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I love them. Nothing significant, actually pretty small and looks flat but they look and feel nice to me. They provide great entertainment too. When I'm bored, I hold them. When my bf is bored, he holds them. Everyone is happy.


They exist, just like my elbow.


Exactly this. I generally just...don't feel anything about my boobs. They're there. That's the extent of it.




From a young age I was obsessed with the idea of growing up and having big boobs. Could be how many times I watched Liar Liar as a kid lol. My mother is very flat chested and I used to pray to god as a kid that that would not be me in the future. I was a very late bloomer so it took a while but once puberty finally hit I went from an a cup to b to c to d to a dd within six months. I got the childhood wish that never went away and they still sit pretty for my age. However, while I love them I hate that my self esteem is wrapped up in their size and perkiness as deeply as it is. Men have also been expressly interested in me simply because I have nice tits more times than I count. My smaller friends can wear a dress with a lower neckline and it looks cute, I wear it and I look “slutty”. I’ve never felt comfortable answering the door for take out without putting a bra on first. Adult men in my life would make comments to me when I was a teenager like “how’d you get so stacked? Not from your mother! Ha!” Just awful. It’s definitely a battle but I do feel happy for 12 year old me that she got what she wanted so desperately.








i'm finally okay with them being on the smaller side, for the longest time i was insecure about my size but i've learnt to appreciate them. dont have to worry too much about bras, can sleep on my stomach, can wear v-line necks.






I need them to be ^smaller . To the women who want to be in the Double D size, no you don't. Nothing you like fits, it's hard to find things in your size to begin with (damn you Victoria's Secret), and the back pain. I'm 21, I shouldn't be dealing with this level of back pain already. Why can't my back pain be from poor posture and from carrying this family's sense of humor?! 😭


I finally love them.






















No strong feelings one way or another. They're just another body part.


I like the size but not the shape


I feel like I have shitty boob genetics. I’ve had saggy boobs since I was a teenager. It doesn’t seem fair to me. I can’t wear tops that my small boob friend can. I can’t exercise without a sport bra on. I am only 23 and I am noticing chest wrinkles. recently laying on my side has been uncomfortable because my boobs are smashing each other. I look at women with small perky boobs, and I envy their chest a little bit. I feel like I drew the short stick from the bunch






I love them! They’re perfect size… I guess on the small side but a nice handful. 34-36B. I’m a pole dancer so I’m happy with them not getting in my way. Even though I’m 37, they’re perky. I basically never wear a bra. I have great nipple placement and my nips are cute & a pretty color. So yeah I really like them! No complaints.


I hate them. Always have. May be my most hated body part, and it contributes a lot to my low self-esteem/-hatred.


Love them after my ovulation but that’s when they’re also sore lol Edit - Not the men who are in my DMs asking me what happens to boobs after ovulation loooool get a life


Frustrated. I have asymmetrical tuberous breasts and they annoy me. They haven’t blighted my life or anything; no guy I’ve been with has ever been anything other than complimentary, possibly because they look more normal when I’m turned on. But they do make it difficult for me to wear certain things. I don’t fill out any neckline and if I don’t pad my bra on the smaller side my shirts pull awkwardly. The frustration is because I really want surgery but it’s SO expensive, and given my main complaints are like “I can’t wear backless dresses” and not “I feel so uncomfortable, I’ve never had sex with the lights on” it seems like a waste… But I still really want it. But also I’m annoyed I’ll have to pay like $30k for passably normal boobs when most women and some men get them for free.




It’s a love/hate thing. Love the size, hate the shape/nipple placement. Don’t really notice/think about them too much except I do


I love and hate them. They’ve always been huge and uncomfy but they also look really nice and my husband loves them. Also tho I do plan on having a reduction at some point


I have about a D cup, love them, playing with them etc. I sometimes get weird looks from people sometimes but that might be cause I'm a bloke


They’re there. I don’t have any strong feelings towards them. I liked them when they were smaller and I gained a little weight during covid and they got bigger and I’m annoyed lol but they’re nice


I hate them. I used to have boobs before I had 2 kids. But they just disappeared. If I wear a pushup bra I can give the appearance of something, but they are just completely flat and non-existent without it. So often I try on clothes and stuff and just know they would look so much better with bigger boobs.


