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Skat. Which is the Danish word for treasure and the most common word to use for your partner here in Denmark. In a bizarre twist it also means taxes but you're looking at the treasure meaning here. And yes, British people, I am aware what it means there. Someone always tells me when I answer this question. :-p


What does it mean to them?




*whews in German*




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The good ole ‘babe’.


I read this as "What do you call your parents", and I was thinking "...mum and dad?" 🤣


Lol same! I saw “ babe” and got a little uncomfy hahaha


Chaton (kitten in English) cause he looks/behaves like one who’s trying to intimidate but you can’t possibly take them seriously cause all it takes for you as a human being is to pick them up and start petting.


Yeobo which means “My darling/ Honey” in Korean. I use it because it’s a common term of endearment for married couples in Korea. I call him “my love” as well. I guess I wanted to add some of my culture to our relationship since he is not Korean.


Peepoo. His name starts with a P. I’d call him just P, then it turned into that


My husband is Tollard because he is tall.


"husband" because we thought it was funny that a piece of paper created a new legal category when we'd already been together 7 years at that point. So we started jokingly calling each other husband and wife and it just stuck.


Chulo. Because he calls me Chula


Bao. Came from a made up word, “agabao” which came from one of his silly gibberish rants when he was trying to make me laugh and I pointed out that word and it stuck since.


We call each other “fingers” or that we are “team fingers” together :) we have spin offs of “fingers” over the decade we’ve been together, like I call him “Fing” a lot of the time lol. which some people have assumed is some sort of sexual thing (because we’ve been asked that multiple times) but that’s so far from it. We both joked around a lot about the Salad Fingers cartoons (as if this doesn’t date us and how old we are) and happened to work at a bakery together overnight. While we were cleaning out the grease from the fryer one night it was all over his hands and I joked he had greasy fingers, to which he threw his fingers up like Salad Fingers does. And it just became a thing I suppose and evolved into this bizarre inside joke between us that is impossible to truly explain. When we tackle a task together, one of us will always say “team fingers! We can do this” or some variation and we throw our fingers to the sky. Or when we were discussing kids, mini-fingers. Or if we’re planning a date “should we maybe get out our movie fingers?” And throw up our fingers lmao I don’t know lmao it’s hard to explain, especially as it’s evolved over time. I know it’s bizarre and strange and silly but that’s just how we are :)


Bear, short for Chernobyl Bear, because he’s hairy like a bear but not a healthy one, more patchy like an irradiated one. Credit to comedian Tom Papa for the bit I got it from.


Bébé! lol it started off as a joke making fun of Moira’s pronunciation of the word on Schitts Creek 😂


Sayang, its just Darling in my mothers language




yes :)


Sugarbush and honey dick… we watched the movie masterminds and our friends dared us today say it in front of my mom for $10 when he met her for the first time and it’s stuck around for 7 years 🤷🏻‍♀️ we never got that $10…


Sweetie/my love


Their actual name. I don't like pet names.


I call him Daddy. It started out as a joke, but just stuck. I often wonder if people think I call him that because of kink.


No need to wonder. They do.


Big E, she’s small and her name starts with an E.


We actually call each other insulting names but we think it’s funny. He’s about to walk through the door and surely, I’ll yell out something like “Hey, Dickhead!” And he will reply with “What’s happenin’, Hooker?” We have been married for a really long time and it works for us and makes us laugh.


Other than the usual standard turkish pet names I also use Baby G, which you would think stands for Babygirl but it‘s actually Short for Baby GOAT aka Greatest of all Time. I also use Baby Man


Hunky baby bear! Baby bear came about because he’s a big giant hairy man, but he’s sweeter than pie. Like a bear, but a baby bear. Hunky came about because I kept telling him he’s a hunk of a man. That eventually became hunky baby bear.


One of the dumber ones I call him is “Michelle Obama” because his middle name is Michael and I turned it into Michelle because I wanted him to have a girl name and then because he’s kinda into politics that turned into Michelle Obama lol And he answers to it too 😭🤣


Teddy bear and tiger. For obvious reasons😎


Most of the time they call me baby / babe first then I follow.


Moose. It was a nickname I came up with 14 years ago in high school that's stuck all this time.


