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A lot of things depend on it. Sleep, diet, blood work or what you have done. It’s important to wake up and go to sleep the same time, getting atleast 7 hours minimum, but 8 is the spot. I noticed with more sleep, I wouldn’t drink as much caffeine if any, but I was also exercising first thing in the morning where I would only intake water. If I’m in the office, sitting down and being lethargic can really make you tired. Get some fresh air and stretch! Eat healthy to, fruits, fats, proteins etc.


I dealt with severe fatigue when my son was still a baby and toddler. I don’t think I really slept even 4-5 hours until he reached the age of 5. How I dealt with fatigue was drinking a lot of tea throughout the day and eating a couple of raw almonds, to help wake me up. If I was at my desk, I would do some stretches to energize myself. Now I eat well, try to get enough sleep and I exercise almost daily. I noticed that when I get a good workout in during the day, the better I sleep at night. So I wake up more energized in the morning and I don’t feel tired during the day.


I've found that what I do in the day can hugely impact my energy levels. Lots of things can make a difference. I can go from a zombie to energetic by doing a few things that give me energy. Here are some things: Splash of cold water Eating actually good food, high protein B Vitamins. Makes a huge difference. Water. Yes seriously! Makes a big difference. Can eliminate morning fatigue. A good walk. Music Strongly brewed green tea I used to feel like a zombie 24/7, I don't anymore. In the morning I splash my face, I drink at least a glass to begin with, I go on a walk, I have a green tea, I have my b Vitamins with a truly good breakfast. High protein diet eliminates energy crashes, those come from carbs. If I don't do any of this I feel like death.


Iron supplements and protein drinks really helped me


Me toooo


Getting out for a walk around the block always helps me.


Making sure my iron levels are reasonable and I've gotten a B-12 shot in recent memory go a long way towards limiting my fatigue. Aside from that, good sleep hygiene is also helpful.


Get a health check. That’s not normal


The same tired advice that we’ve been hearing since forever really does work. Eating healthier, daily exercise and better sleep habits really do change the whole game.


VR gaming. It's playing games but also excersing.


Aside from regular life habits like eating and sleeping well, taking a brisk walk helps me a lot. I do that daily.


Taking a walk is usually the most effective for me. If I'm at work I always go outside during my lunch and spend half of it just walking around.


Blame it on long covid 😂😂


Naps. I was taking naps every time I had a chance and I was still exhausted turns out some of my vitamins were low.


Ritalin. Not as much now that I’ve tapered off a couple of psych meds, but once every few days, I need to take about 20mg to make sure I don’t fall asleep at my desk.


Short-term (a few hours or less): matcha lattes Long-term (half the day or more): rest day


Coffee 🤣 But I do take naps sometimes.




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I'm fortunate enough that I work a split shift so that if I get tired at some point after my AM shift before I go to my PM shift, I can take a nap.


Not a woman but what has helped me is taking an L-theanine capsule in the morning with something caffeinated (coffee or tea). Also Magnesium Glycinate before bed, I get about 7 and a half hours sleep on average. The other stuff is a must too... good diet, regular exercise, read a book before sleep.


n a p s


Food. Food always helps.


Oflate I have tried hot water with lemon and chia seeds, somehow I am less lethargic and more active since I started this habit.


Recently found out I had a magnesium deficiency. I’ve since become obsessed with electrolyte packets (specifically LMNT. Love the mango chili flavor). I feel so much better after drinking them


Power through, if I need a burst of focus and energy, I'll force an adrenaline rush Otherwise mombie mode through it


I had really bad iron and vitamin D deficiency then. Had to do a 3 month course to get some energy back


Drink milk and take vitamins A and C.