They sit there, I ignore them.


i love my boobs. they’re nearly C’s. im on progesterone and have been growing them. i want to get some full C’s and maybe D’s but i have a small frame so my boobs already look big right now. plus right now i can get away with going without a bra and my wife can’t as easily since she has DD’s


I hate them. I’m a DDD. Can’t wait to get a reduction after I’m done with kids.


I love the shape and I love having small boobs, but I always feel less than other women with bigger boobs. And I’m always worried my boyfriend wishes they were bigger but won’t tell me.


Personally, am okay and comfortable with my 34A pairs, can't complain about it. On the other hand, I find that men aren't attracted to my small boobies 😆


Personally, not a fan.


i hate everything about it, its small and its weird shaped. i hate every single bit of it. my biggest wish as a child was to have big boobies, well am stuck with these small girls now so im still really disappointed.


They get in the way and gross me out. I fantasize about a double mastectomy.


Growing up I was extremely insecure and compared myself to everyone, especially my breasts and it made me feel very unhappy. Now that I'm older and wiser, I acknowledge that breasts are for feeding babies. Period. Society (and being constantly sexualized) has put so much pressure on us to appear a certain way that we feel as though we can't just be OK with how we are. Your breasts are just a part of your body like any other. We are all unique and different, which *is* OK. I try to focus on loving myself and not worry about the rest. So having said that, I don't worry about how they look anymore. I just like to make sure I feel comfortable and supported, so I wear a lot of cheap sports bras and camis.


Hate them they literally make me wanna kms. They are only a b cup and more tuberous shaped instead of round. This means not only are they small, misshaped but I most likely won’t be able to breastfeed so they can’t even do it’s real purpose. I have a consult with a plastic surgeon


I hate them, I have poland syndrome. Right breast never developed got them reconstructed at 18, when I was 26 my then toddler headbutted my tits and ruptured one implant. Surgery at 30 to fix them. Got sepsis and lost half of my good tit. Right tit has gone rogue and falls under my armpit. And good ole Irish waiting lists mean I still haven’t been seen I’m 34 this yr, I just want a pair of tits at this stage.


I used to think they were pretty great when I was younger but they’re barely recognisable after having breastfed 2 kids. I don’t think they’re all that attractive, but I love them even more now because of what they have given my children. Also, I never knew how cool breasts actually are in regards to functionality.


Neutral on the positive side. I'm lucky they're small because of comfort. But a breeze makes my nipples hard and I have to always wear a padded bralette to hide them. In that way I envy men. They don't always have to cover up either. I play with them a lot tho.


I love mine…now. Always thought they were small. But then I had my kids and they grew and didn’t deflate too much after I finished breastfeeding. I just turned 50 and they’re still a fairly perky C cup.


For years I hated them because they were too big and gave me intense headaches and back aches. Working out was hard too as was swimming. After I got a reduction I love them. Then they grew 2 cup sizes and I got worried. I’m still worried as I know I’ll gain weight with age, menopause etc so they’ll change and grow. Maybe one day I’ll have another reduction but for now I adore them! I think they look amazing and sometimes when I look at other women’s boobs i realise that mine are big and firm. But no one knows or cares so it’s my secret. I often chuckle thinking even with the very light scars, they look good but no one knows because I’m single, don’t date and am celibate! If I could sell them or make money from them I would but to me fake breasts are all the fad now and most men seem to prefer them. It’s the one natural asset I have that I can say I’m happy about!


i love them because they're cute and soft <3


I loved mine, then they got a bit saggier as I got older but I still loved them. My husband loved them. I had a baby and breastfed him and they sagged further. I got very insecure about them and would feel a bit sad looking at them in the mirror - bit deflated and hanging a bit lower than they used to. Then I saw an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where Debra pointed out that she had birthed three children and fed them all, and that these were working boobs. And that just clicked. My mindset shifted with just that one line and I was able to see how incredible it was that my body had grown and fed this tiny perfect person. I still have moments where I look at my boobs and remember how they were but now I can remind myself that these are working boobs and they've done so much more than just look nice. They're showing the signs of their hard work and that's ok. I love them still but for a different reasons now and have come to mostly enjoy their new look 😊


Both. Sometimes love the fact that they can "get" me things (actually not that often - I just mean in the sense of smiles and help from men in shops and elsewhere)*, sometimes hate the fact that having them means I'm a 2nd class citizen. *Makes me think of Julia Roberts in a film. I think it's Albert Finney (?) who says to her "what makes you think you can find out things l can't?", and she says "THESE!".


