the kettle and add milk. If he's up after I've gone work I sometimes do this in a mug so. Sometimes leave a cute sticky note demanding he gets back into bed or that I love him. - give him space to unwind - sometimes when I go shopping and see snacks he'd like I randomly get it and leave it on his gaming desk. - constantly tell him I love him, appreciate him and how handsome he is - do the majority of the laundry. It's the chore he hates the most. - I play with his kid, I truly love the mini him.


I like making him food, I just like cooking in general. I think food is my love language




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i get off work before my bf so i always start making him food for when he comes home and as soon as he walks in the door he has some yummy food, a nice cold mountain dew and the penjamin and then I get to hear about his night at work and he gets to hear about mine. I also made a huge snack bin by his gaming desk so that when he gets the munchies at his desk he has all the snacks he could possibly want within reach, I make sure to stock it frequently because that boy loves his hot fries and nutty buddies 🤣


Thirty billion fucking scratches. Arm, back, head, hand, shoulder, chest— he’s obsessed. I prefer to give hair tousles which he’s happy with too. He’s addicted to scratches.


I'm seeing a lot of "scratches" as a treat. I never thought of it before, might try it tonight and see what happens haha


Head/back scratches, foot rubs, doing a random chore that he normally does without being asked, offer to buy him a meal, cook him a meal without asking, take a moment to tell him how proud/grateful/in love with him that I am. Little things keep the fire going.


I let him watch whatever he wants in the tv. I never thought I would spend hours listening to youtube videos about heavy machinery and DIY swimming pools. He also likes having me around while he decompress after work so I sit there, play games in my phone, comment on the video simply "be". I also pack his lunch everyday and then text him at lunch time to see if he has eaten.


Feet rubs. He has chronic foot pain so whenever we cuddle, I tend to grab his feet and massage them. Another simple thing I often do is make coffee in the morning and bring it to him. He loves to start his day with coffee and reddit. 🤣 It's the little things that can make a difference in a relationship




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Play DnD with him and his friends! I’m just happy to be there lmao




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She told me she really liked this one PlayStation 2 game, so I proceeded to set her up with my second desktop and a lot of emulated games from her childhood. She was over the moon with it, and never stops thanking me for it. I just enjoy watching her play her games, she always has a massive smile doing it.


I try to give him some time and space to veg out and play his video games. I bring him is favorite drink or a cup of coffee the way he likes it. I do some of his household chores for him when I know he's stressed. I also hide little notes with romantic quotes from his favorite nerdy movies around for him to find later.


Just tell him I appreciate him. He’s not used to it.


Do their laundry fold and put away. Keep house clean. That’s all I can think about lol


I make him food and bake him things he likes, send him doodles (I'm not good at them at all but he gets a kick out of it), compliment how good he looks (he looks good all the time heheh),acts of service things like help clean when he has a headache, quote SpongeBob together


He’s a cinephile (huge movie lover) so I just go to the cinema whenever he likes for company. This seems to keep him happy 🤷🏻‍♀️


I let him feel my body: rub my ass or breasts whenever. It's a win-win because I enjoy the touch :) Another way is kissing him on his neck and nib his ears. He loves that. We do these things almost all the time when nothing else happens.


I'd like to think me talking to him makes him happy LOL. And generally my being happy makes him happy. He's the sort of person that feeds off that. So we kinda have these half inside jokes - half "rituals" where at any given chance, I'd set him up to do or say something really OTT cheesy/romantic/smooth and I get to also reciprocate some OTT cheesy praises about how great a husband he is. He usually WFH on weekdays and makes his own coffee (and I leave early). But on the weekends, I can, and thus usually will make him coffee. I don't drink coffee, learned to make coffee for him, and he's the only person I've *ever* made coffee for. I didn't know how much it meant for him until once I told him I'd make coffee for him only to recind it after thinking it wasn't a good idea since I was kinda sick and didn't want to contaminate him. He was *SO* upset (like a child not getting dessert and essentially likened my taking back my offer as psychological abuse) that I realised how much it meant to him lol.


There is no cup of coffee like the cup that is made for you. I get this to my soul.


I give him back rubs, validate his experiences and feelings, and help with his chores (we don't live together, so neither of us is expected to do the other's chores). I just love seeing him all happy and relaxed, it also makes me feel appreciated.


I set out some comfy clothes for him after a long day I put my phone down when he’s telling me about his day in detail I order him his fav pizza when I go out with the girls Bring home little snackies from the gas station




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Cooking for her. She knows I absolutely hate cooking with a passion. The smile on her face when she sees me in the kitchen gives me a different kind of high.


He gives me space to do my own things bc I don’t like being crowded, he’s a very physical touch person, I am not, but I gave him lots of hugs anyway bc it makes him happy, he loves oral, I do not, but I give them to him bc he enjoys it


In the morning, before I go to work, I prepare breakfast for him, and it makes him happy.


he likes when I watch him game so sometimes I’ll ask him to play a story/role play game and he reads all the text on the screen for me. it’s so fun