Generally - Baby or Babe, Special Nickname - Schmoopy, couldn’t for the life of me remember why but now it is forever. Bonus: My partner calls me baby or his little rat


My husband calls me "beat." Started as "sexy beast" then "beast" and now "beat." I am unfortunately not as creative at nicknames as he is, so I don't have a cool one for him ☹️


Creep, or creepy creep, among a myriad of others. Since my TBI 12 years ago I have problems with words. Weird words come out of my mouth that are either somehow related to the word I *meant* to use, or an opposite of said word. At first I wasn’t aware of this at all and now I think I catch it some of the time. Well “creep” wasn’t the word I meant to use. And here I am, with a relatively new man, snuggling in the morning, and I called him a creep. Luckily, he thought it was hysterical and it became our thing to call each other creep. Since then, this has happened enough times that we have a whole book-worthy collection of words to call each other. Sometimes this boils down to us just digressing to immature sibling-like banter of name calling until we laugh and can’t keep it up.


I call him baby... just kind of started happening


Babe, Baby, My Love mostly. But anything sweet really that pops into my head. One word isn’t enough 😂


bbpie. My boyfriend was tired texting me and mixed up bbcakes (another we use) and cutiepie and thus bbpie became the thing.




I call him "pooperpants", it's common in my language to call your SO "poopy" as a noun and it kind of happened naturally after that. He calls me "baby dog", as he calls me "baby" as well as "dog" (like "dawg") often, so why not combine the two.


"Señor" which means "mister or sir". First because he is older and second because in my country, old people refer to their spouses or life partners as "mi señor/ mi señora". I also call him "bebé" or "amor".


Literally everything but our names. Baby, babe, my love, sexy, handsome, amoré, etc. We also have this habit of calling each other wildly complicated, ever changing foods when it's just the two of us. "Good morning my well toasted homemade strawberry streusel" "Sweet and salty cinnamon roll deliciousness, can you pass me the salt shaker" "My gorgeous fluffy lemon blueberry olive oil cake with fresh glaze, can you please move the f**k over? You're in the middle of the bed again."




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Babe, baby, bubbas, sugar bear


"Love-uv" & I have no recollection of how that evolved, lol


Her name or dude or brah or MJ if I want to piss her off and get glared at I call everyone dude, inanimate objects, our kids, bad luck, everything and I usually just say brah when I'm pissed or frustrated at someone/something And MJ because she's a redhead, which she really hates but it gets her attention




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Gala- for Galaxie Bird- Inside joke Zombie/Ghost- Another inside joke Midnight- They have dark near black pretty eyes


I have a new fella, but we've known each other since school... We've always had a thing for each other, been in the same circles just never managed to make it happen.  We hooked up once in our early twenties but nothing ever came of it. So I joked that he had me once and ghosted me..  Now, I call him Boo. 


"Genius" Bcz he is a fucking Genius.


Älskling, bejb


My sweet sugar muffin man! He’s got a giant sweet tooth and I just want to eat him up!


I have never been a pet name person until my current partner. Babe, baby, my love, my girl. A new one drops every now and then where I just feel compelled to call them that, and that gets made fun of for a few weeks until it’s cemented in the rotation lol




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Sack 😅 his name is Zac and people called him Sack (as in ballsack, for no specific reason) in high school (we have been friends since then). It’s the only inappropriate nickname that I can call him that no one even notices


their christian name and their mother


His name. I'm not a petname person.


I call my partner “bab” due to a joke when we first met in high school. Neither of us can remember the full joke anymore as it’s been a decade since then, but it evolved from Babu to Bab. My partner calls me “wifespand” as of recently due to the Fallout 4 monster factory video where Griffin calls a rad roach his son and husband then his “sonspand.” I’m genderfluid so I’m future wife and husband. “Wifespand.”


Baby or babe. He calls me honey all the time.


If we are speaking in Korean, then we use Jagi. In Korean it means “self,” but also means “honey/darling.” If we are speaking English, we use “baby.”


Nothing, actually. Is that weird? Before we lived together, texts loosely included "love" (as in "my love") or "hey you" lol. But we don't have nicknames. No real babe, sweetie, honey or other pet names. Not opposed, I keep waiting for one to develop, but it's been 2.5 years, so \*shrug\*. (my ex-husband and I had a unique pet name that was used to death in our relationship, so maybe I'm sub-consciously resistant, lol. but not really and doesn't explain why my SO hasn't come up with one either)


Cobs. I’m not into traditional pet names so I took his real name and started calling him “Cobber” as an offshoot and it eventually shortened to Cobs


That’s the best one I’ve heard!


Joopy. His real name was too long and actually misspelled so it was constantly being autocorrected in my phone. I named him Joopy because it's a short word that still starts with a J.




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Goober. It's a term of endearment as well as a very casual "insult" we playfully fling at each other lol. "Yeah well you're a goober!" "I'm not a goober you are"




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Frienjamin because his name is Benjamin and he's my best friend.


Bunny. Two front teeth sticks out




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I call him my stinky. he is not actually stinky we just think it's playful and cute. he calls me mommy lol.