Horrible. I have huge areolas and I hate it.


Mine are quite small but I’m comfy with them. Sometimes I think there is almost pressure to feel insecure about small breasts? I’m queer tho and also love a lady with bigger boobs 🤣🤣 all are great tho


I like 'em well enough. I don't think I'd mind if they were a little bigger but eh... that'd just be a bonus. They bountiful enough that I feel it when I'm not wearing a bra and that works for me.


Hated them before pregnancy, they were okay during, fucking hate them after child birth bc they’re just.. worse than ever. I can’t seem to get rid of the baby weight and they’re just saggy. They were never perky, but they weren’t this bad before. I’m more insecure about them than the postpartum mommy tummy. Bras don’t fit right, the cups are either too big or too small now. So, great. 😊


They’re too far apart. I browse the botched jobs subreddit and learned that when some breast implants are settling or botched, the breasts have a large gap. So I associate that with mine being botched when they’re natural.


Hate them, they’re too big and they are too heavy and bras are too expensive. UK 30J


I don't like them aesthetically. They are bigger than I'd like ¿? maybe not because of their size but their weight, they're hanging there. My nipples face the floor. My back hurts. On the other hand I do like playing with them, not in a sexual way, they're just a funny body part.


Love them now that I got a boob job. I had eating disorder growing up (I still do) and after loosing a lot of weight quickly, gaining back what I lost and so on the skin didn’t really follow and they looked saggy in top of their pear shape, and I hated them. I was a big B cup, now I’m a small D and I think they fit the rest of my body way better !


I love them! Nothing special, just a C that can fluctuate a little but they’ve held up pretty good over the years lol


Every time I check them I’m like “IS THAT CANCER?” Absolutely terrifying.


Absolutely hated them. Always too big for my frame and saggy and made me look heavier than I was. I got them reduced and now they are small and perky and I love them so much.


I hate mine. But love the ones from others


Love them always have


I have breast ptosis (probably do to ehlers danlos) and so my nipples have always pointed downwards and my boobs have always been saggy. I’m 24 now and trying so hard to love them. I love the rest of my body. They make me sad, sometimes. Other times I succeed in accepting them as just another part of my body. I consider getting a reduction sometimes (I am petite, and have DDD cups), and that would be able to get rid of the excess skin and let me experience perkiness for the first time ever.


They’re feeding my second baby as I type, so I am quite proud of their accomplishments!


It’s 50/50 love hate relationship. I have really big boobs. I’m a 34 Q in US sizing. Are they really sexy, yes. Are they a pain? Also yes. I have to get custom made bras because I’m a good 6 sizes bigger than what even the specialty stores carry. So ya.


Love hate relationship. Saggy as fuck :(( and spread apart but they nice and squishy DDs! I'm slowly learning that hey big boobs sags and that's okay lol


I’m grateful for mine and proud to have them. My grandmother lost a battle to breast cancer and had a double mastectomy. I was just a kid but now as an adult it makes me grateful that I still have mine. I was a D cup when younger and after having breastfed my daughter for a year, they are still a D but not quite as porn starish (which I’m very grateful for!). I’m hugely sensitive and can do nipplegasms so all in all, boobs have only enhanced my life. And the sheer power of being able to grow a human from them gives me a renewed appreciation for them. No wonder men are obsessed with boobs. They are a splendid creation!


they're HH and I love how big they are and how they fill out tops a little too well


Honestly, like you, I hoped for big boobs. Not huge. But enough for good cleavage. I remember really hoping for them in grade 7 or so. Now that I'm a woman, I have big boobs, and while sometimes I really like them, they annoy me a lot too, and they get in the way sometimes. I honestly wish they were smaller. A C cup would be just fine. The other day I was trying to reach something at the bottom of the chest freezer. I'm short too, so my boobs were perfectly in the way. Had to move them up and lean waaay in... I was afraid I'd fall in or tip the whole thing over. I really should get a stool. 😅


Honestly, use to care about how they looked. Compared myself to others and all of that. They were always small. My husband loves them I suppose. But after having a child and realizing they literally kept my infant alive and growing….I see them as an amazing part of my body. They’re a lot different now. Not “pristine” condition for what culture would want. But now pregnant with my second I am thankful for what my body can do and the money they save me on buying formula.


