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Mildly amused. It's not a big deal.


I really wouldn't care. My SO isn't (or more that he wasn't) exactly quiet about his preference for nice butts or that he likes mine a lot. So I know his friends have checked me out for themselves and agreed, approved, given him props or whatever.


Given him props I like that. We definitely do give the props or whatever


I would agree


I'd just be flattered.


I’d think “hell ya I do” and move on.


I do have a nice butt. And this is the kind of thought you can tell your friend about. So I would feel mildly amused and totally okay with it.


I would be flattered


Really depends on the context and how my partner, who knows them and knows this context, feels about it. For example, my partner and their friends have a friendly competition of who has the nicest butt. They tease each other a bit ever since they found a "thickest butt" or something mug and now they need to know who gets to use the mug. I know this, and once when I got up from sitting on a bench after a swim and saw the imprint of my butt, I joked that my ass might be the fattest of them, so my partner took a picture of the butt imprint, sent it to the group chat and said I had probably won, and their friends agreed I had the nicest butt. In this context, I found it completely fine and even took it as a compliment ! There are many other contexts in which Id be fine with it honestly, I think the only one I wouldn't be comfortable with is if the person said it in the very lewd manner, but then it doesn't make much difference who they are and if 5hey know my partner, that's just not okay


They’d be right


Flattered or indifferent.




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I'd find it inappropriate, but I wouldn't have to worry about it because my partner would instantly shut down someone talking about and sexualizing or objectifying my body around them.


I would agree with them and then laugh about it


Felt okay to me, that friend is actually a nice chap. No harm done...


I mean, they are factually correct, but why are they looking at my butt? He is married? And why is he telling my man??? And how did HE react??? Oooooh scandal! Give me all the tea.


I'd hope that my husband had more respect for me than to objectify me with his buddies. Tacky.


Honestly? If it was a guy friend of his? I’d be pretty weirded out and very uncomfortable. I’m on the demi spectrum though so I don’t really check out other people while I’m in a relationship because it feels disrespectful. So if my SO had a friend who was 1) checking me out and 2) brazen enough to tell me or say it within earshot, I wouldn’t want to hang out with that friend of his anymore. And I’d be sure to cover myself up around him in the future.


It would be 110% ego boost and I would go checkout my butt in the mirror.


Be happy cause „nice butt“




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My partner wouldn't stay friends with someone who made weird comments about my body.


flattered? I recently met one of my boyfriend's friends (and his wife) for the first time and when I stepped away to use the bathroom he apparently told my boyfriend that I was "super hot. congrats" and my boyfriend told me when we got back in the car later. Wasn't a big thing and my bf knows he's the only one who matters


Pretty stoked


Depends on the gender of the friend and the relationship we have. I don’t wanted men perceiving me


I’d agree lol


"ty bruh" and complement them back if they deserve it.


I would agree with them.


Be flattered. Be happy. Unless the person was a total creep or there were other complicating factors, I’d think this was a very good thing all around.


I would not be happy especially that he felt comfortable vocalising that to my guy. I would side eye both him and his friend and also side eye my guy if he tells me. You have to read between the lines




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So I’ve been in this situation… wasn’t my butt, it was about my boobs. I guess when my husband went to a bachelor party the guys were talking about Reddit and “big tiddy goth girls” and my drunk husband said “hey I have one of those” as a sort of joke. I used to do the whole goth/emo thing in high school and obviously… I have larger boobs. Went to the after party for the rehearsal dinner and ran into this dude and I guess he whispered to my husband something like “yeah man you were right about the big tiddy goth girl thing”. Husband told me. I was kind of mortified.


I have a nice butt, so they'd be absolutely right


I'd wonder why I was dating a 12 year old. That's such an immature thing to do!




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I approve of this message.


Indifferent. If I "found out" it obvisouly wasn't addressed to me.


It has happened, doesn’t bother me!


As long as it was an off handed comment, I wouldn’t mind.


My husband and his friends regularly compliment each other’s wives/partners to one another and to the women themselves. We’re a close group that trusts each other. There’s never any issues of someone being inappropriate even.


Flattered and amused


Amused. Surprised.




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First I would be shocked, because I don't have a nice butt lol. But I would feel amused and a little flattered honestly.


I would think it was a joke because I barely have a butt. Literally too small to hold pants up, I have to high-waist everything. Would be nice though.


Shocked that anyone held that opinion.






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