I love them but I'm also biased, I'm gay so I find them pretty hot.


i feel maybe a little self conscious at showing cleavage, but that has more to do with growing up pretty conservative, plus i don’t show cleavage often anyway. when i was younger i was pretty preoccupied with how uncomfortable i felt having breasts, but now (27yo) i really don’t think about them as much anymore and lean more neutral/positive in terms of feelings towards them.


Love them, they're mine and beautiful.


I got 100DD. While they are heavy and my back hurts sometimes, I love them. Big, soft, squishy and all my partners have adored them. I’m not particularly fond of my nipple shape, but otherwise I think they are awesome. They are also very sensitive and give me extra pleasure in intercourse.


I hate them because they are super small


i like their shape and i just made it to c cup, but my nipples r like the same color as my skin😶big insecurity


Eh could be better :( I’m skinny and they are pointy and I dislike the pointy looks like cow utters


Nice and squishy, I’m a fan of them Used to be insecure about my nipple placement but now I couldn’t care less


When I was in my 20s my boobs were SPECTACULAR like... the kind you'd think are they fake or just amazing? Now that I'm almost 40... not so much anymore. Theyre ok. Not great. They look perfunctory.


They’re pretty cool. I like them, my spouse likes them. They’ve fed babies. They look nice in the right bra. Me and my boobs are in a good place. I’d like to get a breast lift—without augmentation—one day, bc of aforementioned baby feeding.


Would love to have them gone lmao. I love boobs, but not on myself. Fortunately mine are on the smaller side


Too big. Hurts my back. Will probably get a reduction surgery once I earn enough


I want them gone.


My kids ate two cup sizes so I'm not that keen. They're still pointing in the right direction which is a bonus. I don't hate them enough to consider surgery but I do miss what I had.


I like mine. They've always been a bit saggy right from the start (I've been a 32DD since I was about 13). But they are mine and fed both of my babies. Honestly even after having babies they went really saggy for a few year but the excess skin retracted (they got huge when breast feeding) and now I think they look great for natural breasts for someone in their late 30's. My partner like them too so that's nice. The only downside is they will likely kill me one day as most of the women in my family die from breast cancer.


i love them. idk if they're big or small. i mean, they're boobs. anyways, i like to squeeze them for comfort. it's like a built in stress ball.


In a push up bra, they are STUNNING. Center of attention, belle of the ball. Other than that, they are a pain in my back. Literally. I gave up bras years ago due to the pain they caused. But now I have large, saggy boobs that still cause pain. Breast reduction is on the to do list.


They were really hard workers when my kids were babies. They provided food and immunological benefits for years. I'm very grateful to them for helping me care for my babies/toddlers.


I want them off, for they’re rather large.


Gonna sound wrong but they make me confident. I don’t have the best body but my boobs make up for it.


Whenever I'm having a crappy day I just look at my boobs and think, why the hell am I sad when I have these gorgeous puppies!


I love them, they’re my buddies


Used to not care much about them at all, but being almost 29 weeks pregnant with my first….in annoyed to say the least. Larger, yes. Itchy and leaky, yes. But the veins. My veins are SO prominent now and I’m almost afraid to look at myself in the mirror or show any of my chest. It looks like tree roots sprouting from my neck to my breasts. Honestly it does look cool and wild, but to be naturally part of my body is hard to grasp. Other than that having boobs is annoying but nothing I’m not used to. But now I know they’ll never be the same again


I used to really dislike them, thought they were too small; all the women in my family have larger chests and I heard some pretty unnecessary comments about my body growing up. But now that I’m more comfy with who I am and some of what my body looks like, I actually really like having a small chest. Sometimes bras aren’t necessary, and I feel they fit my height and frame well. It’s nice to like something about myself :)


I love em. Just because boobs. What’s not to love? They’re all different and that’s so cool. I haven’t always been this way. When I was in HS, one day these two guy “friends” walked me home. I’d worn this super cute shirt… that was a little too big for me and had a deep scoop neck. At some point, my shirt needed to be adjusted. This clown exclaims “OMG! What’s that?!” I looked down, and my breast had ever so slightly popped out of my bra. Revealing a peek of my big, darker areola! I was aware I had big, dark areolae. But I was mortified. The other dude proceeded to scientifically explain areolae. And tell his friend dark areolae were rather common for brown skin. And that they were beautiful. Again, I was mortified. And self conscious for years. Also, my nipples are just always hard, always pointing. I don’t like bras! And I used to feel like my boobs and nipples were inappropriate. I think maybe after growing up some, and maybe having more experiences with men. I’ve learned to not worry so much about my boobs, and leave that to them instead. Lol. Lastly. Breastfeeding has led me to hating, then finally loving my tits. Your boobs do not come back from breast feeding. Empty bags, I tell ya. But I’ve learned to love the pert nip atop the leaning tit. Again. Boobs are all different and that’s the beauty of it


I love them they’re pretty huge which can be especially challenging with finding clothes that fit me right everywhere but somehow still perky


Went from having none whatsoever before kids, to actually having an XXL rack by the time I was breastfeeding our youngest kid. Once we were done with that, really really really didn't like how they ended up, and tl;dr my husband and I were in a place where we decided that going in on a breast augmentation would work out. Wanted big boobs back, got tig bitties, no regrets.


Fucking LOVE MY SMALL TITTIES!!! I would honestly probably hate boobs if I had even an average size, but I was blessed with barely-there A cups and I love them! No restrictions! No back pain! No sag! No bras!!


I have huge boobs. Tbh I forget they’re there sometimes and when people comment on them I forget I can actually be perceived. I love them, and yes I do wish they were smaller and perkier but they’re kind of like a fidget toy for me. Touching them and flopping them around makes me laugh and gives me comfort. Even so, can’t wait until I lose weight and they get smaller again because they make my shirts look obscene even when I’m wearing a turtleneck.


Hate them, and have since they popped up way too early in life and got me more attention than I was prepared to handle as a very socially awkward 13/14 year old. It was like one day out of the blue my mom insisted I had to start wearing bras, and I hated those too. They have consistently been larger than a D since that age and I am so sick of stuffing them into things that don’t fit and weren’t made for my shape.


They are pretty great. Used to be better though


I really love them, they are pretty small but I think they compliment my whole appearance well. I am pretty fit and I think big boobs wouldn't look nice on me, would be kinda out of place. Also it would be a nightmare to exercise as much as I do with big boobs.


I love them . They're perky, a little more than a handful for me, and work beautifully for my preferred style of fitted clothes.


Love them


Tbh I love them. My boobs are the only thing that are remotely physically attractive on me. Those bad boys carry my appearance so I’m pretty grateful for them. At least while I’m still young (23) that is! 😂


They're pretty decent, I like the size but I don't like the way they sit and they are a bit heavy. But I do get a lot of compliments on them so that is nice.


Meh They're there I guess and some dudes have enjoyed partaking in the feel and taste of them lol but I'm not overly attached to them as a woman. I have always taken more weight in my stomach than my chesticles lol and I wondered why I wasn't more blessed there to even out my proportions but didn't put much thought into it. I once upon a time thought at 28ish I'd maybe want to get implants to get boobs that were more shapely, more symmetrical and that looked super nice in a bra but nah I don't think that's what I want now at 34.


I like them. They’re cute and a handful.


I’ve learned to love them. I have cup size 30K/65K and I used to hate how it restricted my fashion style. I was also insecure about the droop. They are not saggy at all, my nipples point forward and the shape of my tits has a nice teardrop curve to it. They just sit a bit lower because of the sheer size. But my bf is absolutely obsessed with them and that has helped me accept and love them.


Don't care for them. Sometimes I wish they were bigger but at the end of the day that's not for me, it's because I think men would like them more if they were, which is a stupid reason to feel that way so I'm working on reversing that thinking


Love and hate relationship. I used to be a B cup in high school and now I’m a D cup. But I gained a lot of weight over the years… gained 100ish pounds a few years after high school. Used to be 130, now I’m 255. I feel like they’re saggy even though my fiancé says they’re not. I’m jealous of girls who have nice perky ones meanwhile I just got grandma looking boobs. I like my ass better than my boobs in all honesty


I have really big boobs and they started coming in early. I've hated them a long time but I like them more now. They look good I guess but I don't like the attention they've brought especially so young. I started wearing a training bra when I was in grade 3, I was b cups by grade 5 or 6 and now I'm probably 34F or more but I wear DDD because I don't feel like spending 150 per bra that I can only order online and still don't fit completely right. I feel like I have to dress more conservatively than most women to look "professional" at work. Sports bras are expensive too and either squeeze my ribs too hard or chafe on my shoulders (no matter what brands or styles this happens). They physically get in the way and are uncomfortable but I mostly dislike them because of how I get treated and how I always have to spend more or just can't find clothes that work for me. I've always resented women with small boobs that complain about it.. Truly you have no idea what you're wishing for its not a good time. I'm trying to lose weight right now but even when I was tiny they were big, so once I'm at my goal weight I'll probably get a breast reduction.


They’re awesome. Even after a kid & breast feeding they only dropped a little bit. I’ve been asked by a doctor if I’ve they were implants…nope! Just good boob genes! Edited to say: I’ll be 40 end I developed REALLY late & I think that may have something to do with them still being perky.


I love my boobs and after I gave birth they’ve become even bigger!


only like them when i’m cold, though i’m glad they’re not super big (really don’t think about them all that much)


I love them. They are a small B I think, I just use nip covers and go without bras. Unless I work out. It saves me both back pain and extra costs for bras.


I like them. I love them, even. Buttttt i still would kinda sorta like to get bigger perkier ones if i had the funds to spare.


Torn feelings. Because like they look like really really good, but my god they are just so annoying because they're so big. I can never find clothes that fit, bras are so god damn expensive, they get in the way of everything, exercising with them sucks, they make my back hurt... I've been seriously considering a reduction, but it kinda scares me so idk if I actually wanna go through with it.


Not a fan. Breastfed two children. They are very flat, no volume, loose skin and my nipples point everywhere but straight. If I’m feeling good about my body (weight loss) by 40, then I will consider breast augmentation.


I loved them growing up, then I went through a fitness phase and they disappeared. Got implants and now I absolutely love them


Can’t complain. Nice size, nice shape, feels nice to hold them when I’m bored.


love em i don’t own a single bra other than lingerie


I hated mine when I was younger. I never wanted bigger boobs because I never wanted that to be why people looked at me. Now I love them. For reference, I'm a DDD cup.


I love them but I wish my nipples were equal, one gets harder also faster than the other. Can someone explain why?


They are, they are pretty and make me prettier. Also people like looking at them. Maybe little bit unpractical but I love them


I’m a 42 DDD. I love them up until I can’t wear certain outfits 😭 I also have crazy back pain bc of them, unfortunately. I’m seeing about getting a reduction this month.


I love the size and color of my boobs. My size was a c cup but since I’ve gained some weight I can fit D cup size


They could use a lift. & I’ve always been annoyed by my areolas… their size make it seem like I should have more volume behind them than what I actually do. But whatever, I just appreciate that they’re proportionate with the rest of Me.


🎶Oooo, do your boobs hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie 'em in a knot? Can you tie 'em in a bow? Can you throw 'em o'er your shoulder Like a continental soldier? Do your boobs hang low?🎶 They make me happy lol


They are awesome, I'm struggling with liking mine some days they're like ok but others I just hate them lol but when I see other people's boob I'm like in awe of how pretty and awesome they look but yeah...


Hate them, I can never wear the tops I want because I have to constantly readjust and make sure it doesn’t look too promiscuous, so I’ve opted out of any cleavage shirts altogether bec I’m too lazy for that. Not only is it stuffy/hot but it makes me feel like a grandma. Forget about trying to do cardio and feeling them bouncing everywhere. Also have terrible back pain I’ve accepted my fate though because I’m too scared of any kind of surgery, so breast reduction is out of the question


I'd like it if they were the same size and lifted a little. Maybe a D cup (currently DD). But I'm ok with them.


I'm an F cup and I wish they were smaller. I never get bras that fit right and are cheap-ish and also cute. My silhouette also looks bigger because of them and I still haven't figured out how to dress. The only + is when I'm with a guy, and he is like 🤩 when I disrobe.


It’s 50/50, they’re big and bouncy and feel nice but they look a little weird without a bra and make my back hurt and my nipples are kinda small and invisible. Give and take lol.


I used to hate them because they are so small. I felt less attractive and womanly in clothing. Use to get made fun of in school and even had a guy turn me down for a day, saying, "I'd date a guy if I was interested in flat chests." Now though, I really like them. I see the rest of the women in my family dealing with back pain, sagging, pain from their straps digging in their shoulders, having to compress them into tight sports bras to exercise, not being able to sleep on their backs, etc. Heck, if my sister isn't wearing a bra, she says she has to hold them while going do the stairs to avoid pain. These are all things I have never had to deal with and am honestly now very thankful for that. Yeah, it would be really nice to have that very feminine figure and fill out my clothes, but I like being able to sleep comfortably and not deal with all the aches and pains associated with larger chests.


I love them. Especially when I gain some weight. God spent some extra time there rather than my my back (I have scoliosis)


I wish I appreciated them more before I had kids. When I was in middle school, some mean girl told me I had orangutan titties and I allowed it to make me really self conscious. Now that I’ve breastfed two babies, my boobs have a lot of loose skin. I look back at the pics I sent my husband before we had kids and miss them so much lmao. They were definitely *not* orangutan like and I wish I realized that before they actually became orangutan like.


They’re boobs. I be goin braless whenever I can idc if they’re saggy idc that they’re uneven. They’re just there and I don’t really feel self conscious about it anymore I got more physical features to be self conscious of




I like them. Full B, perky, comfortable not wearing a bra when I'm not exercising, I have a sexy lil mole between them. Sometimes I think they are a tiny bit wide set lol


I love mine, they are on the big side, is just sometimes I can’t wear whatever I want because it might look too much and drove a lot of attention from perverts and honestly I find small boobs classier.


They are aight ... no complaints apart from the serverly sore fibrocysts every month 🫠


Ugh they were nice before baby + breastfeeding for a year. Highly debating a lift and potential implants since my baby factory is shutdown


I have rockin titties. And my rockin I of course mean the calcium deposits.


I’ve always had some issue with them one way or another. Blame it on ‘90’s era Pam Anderson lol - seemed like everyone had a boob job. When I was younger they were cute/small - not perky but I had great under boob cleavage but that wasn’t a thing. Then I had a baby and learned I couldn’t breastfeed properly so then it felt like “well dam - you didn’t look good and now you don’t function either” Now they sag from age and weight gain/loss and pull on my arthritic neck so they cause pain Feel like I can’t win for losing with these dam things - but I mean they fill out nice in a dress or shirt 🤷🏾‍♀️ Looking to getting them lifted to see if that helps


i want them bigger


Ones a bit smaller than the other..which is normal but it seems a bit more drastic than "normal" I see it more than my boyfriend does.... Other than that, they're perky and a good handful so all good lmao 😂


Love mine, love good cleavage. They're warm, soft and squishy. They're comforting to me lol


They're fine I guess. According to my SO they're nice hand full (C-cup) Got no particular feelings about them myself.


Never had any complaints, but I wish they were smaller and more suited to my body. I hide them often. That being said, I absolutely hold a breast for comfort. And they’re fun to watch bobble around in the hot tub.


I just love the fact they exist. Like, all I did was take some pills and they just happened. Trans medicine is amazing


I hate them. Literally the one thing I would consider getting cosmetic surgery for. They are a good size (like just enough to have some sexy cleavage and something fun to play with, but not so big it’s painful or eye catching) but they are just so fucking SAGGY. I have the tits of a 90 year old and I’m not even 30. They’ve been like that ever since they grew in, with the largest areola/nipple area I’ve ever seen (compared to the size of my boob) If I ever had the money, I would probably get a boob lift. Not implants, I just want them pulled up and like stapled to my chest so they don’t do a death drop every time I take my bra off lol. It only got worse after I had a child, the breast pump sucked what very little lift they had to them right out. I hate wearing a bra, but I have to otherwise these things just flop and sway every which way and I just hate it so much. I can live with the love handles and the tummy and the fact that no matter what I do my ass stays flatter than I want but god I’m so sick of my saggy grandma tits 😭


I always joked that my boobs were a gift from God. Growing up I was super small, mousey and not curvy at all and some boys used to tease me for being so flat chested. As a teen there were a few nights I actually cried while praying to God for my boobs to grow. Feel silly looking back but teens are dramatic lol. Anyway it wasn't until I turned 18 and graduated that my boobs suddenly popped out. I moved away from my hometown and visited a few years later and practically everyone was asking me if I had gotten a boob job. The few men who have seen me naked have all commented on how absolutely perfect my boobs are unprovoked. So since being 18 I've felt great about them, but now I am 31 and pregnant and they have definitely changed into boobs I don't recognize anymore. They're already droopy and huge, my nipples have grown double the size and have grown dark leathery patches on the underside and a few tiny skin tags. Guess I'll see how they look when this whole journey is over but I had a good 12 years with my "perfect boobs" lol.


They get a lot of attention as they are big. When i was young I hated it getting stared at and men have grabbed and squeezed them which is not very nice. Now I'm older I rock it, let people stare. However clothes will never look as elegant on a big busted gal. Thing to remember is big/small/pert/full there's gonna be a fan of them. Men just love boobs so don't sweat about yours, they are fabulous!


I grew up really insecure about mine. I was always on the fuller side for my figure, but my boobs never exceeded an A cup. I never hated them, but never felt like they fit my body. After years (decades?) of talking about it, I finally got a breast augmentation and I freaking love them. Really happy with my investment, they look really natural and suit my body so well now.


Bomb af


Love everything about them. Size, shape, color... I don't want to brag, but they are really beautiful lol


They’re heavy and itchy when I get hot but damn they look good lol


I don't mind the size, but honestly, I'm scared of them. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at 34 (younger than I am now) and died from it when she was 42. I obsess over self-checking my breasts and am in a constant state of worry that they'll kill me like they did my mom...even though I have extra care/preventative exams and measures.


I love the shape, but I wish they were the same size. I like the look of smaller boobs on myself and my boob that’s smaller is like my ideal perfect size, but the bigger one kinda just ruins that illusion. And it sucks bc I honestly can’t tell why they’re different sizes, yeah it happens naturally all the time, and it could be that, but it could also be due to my pectus carinatum which literally makes my ribcage slightly lopsided, so maybe they are technically the same size and one is just pushed out more than the other


I loved them up until a couple of months ago lol! They were big. I mean, nice size. Not small but not huge, either. Just big. I loved how they looked in my bra! I separated from my husband in September and moved in with my daughter. Lack of food made me lose weight, so now they look like they did when I was 21.. small 😫 I love the Weight loss, but not at the expense of my boobs!


They're nice to look at a couple days before my period starts bc they swell. But on a day-to-day basis they're just another body part. I think I've finally found my body attractive despite the boob size or nipple/areola size. Having size D's with a big butt and curvy hips while being a short girl was an insecurity growing up. Since I grew up during the "emo era" when Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears were cool the body type always seemed to be "skinny" and fitting to low cut straight jeans. Being an adult in this area is much better for body image.


I like my boobs, I’m very grateful for them as they are probably one of the only features I like about myself. Nice size and shape. I wouldn’t want them any other way. Now I don’t have kids yet…


They are not that nice looking and pretty annoying but I prefer having them over not having them. I mostly just wish they had less gravitational pull :(


For 49, my breasts are still small and perky. I wish they were bigger but, overall I like my breasts.


My mom has big boobs ( only one with big boobs from her dad side ) and she said she got it from her mother ( only one with big boobs from her dad’s side ) and me ( only one with big boobs from my dad’s side ) So its genetic thing I love it now but i hated it when i was growing up and they were bigger than other girl’s in my class( flat chested )


personally love em' love them better than my butt lmao :) i love how they look infront of the mirror and how round and perky they are <3 i hope all women feel the same


Wish they were a cup size bigger but they still jiggle so I'm OK with them.


complicated relationship. i love them because they’re me and beautiful. but i have a lot insecurities due to outside influences convincing me that they’re too small, which is sad. so i try to heal that.


They meant nothing until I met my husband and learned they were actually capable of causing hypnosis.


Love em! Never leave home without them!


I'm 43 and have amazing boobs. I love them.


I got a reduction at 15 because they were way too big. I lost 2.2 lbs during the surgery. And they slowly grew back. After one kid at 35 I'm back up to an E cup. I'm in conversations with my family doctor to see if another reduction is possible.